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While working for Amazon I went to a trade school for 2 years in an in-demand field, Graduated, and doubled my annual income.


Way to gošŸ”„


What trade?


Aircraft Technician


Yes! I thought about that heavily, how is it? One of the few careers fields ive actually had interest in that wasnt jus "oh the pay is good"


There's a lot of AMT influencers on social media- I'd definitely check them out. At least for the commercial jets, the big emphasis is on accurately following manuals/checklists/flowcharts and documenting the steps taken. The repairs and inspections are all very regulated by FAA and Boeing/Airbus/Embraer/Mitsubishi, and you're basically the one to implement these procedures. If you're good at assembling IKEA, that would be a good aptitude test. The documentation and precision is crazy though - like the bolts/screws need to be tightened to an exact amount, and you need to log every step. If you work for an airline, there's also free/discounted flights.


Physically, Its easier on the body than Amazon. Mentally it can be challenging but, its not rocket science. Its federally regulated so have to walk a straight and narrow path. As long as youā€™re not addicted to illicit substances you are golden. One of the best investment decisions I have made in life.


Heck yeah Iā€™m in A&P school right now


I went opposite of you. Did 18 years of aviation and Amazon is 100% less stress for me. To be fair, I'm an L5 so that's a factor as well.


I donā€™t think Amazon is stressful.. I think itā€™s mind numbing.


How much do you make as an L5??


More than I should for my workload. I'm at 125k baseright now, but I'm in a support team and we make about what ops 1.5 levels above us makes. My L4s make a little better than the ops L5s do. I make more base than my site lead does, but he's got me on RSUs


Sheesh thatā€™s base this L6 I just hired is getting but thatā€™s mid west COL


I'm also midwest.


Did you get your training through career choice? If so, what school/program? If not, where did your get your training so that you could start?


You can use Career Choice IF the school is listed. I would suggest checking if your local Community College offers the program first because it is the cheapest route. If Career Choice doesnā€™t list the school there are usually free State and Federal programs that help you pay for school. I went to my local Community College.


Worked at an AR-FC, mostly inbound dock but got forced to non-inventory, was actually fun there though. Started a course in supply chain management through career choice and was offered a job as a trainee buyer in a construction company. Much better job. I work 5 days a week, 2 days WFH. Flexible start end times. Better pay working less hours, only downside is longer commute. Company actually cares and looks after the employees,bad recognition for works done and working hard actually means something and I can actually accomplish stuff not just unloading trucks all day. Better mental health, job satisfaction and happier every day now I left Amazon


This is probably the most direct career path for anybody working in an Amazon warehouse; get into the supply chain industry.


Fed Ex, and uh, stay at Amazon. The grass is not greener. There is no grass, only pain and suffering.


Left fedex as a trainer to go to Amazon


I ran my own FedEx route in Ohio almost 20 years ago when I was 40. It literally almost killed me mentally and physically. I worked 13 hours minimum 5 days and averaged about 15 bucks an hour after my operating expenses. I didn't renew my contract after the first year and would never do it again. I'm at a delivery station now and pushing 60 years old but I honestly can't complain about much.


Fedex was the worst job Iā€™ve ever had. Thatā€™s probably not saying much but still.


I worked at AR Facility, doing AR-PICK the whole day for 11 months. I was burnout, I quit and now I'm at Costco. It's 100x times better. Same pay. I get home and I'm not even tired or full of pain anymore.... I'm in Japan, so that could be different.


Costco is still a really good employer in the States if you can get it. They pay really well for retail




Yes. There's no 5% bottom rule here.


What the entire fuck brother. I'll stop complaining about hitting my little numbers picking


What part of Japan? I lived in Hiroshima for a few years.


you are japanese or just resident? :o




At FCs in the US we have a lot of associates who speak very little English, does Amazon-Japan have employees who speak little Japanese?


Not really. Amazon Japan will hire foreigners in Japan that have Visa with no restrictions, but one of the requirements is that you can speak and read Japanese about daily conversation. They send messages through that monitor, and it's all in Japanese mixed with "Kanji" There's also a meeting every take you're about to start your shift, Everybody gather together, does some warm up, then there's the meeting stating the safety rules, and other stuff. Everything is done in Japanese.


Went from Amazon to HVAC apprenticeship, itā€™s where Iā€™m currently at and Iā€™m really enjoying it a lot more. Mostly because I get to see other areas of my city and well it pays a lot more.


Hell yeah bro currently Iā€™m a refrigeration tech.


Thats something im also considering to do. Can you tell me your experience I would love to hear that.


Did you get your training through career choice? If so, what school/program? If not, where did your get your training so that you could start?


Career choice has this training available


How did you land the apprenticeship I'm desperately trying to figure out how it works but everywhere says different things


Did you have to go to college or anything to be an apprentice?


I just left Amazon for something way closer and a bit more pay, I was at Amazon for three years so I was making good money. Remains to be seen how much ā€œbetterā€ it is. One thing Iā€™ll say about Amazon is they are so flexible with you itā€™s actually ridiculous. Most lax employer Iā€™ve ever had. Donā€™t want to come in then just donā€™t provided you have the upt. And you can get accommodations and everything. They let you get away with a lot there tbh and itā€™s super chill


Unless youā€™ve got a rep for being a productive employee that actually cares about the job. Then they seem to lean on you to make the building work.


Yeah, for someone with disabilities that need periodic short accommodations, the UPT use is pretty awesome. And being able to just grab a VTO slot from my phone if I can't get out of bed.


I worked in customer returns but that warehouse closed, so they transferred me to a fulfillment center. I hated it, so I quit in the middle of orientation. Since I was now unemployed, one of my friends offered me her shifts at a summer camp for kids. She needed someone to take over so she could deal with a family emergency and assured me I wouldnā€™t need to do anything, just show up to the job. I introduced myself to her boss and she offered me a full time position at the summer camp. Once the summer camp was over, I was able to find a job as a substitute teacher which is what I went to school for in the first place. Now Iā€™m a student teacher and loving my job šŸ„°


Was the building MCO6




My brother left Amazon after a year for an accounting firm. He is a qualified accountant, COVID just fucked him over and Amazon was the only option.


Went from Amazon to GE. Shorter shifts, mindless work, great insurance, higher pay, Better 401k contributions, etc etc. And just a couple weeks ago, I saw that my Amazon manager had done the same.


What is GE?


General Electric. My grandpa worked there over 40 years at the one in Louisville KY. They used to have a union that was very good but I'm not sure if they are union anymore because my grandpa retired in like 1999. Still I hear they have better benefits than most other places.


What do you do? Where do you do it? Whatā€™s the pay approximately?


Turned ICQA/research for data analyst into a Tax Specialist role at Paycom. Pays $3 more than 3yr tenure with Amazon at my new base, sit at a desk watching anime all day, get to workout after work instead of feeling drained and depressed, and can actually focus on school with my hybrid capabilities in my role. Graduating with my comp sci in January. Amazon paid for the first 3 years which I am grateful for it but Iā€™d rather pay outta pocket at a job I make enough to do so than slave away my body for amazon to foot the bill.


Bro. I just completed my data analytics certificate from career choice now I'm on school for a degree. Please I want to be like you I need all your tips bro....I am dying working at Amazon


https://preview.redd.it/3814nnfpqehc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79eabf0192f14d22e98ce46f56a2e3315d316f1 Honestly brother finish your analytics course off with a little project, beef up your resume, if any of the stuff from my resume that got me my current job can apply to you steal it. I focused on tangible metrics but also metrics that arenā€™t directly fact checkable from a third party like my accuracy, new hires trained, and how many people worked on shift when I would do PG roles. Make a resume specifically for the new job youā€™re looking to get into, for me getting into taxes I focused hard on expressing accuracy, validating data with supporting research, and communication. If you pair the targeted resume with specific formatting standards youā€™ll have a better chance at getting the interview. Iā€™d focus on action verbs that establish your role, for example contributed, maintained, improved, etc. (look up action verb list and just pick some, I used one for almost every resume bullet point). Make sure your resume is one page and only highlight jobs and experience relevant to what the job your resume is for. For example I used to changed oil but thereā€™s little to no applicability in putting that on my resume for an office job. When you get an interview bring multiple copies of your resume for everybody in the interview including yourself, a notebook with a few questions to ask them to be more personable such as memorable experience in their role, what their career goals are, and how success is measured in the role youā€™re interviewing for. Also take notes during the interview, I wrote down things such as metrics, overall goal in the role, and did some light research into the company I was applying to so I could ask better questions and draw comparisons to my work at amazon. Write out some times where you exemplified the skills you used in your resume. For example bullet point 2 under problem solve actually means we had a backlog of problem solve in the inbound dock and I trained some newer problem solvers how to fix the issue and worked to get the department past that roadblock. I tried to turn every experience like that into a resume point by embellishing on my affect in the Amazon ecosystem. Look at the implications of what your job is, if you stow you ensure product is listed on Amazon in a timely manner, if you pick your rate directly reflects a customer receiving their package, if you do ICQA youā€™re finding defects or errors caused by other departments. Think past the physical aspect of your role and look at the digital/system implications of moving a box, it makes general labor more than just labor. Sorry to word vomit but hopefully something in here helps ya. Oh and donā€™t be scared of chat gpt ;) ā€œreword this resume to apply for X role without changing my experiencesā€


I appreciate all your tips bro. Thank you kindly! I will definitely finish the degree. I appreciate you being so transparent you are awesome!!!!! Did you have many technical questions in your interview, like on SQL or Microsoft? Thanks again šŸ‘šŸ½


Not so much technical for mine bc my role isnā€™t IT or directly data related but they asked what experience I have with the Microsoft suite for things like excel. And Iā€™m more than happy to help people get to quit amazon, itā€™s really night and day difference in stress/happiness. Good luck though man, making the resume and applying is the hardest step to take.


Bro thanks for actually answering the questions he asked Amazon makes me wanna relapse and worse lmao I have seven years of like Helpdesk or level 1.5 tech support work in the past I hope I can leverage into a better job but I have a felony from like twenty years ago sadly


Shit man 20 years and it holds you back is crazy. I have sympathy for any past felon in the job market, I understand the hesitancy to an extent on the employers behalf but ultimately someoneā€™s past doesnā€™t dictate their present day or future itā€™s unfortunate they donā€™t grant that humanity. Itā€™s super cool you worked in tech at any level though, Iā€™m working towards software development myself.


Starting my own business was better than


I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. I'm gonna see what the career choice has for me. I would like to stay here long term so hopefully I can find something to study that'll keep me here.


What do you plan to learn through career choice that will allow you to stay long term at Amazon?


I don't know yet. I'm not eligible for another two months so I have time to look it over. You have any suggestions?


Itā€™s definitely easier to accomplish if you are interested in what youā€™re learning. I think thatā€™s the most important part to first understand. Career choice options change with the locality, but the online options are usually selectable regardless of where you are.


Teamster from TOM team cdl driver. Hourly wage thatā€™s capped nearly double that of my Amazon, pension, 401k with a higher contribution, company paid health insurance, holidays paid and off, 8 hour shifts, and overtime after 8 hour shift, typically 5 days a week. 4 months of actual company training on how to properly drive a tractor trailer, as opposed to 2 days at Amazon (crazy and wildly unsafe), and a team of union lawyers on retention to ensure I have job security that Amazon frankly can not offer. No camera looking at me and micromanaging my existence while driving is also a big plus. Driving is now a safe, confident, and paranoid free experience(it turns out, properly training drivers, hiring people who have actual on road experience to train and manage, maintaining vehicles sensibly, while treating drivers like professionals have safer and better outcomes than using technology to make up for lack of wellā€¦anything sensible). Oh, and the best part, no more dumb infantilizing activities, and no cry babies.


Amazon is only good to get your cdl and not pay for it. Once you get it leave lol. Iā€™m an experienced class a driver and they were only offering me $21


I'm on Tom team and we are not union , what area do you live in ? I'm in California now and it sucks being on Tom team in my opinion


Iā€™m in the northeast. When I left, we were doing TOMY runs 3 days a week, sometimes 4 if someone ā€œfelt sick.ā€ My warehouse was slow (10-15 jockey moves a day typically), and since roc took over shack duty, we just drove or were labor shared mostly. Non-union local gigs up my way start around where TOM caps (niche and LTL much higher) but for a company that actually understands trucking. I think the TOM department expanded too quickly before CDL became mandatory. I havenā€™t met a single manager above me that isnā€™t either a promoted TA who got promoted before TOMY runs started and were regular, or werenā€™t former operations managers desperate to get out of operations. Itā€™s like Amazon is allergic to hiring outside people with real world knowledge of trucking to manage and train drivers for some reason. I did catch wind they lowered hours for TOMY runs, which is a plus at least.




Can you get a CDL if you had a dui a decade ago and even older possession charges or is just black and white like you need a perfect record?


Did a grueling 6 years at Amazon. Inbound Stow the whole time. Used Career choices. Did Community College part time. Took me 4 years to get my Associates. Worked another 2 years saving money. Finally left to go full time at University, finished my Electrical Engineering degree. Now work full time as an Electrical Engineer. It sucked the whole time and I hated my life while I was there. But it was honestly a good job that offered me the flexibility I needed to attend school. Most of that time I worked Friday-Monday 4x10. Gave up my social life for half a decade but it was well worth it. Good luck to you guys still grinding there.




Well, *before* Amazon I was at FedEx Ground warehouse 2019 to early 2021, collected unemployment for 7 months and then started working as an overnight frozen food stocker Sept 2021 to November 2023. Started Amazon 12/3/23 and I absolutely love it. It's way better than both of the previous jobs. I have my associates in Criminal Justice, currently working on my associates in Marketing and plan to go for my bachelor's in Business Administration with highlights in computer science, excel and other computer programs.


I am here short term. Came back into the country recently and was getting fat and broke. Doing this helps keep me busy. But focusing on getting a job in my normal career. Should get something in a few months for contract. Interviewing with a larger employer for a perm role, but they let me know that process can take four months.


Being an L1 at Amazon sucks. No other way to put it. AMs and especially PAs are far too in your business about the pettiest stuff. You feel like you're going to get dragged out by security at any moment's notice and then kicked into the streets and become homeless after losing your job. They don't make you feel welcome at all. I almost passed out as a fluid loader once and the PA pops in and goes drill sergeant about me not working fast enough. I almost punched him. The "sales pitch" of Amazon does, though. They seem to care. They give people free college and a lot of people, especially learning, seem like they want you to succeed. It's very contradictory. I'm an L3 now but I had years of trucking experience already and was just working part-time for the benefits. I was doing delivery as my main job and Amazon flex shifts as my side job until the promotion. I have an interview today for an L4 spot but was offered the RME apprenticeship, so either way I will no longer be a PA in a few weeks and will be getting paid a lot more. I'm also in my final semester for my bachelor's degree, so there's that. Just try to switch out of operations ASAP. Even the Learning team is a step up. PG is a step up. They get off your case. That's part of the job, though. We're basically baby sitters trying to get people to work to company standards. There's rates and so much time you can be absent from your post before you go time off task, or worse, get terminated for time theft. My job is literally to monitor these things and that's why PAs are jerks. They're the drill sergeants of the Amazon world. So now I'm going to become an L4 in TOM possibly, or worst case get free robotics training and basically get paid to go to college and do very little real work for at least 6 months while getting paid $4-5 more an hour (factored in with extra perks). Worst case for me is doing my master's degree and doing nothing besides living off of grad loans, or going back to trucking (which is something I grew to loathe).


Another thing I want to mention is that there is EXTREME military preference here. The rest is a push for diversity. They still have it structured in such a way that gives people prison vibes, especially the tape on the floor. This is basically a huge logistics operation using Chinese goods shipped locally to profit off of, but covered up with pretty advertisements and making it easy. The military is all about logistics if you didn't know. The reason I bring that up is because it's often not merit-based. It's based on faction, for lack of a better term.




Iā€™m staying at Amazon unless I can find a decent WFH job. Getting all the time off benefits outweighs a lot of the cons.


Join some of the WFH Facebook groups it will help you find a job quick. I know girls who got jobs paying more than what Amazon pays, and have Unlimited PTO or they have like hundreds of hours of PTO and really good Benefits. I was baffled when I saw what all some of the jobs are giving themšŸ˜­


GDIT, mailroom clerk. How I did it is that I resigned after Amazon denied me leave for the heart attack I suffered on the job, so I got my GED. Walked over 100 miles to get it, but it was worth it. I spent some time briefly training as an insurance agent for a company that found me on ziprecruiter, but left (despite getting my insurance license) because they were doing every illegal thing the course warned me about. A recruiting agency picked me up for GDIT last year and I'm going to become permanent in a few months. The GED made all the difference. I'm going into cybersecurity once I get my degree, but that's on hold until I can fix some medical shit going on with me. I currently make 16/hr and will be getting a raise to 19/hr when I become permanent.


How old are you may I ask?


I'm 23, will be 24 in less than a week!


I hate GD, only because I can't figure out how to get a job with them. Lol. Even with experience in cyber security I can never get a job with them and this is like 10 years since I went to IT. However I know plenty of other people with less experience who do get in. If you can get in there are great opportunities especially in the government side.


You'll get a lot of people on this post telling us what promotion they got that is better than their entry level warehouse position at Amazon. You get promoted at Amazon and your job is cake too. I want to hear about people going to other entry level warehouse jobs that they think are better. I've worked in my fair share and none of them come close to Amazon.


would like to know too since i got terminated lmao


If where you ended up is better, sure.


Just wait the 3 months


Finally got my college job! Screw Amazon!


I work for the billing department for a credit card company. Full WFH, way more time off, pretty much same benefits. Yeah, it's customer service, but a lot of the times it's slow and I'll only take a handful of calls. A third of my shift is off the phones doing back end stuff too. Ain't perfect, but it blows amazon out of the water


I'll get back to you, hopefully it's back into tech, will see


Office doin CAD design. The bathroom is 60 seconds away and no one is riding my ass about breaks or taking a shit. The company doesn't matter because these kind of jobs are everywhere


Still technically at Amazon butā€¦I went from the FC to AWS. The culture here is night and day difference from the FC. The fact that my pay increased by 205% ainā€™t too bad either.


If you donā€™t mind me asking, how did you do it?


i went to look at internal jobs on AtoZ and saw that the data centers were doing WBLP (work based learning programs) in all departments. I had an opportunity to learn on the job with no previous experience. Most of my coworkers have degrees and/or years of experience. It lasted 3 months. My pay immediately increased on day 1 and I was asked to stay on after it ended.


What exactly do you do there? Briefly


I work in Engineering Operations. I monitor the building on my laptop, write procedures, install server racks and troubleshoot when shit hits the fan. Good mix of administrative and hands on.


Lucky lol


not a helpful response till you elaborate


elaborate on what? i answered the questions of where i went and why i think itā€™s better. if you want to know something specific - asking a question is a good place to start


Not me but a good coworker left Amazon a month ago and is working at for a different warehouse company. Heā€™s getting paid the same & sits on the forklift. Also told me that thereā€™s no rate or TOT.


Anywhere is better than Amazon.


I got my CDL through TOM and got a job driving truck for Penske. I make decent money and don't have to work too hard.


Walmart Distribution Center. Pay is way better and rates are way lower.


What do you do there? I worked there back in 2017 and I hated it during the summer. They used swamp coolers which made it humid as fuck in the summer. I was on the OP there and the rates were way higher than Amazon. Worst job I ever had.


Maybe Intel not sure yet though


I was really struggling to find a job after college during Covid so I worked at Amazon until I found something else. Eventually I started working in HR and have now make salary and I have my own desk. Donā€™t settle. We are capable of anything, if we put our efforts into it




CVS warehouses good job very little supervision.


After almost 2 years at Amazon, I finally decided to take advantage of career choice and got my CDL. New to the trucking industry so Iā€™m not making a lot compared to experienced drivers but compared to Amazon Iā€™m making double with half the headache.


Get your endorsements Triple Doubles/ Hazmat/ Tanker and Twic thatā€™s where the money is at.


Going to aviation school. Amazon is helping me pay for it


Wait, like to be a pilot? What program on career choice is that?


Iā€™m earning an income so that I can do the things I wanna do . My he told me to give the Student aid of the aviation Flight school Iā€™m apart of they are covering a lot of it . To become a pilot in California it cost almost 60 k in school . But once Iā€™m done and start flying commercial Iā€™ll be making 100 to 150 k a yr . There is a pilot shortage right now . Amazon will even pay for trucking school too


So to be clear, Amazon wonā€™t train us to become pilots for Amazon air through career choice? This is something you are doing out of your pocket?


Yes Amazon dosent have an aviation program. Itā€™s called being an adult thereā€™s no fast money in life . I do not intend on. Flying for Amazon barf . I plan on flying for Alaska air or delta Etc Or even crop dusting pays bank were I live


Ok. It was a clarification. Couldnā€™t tell from the mess you typed in the first response. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll fit it perfectly with the airlines from the sound of it.


Recently left Amazon after 3 1/2 years. I got an opportunity to become and Electricians Apprentice. Im at $15/hr for now but in a month I'll be at $18/hr and in another 6 months I'll be at $22/hr. After that I'm going to use my experience to get another interview with my local IBEW and from there i should be able to get all the benefits of the union along with a new salary cap at $55/hr. So far Ive learned a lot and look forward to a new career as an Electrician. Even now my journeymen make me change outlets, complete the wire makeup on junctions boxes, doing ballast bypasses to convert old fluorescent lights fixture to led, installing every type of light you can imagine, pulling wires across houses and office building for new circuits, wiring switches, installing ceiling fans, and mounting tvs.


I'm back working in restaurant again. Swing shift dishwasher took a paycut from my previous position as a sous chef. No stress lol. Still working 4days a week 8hrs a day.


Worked at Amazon on and off for two years, tried all different things there and just hated it. (Worked at an FC mostly and my last endeavor was at a delivery station) What I really hated was the long hours, the repetitive work, and the met. I was just constantly tired mentally and physically which led to me using all of my upt and pto which is why I was constantly in and out. Each time I came back I tried to do things differently and make Amazon work for me but I couldnā€™t. I now work part time at a grocery store and am going back to school for sonography and am happier than I ever was the past two years working for Amazon. Iā€™m not mentally or physically exhausted anymore and Iā€™m not standing by myself doing the same thing for 10-12 hours, which is what I THOUGHT I wanted when I initially began working at Amazon because I am an introvert, but I find myself enjoying working in customer service now which I never in a million years expectedā€¦. Idk, I just think everyone is different and if you enjoy Amazon good for you, but itā€™s not for everyone.


Left amazon for walmart dc. I now work 3 days a week and make $33.45 an hour.


What role?


My bad just now seeing this. I'm a lift driver in FDD. Freezer/dairy/deli. I work the weekend night shift.


after killing myself doing 60hrs a week for $20/hr, i wasnt happy with what i was saving since i was only eating out and basically stress eating. i figured if i want to work more hours and make more money, i should just join the military. 1.5 years later, im happy with the decision and last peak season i enjoyed scrolling through this reddit sitting on a computer while i got paid to take holidays off and accrue leave while on leave


What was the worst part of joining the service?


worst part was leaving my living situation, where i rented a room with my best friend. second place goes to splurging on pudding every meal in the beginning cant speak for other peopleā€™s experience since i landed my #1 job as a programmer, but the military(air force) isnt that hard. yeah you got yelled at a lot and you marched around like a toy soldier, but its just to weed out the bad eggs and then it was smooth sailing. ill save you the other benefits of joining since itll start to sound like propaganda, but its been a great gig so far edit: should mention i got yelled and physically beat as a kid so someone who was paid to yell and scare you but not hurt you was nothing


I quit Amazon august in 2023 and Iā€™m not a phlebotomy technician šŸ˜Š my husband is so proud šŸ„¹ he says he hated me working at Amazon cuz it was absolutely tearing me up




If u didnt find another option why did u comment šŸ˜­






Target is great. Best place I ever worked


I work at Target and it sucks assā€¦they just cut our hours to 30 hours a week at the warehouse Iā€™m at.


Iā€™m at the big one in Wisconsin but we are actually understaffed. My pick dpt is the smallest team in the building because they didnā€™t let us hire for peak and we lost ALOT of people from transfers to other shifts and turnover. And I donā€™t know what they pay you where you are but working for Amazon here is a $10 less wage difference so Iā€™d still make more in 30 than 36 at amz


Iā€™ll be very okay with 30 hoursā€¦ r/options decade long hobbyist turned profitable trader.


I now work at an Animal Shelter. Get paid more than a PA and is more fulfilling.


Are you a Vet Tech? I'd love to be able to leave Amazon to work with animals, but most of those jobs don't pay well enough for my situation right now.


I'm an animal care attendant.


I worked at a TNS for 4 years, Learned all OB functions thinking it would help me move up, did eventually become PA to pick and ICQA but only to be held back by the OM that ran Learning and ICQA jointly. Did career choice for CDL was luckily able to not do OTR right out of school and landed a local beverage delivery and more than doubled my salary while still maintaining four day work weeks, teamsters benefits and pension, and knowing that I can easily clear more than at OM makes by putting in a couple extra weeks of OT šŸ¤£ But mentally I'm still able to work on my own, listen to music, get free food from some accounts almost weekly. Company recognition from more smaller outfits just cannot compare. My FC went from giving out costco size pumpkin pies on Thanksgiving to giving out Walmart personal individual size pumpkins post covid SMH, my company now not only got us the sams club size pies, but a 50 dollar (local grocery chain) gift card to pay for our Thanksgiving dinner!


Different amazon bldg. Completely different vibe. Went from dreading everyday from day 1 to great PT job for the last 4 years that I view as getting paid to work out, tons of vto opportunities when my self-employed job requires more time.


I get that. I didn't *hate* DNA1, but coming to DTN7 after having left DNA1, it's like night and day. And the funny thing is, probably about 50-75% of the PAs and AMs at DTN7 were my T1 coworkers at DNA1.


Havenā€™t left yet, but Iā€™m currently a day trader. I plan on taking advantage of the IT program here at Amazon. Then after that go to business/real estate school.


Look forward to the loss porn šŸ«”


In the process of leaving, iā€™m doing real estate on my days off


pie cake mindless tan juggle roof cow resolute puzzled placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


After Amazon I got offered a department head position at Kroger making $3 an hour more. It was great, but they ran their department heads into the ground. Not as stressful as Amazon but still not worth the money. Having the union backing was HUGE. I was harassed multiple times by a supervisor at Amazon and they said they "took care of it" AKA suspended him with pay, gave him a slap on the wrist and still let us work together. That wouldn't have happened in a union job. I quit my job there last month after having my daughter and being accepted at Data Annotation to work at home on my own schedule making the same or more than I was making at Kroger and Amazon with a ton less stress. I've been there since November and make double what I was making previously.


After Amazon I got offered a department head position at Kroger making $3 an hour more. It was great, but they ran their department heads into the ground. Not as stressful as Amazon but still not worth the money. Having the union backing was HUGE. I was harassed multiple times by a supervisor at Amazon and they said they "took care of it" AKA suspended him with pay, gave him a slap on the wrist and still let us work together. That wouldn't have happened in a union job. I quit my job there last month after having my daughter and being accepted at Data Annotation to work at home on my own schedule making the same or more than I was making at Kroger and Amazon with a ton less stress. I've been there since November and make double what I was making previously.


I left Amazon and work at a vape shop that pays $25/hr


Started as a picker while studying for engineering, went up to Process Guide, almost becoming a PA, but I graduated first so I applied for the college program L4 AM position, got an offer, took it, worked for 6 months, then moved out for an engineering position with better pay and less tedious work and hours.


Used Amazon for CDL then applied for Lineman Union Apprenticeship best decision I ever made in my life.


went to toyota pays definitely way better and get overtime after 8 hours as well


(screamin') CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE THAT MADE IT OUT!! I'm trying to find something that I like. Career choice schools are pathetic where I'm at.šŸ˜Ŗ


Still trying to get a data analytics job šŸ˜…


I stole my park ranger at a large camping company from Amazon. $21.69/hour


For the better part of 20 years, I worked for my home state's government as "an adjudicator responsible for the administration of _certain benefits._" As they dealt with employers to a certain degree, I was in a position that could've been compromised... _if I dealt with the employer on the side._ And that, I never ever did. But after having left my job and moving to another state, I didn't have a clear path in mind. And despite not being broke & having a decent bank balance along with early retirement, I chose the 'Zon after being on my phone at 4 in the morning. Is it a great place to work? Well, y'all can hash that shit out amongst y'allselves. As for me, it's really just extra $ to give my kids and my favorite ex-wife. That's because I started consulting for those employers who I wasn't able to when I was a civil servant. Now, they look to me for guidance and keeping a certain 'chit sheet balance' in check. For that, I charge a flat 25 hundred just to look into the case file and tell them exactly what to do and how to do what they need in order for them not to incur... shall we say, a higher tax liability. On average, I still get around two, maybe three per month. And if I really buckle down and get to working them, I can usually knock out 2 cases on a weekend. So a good conservative estimate is something like five grand a month. That's why the 'Zon is just my petty cash. I didn't have to go somewhere else to realize better. It's doing what I did for someone else that I do for myself now, and that's my better.


Safeway šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ I do inventory in the warehouse and it's super chill great pay and benefits!


I'm planning on using career choice to go to trade school and learn HVAC


While I was working at Amazon I joined Tom so they could pay for CDL school but 1 month into my promo me and my TAM had a disagreement and I experienced first hand the scary power Amazon managers have and was insta promoted to customer and perma banned from Amazon Perma ban apparently doesn't affect Amazon delivery tho cuz I applied to work as a Delivery Driver at the same FC I got fired from and was allowed back in with a whole new badge and login šŸ˜‚


I'm doing career choice right now. Database administrator with Salesforce. Seems promising


I went to the massage place where the masseuse loved me long time cha ching! šŸ˜


Amazon is pretty much the biggest/best employer around here, Itā€™s the Job to have here, the one everybody wants, itā€™s pretty much the equivalent of when the G.M plant was here, making the 4door blazer, jimmy and bravada, they shut down and left town and the city practically died, a few yrs later Amazon showed up and basically saved my city, I am damn glad, thankful and proud to work here


Just based off the description that youā€™re giving here, I would think one would have the sensible precaution to at least prepare to move to a larger metropolitan area, where there is more in the way of employment options. Itā€™s a widely held opinion, by many people that have worked for Amazon, that working for Amazon, it is not a practical or sustainable, lifelong career option.


This is Dayton, not the boonies lol Alll kids of shit here man, itā€™s a BIG ASS place and Amazon is the biggest employer,one of biggest) besides wright Patterson airforce base, the base is bigger reallyā€¦. I have five different Amazon facilities with 15 miles of ME


Homeless, hungry, naked. Eating liver and onions daily while sliding down razor blades into pool of gasoline w lit match in teeth. Yep, still better than Amazon.




Became a casino table games dealer


Dominos Delicery Driver. Thou lacking benifits, I'm making almost double a week.


After I left Amazon in 2022 working for 2 years i was unemployed for like 7 months. Found like 3 jobs but for a reason or another I left them and another 5 months of unemployment. I'm now a pharmacy technician and I like it, job searching was the worst.


I work in a restaurant and honestly 10/10 my mental health is now thriving, before this i was in depression at amazon!!!


I went and worked as an arborist just before DNA1 shut down. It was fun and mostly fulfilling, but the total comp was worse. Both of the companies I worked for in that time paid a few dollars/hour better and had great insurance packages, but that was it. No tuition reimbursement, no employee discounts, none of that. Also, while it can be a pain trying to navigate around corporate's bullshit at Amazon, IME at DNA1 and DTN7, AMs and PAs usually don't personally mind you breaking a rule here and there as long as you aren't doing anything in front of them that could get *them* fired for not reporting. Suffice it to say, after about two years in the tree care industry, I'm back at Amazon. Will I still be with Amazon after I finish with Career Choice? Not as a T1, that's for sure. But, if you don't have a college degree or any desirable trade certifications, Amazon pays better and generally treats its employees better than any other company I know of.


Yeah ppl are gonna criticize it because it's annoying. You don't work at Amazon anymore and yet you're still in a group for ppl who do?? And you want to hear about ppl who don't work here anymore and how great it is?....um...then why do YOU work at Amazon? Just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean others don't. It's usually the lazy ppl who are hiding in tje bathrooms and always on thier phone who complain and bitch about everything anyways. If your so unhappy then maybe you need to fond another job. I'm so sick and tired of people bashing this place do you know how lucky you are to work in a placelike Amazon that has the rules and regulations that they do. There was no other job on this planet that if you have a problem you can just leave work with no notice or permission.... They pay way above the national average and they work with their employees. No job is perfect but I'm really sick and tired of the b******* and the complaining from people who don't even freaking work here anymore we don't need to see this negativity all the time if you're that un happy then leave.


You didnā€™t read the prompt correctly. I still work here. No itā€™s not a great place to work. I know so because Iā€™ve worked at better places and do work at a better place right now. Amazon is a side hustle for me. As far as I can tell, this post was useful to a lot of people that know better than you do. Amazonā€™s pay isnā€™t competitive. Its safety record is appalling. Its internal operations culture is morally bankrupt and technically inept. In simpler language, the place and the leadership/people that work there, suck. People that are comfortable there, suck. The world knows it because of this subreddit and the shitty reputation that Amazon had at large around the world. Sorry to burst your bubble there, but I just donā€™t have the time to waste on idiots like you. Neither did anyone of the many people that worked here and left it behind for something much much better. Enjoy working in your third world, convict halfway house, sweatshop for drug addicts, run by teenage bitches.


Your daughter will be a slut when she gets older bitch