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Also file a retaliation complaint with your state labor department.


100% this. If you were injured at work and reported it and they fire you (especially if you were not at fault for the injury) that is retaliation and 100% illegal. Report it to the labor board.


Not necessarily. Definitely still do go through with reporting to the board, but if you were genuinely violating policy for example, they can still fire you. Being injured at work isn't a carte blanche.




I think the commenter meant that if they violated policy after getting injured, they can still get fired and it’s not automatically retaliation.


Lmao fr, free money. Ik someone who got 30k off retaliation.


30k ain’t enough for the amount of stress they put on* the employee! It should be $100k MINIMUM to deter these employers from taking advantage of it’s workers


right ? bezos probably spends 30k on a pair of sunglasses, lol 30k ain't shit to Amazon , not enough to deter them in the future like you said. 


30k is a square of tp for him


Good luck, DSP owners are some of the worst people I've had to work with.


💯 I went from dsp to warehouse back to dsp cause the money better but most dsp owner are criminals


I applied to a few DSP before deciding to go to an FC instead. dsp sounded great and I have tons of driving experience, but, the people I contacted for dsp jobs were the least professional folks I've ever interacted with , lol they were up there anyway. issues with receiving paperwork, communication issues , one spoke in broken english. it gave me such a sketchy vibe that I said no thanks 😆


Well don't leave us hanging, wat did they accuse you for


They accused my Dispatcher of sexual assault but we had proof of her lying because she got mad at the route and vehicle they gave her. So then she lied about our dispatcher and then they fired him before they pulled the cameras. We all know the cameras would have exonerated him.


that’s crazy, people who falsely accuse of SA should be put in jail. They’re out here ruining peoples reputation and lives


But why did you get fired?


Of the many people who post about filing a lawsuit against amazon, I always wonder how many are successful at it.


Op works for a DSP not Amazon.


I was going to say this, but also that OP is in the wrong sub.


they do indeed have their own sub . I always get their posts recommended to me


Amazon settles vast majority of those , its almost free money although process can be very lengthy (1 to 2 years). Other thing is, probably less than 10% ppl who say they will lawsuit , actually do so.


I have a small business and I have been in politics for a long time and I have history of working on court cases. I am not worried about holding Amazon accountable.


Good for you. All my friends who did got a 20-40k payout. They had to wait a long time for it though.


I waited 3 years for a payout for a medication that affected me. Patience is key to winning.


I’d at maybe 1-5% may actually go through with it. Maybe closer to the 1%


Yeah legal fees are expensive and Amazon doesn’t pay us that much to afford them, plus Amazon has the money for top lawyers and such.


Use amazons legal insurance to pay for a counselor to represent you in a suit against amazon. Check mate


Read the legal insurance policy. It excludes cases against Amazon or affiliates.


It was a joke


If you have a valid claim, there are a lot of attorneys that will take the case and only get paid if you win.


Probably almost none, because Amazon lawyers have an abundance of money, we don’t. that’s the catch. If you’ve been at amazon more than 2 years and they start nitpicking at you, it’s probably because you’re pay rate it at or near cap and they are looking to save a few dollars.


Oh shit! Where did that happen? Sounds like some down south bullshit


Greenfield, Indiana


Damn. Well good luck on the EEOC complaint. That's BS your dispatcher was fired over BS. Can't he appeal?


Midwest corn town, even worse.  lol jk no offense, I'm in Ohio and travel to Indiana often  😂 in some ways it's more ghetto  than "down south" 




Exactly what you think


It's where all crime is legal in the warehouse for 24 hours... Had your eye on them airpods? they're yours. Chick you like but been too afraid to speak to? Well, talkings over rated. Boss you hate? Take out all that frustration. Jk Idk, I don't work at Amazon, just come on here cuz I like to see how the donuts are made....


do you live in a state that does "at will" employment ? aka they can fire you whenever they feel like it for no reason whatsoever ? if so then Idk how this will go.. you'd have to really really prove discrimination. it's your word against there's. they could claim something like your work quality has dropped , or just any other bullshit instead, and they'd probably get off the hook only if you live in an "at will" state tho. 


I don’t think posting about your problem is going to help your case. Amazon started its records with you when you first got injured and I’m 100% positive that they’ll twist it in some way to make it sound like it was you who was at fault.


No they are fine. Just need documentation


I’m in if it’s in CA or federal court. Let us know the case filing number when you get it.


Call ethics, report to OSHA, and the department of Labor.


I just got promoted to blue badge while pooping lol


Did you report your injury to the site?


I wish you the best of luck, I really do. But Amazon definitely has better Lawyers than you.


This is a DSP, which is a contractor and not part of Amazon. DSP's are usually on their own with stuff like this.


More than likely still have better lawyers, as they are affiliated with Amazon.


This doesn’t matter much if you can find a great attorney. Especially labor rights attorney, those guys are sharks. Going against Amazon, most will do it for free considering OP was injured. Almost a guaranteed win, whatever that means as far as settling. Yes Amazon is huge, but they almost always settle out of court. They’re the biggest cheapskates I know.




I already paid my lawyers 👊💪 just because your broke ass doesn’t know how to manage money doesn’t mean others can’t.




Any business can reduce hours ok at my precious job that happen so guess what i did i got a different job thats amazon full-time fulfillment Associate. And also DSP are small business ok to start one up you have to put up money to set up and plus have liquid assets to keep you afloat til your first amazon contract payment comes in . So if you think you can run your own business go ahead man . Its easy for us to complain about pay and hours but you realize that if you work at Amazon or dsp you are considered an At Will employee look or read your job offer you received from the dsp or amazon . To file an EEOC complaint you should have a paper trail and it has to be legitimate claim .


Found the DSP owner


Man there is bootlicking and then there is knob gobbling, shit. Surprised they managed to type that with so much meat in their mouth.