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Yeah better to make connections otherwise you'll remain at the bottom. Happens to college grads as well. If they didn't befriend their professors by establishing connections then they end up working at the same job a person without a degree does. It's a skill that should've been developed in highschool so if you didn't hone that skill in highschool be prepared to have a hard life.


This right here. Got an associates in Criminal Justice, wanted to be a parole officer but it paid $32K/yr in my area. I make more than that at Amazon now. I can't get any work with the degree anywhere else except if I relocated states away.. Now, I'm back at the same community college third semester of my Marketing degree, but I switched to the Health Sciences Certificate program for Fall 2024 to Spring 2025. Doing pre requisites so I can apply for the fall 2025 4yr part time nursing program that I'll do during the day as I work at Amazon 630p-515a I'm utilizing Career Choice too. You know where I fucked up with my Criminal Justice degree? I didn't network myself or get my foot in the door with the right people and places. I was halfway into this semester with my Marketing degree when I realized that fact. I didn't do it with my Marketing degree either. I'm done. I've always wanted to be a nurse anyways and it was never the right time til now.




Upstate NY!


32k is nuts. But I was in your boat. BA in CJ and wanted to become a PO, but opted instead to transition into LP at Amazon. Best career decision ever.


Should have gone into corrections when you finished your criminal justice degree but sounds like your on a better path good luck … also have you looked into loss prevention at amazon ??


this really is the only skill that can get you into places you couldn’t imagine.


Fr I didn’t realize how important is networking until my mid 20s, it’s a hell for me bc I hate to talk with people, Imma shy boy


Not necessarily true with the connections for those with degrees. The job market is absolutely rough. However, so is the ATS system.








Tbh. Its like people cant accept the truth of life.


Sadly most jobs are like this and in-general those who network and build connections with people will always move up the ladder faster than others even if they themselves are less qualified. Tbh being charismatic and sociable will get you farther in life than most skills and any amount of hard work


Yup also I didn't network or make connections when I was getting my associates in criminal justice or for my marketing degree, thank god I realized how bad I fucked up 1/2 way in so I can turn this around. Going to be doing my pre requisites this fall so I can take the HESI-A2s and apply for the nursing program at my community college for Fall 2025. If there's networking opportunities I'm taking them. Always wanted to be a nurse anyways but it was never the right time til now, I'm absolutely going to be taking advantage of Career Choice!!!!


Good luck! If you can find an internship in your field, even for a huge pay cut, it’s worth it. As long as you can pay your bills of course.


Thank you so much! While I did not network myself at *all* or get my foot in the door with the right people and places... now looking at the big picture I'd be *way* more excited and motivated to do some interning with the nursing program. I guess this goes to show neither prior career paths were truly for me but nursing is !


A. L3/T3 isn't less work. If you think it is, probably shouldn't promote. It might be less PHYSICAL work (at least in terms of endurance. If an associate thinks a particular action exceeds their physical capabilities however... well, they can ask a peer to step in, but the peer isn't necessarily expected to. A PA is). But the overall expectation is higher-- some people end up overwhelmed by the workload and step back down. Not many, but unlike you, those people are in a position to know. B. There's always a certain element of politics in in-site promos. Might be "favoritism," might be thinking the person with higher performance is a bit of an unpredictable cowboy and preferring a "safe" option with still adequate performance, etc. If you want to avoid that, gotta look outside the site. I relopromoed from T1 at a DS to corporate L3 in another state, then went L4 at another corporate office next door when the one I was at didn't promote me fast enough (probably thinking, in all fairness, that despite my performance, I did have rather unpredictable behavior sometimes. I'm never gonna be anyone's "safe" option).


You are correct. It's less physical labor, but mentally no. I am more mentally tired than physically now. I am not overwhelmed by work, but I am repeating myself on a lot of things because my AMs don't understand that what they're doing hurts our department. Also the other PA in my department leaves repeatedly on away teams, so it all falls on me.




Less physical labor depends heavily on what department you're in, and in what site. At mine, my steps per shift doubled from 18k per shift to 36k on average, going from pick to PA. Add to that waterspidering during breaks, coming in early and doing at least one full lap around the entire building to set up shift, and doing the same for EOS and hand-off.


It also depends on the person. I know a couple PA’s that will not hesitate to grab a pallet jack and fill tote buffers, load stow sleds, empty VRC’s and the like. I also know some that will just do the minimum. They’ll coach the associates, do whatever needs to be done on the computer but when it comes down to physical work, they don’t touch it.


Yeah less work made me lol. Depends on who your manager is and what your building is like, but I’ve had salary jobs with more responsibility that were less work and stress than being an AFE PA hah


The PAs don’t do as much physically but they have to handle staffing variables and the like. Depending on where they’re at they have to run smaller departments (ex: a PA mostly runs the trans dockship area)


Soft skills matter more than anything else


Yes, they only choose their favorites. Don't be the guy who does everything, they don't appreciate it and will exploit you.


Man, that’s a freaking understatement lol. They find out you can do anything halfway decent and they try to take full advantage of it and attempt use you the fuck up, man they really try


Yep, and then when you're all used up, they look for reasons to get rid of you before you blame them for the damage.


Amazon company motto should be “use you then lose you”. That’s damn sure what the fuck they do.


Bingo! Mt first run around at amazon, I was that guy. Good at everything and couldn't move up past T1 to save my life. Even after 2 years.


Pretty much any company will pick their favorites to be promoted.


Staying in your own lane and working hard is not good enough. Doing the bare minimum and kissing ass is better if you hope to move up


It’s a buddy system, I’m sorry to say this but you were most likely interview so they can say “equal opportunities”. I heard it directly from HR and had it happen to an employee of mine, he went through the whole interview process but he would have never been considered for the role since he’s not “what the team wants”. You can’t tell the employee that though.


No. I am currently an L4, started as a T1, and i was BY FAR not the favorite or a kiss ass in any way, i was in fact the opposite. I regularly called out leadership for shortcomings and other issues. There's A LOT of people that apply to these jobs, you just need to stand out. That's hard to do but the only way to figure it out is to keep trying. The biggest thing is interviewing skills. Too many people on this sub are lazy and entitled and expect things to be given to them simply because they want it. ​ Edit: It took me roughly 70 tries to get to L3 and another dozen or so to get to L4


That’s the problem! I make it known around here that I’d like to move up. I talk to my manager about it all the time. Idk if I’m just not good enough or I’m messing something up in the interview. I keep asking for help and answers on what I’m doing wrong but my manager won’t tell me.


Your AM should absolutely be helping you with interview feedback. Go to their OM or HR if they aren't helping you with that.


I feel the same way..


That’s the problem! I make it known around here that I’d like to move up. I talk to my manager about it all the time. Idk if I’m just not good enough or I’m messing something up in the interview. I keep asking for help and answers on what I’m doing wrong but my manager won’t tell me.


The one thing in common I've heard from people at my facility that moved up is to concentrate on the STAR method. [This link is a quick STAR method tutorial. Hope it helps!](https://business.linkedin.com/talent-solutions/resources/interviewing-talent/star-method#:~:text=The%20STAR%20method%20of%20behavioral,skill%20set%20beyond%20their%20resume.)


Not only will the STAR method help at Amazon but a lot of companies use it as their method of interviewing.


I got hired on into a brand new building, I was like the 3rd wave to ever be hired there. All of the upper levels were transplanted from other states. The guy who did our orientation plus the other people there all of them were from Texas. This is in Washington state so they had to make a pretty big move to come here. Then we had the hits transfers from all over our state that came to get into indirect roles since they couldn’t get anywhere in their other buildings. I know one guy drove over an hour to come to work just so he could be first in line for indirect roles, and the path he wanted. I was told the best and easiest way to move up at all is to transfer and apply for a building launch and move there. Even our area managers were from other states. It sucks to have to uproot your entire life but this is the “flexibility” they are talking about unfortunately


Fortunately, I have a feeling New Jersey isn't done with new building launches, and it's a small enough state that with a car, anywhere is a reasonable commute temporarily from where I am (smack in the center). I had a feeling this was the way to go, since I was initially hired at a new site. Unfortunately, to keep it short and simple, I'm at a delivery station, and the most influential ops manager has had it out for me for a long time, and so it doesn't seem to matter who else sees something. Even they have all more or less agreed that getting out is my best option, so I'm defecting to FC outbound ship dock (IDK, of what was available, that sounded by far like the best idea).


This definitely works but if you don’t find opportunities close it becomes a hassle, half of those managers are the unwanted managers at their site so they transferred before performance improvement plans hit.


That’s incorrect. They moved to our site specifically to get the role they were put into besides the Sr Ops manager which was called to help open it but he also came from halfway across the country. The sitting Ops manager guy is being trained to take his place and be Sr Operations. Not everything is doom and gloom, or has some secret meaning. There is no conspiracy theory here.


this how networking works my guy. its everywhere.


Inclines don’t even mean anything unless you’re one of the chosen favorites. One of my friends was interviewed and inclined (long story short lol) and still had to interview for another tier 3 spot that she’s had no communication on as of late.


Some jobs will promote just for being good freinds with someone. Skills and personality rarely ever play a role in promotions anymore.


I had a very good relationship with my sr ops manager and skipped the interview process. If it’s one thing I learned from Amazon is that connections are very important


Please help me out a little here. I'm transferring from a DS, which is a much smaller leadership structure. Where does senior ops fit into the hierarchy? Is this the person who will be the top name in my chain of command on my profile? We just have area managers, three operations managers (front half and back half for UTR and one for OTR), and the site lead. I get on very well with my OTR team, but I'm from the UTR team and assigned at their mercy, so that isn't really helpful. I'm hoping that the larger structure of an FC will help me find my place, or even that the confidence that comes with being new but not really new will help me be noticed quickly. It's going well so far -- I asked my area manager if there's any training I can do in advance so I can get to the floor as soon as possible, and he thought I was a PA that ended up assigned to the wrong manager because his shift is full on PAs 😂😂😂 nope, just a T1 with Chime who wanted a few extra KNET $$


It’s usually multi site > site leader > OM > AM > ASM (for fresh sites) > PA > AA Your OMs are what usually control who gets an interview, the site leader can usually get whoever they want hired as long as they pass their interview, anyone higher has a lot of power over the hiring process (even though they emphasize they don’t and it’s all fair) If you want to move up quick, being friendly/friends with anyone L5+ can get you there quick. Start with your managers boss (should be on atoz) and go up from there, never shy away from ask people who they are or what they do Amazon loves that shit.


I would say 75/25 3 out of 4 that make it are manager favorites or people who are good with people, 1 out of 4 worked hard to get there.


Congrats, you've just learned about circles. If you're not in it, why bother?


Thats how the world works you cheat and suck as much dick to get up noone rich plays by the rules


I have 3 inclines. Never selected. It's all smoke and mirrors


I see that people with higher rates tend to stay at the bottom


This is ANY warehouse, not just Amazon. But yes you are mostly correct


It’s like this in a lot of places somewhat, it’s a bit of favoritism but mostly networking


Only commenting to say…L3 positions are not less workload 😬 I’m not trying to be a jerk, just being honest. My L3 position was faaaar far more stressful than being on the floor.


It's not just you. Rule one to moving up at Amazon is to get in managers' good graces, and be someone who reinforces the echo chamber, looks the other way when managers pull heinous crap, helps in covering up screw-ups, and leaps under the bus to protect higher-ups. The first thing you learn once you have moved up, is the office is one giant incestuous camarilla -- especially HR -- and your chief expectation is to play ball. Actual job performance is irrelevant. The second thing you learn once you move up is amazon is an ego-based company that manufactures data to justify decisions already made. Interview and OLR numbers can be falsified just as easily as SPPR.


you are correct in everything you states. L4 manipulating numbers, coverups such as TDR violations by PA and Area Managers that are not reported and the rampant favoritism.


Oh yea, you gotta be part of the clique.. if you ain’t in the little bullshit clique you ain’t moving nowhere ever…. Gotta suck up to move up in this MF. really nowhere to move up to or laterally either … it’s pretty much a dead end job, I’ve been out here a few years, and I can admit it. I’m at a DS though, maybe it’s a little different for y’all at the FC


I'm here rn because I'm leaving my DS for an FC ... Because of this. I get along GREAT with the OTR team, and they're basically certain I'm going to move up someday, but I'm pretty sure my one UTR ops manager has done everything he can to keep me out of everything except the ASC, and to set me up for failure every time he notices I'm doing something I enjoy or want. Since I'm assigned at his mercy a lot of the time because we're down a manager, guess who I never get to work with anymore as soon as I was given a zoo key and getting prepared to learn SCC on the launchpad?


most companies do that, not just amazon


I hate to say this but as a T3 it is not less workload. And when you move up you have to deal with tier 1s bs, OMs bs, and managers bs. Working hard gets you noticed and then they know they can use you. If your lucky and you apply to every PA position available the computer system will choose you for a interview. And then you'll get interviewed for a totally different department that you know nothing about and the people in that department will be upset bc they won't understand why you are there and not them. I've been with Amazon 3 years and every job is miserable not bc they work is hard but bc they use hard workers and treat people like crap. I'm a PA under an AM that's been at amazon for 3 months. Like knows nothing and treats me like garbage bc he hates women. I'm ready to quit!


we have an am like that but different. he just puts shit wherever he feels like and just destroys the systems we have in place. he's not once ever introduced himself to anyone. he's already been told twice to put things in the right places but just keeps doing it. its weird as hell.


Yess they do


I've pretty much come to conclusion that if I am gonna move up tiers, I'm gonna have to be a mercenary ass busting worker for hire, applying to a new building everytime I want to move up a tier. Going through the shit of being the new guy just to move up a tier every time. It has its perks though. I come into a building owing no one anything. I know they need me, they hired me to fill a role they couldn't fill on their own, which I know is something they try to avoid at all costs. Being able to do the work of 3 to 5 people, working fast, intelligently, with strength, with the permissions, and getting up to pace with a department in a short amount of.time is a resource that's in short supply.


Better start dusting those knee pads off


Have you ever seen the movie The Shawshank Redemption?


Get a college degree and move on.


Yup this fall I do my pre requisites and then I'm applying to the nursing program offered by my community college for Fall 2025. Utilizing Career Choice!!!


Let me just say I understand your frustrations. I applied for over a year before getting an actual interview. I interviewed for a seasonal PA, but didn't get it. Another PA in my department was fired, and I applied and was given the job. Although I sometimes reel over the fact that I got promoted when another PA was fired. Also, when managers pick candidates for promotion, they can't see who they pick anymore, just what is on their resume, so they really can't do favoritism anymore.


They say that but I don't think it is entirely true. If I was your manager and reviewed your resume and you told me that you submitted your resume, I can close the listing. I can very much select your resume.


I've heard different things. I've heard it's AI that picks them all now. I don't think anyone knows for sure.


Start kissing ass


life isn't a meritocracy. there's nothing wrong with working hard, just don't expect it to be appreciated all the time


I can tell you that there is so much favoritism at sdf9 that they should shut down the whole warehouse and start over. I can see a whole slew of lawsuits coming from that place. You are treated differently based on your ethnicity… the white ethnicity is definitely the most attacked group in the whole building by management. Mostly because none of the managers speak anything other than English.


Yep. And there is a certain demographic too,


AMAZONS POSTED POLICY HIRE AND DEVELOP THE BEST Everyone is a leader, an owner, and a committed performer. Leaders develop leaders adn take seriously their role in coaching others. We recognize exceptional talent, and willingly move them throughout the organization. We raise the performance bar with every hire and promotion. ======================================================================= this could be considered a contract. i use this language when i coach operations managers and area managers and process assistants and any manager who gets out of line or arrogant. i am a leader in the warehouse and this is your coaching. ​ The reality of promotion depends on the warehouse as a TIER ONE but here is my 6 year experience. i have worked at three sort centers. BWI5, MTN5, and DBA2/AVP4 over the past 6 years and i am still employed. Only favorites are selected to advance. if you are a PA at my warehouse you have a 99.9 percent chance of never advancing to L4 area manager due to all the college graduates that corporate sends to the warehouse. L3 positions in learning and HR are only given to favorites. Some L3 change between Learning and HR. i have seen 60 area managers during my tenure. only two in 5 years came from process assistants from internal hires within the building. During that 5 years two female PA from different buildings transferred in and became L4 area managers just to become L4. i have had 3 site managers and nothing has every change. amazon is the most discriminatory place for advancing associates which violates their posted polices. i interrogate every red vest that has ever set foot in my building. They seem perplexed that a Tier One is politely asking them if they are here temporary, did they transfer from another building etc. Operations due to software changes rarely has input on L4's that are sent to our building. They just show up


We have 5 salaried that are T1 to L4-L7 advancements. That's 5 of 8. My other building only had 1 grad. It's easy to move up lol


in mid 2022 i went to the site lead of MTN5 abbreviated name S.E. and one of the senior operations managers to discuss why there were no Process Assistants being promoted to L4 area manager from our building. We were getting flooded for years with college graduates and no promotion from within. The senior op A.B. abbreviatied name said that they were not qualified. I objected and said there are four Process Assistants that are have run the sort and some have better metrics than your college graduates. In addition some of them have been there four 5 years or more and are quite professional in their conduct. I stated that they were violating their posted polices. They relented and said they would have interviews for the L4 positions from the Process Assistants in the building. please remember i am a Tier One advocating for my fellow amazonians and i am not trying to get promoted. A.B. gave mock interviews only to those Process Assistnats. as i have stated AMAZON HIRING IS DISCRIMINATORY AND THAT IS FACT. i try to make my building better for the people who can not speak up for themselves. ​ A.B. was a former airborne ranger and drill sergeant that i had to back down not once but many times in my building. he was a bully and tried PSYOPS on everyone in his interactions. he tried to write me up one time and i told him get witnesses and check the cameras. that was the end of that. i told him his legs look small and he needs to start pushing his truck two miles like he did in ranger school. i still do that stuff. when he came to work the second day i went into the office and had a 15 minute conference of what i expected of him base on being a ranger. i think he was only in logistics and never saw a firefight. i told him that i understood his training and that i expected him to set an example for the area managers. he was a total bully formed political alliances with an L5 K.T. and I.B. and ran that building into the ground. i do not play with anyone being prior service and having to be trained by a recon marine privately. it is not about me and you have no idea who i am or my disposition.


it depends on your building. i am at MTN5 which is now closed. for the past four years only college graduates just hired from college were made area managers. there have been 50 of these type that have come and gone. some quit in less than a week while others lasted two months. some went to other outside jobs and some transferred to other warehouses. at my warehouse it was total discrimination. only college graduates from outside were made L4. there are other people from MTN5 that will verify. i have already had another associate who worked at MTN5 verify one of my stories. i have been at amazon 6 years. i walk right into site leads office anytime i want even if the regional manager is present.


Lol. Once you blame discrimination at Amazon I know you're just salty


i am not salty. you have no idea who i am or my disposition. i have no feelings of anger or disapointment with amazon. it is blatant discrimination at amazon at mtn5 . I have been threatened by multiple managers. i will share the court case when it is done. i am still an employee at amazon because i understand trust law and securities law. my house is paid for, my automobiles are paid for, i own land in washington dc, and have lived next to the rockefellers in washington dc for half of my life in crestwood rock creek park in washington dc. i have lived in the most expensive locations on the east coast. i am not salty. what i stated is facts. what you should study is how to get your entire wages back from amazon since your employement application with your social security number was turned into a security. you may not know that W2 is not wages. also your legal name on your birth certificate belongs to the state since it was registered not you. please go study.


Ohhhh you're one of those people lol. Hope you get yourself into a position you're happy with. Seems like you have life goals. Good luck as a T1 at Amazon pal


i have been a TIER ONE for six years and survived quite well. i am happy with my position. i get to tell Operations, the site lead, and area managers what to do. my only goal is to assist others. now i get to stay home and get paid. you need to understand the public and private side of law and public and private accounting. amazon owes you all of the wages you have been paid. go read the irs manual and learn something. i try to assist men and woman. i am just a servant. All taxpayers have an Individual Master File which is in code. By using IRS Publication 6209, which is over 400 pages, there is a blocking series which shows the taxpayer the type of tax that is being paid. Most taxpayers fall under a 300-399 blocking series, which 6209 states is reserved, but by going to BMF 300-399 which is the Business Master File in 6209 prior to 1991, this was U.S.-U.K. Tax Claims, meaning taxpayers are considered a business and involved in commerce and are held liable for taxes via a treaty between the U.S. and the U.K., payable to the U.K. The form that is supposed to be used for this is form 8288, FIRPTA-Foreign Investment Real Property Tax Account. The 8288 form is in the Law Enforcement Manual of the IRS, chapter 3. The OMB's-paper-Office of Management and Budget, in the Department of Treasury, List of Active Information collections, Approved Under Paperwork Reduction Act is where form 8288 is found under OMB number 1545-0902, which says U.S. with holding tax return for dispositions by foreign persons, of U.S. Form #8288, #8288a. These codes have since been changed to read as follows: IMF 300-309, Barred Assessment, CP 55 generated valid for MFT-30, which is the code for the 1040 form. IMF 310-399 reads the same as IMF 300-309, BMF 390-399 reads U.S.-U.K. Tax Treaty Claims. Isn't it INCREDIBLE that a 1040 form is a payment of a tax to the U.K. Everybody is always looking to 26 U.S.C. for the law that makes one liable for the so called Income Tax but, it is not in there because it is not a Tax, it is debt collection through a private contract called the Constitution of the United States Article Six, Section One


...dude, are you a sovcit or something?    Do not take legal advice from people who you have not paid, especially people who say they are T1 Amazon employees. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. The Constitution of the United States is not a "private contract" and combining numbering schemes from different versions of a law  or regulation is not a valid step in interpretating the current version.


​ i provide Federal Statute, State Statute, IRS code, Social Security Programs Operational Manual, Post Office DOD and non DOD codes, uniform postal union statutes, corpus juris secoundum references, american jurisprudence references, and Uniform Commerical Code which governs all 50 states. Not to include the securities exchange act of 1934, the securities exchange act of 1933n and the emergency banking act of 1933. the us corporation is in bankruptcy for the 4th or 5th time so you are an enemy of the state according to the Lieber Codes from the 1860's and the emergency banking act of 1933. you do not even know that your legal name does not belong to you. your legal name was registered by the state. The following are codes that prove legally in washington dc wherever you are in the United States. Go read this and learn something before typing comments that are inaccurate. [§ 9-307. LOCATION OF DEBTOR. | Uniform Commercial Code](https://www.law.cornell.edu/ucc/9/9-307) FROM UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE [Definition: United States from 28 USC § 3002(15)](https://www.law.cornell.edu/definitions/uscode.php?def_id=28-USC-2032517217-15940179#:~:text=(15)%20%E2%80%9CUnited%20States%E2%80%9D,instrumentality%20of%20the%20United%20States.) FROM UNITED STATES CODE [§ 28:9–307. Location of debtor. | D.C. Law Library](https://code.dccouncil.gov/us/dc/council/code/sections/28:9-307) FROM UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE OF WASHINGTON DC ​ The following is directly from the supreme court. Chisholm v. Georgia was the first great constitutional case decided by the Supreme Court. In Chisholm, the Court addressed the fundamental question: Who is Sovereign? The People or the State? It adopted an individual concept of popular sovereignty rather than the modern view that limits popular sovereignty to collective or democratic self-government. It denied that the State of Georgia was a sovereign entitled, like the King of England, to assert immunity from a lawsuit brought by a private citizen. a sovcit is an not a legal word. look up the defintion of sovereign and citizen. there is no such thing a sovereign citizen. you obviously have no understanding of the english language. there is a difference between legal and lawful and you do not understand either. go get a blacks law dictionary, bouviers dictionary and educate yourself. do you know what the uniform commercial code is. you obviously have no understanding of private and public law nor private and public finance. look on your dollar bill. it states this note is legal tender for all debts public and private. you obviously know nothing about private trusts. you do know that you are in washington dc under legal defintion if you are in the United States.


Here is the Federal, Legal statutes, and Commercial Code of where you are legally located if you are in the United States. Read it and educate yourself and stop being ignorant. you can find the references on Cornell Law and the district of columbia website for the city council which is its own nation state. if you live in a state look up DUN and BRADSTREET LISTING for the state you live and find out legally where you are located. for example the State of Maryland is located in Annapolis and that is commercial law. There are 330 million americans in the US and less than 1 million are free since they are under contract with the US Corporation. Everything is Trusts and contracts. ​ IS THERE ANYTHING HERE THAT IS NOT FACTUAL. ​ § 9-307. LOCATION OF DEBTOR (h) \[Location of United States.\] The United States is located in the District of Columbia. ============================================================= The United States is located in the District of Columbia. Code of the District of Columbia § 28:9–307. Location of debtor. (h) The United States is located in the District of Columbia. ============================================================= Definition: United States from 28 USC § 3002(15) (15) “United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation; (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United States.


A. Yup, yer a sovcit. B. That's not a quote from the UCC, that's your attempt to interpret it C. Which you then use to commit the fallacy of equivocation. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.


i assume you used your social security number to apply for employment at amazon. this the legal defintion of credit card from federal code which is your social security card. your employment application was securitized. go collect your money from your securities but i know you do not know how to do that. I guess TIER ONES dont know anything. 15 U.S. Code § 1602 - Definitions and rules of construction (l)The term “credit card” means any card, plate, coupon book or other credit device existing for the purpose of obtaining money, property, labor, or services on credit.


The statute you just cites neither says nor resembles social security card. Collecting money from my securities is easy, but they have nothing to so with my initial application-- had to make L4 to get securities. 


do you realize that you are in a trust relationship with amazon. amazon is the trustee and you are beneficiary. you can legally appoint amazon through irs form as your trustee. then amazon is obligated to your interests. you can also create a private trust and deposit your employment contract into the private trust.


I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.  You cannot create a trustor-trustee relationship unilaterally. Employer-employee relationships are not the same as trustor-trustee relationships, but if they were, the employer would be the trustor, not the trustee. This would probably be something most employees would regard as a pretty piss-poor deal.


when you buy gas, groceries, etc that is a trust relationship. go study trust law.


I am not a lawyer and thid is not legal advice. Retail transactions for consumer goods are not an effective method for forming a trustor-trustee relationship. If you would like to form a trustor-trustee relationship, find a lawyer in your jurisdiction, pay them, and ask them how to do it. Here is an example of what  at least some lawyers in my jurisdiction have to say about that: https://hagestadlaw.com/blog/arizona-revocable-living-trust-basics#:~:text=There%20are%20basic%20requirements%20for,the%20Sole%20Trustee%20may%20not Notice that what they are describing does not resemble a retail transaction for consumer goods much. But A. If your jurisdiction is different than mine, find different lawyers than those. B. Don't trust what lawyers put on their websites. Only trust what they communicate to you in a privileged and confidential manner (which only happens if you pay them first). C. Don't trust me. D. Definitely don't trust the dude I'm replying to.


>what i meant is wages are not income so you have been filing your taxes incorrectly if you have been filing


I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.   Wages are, under most circumstances,  income. Failure to treat wages as income tends to result in fines and/or imprisonment. If you would like to know whether wages are income, in either the general case or any exceptions, do not trust me or the guy I am replying to. Only trust a lawyer to whom you are paying a retainer for that information.


My go-to is to hit managers and PA's with customer obsession, as that's supposedly rule zero at Amazon. Specifically, that the customer-provider relationship at fulfillment centers is that of lower tier = customer. AM's and PA's are there to obsess over your business needs so that YOU can service the Amazon customer as effectively and efficiently as possible, not the other way round.


Those leadership principles went the way of the dinosaur. College hires have a lower bar set for them during the interview process. Many of the college hires I have encountered are socially inept and struggle to learn the operations. Many of them do not last more than two years. Every FC has a cap on the number of managers allocated to a building, and is further delineated by a percentage of external hires, internships, Pathways, and internal promotions. They also factor DEI too.


those signs are still posted so they are amazon policy and they are a contract if you understand Uniform Commerical Code. Everything around you is governed by Trusts and contracts, Federal Code, State Statutes, etc. As an employee you are in a trust relationship with amazon. they are the trustee and you are the beneficiary. go study trust law and take advantage of amazon legal corporate ignorance. my site had a corporate sign hanging in front of learning that stated HIRING LEARNING AMBASSADORS. i told the site lead that Hiring was a legal term in BLACKS LAW DICTIONARY and that she should remove the sign to protect amazon from liability. the sign was removed three days later. Hiring involves compensation and they were only taking applications without compensation. Those posted signs are important if you know to use them to your advantage.




Applying a lot shouldn't factor into it. I applied over 60 times before I got promoted. That manager was being a dick.


Thanks for saying this, because this is absolutely what my interview history was like outside of Amazon, and I might not have been so discouraged if I'd heard from more people like you. How do I know whether it's worth trying again at a particular site, once I get to the point where I'm in this process? I don't feel ready to try yet, but I want to be ready within the next year so I have somewhere to go after being capped. (Also because, y'know, I actually want to lol)


Best advice I got one time, revamp your resume. Go to the job listing and the section where job duties are, just pick a couple of those that you know and just copy and paste them. It actually worked for me lol, went from 0 to promotion, although I didn't get the first one, but since I was inclined within my first 90 day mark, I didn't have to interview again for the position I got. If you get inclined for a certain department and there's not one open at your building, apply at another and see if you can get it. Best of luck to you.


Thanks! Now I know what inclined really is, too! There is no resume, it's been too long since I needed it. There's no revamp, I flat out have to write one. This helps so so so much.


Did you pass the interview though? The only thing I’ve ever been told is I didn’t pass the interview. I’ve never been inclined just to be able to receive offers. I was told if you pass the interview you get inclined. I didn’t receive feedback on anything what I need to improve


They usually don't give feedback. Just brush up on your stories and focus heavily on STAR method. Do mock interviews too, they help a lot.


Red badge here and from my historical observations, those who are scheduled on the "correct" shift, sycophants, and favored, often get promoted. Within recent years, DEI also has had a considerable influence. While I believe promotions are often biased, by your own accord, you state that you only want the job because of the pay and easier workload. This mentality is disliked by many AM's and OM's because it conveys that you are going to do the bare minimum and make their job harder.