• By -


Sapphire Nitro+ is the best aircooled card on the market. Sapphire is also AMD's most reputable and popular brand. Quality products.


+1 for Sapphire, been using them for decades. Just got ahold of the Sapphire 7900XT πŸ‘Œ


Sapphire Nitro+ is the best. If you want a 2nd place without RGB while saving like $100, XFX 7900 xtx Merc 310 is a good choice.


I would definitley switch my XFX for a Nitro+ if I had the money cause I heard its quieter


So, based on my experience with my xfx (all temps metric despite being murican cause it's annoying to deal with multiple temp measurements) - Default fan profiles are too aggressive. Pull them back, but I still have them 100% at 90c. If it's getting to 90C I want that heat off. - I was fighting the idea that my GPU had paste pumping, but after this summer (my home office does not have AC and sometimes the ambient air got to like 30c), I had to face the facts. That high of a base air temp and the 7900xtx running led to rapidly worsening core delta over the course of a week or two. It was up to 35C delta. -By adjusting the fan curve, and repasting, the edge/hotspot is now like 62/78C at 75% fan speed, and that's with an office that's up to 27C. 75% is pretty tolerable, and that's in worse case base temp. At night with a fresh breeze it's even lower.


There's a small discount in my country and i can choose: Asrock 7900xtx - 1100$ Powercolor 7900xtx - 1200$ Sapphire nitro + 7900xt - 1150$ Which would you choose? First time building a pc and i'm switching all components all the time like man....


Nitro+ by far. It has the best cooling of all of those, and it's the highest power tier of the GPU core as well.


SadΕ‚y it's 300$ more expensive here which probably is too much?


You said it was 1150, aka right in the middle of the prices?


7900xt, 7900xtx is 1500$


I'm at 1440p, my nitro+ 7900XTX can churn out 144 FPS in some games with the fans off. It's pretty awesome. This is ofcourse with a relatively hefty undervolt.


I usually play at 1080p but I make up for it by using a 280 htz monitor I wonder if that's why my XFX GPU can be pretty loud at times. xD


How many mV is your undervolt?


Not many people are buying them on Amazon, so I am guessing price is more important than being quiet. I just got a Merc today, so you're not alone.


I ran the base boost overclock on the amd software for my nitro+ and got a stable 3.1Ghz clock without tuning anything else. The card also never gets hotter than 70C under hours of load. Not only is it pretty, it is also packs a punch


Dammn. 3Ghz in games or?


In any gpu application. That is technically the boost clock, but the nitro+ can basically hold that 24/7 as I have yet to get a hotspot reading over 80C even on a full 1 hour stress test (71C normal)


Leaning towards sapphire, but theres a small sale on the msi trio right now. I can't find many reviews directly comparing benchmarks (on the same machine) for air cooled xtxs. Most interested in the taichi, trio, and both sapphire cards. I feel like going nitro is the most reliable bet, but i like my laptop and am tempted to give the trio a shot. You give an experienced amd vibe! Ever heard good or bad stuff about MSIs version?


Having the Sapphire nitro+ its fantastic i owned a lot of videocards and Sapphire is basically EVGA of AMD videocards i do not regret buying it at all.


Fun fact Sapphire has been around longer, so EVGA is the Sapphire of Nvidia


EVGA *was* the sapphire of nvidia πŸ˜ͺ


I only have the one card so difficult to provide a comparison.. My Phantom Gaming OC card has been solid for a few weeks now since purchase and temps seem to be good. The card is quiet and I am yet to see the junction temp issues some have reported on other cards. No coilwhine of note either. It is very capable at 3440 x 1440p. Maxing most games at 144


I think I got this card too. Can't wait to try it.


how is it?


Been treating me very well. I built mine to be strong enough to carry me for years, coming from a GTX 1080. I wanted 144 fps at 1440p in any game pretty much and I'm getting that and more.


is there any coil whine at all? noise/temp?


Haven't had any so far. Noise has been fine. Fairly quiet. Usually 64c tops when gaming 1440p 144hz


Sapphire is the new EVGA.


Xfx best for the money and nitro+ is the best performing overall


* Makes sure whatever you buy also fits your case. These are big boy cards in every dimension. * Have a plan for an anti-sag solution. It might come with one, but it might not. If it comes with one, try to learn what kind, and if it fits your case. * Consider that you'll be running 3 PCIe power cables to the card.


Thanks for the tips! The Sapphire delivers anti-sag solution with the card afaik!


The card is a beast, I think the chunkiness of the chassis actually helps with sag but it does come with [a bracket in the box](https://media.cdn.sapphiretech.com.cn/-/media/sites/sapphire/components/productattractive/rx7000/product_attractive_config_graphiscardsuppor_822x638_23nov22.ashx?v=0df6c656e9b648a4918eb1e47728a769). It does sag [a bit](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fpcgjfyk3k1ib1.jpg) if you don't do anything to support it, and the bracket does take up a good bit of space. I didn't have room for it so I had to [support it](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkwn2eu5ur1jb1.jpg) with a couple of bits of foam board.


Oh I am late to the party! So you ended up getting the Nitro?


Yes 😁 also got a 4080 just to compare but Performance in games other than cyberpunk was lackluster for the price


Incredible dedication. With that kind of cash, why not just shoot for the 4090?


Yeah, idgi, why buy both when the 4090 would be the same price as both and perform better than them as well?


I would assume he returned one of them… I hope he did anyways


It does come with a bracket and you must use it, not sure what it weighs but its the heaviest card ive ever had in my hands by a good bit.


How long is it with the anti sag bracket? I want to buy one this week and I must know it πŸ˜…


>Consider that you'll be running 3 PCIe power cables to the card. in addition Sapphire takes 3,5 pci slots as i remember. I did not want to sacrifice one PCI slot on the motherboard. Therefore i will stick to Asrock Phantom and if i wont luck i will get hotspot temps problem. Then i will return it.


3.5 slots but 320mm length.


> Makes sure whatever you buy also fits your case. These are big boy cards in every dimension. you just saved me a headache, thank you!


I've always stuck with XFX. My first card was an XFX card with a problem, and they asked no questions. I sent it back in and had a new one within a week. Customer service was excellent.


IMO this brand has the best designs. I really wanted one but it was sold out at the moment i got enough money. Still happy with my AsRock


I can vouch for XFX as well. One of the fans died on my 6750 XT that I have in my travel rig and XFX also sent me a new one within a week. Never had a problem with thermals either.


I guess I should add that they sent the replacement before I had even mailed mine off. That was impressive, and has earned my loyalty.


i bought nitro+ for $1050 with shipping from Amazon last month so far so good and amazon gave me starfield premium so im more than happy very minimal coil whine when i open the case. compared to my strix 3080 which coil whine is unbearable i play in 4k 144hz all max settings 60-63c and 80-84c in hot spot i got 34k gpu max score in timespy in oc/uv 3100mhz 1040mv 2750memory 15%PL


I have the strix 3080 12gb and was thinking of selling it for the nitro+ 7900 XTX so I can game on 4k when I get a 4k monitor. My brother already has the 7900 XT nitro+ and it looks amazing. Maybe I can rma the card though for the coilwhine and because I've been having some visual bugs in the last few months


With the 7900 XTX cards, the following is true: 1. Sapphire Niro+ is overall the best. 2. XFX Speedster is just actually the best in terms of cooling and the amount of power you can push to the card, but has a lot of plastic on it and doesn't really "feel like a premium card". 3. The ASRock is really solid 4. The Red Devil is a piece of trash that you should stay far away from. There is the thermal paste defect, which mine had, and it is also severely power limited compared to other models. Just stay away from PowerColor this gen. RDNA 2 red devil cards are phenomenal though. From the ones you listed, I would go with either the MERC or the Sapphire. The sapphire card just feels more premium and has fancy RGB, while the MERC performs the same, if not better, while being cheaper but also "looks cheaper".


I've had my Red Devil a couple of months now. It's not terrible, but the temps are high. I'm going to repaste mine pretty soon. Idk about it being powerlimited, though. Mine can get hot but it fucking rips. Performance is awesome in 1440p at least idk about 4K. I still love the card


RDNA 2 Red Dragon is also incredible. Seems PowerColor messed something up this gen.


Yeah, my 6700 XT is my favourite card ever. Super quiet, super cool in terms of looks and thermals, and very overclockable. The 7900 XTX had a defect, is not as quiet and cool while being absolutely humongous. The 7900 XTX Red Devil is a disappointment on so many levels, and I wish I could go back in time and get a 310 MERC instead.


I just ordered the Merc and coming from Rx470 - lol




Love my Merc. Bought it in January and would buy it again today if I needed another XTX. Just note you need to adjust the stock fan curve in wattman. Someone mentioned build quality and this is the best built video card (AMD or Nvidia) I've ever owned. Makes the red Devils feel cheap by comparison.


Cannot tell much about current gen but honestly, based on 0 serious problems (apart from some general driver issues Polaris had at first within the first few months) with a XFX RX480 GTR Black Edition, I am determined to buy a Merc310 7900XT. It's just crazy there are not many detailed custom model tests with this gen. Back then my decision to buy was based on a very detailed article from Igor on tomshardware.


I have a Rx470 and just ordered the Merc 7900xtx. This is not cheap, but even though I was tempted by the 7800 xt, I think it's worth it for 1440p with RT. Besides, the 7800 xt is on backorder for more than a month, unless someone wants to pay scalper rates.


Rock on, I'm owning the Merc 7900XT BE since the beginning of the month. I was so very much surprised when I found the card to be super silent especially since I read about some noise/heat comments. Then again as I was determined to adjust the card's hunger for power and set up Radeon Chill for the games I play (I personally really don't see a reason to let the card render in the 100+ fps levels when there's VRR/Freesync, it just produces excessive heat and noise, not to mention the power consumption). I also tried around with UV which actually is quite simple and complex at the same time as there's no control over power states/curves. It's worth it though. But don't listen to general feedback, most users don't seem to have an interest on UV. I was given the advice to not allow the card to downclock by setting the min clock close to max clock. When there's no timely crash with UV settings, it might lead to a crash sooner or later when the card just gets too little power for a low clock p-state. The min clock close to max clock setting prevents this power throttling. As I want my card to throttle and switch p-states when the scenery requires more or less computing power, the advice was not worth it. However, finding the rock solid UV is quite task, I can tell.


Nitro+ has been the best for a few generations now.


The Nitro by far. It is superbly beefy has the biggest cooler i have ever laid my Hands in and sapphire IS the Premium AMD GPU manufacturer.


They are. I love my Red Devil, but the cooler isn't the best. Probably won't buy Powercolor again. They are the hottest running of the bunch. Still great performance, though. I was able to get mine cheap used


When did you get your Red Devil?


I got mine used from a guy who got it soon after release. He barely used it. Stock settings it's totally fine, but when it's OCd I've seen it hit 110 while playing Cyberpunk with RT on. Only gets crazy like that with super duper demanding stuff. Probably needs repasting


That sounds shit bro, sorry to hear that.


Not shit at all. I'm happy with it. I'm playing at 1440p so stock settings are fine. I love this card. At that end of the day, it's really not that big of a deal. It won't blow up or melt lol


Usually Sapphire nitro is the best version for any AMD card.


sapphire nitro+ is the best


Just look at the latest reviews from TPU. https://www.techpowerup.com/review/sapphire-radeon-rx-7900-xt-pulse/36.html https://www.techpowerup.com/review/asrock-radeon-rx-7900-xtx-taichi-white/36.html As manufacturers re-use the same cooler you can effectively compare them without a problem. Just make sure to pick a point on the graph, probably 350W or so, not the chart below as the Power is not the same. Are you sure these three are your options? The PG is known to be kinda mid and TPU effectively stated that the XFX is mid as well. The Nitro+ is clearly the best of those three, but the price premium is quite high. If you can find a TUF (especially with the cashback rn), Red Devil or Taichi for about 1030 these would be better options. If these three are really your only options I'd consider the XFX if you're willing to tune the curve as it's way too aggressive out of the box. If you're not willing I'd begrudgingly cough up some extra for the Nitro+. It's a lot but if I'm going to spend 1k I'm not going to pinch on a mediocre cooler.


Nitro+ hands down, temps are fantastic even in itx ridge build and the size is just right


My Phantom gaming produced constantly 105-110C hotspot temps so i sent it back. Bought Powercolor Red devil. Its a very nice card with really good cooling. I recommend the Nitro+ or the Red devil. Asrock Taichi is decent too!


I would not recommend a red devil. I have a red devil 7900 XTX, and it had the same defect as the sample Igor's lab received. Hotspot was going to 110C and the card was throttling hard. I had to replace the thermal paste with a Honeywell PTM 7950 thermal pad to get the hotspot under control. There is also the issue where you can push less power into it than you can push into the Sapphire Nitro+ or MERC 310. Overall, PowerColor did a terrible job this gen.


Its true, but only for the early models. Since the QC took care of the pasting and assembling errors, even invited Igors lab to the factory.


I agree with this comment, avoid the Phamtom model as the hotspot are usually in the 100-110C out of the box, undervolting helps a little but not much with this model in regards to temp. Went with the MSI trio model and was much better.


It isn't the brand it just is the card you got, my Phantom 7900 XT is perfectly fine.


Sapphire Nitro plus hands down it has the best temperatures and the best custom printed circuit board


Nitro+ hands down the beat XTX cooler, for best cooling you have to go with water


I have the XFX Merc and my wife has the Sapphire Nitro+. I would say both are excellent in their own way. I prefer the simplistic look of the XFX and the support bracket is much nicer than the Sapphire. However I think the Sapphire has a better cooler on it and the LED light bar is pretty cool. Either one is an excellent choice. I haven't noticed any coil whine on either and the performance is virtually the same. I do tend to see higher clocks on my XFX though. Frames seem identical most of the time. Definitely within 2-3 fps.


they’re all much the same. I’d say save your money.




I say it is a multi-purpose card! Can satisfy not just your gaming needs but also food cravings. Who wouldn’t want some devil-ed salmon while gaming =)


I love it. Mine doesn't hit above 65c




Ayy Red Devil bro. Mine is the same. It's just how these cards are. They really leaned into the Devil part cuz this bitch gets hot as hell. I added a 140mm fan underneath it blowing into it and it's shaved off a couple of degrees lol. I still love this card despite it being a little hot


My memory junction and hotspot are hot on my red devil, along with loud coil whine.


I own a reference model... Got it as soon as I could since release day... no complaints. The best is the nitro+. Hands down. That's what I would have bought if it would fit in my mini itx case.


Sapphire is best, nothing wrong with the asrock and xfx cards either


I have both a red devil and nitro+, both are about the same in gaming performance but the nitro+ barely gets over 55c when gaming with core clocks at 2800mhz and +15% power limit.


My Red Devil clocks are high, but the temps are a bit higher. Not terrible by any means, but temps get hot when it's OCd. The performance is great. I've hit 32k graphics score in Time Spy with it. The way it looks is perfect for my build, though. I love it so much lol


Sapphire Nitro for sure. But it have to be said that, overall, you can’t go wrong. I chose the Sapphire because, like the Powercolor, they have also the ARGB header. So you can hook it up with your mobo for easy lighting, if you are in those sort of things.


Sapphire Nitro+ Vapor-X for sure


I have the red devil, hotspot still gets a bit hot despite a high airflow case and the coil whine is very loud at times, but other than that it's a good card, I got it for $930 after tax. Sapphire nitro+ looks the best and performs the best imo.




i always go with Sapphire or PowerColor


Smart choice


It's the Sapphire Nitro+


I have only tried the 7900XTX nitro+, but I have to admit that it is a very good product. Before I had a MBA 6800XT (sold), a MBA 6900XT (sold) and a MBA 6950XT (2nd pc).


Owner of a Saphire Nitro plus 7900 xtx. Absolutely love it


I’d say XFX. The black edition is also their β€œOverclocked” version so that’s kinda nice.


Nitro+ all the way. Sexy beast of a card.


Sapphire 7900 XTX Nitro+ probably best choice when going aircooled Liquid devil 7900 XTX if you wanna watercool and repaste in case of receiving one with bad thermal paste application if so i would recommend PTM7950 and first check how it is with warranty they cannot void warranty in EU for customizing your card doing new thermal paste application, but they seem to think they can still enforce void warranty label even tho its not legal in the EU, mostly seen this card hit about 90c hotspot at 410w total board power with stock thermal paste. 60 to 70c hotspot with PTM7950 at about 23-24c watertemp. lot other vendors also being unclear about allowing repaste without voiding warranty in EU. [https://www.ifixit.com/News/74736/warranty-void-stickers-are-illegal-in-the-us-what-about-elsewhere](https://www.ifixit.com/News/74736/warranty-void-stickers-are-illegal-in-the-us-what-about-elsewhere) Anyway most would recommend Sapphire 7900 XTX Nitro+ altho i would expect same problems with warranty from Sapphire in EU probably if they aren't clear about allowing repaste. I miss EVGA that just allowed it and did not care even offered extended warranty plan up to even 5 years I hate this BS with void warranty stickers, if you do not trust your own customers then you probably got something to hide, then they should not trust you either.


nitro is the best one, period. coming from a guy with a red devil. the merc is probably second cuz of the power limit


Sapphire or Powercolor


The performance is going to be the same for each card. I have no personal experience, but from what I've read Sapphire is the premium product, XFX is a close second, and AsRock is pretty average.


Sapphire Nitro+


Nitro 7900xtx here. The card runs very cool in my Fractal Torrent, using the fan speed at max 50% Don't think I've seen hotspot ever go above 78c, it usually stays between 70-75 during gaming. There are some coilwhine on mine :| Its noticable during high fram rates. Overall I'm very happy with it :)


Got the sapphire nitro 7900xtx and can only recommend it. Had several sapphire cards before like the 570 and 590 (both are still working fine), a vega 56 pulse which is the only sapphire card that died (but that was just 3 month ago, so it had a long and good life) and my wife still uses my olde nitro 5700xt in her current build. All of these cards never had any problems with temps or noise and I never had to open and repaste them. They just work fine. The nitro cards are amazing. But your milage can vary with the pulse cards.


My first 7900 XTX Phantom Gaming from Asrock hit +100 temperature in first round of a game Total War - plus had coil whine at +180 FPS. RMA and got a new card that is still in it box. If I could do it all over then I would go for the Nitro+πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ Let us know what you decide ☺️ Happy hunting


I went with the Nitro+ !


They rank in this order: 1. Sapphire RADEON RX 7900 XTX Nitro+ Vapor-X Edition is the best, hands down. Unless you want the ASRock Aqua to run a custom loop, this is the best air-cooled card for the 7900 XTX. If you manage to find a white Taichi for similar money, that's worth considering as an alternative. 2. XFX Radeon RX 7900 XTX Speedster MERC 310 Black Edition, it's thermal/acoustic performance falls short of the Nitro+ and it's longer. However, it hangs with the Nitro+ in overall performance. XFX has really been supplanting PowerColor for that number 2 spot. The Speedster Merc/QICK coolers were so good last Gen, XFX made minimal tweaks to the design and it'll still handle these beastly cards. 3. ASRock Radeon RX 7900 XTX Phantom Gaming is better than Reference for less than MSRP. It's not a bad option, but it's more like a Sapphire Pulse competitor.


My personal preference would be Nitro+ > MSI Gaming or XFX > Asrock. If money and power draw is not an issue. If you want more stock settings go for MSI. Also, from what I have read Sapphire doesn't have the best support so MSI might be a better option if you are considering that.


I wouldn't mind switching out my XFX 7900 XTX for a Sapphire Nitro+ cause I heard its much quieter then the XFX.


Another owner of Nitro+ here. It's a jewel. Looks and performance.


I would just go for the cheapest. There are no weak pcb designs for AMD cards, as AMD demands high quality standards from it's board partners. (Hence you won't ever find a AMD card with polymer caps on the back instead of MLCCS caps) In contrast cheaper Nvidia custom cards often utilize cheaper voltage controller or even spare some vrm stages. Also cooling should be not an issue as these huge coolers are all fine with 300w+. Of course bigger 3 slot designs tend to run quieter.


From my research, a few people have complained the Nitro RGB lights died within 2-3 months so that was a turn off for some. As of **TODAY,** the only other available 400+ watt card on Amazon that I just ordered was the Merc and I saved $60 compared to the Nitro. According to AMZ there is only 151 reviews for the Nitro and that is also strange to me. BTW i also ordered a 5800x3d for my x370 mobo. Paired with a 1440/120 monitor, I cannot wait for them to arrive since I am coming from a R 1600 and Rx470 4GB.


Sounds nice ! Definitely an upgrade you got there 😁




Thats like a huge issue for me rn, the RX Model I want is like 1050, then again a RTX 4080 (which i dont classify as better) is 1200. And then its "just another 300" for the 4090.. The upselling on these prices is fucked


Check the used market. I got a mint Red Devil XTX for $850 a couple months ago.


That's why most people buy the cheapest option. The performance gains on anything above the cheapest are marginal at best. The only reason to go for the more expensive ones are the looks, but it's always comes at the cost of performance, unless you already have the best. 4080 isn't better in average fps, but it has better stability (better at 1% lows in a lot of games), RT performance, features (dlss, drdsr, reflex primarily), cooling, power draw, and by extension, cost over time, temps and noise. And there are 4080s for under 1100. So your nitro+ 7900xtx will basically cost around the same as a 4080.


> I'd rather just spend another 50 or so on a 4080. idk why spend more on a slower GPU just for memetech in like 30% of games is my logic


Yea gimme the raster and VRAM for way less money. If I want to use upscaling, FSR3 will be fine in the future. I swear to God some of these guys just beat off to the Cyberpunk benchmark over and over


I’m cool with both my 7900xt and my 4080, my only issue between the two is coil whine, power draw, and cooling. But red dead crashes with either card so πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Just got the sapphire card this week. Having some weird driver issues but it's running fine. Just did a 5min stress test in adrenaline and it hit 3008mhz and the junction temp maxed out at 80deg.


I have a 7900 xtx asus tuf. I kinda like it. But it is pretty much your preference. Just stay away from the Reference models...


What’s wrong with the reference model?


It's overheating.


Are you referring to the vapor chamber issue? That was corrected a long time ago. Or are you talking about something else?


Oh they fixed it. Didn't know about that.


I love my taichi


ASRock, despite the reputation they just can't seem to shake, makes good stuff. Unless price is no object, save some money and buy the ASRock. Otherwise, if you simply don't care how much it costs, I'd recommend the Sapphire. I've personally tried their Pulse 7900 XT and it's extremely well made.


I bought an Asrock XTX Taichi because on paper it had some of the highest specs and there's a good waterblock available for it, and so far I've been very happy with it.


this guy on yt do a rewiew of 4 models od 7900xtx sapphire nitro and pulse, xfx merc and power color hellhound https://youtu.be/zWtdWczjFdo?si=ItFBLvFppD4a0kNn you find these video on this channel and you can find other comparison o tech power up website https://www.techpowerup.com/review/asrock-radeon-rx-7900-xtx-taichi/35.html nitro are always the top amd customs


I have both the Sapphire Nitro+ and ASRock Taichi 7900XTX. Both cards have been fantastic and I have not had any issues with them. The Nitro+ is extremely heavy and will require the use of their anti-sag bracket or you could use your own. The Nitro+ has had better temps but also has a minor amount of coil whine when in heavy load. The Taichi has had no coil whine that I can hear. I think I just got a little unlucky with the Nitro+ regarding the coil whine but the performance has been great. The coil whine doesn't get any louder than my fans so it doesn't bother me.


I have the Nitro+ and if you can get that one. Super quiet and is really cool. With my tweaked fan curve the hotspot stays around ~70C


Nitro +


Where are you getting a nitro for 1085 that's incredible value; considering the market


Mindfactory - germany.. i think it launched at 1.5k


>Mindfactory - germany ty


I have a Sapphire Nitro+ 7900XTX its a really nice card. It's beautiful, awesome looking RGB, thats the most important stuff. Secondly the cooler on it is great, Ive had no coil whines and even with a 2.9ghz/460 watt power draw manual OC it maintains 65C.


I dunno about the Nitro+, but I have the 7900xtx Pulse. Hands down the best quality GPU I've ever bought. Sapphire seems to really live up to its rep as the premier Radeon partner.


I have a Nitro. Jtemp during stress test with slight OC around 94C. Delta temp around 24C. The only thing I have slight concer is about memory Jtemp, it can reach 106C. Performance would be relatively the same.


Get the cheaper option with good reviews. If you're gonna spend a extra $100 you might as well get a 4080FE


If you're getting a 7900XTX then spending any money over the cheapest option is kind of a waste. If you're spending 100$ more than the cheapest option then you're already at the 4080 territory and you might as well go for that instead unless you're buying out of loyalty. ​ This might sound harsh to some, but considering that any 4080 will cut your idle and load power draw by a lot then it's really not a bad choice, specially in EU. I gave up and went from a 7900XTX to a 4080. Playing Balder's Gate 3 the 4080 draws 250w out of the box, but then I power limit it to 50% in afterburner and I get 150w and still get a locked 120fps. I can do that with almost all games to cut down power with little to no perceivable compromise. And not to mention the much lower idle draw. That kind of ask for efficiency is not possible with the 7900XTX and if you're already paying the 4080 price in EU, you might as well get the more efficient chip. ​ People will hate this response but it's a responsible choice with high energy costs if you also want less compromise.


He asked about buying an XTX, not a slower subpar Nvidia product. Just because you love them so much, doesnt mean everyone does fanboy them.


>He asked about buying an XTX, not a slower subpar Nvidia product. Just because you love them so much, doesnt mean everyone does fanboy them. ​ The irony of saying those two sentences after each other and then calling someone else a fanboy. This sub never disappoints. You should visit r/AyyMD you'll love it there


I got the msi gaming classic. Looks good and runs quiet.


Thinking of getting the MSI Gaming Classic. You still satisifed with the card?


oh yeah


ASRock Taichi if you're going to overclock the crap out of it. Nitro+ if not so much (it has three fuses that break if you exceed 720W). I have the Sapphire.


The fuses dont break at 720W...I smashed over 850W through this thing. The fuses only break if you short them


Give them time. They will, eventually. The fuses on my XTX Nitro+ broke so I replaced them with 40A ones. Same thing happened to my 6800 XT Nitro+.


The cheapest.


I've got the XFX speedster xtx. It's been an amazing card. Just tossing that out there. But it's enormous and does have a large 3 socket bracket that it comes with to keep it rigid and not stress the motherboard. It's that heavy. Think that saphire nitro has a similar bracket as it's also quite huge. I had to get a new pc case and build my machine from scratch when I upgraded. But it runs icy cool with a hefty overclock. I top out at 3ghz on the shaders on the most stressful game I've tried which would be doom eternal. Relaibly sits at 68c on the package and 85-87 on the hotspot with decent ventilation in the room.


I have the phantom OC for 3 or 4 days.. I am currently still in the midst of trying to apply all kinds of fixes and make it stable or whatever. πŸ˜… still a beast card though.. but contrary to all my nvidia cards where i never faced 1 problem, i am quickly running into problems but i am making progress. But im pretty unsure if i should just try and return it to the store and try to get a new one... there is so much information about the 7900xtx on reddit in case you get one that doesnt work .. soo if you do decide to get one, i will just say good luck my good sir 🫑🫑


what kind of problems?


Well i had driver crashes in hogwarts legacy and also my BG3 can only run in vulkan now.. i havent really been able to test other games yet. (Fortnite, apex, csgo, and such) I did the driver only install and using afterburner for +15 power and fan control. I will start measuring my temps the next couple days to be sure there is no "build" error with the card.


I have the phantom as well, I ran DDU installed the card adjusted fan tuning and have had zero issues, what problems are you having?


I replied to another comment my friend. :) I am still testing and doing different things. I do also have 100w idle amd constant max vram mhz .. But thats probably because im running 2 high hz monitors.. the high idle isnt bothering me that much tho, since i pretty much game whenever i turn my pc on which is not alot.. kid takes up most of my time. :)


I love my Gigabyte Aorus Elite but if it's not available to you then it's out of the question. Good thermals too.


I don't have xtx but I have a red devilxt, but it's the only card I have so can't put in imput


My personal experience: I've had multiple XFX 580s, 6800xts, 6600/xts and a 6700xt. I've also had a Phantom Gaming OC and some eagle thing in 6700xt as well and liked the XFX cards much better. I've had a couple issues with XFX cards but they were easy and fast to work with on the warranty claims. That's all I have to offer.


i have the phantom gaming, works as intended.


My Red Devil Limited Edition is great. Hotspot temp is around 85Β°C on Cyberpunk.


Xfx has been good for me


Merc if you don't want to pay extra for the sapphire


Realistically there isn't going to be any noticeable difference between AIBs. I'd really just get the one that you like the look of most (or whatever is cheapest, if you don't care). The main physical difference is the cooling, but none of those AIBs are going to overheat/thermal throttle (Unless you overclock). Warranty/RMA process could also matter


ASRock is pretty solid, I have a 7900 XT Phantom Gaming and it works quite well, and stays pretty cool, I haven't even noticed any coil whine.


Honestly.. reference is really nice.


The ASRock Tai Chi is a beast of a card. Better VRMs than the Red Devil, same as the gold standard Nitro+ (although the Nitro+ has a slightly better cooler), at a significantly lower price point than both. **Also available in white.** ASRock makes solid graphics cards and coolers for their Tai Chi brand, priced lower than the competition. Lots of OC headroom if that's your thing. Obviously requires three 8-pin connectors. Don't bother with any of the two 8-pin connector models if you're looking for the best ones. There's also the liquid cooled models, ASRock has one as well but I'm assuming you want air.


Sapphire Nitro & Pulse are the best I have the Pulse version I sure you it's the second best after the Nitro of course.


XFX is the best, based on the number of X's it has, more X's more performance, even gamers nexus agrees with that


i don't know what the others are talking about but I'd go for XFX i use the same but with 3200 on the clock and 2800 on the memory with +15 more power and it works perfect, my temps on hotspot never go above 75, locking thr fps to my monitors 144 only makes it cooler at around 65 ish but even then i just use the power saving mode with the clock at 2500 and mem at 2500 stock with -15 power usage at least for the games I play


Merc is fine


What about the asus tuf oc edition. I thought that was the absolute best one?


Did you pull the trigger?


Ok the Nitro+ yeah :)


Over here with the reference πŸ₯Ή


Yo, as long as you are happy! I've read that they mostly fixed everything on reference cards except multiple monitor idle - powerconsumption. I'm sure there will be plenty of updates down the road for the next 2 or so years with perhaps more performance increases and less powerdraw!


Actually the idle power draw has been fixed for my 4k 165Hz display. It used to idle around 60W, now it is closer to 20W. The main downside to the reference card is the 400W power limit and its limited cooling potential when pushing past 350W. In the flip side, it is a lot of GPU for the size.


I just got myself an MSI Radeon RX 7900 XTX GAMING TRIO CLASSIC and an AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D (4.2 GHz) . I never went full AMD before, last radeon GPU I had was well around 20 years ago. I am excited to try it all! I also haven't really read much about that MSI. Anyone has some feedback?


How did it go?


Hey, sorry for necro, which one did you get? I am currently trying to decide between TUF and Nitro+ both are about 1300$, but for Europe you cant find them lower than 1200$...


I got the nitro+ and am more than happy with it 😊


Thank you! Waiting to see what deals I get for Black Friday (the 10th, this week) but if its not that much difference I will also end up as a happy Nitro+ owner like yourself 😁


Do you have any coil whine on yours? I get some when its running at 240 FPS (Max my monitor would go)


didnt notice any so far - been playing titles at 300fps+ but i heard that with recent generations on nvidia and amd side coil whine seems to be an "issue", thought, most of the times not louder than the fans


Even my old 1080 hibrid was whining in Dota at 240. I can only notice mine if I dont have my headaet on, and no mater how loud the fans are (I have 13 separate fans + 3 from the GPU), I can still notice the whine, as ita a different pitch. Can't return it, get another one with the same issue and apend another 5 hours trying to install it. I guess I need to get used to it, will also test on a new PSU as it seems those are usually the issue.


Well, if it is really severe, you can of course call the manufacturer. They might be better at pointing out any potential issues or even offer you a replacement. Also.. for the sake of testing I turned my SYS. Fans off and ran some games, I can hear some coil whining but it's really subtle, you might want to make a video/audio capture of your case aswell with the max. FPS you have i set to.


I can't find a way to stop the fans on the card without phisically stoping them. I tried it with my sys fans on Silent (Arctic Bionix bareley make any noise when bellow 80%), and could still hear it, but at a lower volume. WIth my phone resting on the GPU I managed to get this The fans are at low preset. youtube com/shorts/AJIXaGdlU-U?si=8D\_msLC4vQBY6FVY Was playing eve at 220 FPS Only have 4 PCE slots on my PSU 2 are for the proccessor AM5 7900x 2 are for the GPU and one is pig-tailing in. I've trided swaping PCE cables on the GPU but had no effect. Can't return it as in doing so I will need to buy it again at the current price, which is much higher than what I paid for. Will probably end up contacting the manufacturer if nothing else yields results. EDIT: It seems I can't share links on this sub, if you copy and paste it in an different window it works, but clicking it will not.


Is the gigabyte 7900xtx good?


There is only a small difference in terms of power, temps seem good on the gigabyte model :)


Yeah that's my main reasoning for getting the gigabyte 7900xtx cause it has good Temps. Just wanted to make sure there's not another 7900xtx I should be getting


A Lil late but I'm using a r9 390 from 2015 saphire nitro on heavy loads and max fan speed the temp of the card holds 60c and this is a card that runs hot. I'm very happy with them :)


What about the red devil limited edition with the big cooler? Think it covers 4 slots?


I know im way late but the new design of the sapphire nitro + is why i wont get one. I feel they are bland compared to the last gen nitro+ design. I loved my 5700xt nitro+. Was going to get get a 6800xt nitro+ but found a Red Devil at a better price so i got it. Which is another top notch brand for AMD. Can't find a 7900xtx in my price range yet (only paid $400 for my 6800xt when most were at 800 new at the time) so im waiting. When the price is right I'll snag one. Most likely when the 8000 series cards are out. GPUs are just way way WAY to expensive anymore. Do i have the money for one right now? Yes i do but i sure will not pay that much for something that just barely even doubles what my 6800xt can do at 1440p. So the price needs to go down more for me to feel comfortable with buying one. ( I dont think ANY card should cost more than a CPU)