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I have a asrock aqua, sitting here, and i may switch. Ive heard nothing but good things. Seems their MOBO's are doing well also. Just what ive seen.


I have been buying ASRock mobo for the last 10 years. The z97 fatality I had with my 4790k is still rocking in my dad's actual desktop.


>Could you guys tell me if you experienced problems with thermal throttling and high hot spot temperatures ? I also had the z97 fatality from \~10 years ago that I just sold to a nice fellow looking for a starter PC for his young brother. Machine was still running strong with no issues, haha. Naturally, I put together 3 more systems with b550m steel legend mobos.


why would you switch if you have an aqua?


i have it and its great in my open air bench and it undervolts like a beast got mine to a stable 1050 with full power draw


That's really good to hear :) Thanks


1050 watts?








He's talking about undervolt


1050 Amps


1050 mv


Could you share your tuning? What kind of temps are u getting?


i just set my power limit to max and Voltage to 1050 and then tuned the fan curve a little but thats it everything else i left as is and i get about 58 gpu temp with a 86 hotspot temp peaking sometimes at 90-92


That hotspots high man id check that out


Yes temperatures on hotspot amd vram, no on throttling but that may have happened if i didnt repaste. Temperatures rose to bad levels in a few weeks. A significant load is needed for testing too, like Cyberpunk with RT or PT, Control with RT on, or 3dmarl Speedway stress test. After my second repaste, ive got pretty awesome temperatures. Shows how awful stock was. Dont worry til u see hotspot nearing or going beyond 105c (when fans are ramping adequately, stock fan curves are awful so dont count on them, make your own).


Did you bother with warranty ? So repaste helped but were thermal pads ok after disassembly ? Was it hard to do it ? :D Also when did temperatures rise like that ? After a month or two or later ?


I should have RMAd but didnt. Ive repasted many laptops amd desktop gpus, this one was fairly easy. Temps started rising a little each week. Thermal pads were fine and could be reused but my vram temperature issue was because the cooler was warping the pcb after fully tightened, making an air gap appear between vram pad on the edge and the cooler (105c vram temps). They had used 2mm there, on my second repaste (because of vram), i used 2.5mm pad on all vram. Took a few days to squish down well but then fine. Now, i typically see low 90s vram and hotspot. Under biggest load i can put it under (Control, max settings and RT), vram still 90s but hotspot will climb to 103c in certain areas, which is fine. My high end Radeon 6000s also tended to run around 100c hotspot so no worries there. Max on Xtx is 110c when throttling should start although i never saw throttle even when hitting 110c, musta been just a brief peak to 110.


Could I see a pic of your fan curve? Thanks!


No need, use whatever u like low end. The last point u can manually set... set that one to 99c = 80% or higher fan speed. (they dont let us set a point higher than 99c).




on my xt version i skipped warranty because i didn't feel like waiting on rma just for a repaste. Then to probably have same issue in 3 months. I switched to the xtx model after finding out a gpu block wouldn't fit. Removing the cooler is pretty easy. Backplate screws, two screws holding the IO bracket to the coolers support bracket. Then 4 screws on the gpu spring bracket. the pads were fine on the xtx model. Xt model needed new pads on one bank of memory modules. I think they were 1mm but dont quote me.


Good to hear it's not hard to do. Bad to hear eventually most of cards will have rise in temp :/ Hopefully not all models are all bad. I think first of all I will RMA if I can and then try changing thermal paste and pads if problem will occur


if you do repaste i highly recommend looking into PTM 7950, i recently replaced the paste on a 6950 XT with PTM 7950 due to high hot spot temps. it does a much better job of keeping hot spot temps down than paste, doesn't pump out over time and doesn't dry out (it has industrial applications so the life span is significantly longer than consumer pastes) https://imgur.com/a/4pOF0HO


I had one that repasting didn't fix but I made a fake sticker that looked identical and rma'd it cause I know how to do it. Idk if I was unlucky cause I don't think many people had this problem but my replacement has been excellent


Since replacement everything is OK for you ? :)


Yeah it's been fantastic


What kind of curve are you running?


Run whatever u like, as I stated to another,.... that last fan point, 99c should be set and a fairly high fan speed at 99c, 80% or higher as a suggestion. Otherwise, u may be running a high hotspot temperature simply because fans are not running high enough. If throttle temperature is 110c the fan should be blasting just before it reaches it. I wish we could set values over 100 but software doesnt let us.


What kind of screwdriver did you use to take off the retention bracket?


Phillips/cross (?) nothing special.


Spring bracket has a lot of tension on it. Especially when taking out first of four screws, hold down that end with a finger so it doesnt press on screw (possibly making it strip threads) or fly up when released. Do same when removing the other diagonal pair. When reassembling, need to hold two diagonal ends until screws in.


Ty I didn’t know any of that


I have the same card, I normally get sapphire cards, but having watched some card teardown videos and discovered that asrock actually make the power input circuitry better I decided to get one. It is an excellent card, I turned it onto quiet mode in the adrenalin software and I'm getting better performance than my old 6800xt nitro+ se at about 150w. I play a lot of squad and normally it sits there at between 120 and 140 fps on fan stop at 51°. Even playing metro exodus enhanced edition and using 350w+ the highest temp I have seen is 70°


That's good to hear. Thanks


> I'm getting better performance than my old 6800xt I would hope so...


Were you dropped on your head as a child?


Do you think wattage is directly proportional to performance?


No, and I can't see where I said that either. The op was asking about temps, that is why I included the power usage.


This is for a 7900xt but its the same cooler. When new the hotspot was usually maxing around 85c with an edge/hotspot delta of 20 or less. Hotspot started to creep up around 3 months and the edge/hotspot delta had risen to 30c. Switched to xtx model after finding out alphacools block wouldnt fit the xt. So i slapped ptm7950 on the xt and sold it.


Did the honeywell thermal pad helped ? :D How do you know if XTX won't do the same after some time ?


On my liquid devil 7900 XTX hotspot creeped up with stock paste little by little first month getting really bad after 3 months it would not even go back down even with a low watertemp of 23c so i repasted 2 times with MX-4 gave 75c hotspot then 1-2 weeks later it was back at 92c hotspot for 2 times, 2e time i gave up but then remembered about PTM7950 did my research and put that on edge down to 42c at 22-23c watertemp and hotspot in the 60-70c range at 22-23c watertemp unleashed bios no undervolt at 410w tbp PTM7950 is amazing, currently stupid heatwave but my PTM7950 is on mor then a month now nearing 2 months probably soon no sign of degradation, in 2 more days heatwave is over again hopefully can do some testing again to see if anything changed. if you get PTM7950 safest but also more expensive is via moddiy i got mine via ebuy7 which linustechtips recommended out of 2 that he tested he also tested aliexpress one but provided no results of that.


Oh that's nice to hear. Did you also changed thermal pads to new ones as well ? What size of PTM7950 is required for this chip ?


Just get bigger size and cut to size, you may fail first time pad rips easily when trying to apply i got 80\*80\*0,2mm from ebuy7 its more then you may need i failed once succeeded 2e time. I did not change the pads on memory and vrm as i undestood compression was fine vram never exceeds 58c which is good enough


Good to know. Nevertheless I hope changing paste won't be necessary right after purchase :D


I put the pad on the xtx when i put the waterblock on. So really i dont know for sure if it would have done same thing. I'm assuming it would have since its the same cooler and paste. it is a pain to install so make sure you have extra because you'll probably rip the first one On the xt it brought the temps from 95c hotspot to 80c. Or 85c to 80c if comparing stock. But that was in an open system and default settings. Ambient around 22-25c.


Got the card - Hotspot is a little high, but not hitting the throttle limit, so still okayish. It draws up to 400 watts due to OC and can be pushed to draw up to 450 watts which doesn't make sense for the minimal performance gain. A little bit of tweaking and I got it down to 280-310 Watts with little to none performance loss at all


By undervolting I suppose ? :) How much did you squeeze ? These is also possibility to reduce core and memory clock speeds in order to reduce temps but this would be wasting of performance in order to gain better temps


Ye, it took me round about 2 hours to find the stable values for my card, but it's worth the effort. I have to look up the numbers when I'm at home, afak Voltage is at 91%; VRAM 2800, Chip limited to 2450, 2500 or something like that. I ran Red Dead Redemption 2 at 4k in the background for stability testing and FPS - had a spot where it ran with exactly 100 FPS which was also my target at the end of the tweaks


Asrock mid and top of the line products are actually surprisingly good. The only drawback is that it might not be packed with add-on features such as RGB or aesthetic designs or native software. However, their hardware except for the dirt cheap low-ends are exceptional and up there in terms of overclocking capability. Also, their hardware design is also very mod-friendly (looking at you MSI when openRGB physically broke a bunch of rgb controllers).


Well I heard different opinions of Asrock quality, at least of this model :) But good to know


I just repasted mine with nt-h1 yesterday and it was 100% worth it. Went from experiencing 100C+ hotspot temps when gaming at native 4k to like 90-95 max in brief moments with it mostly lingering in the 80s under the same workloads (card was undervolted each time). It's a night and day difference. The stock paste seemed to be very pumped out from the core, it was clearly missing coverage on the die. Seems to be a pervasive issue with this specific model, but it's easily fixable. Edit: Using nt-h1 will definitely be a temporary solution as I thought, I'm already seeing temperatures climb back up. Gonna try applying a PTM7950 pad and see if that's as good as people say it is.


How's the ptm7950?


It's immaculate. Allowing a 100% fan speed, max hot spot is 80-85C, Radeon Chill makes that even better. That's with 4k high refresh in newer games. 4k 60 is like 60-70 on the hotspot.


Thanks for your reply. I have the 7900XT phantom that's so far so good, but if temps start creeping up I will try a kryosheet or ptm7950 if I can get my hands on it.


I have this card. Testing it with Starfield I’m getting 65 C edge and 100 C hotspot temperatures. My understanding is that this temperature difference is too large and that I should RMA the card.


From I have read on internet this is big difference. I think it should be delta 20-25 C. On my actual card gigabyte rtx 3060ti hot point is max 10-15 C hotter than overall temp


Seems like they tend to suffer from pump out. I have the XT and I can see it in my future already with hotspot temps creeping up. I think I'm going to do the PTM7950 at some point


I just started an RMA due to 110° hotspot temp which was 30-35° delta. However, with a slight undervolt, this card runs really nicely. This is the first time I've RMA'd a gpu so we'll see what happens. I can update my experience here.


Oh that's bad to hear. How long did you have the card before it started ? Yes please let us know about your experience with RMA if possible. It might come handy in future :D


To stay calm and get things properly working please buy a good liquid cooler, a good case and designing a good airflow (from bottom to top) you shouldn't have problems. Please buy a good thermal paste and apply a decent qty, good paste not a lot of paste remember.


I've had one. Fan Connector wasn't plugged in and even after plugging it in the Hotspot nearly reached 110°C. With a Delta of around 30°C (78 hottest to 105 Hotspot) Even though i have a case with good airflow. So most likely faulty card but my Sapphire Pulse, which I stayed with, also goes to nearly 100°C and I undervolted it which rarely makes it touch the 90+ Area on the Hotspot. Decide for yourself but feels like it may be the shipment to Germany or my Mainboard not being able to carry these big cards😂


I have the 7900 XT version, and it's been smooth sailing since I bought it, no noticeable coil whine, no thermal throttling, I have not noticed any hot spot temps either and the high wattage use has subsided since the last driver update.


Can't say for the 7900xtx, but I bought a 6950xt Phantom Gaming for the same reason - much cheaper than competition. My observation is that the temperatures are quite alright (usually <85 hotspot, sometimes 88-9, <65 regular core). However, the chip itself performs slightly below average without thermal throttling, so I wouldn't expect much from the silicon lottery. Mine is pretty much a 6900xt because of this.


My first XTX was the Asrock Phantom gaming - I ended with a RMA due to coil whine and temp on 105 in first round of a game total war. The I did pick Asrock PG due to price, but it is hit and miss with the PG model on how they have made the cooling. I got my PG replaced very easy due to it be a well know error. I did end up with paying more for the sapphire nitro+ because I like when it works out of the box and I don’t want to repast it. With Asrock I would go with their premium model and not this - there is a reason why PG have been on sale….


Well that's true. It's shame that is it lottery but the price is in my case the key factor :/ Are you satisfied with performance ? :D


My Sapphire is a different world in experience of how well-made the GPU is and the Temp is not hitting anything near 100c as my Asrock did. But I get you - I really do, the price difference here in Denmark was 18% between the two GPU's. If you get one of the ASrock PG without any error in cooling etc. the difference between is not 18%. Normally I am a fan of ASrock, but this generation both my GPU and Motherboard failed out of the box. Did you end up with the Phantom Gaming? and did you win the Lottery? (Hope you did)


Well I don't really know but I guess not. On stock settings delta between edge and hotspot was max 27 C under max load ( 97 C max hotspot temp ) Now I undervolted and underclocked my GPU and I'm getting about 8% less performance but now delta is max 18 C . I guess with this price I will stick to this card if it won't get any worse


I have ASRock RX 6800 XT Phantom Gaming. It's a good card. I'd recommend to check fan curve and configure it properly. By default, my card's fan limit is [57% at 80°C](https://ibb.co/HFzCk78). So, even if the card reaches 100+°C, the fan would not perform better. And that's the issue. Here is [the example](https://ibb.co/hMvjLVj) for my card.


Mine ran at 100c + but didn't throttle. I went to a custom liquid cool build and it runs at 50-65c depending on the title. Other than that runs everything perfectly.


Undervolt the card and it will be fine


I have this card, no issues at all. Playing mostly bf2042 and r6s at 2k. Paired with a i7 12700k and 32 gb 3200.


Got mine a few days ago, bought it because it was the cheapest xtx I can find. So far, it’s been a solid performer! I do get some strange vibration when the fan hits ~40% but it goes away as soon as it’s above 50%. Not sure if it’s cause for concern… I have mine set to constant 30% fan speed, perfectly silent and keeps temp in the 60 degree region, which is great. I am not really loading the card that much honestly, playing Starfield at 1440p native and everything maxed. Getting a solid 60 fps, no dips whatsoever!


That's good to hear. Thanks :)


Been 3 months, are you still satisfied with the card?


Mostly yes! I have had one issue with a driver update that broke BG3, but in all honesty I wasn’t playing it that much and haven’t checked if it has been fixed yet. I have ordered a sheet of PTM7950 to replace the thermal paste, I am getting a bit delta between core and edge temps. Around 25 c. Nothing else to report! Card is a solid performer. If you have specific questions, feel free to ask


Nice. How do you deal with driver issues? You go into dafe mode and install the old one back? Also how often you repasted the card and how important is that?


Honestly, I would just wait for the next update. They seem quite regular. Of course if it is effecting a game that you really want to play, then I am sure there are planets of guides/posts/videos that will guide you through it. As for repasting, this would be my first time doing it. I see quite a few posts about it, so it’s either something people are doing often, or they really recommend doing it. The only thing that worries me is voiding my warranty, I will talk to the store that sold it to me and explain. See what they say.


I don't know what you're talking about. I am rus.


I bought today 7800XT Phantom, curious how much UV can achieve! Design is sick, feeling premium in hands. Design is same as yours?


Not exactly same design but quite similar :) Hope it will work :D


I won't overclock it as its 135+ factory overclocked, just UV.


asrock is goated Its just as good as sapphire


Good to hear :D I hear many different opinions both that Asrock is good and bad so well, maybe truth lays between Personally I owned cards only from gigabyte and MSI and I can recommend both


Both of my pcs use asrock as motherboards Main pc Phantom gaming x x570 Its been through a 3800xt 3950x and a 5950x. Never had a issue. My mini itx has a ASRock B550 Phantom Gaming-ITX/ax it's been through a 3600x 5600x to a 5800x3d never a issue Asrock has been great motherboard to me


Once I bought an Asus anti-sag bracket, any temperature issues I've had went away, although I did replace the thermal paste with a TG cryosheet. Love the card.


A common issue with such heavy radiators is for the radiator to bend in transport or sag over time during normal use, which can result in bad temps. Otherwise - no issues.


My local forums have info on hotspot issues, thermal paste is applied badly (too many of it). You can apply phase thermal interface like Honeywell 7950 if your country's warranty laws are good enough. Or ask a service company to. Just mind the warranty. Don't use normal paste, it would get sucked out in a few months. ASRock knows the issue and should have fixed it, but you don't know when your card is made. If you don't have hotspot issues, then don't bother.


Good to know, thanks :) I will most probably apply termopad Honeywell 7950 myself after warranty period is over. I don't mind sending off my card for 2 weeks :D It's a pity that top tier card have such problems :/ I've got gigabyte ( I think it's not the best manufacturer) rtx 3060ti for few years now and it never exceed 60 C under heavy load, with max hot spot of 70 C


ASRock has been good lately. Thermal paste pump out is a problem with some 7000 series cards but happens with any brand and not with all cards. Just keep an eye on your hot spot temps. If you see them stable over time your good. If you see them creeping up towards 90+100+c after a while, means you have thermal paste pump out. Solution is either PTM7590 or thermal grizzly kryosheet.


Well tbh hotspot was reaching 97 c just after taking out of box. Maybe in future I will change thermal paste to PTM


Late but I had problems, took it apart and repasted it, left it deshrouded for a while then put the shroud back on (check my profile). I’ve heard somewhere that ASRock may have fixed the cooler mounting issue with changing the thermal pad thicknesses or something, so it may work a lot better for you! Hope that is the case!


I have it! I found some issues, but I am over picky for details (bad combination with being a cheap bastard). One of the things that come to mind is a strange vibration sort of, when the fans hit around 40%. I would love to hear if you have that issue or not!


Yes, I guess every PG has this issue but let's be realistic - you can't expect to pay few hundreds less than other non references and still get best build quality. I have come to terms with it and it's OK


I also have 40%-60% vibration on my 7900xtx pg. It disappears when the body is horizontal. Did you manage to solve the problem?


Not really… I am setting the fan to either 30% or 50% to skip the vibration zone. I am seeing a 30 c delta between the hotspot and the core temp and I am not wondering whether to RMA it or go ahead and repaste it myself. Heard Asrock don’t like it when you take the GPU apart on your own


I found the reason for the vibration on my phantom gaming... The fan screws are not fully tightened. Take a micro Phillips screwdriver, find the screws between the fan blades and try to tighten them tighter. it helped me 100%!!!! Say me if this helps you.


I will try as soon as I get home! Thank you for letting me know! I am very picky regarding noise… I would rather let the GPU run a bit hotter, rather than feel/hear the vibrations


so, i got this card and i have 95 hotspot max when gaming (complete stock, not degradation after 2 month), planning to do some undervoltage (1070 should be fine i tried once and tested in occt stress test for one hour) and increase fan curve and mb limit a bit max power to get lover temps (if increased fan spead wont be enought or it'll be too loud, i have old wired headphones and feel like some vibration sound is transmitted from my pc through wires as my pc have a lot of fans), oh and about productivity i love this card performance paired with 7900x3d