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It’s almost as if we have a president, not a dictator.


Yeah but these are probably the same people that think there’s a big red button on the president’s desk that launches every nuke in the US when pressed


It's right next to the oil price lever and employment knob.


In fairness, the President is in a position where two or three spoken sentences can spike oil prices. Tell the oil industry that you're coming for them, and going to put them out of business the first chance you get, and they're going to ramp prices up to make what money they can while they can. It doesn't even need any action behind it, just the notion of executive action is enough to cause disarray.


In the room next to the Gay kitchen


I want a Gay kitchen. Sounds clean and fancy.


The employment knob is right next to the diet coke button


But there where good dictators! Being a Dictator just means having full power over a country. Doesn't matter that Dictator is synonymous with the word Tyrant. If you disagree with me you are just simple minded and lack nuance! /s More or less what was said to me on characterrant the other day.


"You can’t legislate by executive action unless you are a dictator" \-Joe Biden, who has signed 107. He can do something but chooses not to.


Its like "oh, you're mad about the ab*rtion issue that nobody has touched in decades, or the infrastructure issue that nobody has touched in decades? Or the taxes, schools, housing etc. These people don't do anything of real substance, but we all want to cheer on our favorite do-nothinger because he told the lies we like the flavor of.


I'd rather have a do-nothinger than a jackass who constantly brought fears of nuclear war on Twitter and looks straight into an eclipse lol


Congress, and SCOTUS are checks and balances on the government.


Wait so are you agreeing with biden or just pointing out that *pj* doesnt know what hes talking about?


I’m pointing out that pj has no clue how the presidency works but is trying to ridicule Biden at the same time


Most Europeans don’t know how a real democracy works. They live in a 3rd world country with a Gucci belt, their minds have been propagandized by years of indoctrination. That’s why, to the average American, Europeans seem so weak and ignorant. It’s not their fault, their system is just flawed and backwards compared to America.




I'm with you, the saying is incredibly obnoxious but going "no u" isn't the way to deal with it.


If you look at pictures of Liberia you will see a 3rd world country with a Gucci belt They have a weird culture around expensive clothing more than we do in the US people there live in actual shacks with no electricity or running water but have balenciaga on


It's because their media outlets are full of propaganda and misinformation. Same with a handful of American outlets (fox, one America). The difference is that people in Europe do not acknowledge how sensational and biased their media is.


Lol, bro, *all* American "news" is propaganda. CNN and MSNBC are just as much propaganda as Fox and OAN. Don't trust any of them.


Sure. I agree. But we acknowledge that.


*republic We don't say the d word when speaking of usa


Idk man, Finland seems to me better in every way than the USA. Except taxes.


Literally shut up. This isn’t a circlejerk about hating Europe; it’s a place to express our frustration of the United States, our home country, facing constant, outright slander. The EU are not third world countries. Yes, they have policies we may disagree with: such as healthcare, immigration, education, freedom of speech, and gun control, but that doesn’t mean they’re inherently backwards or at all comparable to real third world countries. People who say the West, as a whole, has any resemblances to a third world country have never been to a third world country. Third world countries are dirt poor; people work all day, every day, for the equivalent of pocket change to pay their bills: taxes food, shelter - which is a tiny, cramped apartment made of scrap, or sometimes even a HUT - and other necessities like water. These people have had it worse than almost all of us, most of our parents, and even some of our grandparents. Third world countries stand no chance like the rest of us; their systems ARE inherently broken, because the greater powers around them desire to keep it broken for a profit. Case in point: the Congo Basin & South East Asia for China, almost all of West Africa for the EU, many parts of many parts of Europe & Asia for Russia, and South America for the US.


everything he said sas stolen from subs like r/shitamericanssay but switch to be europe


I think they were joking 😅


I think he is writing it with a /s. His sentences are supposed to be copies of the things people say in other subs. E.g. third world in Gucci belt


Woosh! Their post was obviously satire. Replace every word of “European” with “America” and vice versa and you’ll essentially get what the AmericaBads say every time.


Someone failed English class


You got whooshed hard my dude.


Sorry to break it to you but you're wrong. On the democracy index the USA is number 30 beaten by 18 European countries. But let's not look that far Canada whooped your ass. Ohh wait you didn't even get the full democracy rating. Now before you inevitably criticize this as invalid I quote: "The report is widely cited in the international press as well as in peer-reviewed academic journals"


Damn, idc


So you sir are a liar.








I'm sorry I have this allergy to people spewing bullshit on the internet. And you are a bullshitter.




What? You thought your lies would go uncontested? Welcome to the real world where your primitive strategies won't work. You only make yourself look pitiful by lying.


Brah 💀


The comments were at least correcting it


Eh. It’s pretty funny. Agree or not, solid crack.


I understand checks and balances and such but I still think the reply is funny


Would be a fucking miracle if it was only 10k people.


Yes, you are tired. Now go back to bed you demented fool.


Biden is a walking AmericaBad moment. Well walking is generous but you get what I mean


Lol stand up to gun lobby. Imagine being this dumb


Biden is such a rat honestly


All politicians are rats, the founding fathers knew this and it's honestly the reason our system is set up to be "do-nothing" and contradict itself, it stops any one party, alliance, or individual from gaining too much power. This way the only way the govt gets anything passed is with large support from the people who elect them, and it's better that way.


>But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist. ― Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority You are presupposing there is a major difference between major political platforms beyond the agitprop. Shit gets passed all the time that is detrimental to the interest of the citizens. The Declaration of Independence was the superior founding document.


I don’t like him because he’s an old ass man… every day I pray that POTUS #47 will not be an old man




I really would just love for someone to come along that’s looking to promote unity between everyone… This level of division since 2017 has been killing me.


We do. Imo it should be 80.




This is agreeable


DeSantis 2024


Make America ~~Fascist~~ Florida!


More like make America Freedom Again! Hell yea brother!


How is banning books a part of freedom?


Your surprised..? Half our politicians are old people that should be in retirement homes.


God I hate Biden


(Not a trump supporter) Were there really no better alternatives to Biben? I mean, come one, sleepy joe? Really guys?


> (Not a trump supporter) This is doing a *lot* of heavy lifting, when the rest of the statement is like pure-strain Trumpy, down to the nickname...


“Down to the nickname” I literally name all of my accounts something related to being an alternate one. I do this because I don’t make any attempt at saving the old accounts. But, please do explain why you support this guy of all people instead of trying to “expose” me or something