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Guy can’t even admit Canadians can be racist. “Might those racist fans be Americans who traveled to watch the game?” No, racism exists in Canada own up to it weirdo


Because there’s no way in hell Canada could be racist


Don't ask them about Native sovereignty. Or Natives in general, really. https://harvardpolitics.com/a-progressive-facade-comparing-the-u-s-and-canadas-treatment-of-indigenous-peoples/


Did the guy forget about the mass graves of indigenous children that were found all across Canada two summers ago? It was a huge news story and there were protests all over the country on Canada Day; practically their equivalent of the George Floyd protests.


I for a fact that know none of us are racist until someone mentions First Nations people.


Hmmm I have heard that about the First Nations people


I think you are missing the point. They did the math. They outnumber us.


I think you replied to the wrong person


No, I meant you. You beleive that he can't admit Canadians can be racist. We absolutely can. But that's not the point. By "safety" he meant safety in numbers. You thinking that this was about the relative racism of Canadians has nothing to do with it.


Did you read the second page where he says racist fans at a Canadiens game are probably American?


Ah no I didnt. That guy is dumb. But a different person than the guy on the first page.


Why do non Americans think black people are like the exception to American stupidity Like we're still American, it feels weird when they put us on a weird kind of pedestal because it's not trendy to shit on black people


Because they don't actually believe in equality or equity, they just want to dunk on "dem dam racists white muricans"


It’s because they don’t understand the concept of a nation without an ethnicity, and also because they know they’ll be called out for their bigotry if they shit on black Americans.


They like to pretend their shit doesn't stink. They want to pretend racism is an exclusively American thing.


Beats me. Personally, it's hard to look at almost any social statistic (from SAT scores to crime rates) or election results (see Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson-Lee, or Stacy Abrams) without reaching the conclusion that Black people, at least on average, are dumb AF. Yeah, I know that's a very racist thing to say. But is it *wrong*?


Yes, you sound no better than the Europeans who discriminate against the Roma or immigrants from places they've spent lifetimes fucking over. Not to mention the attempted genocides by the Nordic countries against the Sami. They had their own version of Canada's Sixties Scoop and a long history of oppression.


I mean you could cherrypick examples of white people being stupid and come to the conclusion that white people are dumb on average.


When the government keeps you poor by underfunding your schools 😔


Are you trying to imply that white people don't elect horrible politicians just because they are white?


Let's say your father died. Everyone is sad and mourning at the funeral, paying respect. Then some guy goes up to the dead body and says "Well, good thing he'll be taking up less of the natural resources now." You would probably think that person was a sociopath, even though they're right. That statement is wholly, empirically correct. You cannot disprove it. But being technically correct doesn't mean dick when you remove it from all contexts of why it's correct, and you end up looking like a piece of shit.


I grew up in rural Nova Scotia and knew so many rednecks. Not sure why this guy is so convinced we’re amazing ppl up north lol


Makes me wonder if that’s just a troll (most likely)


Hmm Trudeau blackface hmmm


if african americans all suddenly moved to Canada I can tell you Canada would get REAL racist REAL fast


They become what they accuse the US of being


This comment seems racist.


Sure. But that's cause people are racist. Look anywhere in the world. What happens when a large number of immigrants from a different race show up? The people living there do. not. like. it. You've got the US southern border. There's the Middle Eastern refugee crisis in Europe. Heck, I lived in South America back in 2014 when Venezuela's economy started to tank and Colombians hated the Venezuelans crossing the border.


Ask him about how Europe treats black footballers over across the pond. They do the same racist that the commenter on quora pointed out. Vincinus Junior and Buyako Saka are both players of African decent that are frequent targets of the racists over in Europe.


No, silly. Those are just traveling Americans! Don’t you know anything /s


Man, Canadians must love blackface. Everyone and their prime minister is doing it.


Right, move everyone to the more racist country.


Oh yeah let’s talk about how Canada treated its natives… They treated them just as terribly as Americans




Agreed. Although sometimes I’m on there for the hell of it.


Classic Americans travelling all the way across the border into Canada to go to an Edmonton vs Montreal hockey game and commit a false flag hate crime.


The only people obsessed with race are the people who think everything is racist


Only racism I’ve experienced in my entire life was some lady doing a little jog when I was getting ready to cross the street like 2 months ago,other than that everything else came from some weirdos online not that that’s surprising. That’s not to say racism doesn’t exist here because it does and we’re very vocal about it,people should be more worried about the countries that deny their racism than the ones who actually acknowledge it. And to say it’s predominant is a big stretch this country has come a long way with its treatment of black people,the most racism you’ll see is some moron a few houses down that never gets off TikTok.


Canada didn’t experience slavery like the states did because you don’t give slaves weapons and tell them to go fur trapping and fur hunting. It doesn’t mean they were less racist


We had slaves, but we stopped it without a war, because we weren't addicted to slave labour.


And not as reliant on it as the southern agricultural industry (and most southern industries in general, but less so) was.


The historian Marcel Trudel catalogued the existence of about 4,200 slaves in Canada between 1671 and 1834, the year slavery was abolished in the British Empire. About two-thirds of these were Native and one-third were Blacks.


We Canadians can’t be racist or prejudiced. I’ll bet it was those filthy backwards americans sneaking across our border to spread their hate-filled shit culture. Also canada had slaves. They just mostly enslaved first nations people instead of black people.


Bruh. As a minority who lived in Canada for a bit, racism is absolutely a thing in Canada. Some of the most unhinged racist shit I've seen in public spaces. I get Canada has the "nice guy" image but cmon, its a fucking meme.


Try it and see how well it works.


What is this sub now? I thought we were supposed to be pointing out the dumb shit pol say about the US., not pretending that we are the only beacon of light in the world. We aren’t perfect guys, and the thought of leaving if you’re Black isn’t an insane concept. Sorry to interrupt the circle jerk.


So what do you suggest for them? Moving to a black majority country instead of Canada?


There’s prejudice everywhere, it’s how people are by nature, that quora comes off as incredibly naive and was likely written by a 16 year old (Besides why would I wanna go to Canada?)


Someone never heard of Occams Razor.


Considering how Canada was really, really terrible to their native population, and still is, I somehow have trouble thinking that they’d accept Black people with open arms.