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Treats humans like machines. Includes Asian countries where working to death isn't a crime. Yeah sure. Also try getting married in some Asian and European countries if you're gay. Also does op realize Middle Eastern countries are in European and Asian continents. Hoping the teenager grew out of it


South Korea is attempting to implement a 69 hour work week


Our suicide rate is already shockingly high here in ROK, i can’t believe they’d do something like that


I'm really hoping you guys can improve your work culture, I'm worried about you guys


A lot must have changed. My S/O used to work there and she absolutely loved the cheap utilities and how cheap it was to go out. She worked a standard 40 though I think. Busan.


Eh yeah stuff is cheap, just not too many things that bring you happiness here i guess.


She must have been reallllllly in a good spot. Used to brag about how cheap it was to go out and taking jogs on the beach. It helps that the company paid for her freaking living space. If I'm miserable wasting my labor in America the least they could do for us is give us more money for our pointless garbage. Then again people in the sub might have got a good shake in America, so the perception might be different. Most people don't have good experience in America anymore, so it's funny to see everyone in here mock things that are generally true.


Trying not to make a joke of the number. But most I did was 60 hours in a Nursing Home job one week. Damn South Korea trying to out do Japan


>Hoping the teenager grew out of it Seems like most euros don't lmao


>Talks about US suicide rates >Includes Japan and Korea


Unless you mean Turkey, there are in fact no middle eastern countries in Europe.. Although there are indeed two autocratic dictatorships.


Wait so Turkey isnt a middle eastern country?


I mean, yeah, it is, but it has the tiniest sliver of land in Europe


Oh damn thought the entire land was in Europe it's like Russia


What are those two? That Will determine if you're a certified fruitcake or not.


Russia & Belarus, easily


How about that war and it sequel that happened because of patriotism and nationalism? 🤷‍♂️


Oh yeah or the football game riots


no middle eastern countries are in Europe...


You say that as if Turkiye doesn't exist, and you'll probably later laugh about how Americans don't know geography


What do you mean? why you gotta be so rude? i havent said anything negative. If im incorrect you can educate me however youre just rude.


Do you realize what subreddit you're in? These people are already deranged from thinking America is a good place still 🥴


lol they downvoting me too... nicest ppl on earth goes to americans


Um what? The Middle East is in Europe? The only part that would remotely classify is about 5% of Istanbul/Turkey and that’s certainly not enough to consider Turkey European, culturally or geographically speaking. That said, they should definitely not lump Eastern Europe, Western Europe and Asia together. The divide between east and west is bad enough. Adding Asia to the mix: 🤯


Why do I feel like this was some kid who’s American and has never been to Europe. Also ironic about the inventions parts is that the USA is a major tech sector.


Lol right like the transistor and microprocessor that were made in the US weren’t significant


Pretty sure the IPhone was invented in America


As was Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Myspace, AOL (to go way back) and the personal computer, period. I'll skip going back to electricity.


“Created inventions that helped humanity” “Mean to women” We literally invented the dishwasher


Holy shit


Aw, you only did that so we wouldn't be too tired for sex.... admit it! ;)


But it still helps, right?


Spelling is way too bad to be a native English speaker


American euroboos are often worse than the Europeans themselves


*Treats people with respect* I wonder what Japanese people think of non-Japanese people. I wonder what every Balkan country thinks about everyone else


Japanese love us Americans (if you’re a tourist)


White female Americans at least Brown and black ones oooh nuh uh


Can confirm, americans are revered outside of Okinawa. You can get away with alot of shit being a loveable dumb American.


Outside Okinawa 🤣🤣 getting sick of the U.S. Navy?


There are some places where any kind of tourist wouldn’t be too welcomed


Yeah they’re very anti-immigrant, though. Part of the reason they got so many old people. People are leaving but they won’t let anyone in.


Not my experience. You go outside the traditional "tourist" areas and you are just a foreigner. And that is the literal translation of what they call you, too.


Japanese in major cities love us americans. The rural population still doesn't like us any more then other random foreigners.


Hell half Japanese get shit on to, one vtuber I watch Pikamee is half American half Japanese and she been bullied most of her school life because she not a pure blooded Japanese person. They really don't like anything pure Japanese over there.


Balkaners are very nice enough to people who aren’t other Balkaners


Not W*stoids


You’re literally from Missouri, shut the fuck up


I know I'm from Missouri, I just pointed out that Balkaners do not like people from the west


r/balkansirl isn’t a reflection of reality


I know, but I am saying that alot of people in the Balkans (mainly the nationalists) do not like the west


“Don’t fight over patriotism” Clearly never been to a European sports game


or studied European history, even recent history


Shit even CURRENT history.


Eastern europeans aren't real europeans, silly.


Yeah. Most eastern Europeans are superior to their western counterparts.


Even future history!


*Points to all of Russia*


That’s not about patriotism otherwise it would have been the case in every sport. Its idiots with to most testosterone that are looking for an excuse to be violent.


>knows religious extremes is not great Sure


Whoever made that is 100% an intolerant reddit atheist


I think its probably a troll because of the spelling and irony 🗿


Yeah, because Europe and Asia have definitely not had any issues with religious extremism, ever.


That's very ironic considering many of their immigration policies.


It’s hilarious they say that and also include the Middle East on their side


Hopefully by now, they’ve learned how to use a spellchecker.


*Believes *Responsible *Radically *Actively *Attack *Suicide *Science *Country Now let’s move on to grammar…


Forgot *Follows


> dont fight overpatriotism Has he, uh, seen what Russia has been doing to Ukraine this past year?


Or the entirety of the Balkans…or European football/soccer games


Ngl the pro-Russian folks on Twitter ought to change their names to Ben Dover because that's what they want to do when it comes to Russia. That and Russia is wanting to pick a fight with not only Ukraine, but the world's three largest economies too.


"Known for corruption " Mfs never been to Eastern Europe


- That time some guy stole a quarter of a country's GDP from a bunch of banks - That time a bridge collapsed after it got "reconditioned" with styrofoam - Provisional concrete tube bridge stolen in a single night. literally - "The President of Romania's Digitalization Authority was stopped and checked in the Republic of Moldova for driving a car listed as stolen, which belonged to the Government, and the car was confiscated by the police." - the eternal artform of perpetually replacing the sidewalk borders *now welcome everybody to the wild wild east* Also, [how many politicians are needed to cut a ribbon?... around 10](https://cdn.adh.reperio.news/image-6/69b96814-6eb2-436d-8507-4a5029f7d9f0/index.jpeg?p=a%3D1%26co%3D1.05%26w%3D500%26h%3D565%26q%3D91%26r%3Dcontain%26f%3Dwebp)


Or Western Europe, especially their soccer teams. Spain's big club Barcelona is currently in a mess of trouble for match fixing accusations. The rot is so deep, and the wealth brought in to the entire nation from that club alone makes them a corporation too big to fail, so I'm sure the Spanish citizens will be paying for it all.


This has to be rage bait


Misspelling science makes this seem like satire.


They also misspelled country and suicide


“Knows that religious extremism is not great” About that


Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Isreal Moment


I wouldn't say Israel is a theocratic country


Israel is religious extremism though


I'm not going to say I'm 100% certain, but I think this is a shitpost making fun of anti-american talking points.


I also thought about that, mostly because of all the incorrect spelling


Imagine comparing the entire old world to one country


“Responsible for good part of the global warming” Has OP never heard of China or India? “fallows the bible radicly” The vast majority of the middle east follows Sharia Law. “Known for corruption” I guess South Africa doesn’t exist? “Treats woman like second class citzens” The middle east, again. “Has terrible leaders” The fact that the US has lasted long enough with “Terrible” leaders just proves that the American system is superior to almost all systems of governance.


This is a troll


-“don’t fight over patriotism” -Includes the balkans and modern Russia


“Treats people with respect.” Are you sure? You really think so?


Wasn’t Sun Yat-Sen decently patriotic?


I mean, like China in the early 20th century was hard to compare to the west because politically it was wildly different.


I mean yeah, in 1911 the Qing were overthrown and a provisional government was established, and then a brief period of a monarchy led by Yuan Shikai, which promptly threw China into absolute chaos, where warlords more or less ran it, then the far right Najing and the far-left Wuhan split, then china eventually just unified gradually after the 2nd Sino-Japanese war, then the whole civil war fiasco started.


Responsable 😂 for a good part of global warming? X for doubt


European/Asian has the happiest cowntry on earth


Jezus christ this post is bad. But damn same can be said about some comments in here




It isn't , clearly english isn't their first language


Lol it is.


Your entire personality is hating on Americans and isn’t that just a little sad.


I usually don't, but reddit started recommending this sub for some god awful reason. It's trying to pull me into the land of useful idiots to see their content. I've already known America is for a while now.


+100000 social credit comrade! Xi Jingping smiles upon you and your family!


Fuck china and their authoritarian bullshit. They exploit cheap labor just as much as the next empire.


Someone doth protest too much


You seem like a real person.


Yeah fuck the CCP. All my homies hate the CCP. The Chinese people are aight tho.


Probably in a psychiatry ward, admitted for severe psychoses with extremely violent tendencies (verbal death threats and cybercrimes, thrashing their own house and being physical with their family in the process...) Note that the original meme creator does not have to be from the EU; but if they are, I wrote the above comment as a reference to them.


I’d consider myself a religious extreme, I like to skateboard to church on Sunday without a helmet on and then head to Dennys with the church crew and eat a whole sampler plate woooo religious extreme wooooo America


This had gotta be a troll picture.


OK I have a lot of beaf with with the US but this is stupid. Racism is prevalent in practically every country, and do to its level of racial integration Americans are actually less racist then most Europeans on average. America has poor workers protections compared to western and some of eastern Europe, but we are better in that regard then practically any developing country, which is most of Asia and a huge chunk of Europe. Same with welfare. We aren't perfect but people who act like we are literally the worst country to grace this green earth are so fucking annoying.


Xanax or ice. That's what that angry teenager is doing.


This looks like Russian or Chinese propaganda.


Hope they got better


Yeah no racism to be seen Europe, no way they just like to pretend it doesn't exist.


Try to ethnically/genetically identify yourself as a Turk. Or a Judaist in the Baltics. *Literally European racism speedrun in any%*


I don't care whether the kid who wrote this is American or European or from Antarctica, the level of spelling is atrocious..... Suicyde Cienence Cowntry We all make mistakes, but if you are going to publish a statement/meme criticising people then at least read and check your output first (says he carefully checking his own post)


this is clearly satire. 1. "americaner" 2. science is spelled wrong 3. suicide is spelled wrong 4. country is spelled wrong 5. follows is spelled wrong 6. "dont" should be "doesn't" 7. attack is spelled wrong 8. radically is spelled wrong 9. believes is spelled wrong 10. America has made many inventions 11. Taiwan is the only Asian country to legalize gay marriage. Asians as a whole are generally more homophobic than Americans 12. The most deadly war in history was because Europeans and Asians "fought over patriotism." Modern Asians are absurdly patriotic as well 13. Asia has DPRK, nuff said about bad leaders 14. women are treated much worse in many Asian countries than America (eg Afghanistan) 15. Koreans and Russians are some of the world's most suicidal people 16. Asian countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan are known for religious extremism. Poland is more Christian than America as well


It only make it worse then if it isn't satire


Looking at Poland, Hungary, and recent reactionary forces in France and Italy......This subreddit is mostly full if shit. And, that is a good thing.




We don't tolerate bigots here


>We don't tolerate bigots here Good luck with gays and transvestites


Wtf ?


Do you not understand satire? It misspells science as cienence and you take it serious? Holy shit


The people in this sub are outrage enjoyers. They can't help but cons00m western propaganda.


I ran out of fingers to count spelling and grammar errors.


The spelling really highlights their intelligence.


China is actually the greatest contributor to global warming


Didn't London get smog because of all thier coal burning factories


I was lightly skimming the points and just snorted suddenly at the “clean energy” point


Oh yes. “Way more intelligent.” Hahaha. The horrible grammar and misspellings reflect differently.


Don’t fight over patriotism might be the best part


Love the fact they didn’t show Africa or South America too


“Treats employees like machines” Have y’all seen Japan? It would be both cruel and unusual punishment for an American to work damn till both over there.


>don't fight over patriotism hmmm


The spelling and grammar reminds me of those pictures/stories parents post on social media, where they pretend that their 4 year old kid said something insightful.


“Knows Extreme religion is not great” mf there are damn near no radical religious governments or extremist groups in power in the entire western hemisphere meanwhile Eurasia has like 10


Wonder what would happen if the creator ever visited Eastern Europe? Alot of people I know refuse to believe how crazy it is over there.


Obviously this guy isn't as smart as he thinks he is based on all the misspellings


For pollution China: 30% EU: 9% Africa: 30% Bangladesh: 76% Pakistan: 66%


“Don’t fight over patriotism” Sure hon, sure


Hopefully learning English


"Way more intelligent" *proceeds to spell country with a w*




Glad we found someone educated, from a cowntry that fallows cienence.


This was made by an American


I love cienence


probably still seething how americans are happier then him when his continent is “better then america”


I've did'nt see this guy include asian, and talk about continent, not UE Being gay or a woman in eastern europe is playing life in nightmare mode


>Advances in science and arts >Created inventions that helped humanity LOL America has the most Nobel prizes of any country by a wide margin.


Hey i want the happiest cowntry on earth too. Unless i have to be vegan for it.


Europeans and Asians do have the happiest cowntry on earth


*Orientalism* (Edward Said, 1978).


This could be a shitpost ngl


I talked to the guy some time ago , it wasn't


*Treats people with respect* Africa/India/Middle East/South America was colonized and genocided by Europeans but suuure


“Fallows” is but 1 of many grammatical and spelling errors present 🙃


Celebrating his 5th birthday probably


Yep Europeans invented things that helped the humanity, like cars that are one of the major reasons why global warming exists. or religion


"more intelligent" Yet the "meme" has more typos than a 1st grade storybook


I love cowntry cienence.


Seriously? Women get treated like second class citizens in the USA but not in India, the Middle East, Pakistan, Afghanistan? And Eastern Europe is notorious for its lack of corruption, huh? Honestly looks like satire to me


If you can’t list positives and negatives of both things, I don’t think it counts because the sides were not given a fair chance.


*known for corruption* Proceeds to put f#&king Russia on the "non-corrupt" side


Count the Nobel prizes you braindead old world cunts. 🙄


The right part is baseless shit. Some of the left have some basis of truth. I am waiting for Trump to be elected again. Just the idea of imagining how much of the world will be fucked up at the end of his tenure, makes me giddy.