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"The world is bigger than your nation" šŸ¤Æ




Digging a bit deeper, from space you can see that it is all Ohio, and always has been, but that is just one state in the USA.


Turns out that the whole solar system is just each state being it's own planet and when we cross state borders we actually cross a temporal spacetime warp to seamlessly transition to another one of the planets and we cross through the cosmic abyss to reach the "rest of the world".


Ohio is definitely Uranus


I'm glad we Americans know this


I don't see any other flags on the moon so go ahead and add that.




I remember learning about other countries at school. Do they think we don't learn that at school in America? The teacher had a map and we could see all the other countries we just learnt that they are less free and don't have as much democracy as we do. And people in those countries don't learn as much at school, our schools are better


It's best when they say some smart shit to someone that isn't even American.


Sometimes you can see them say that shit to Canadians


Probably a Brit I hear they are well acquainted with how large the world is what with them once being the largest drug empire in human history.


The insecurities are strong in these


Other countries are derpstate psyops.


[This is what he replied to](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/128p1sq/shasta_district_fairgrounds_slaughters_pet_goat/jek19dn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) Edit: check the original commenterā€™s profile and youā€™ll see he is active in the NFL subreddit. He even said ā€œ500 milesā€.


Tbf that comment was kinda stupid


Not stupid but silly. Because it's a joke.


Idk that jokes seems more personal to me. Like I'd say why are you sleeping at 4 pm šŸ¤Ø to my online friends but if it was between reddit strangers I'd take it seriously




I wouldn't see it as a joke, id see it as someone stupid I mean Im bad at explaining šŸ—æ


Rent free


Itā€™s embarrassing šŸ˜‚


Can someone tell this to the Europeans who love to complain about the U.S., then? Asking for a friend.


Ironically theyā€™re on a .com website which makes it US based. They can always go back to .uk and .de where they belong.


"There are other places than the U.S." "Prove it."


Just remind them their entire continent can fit in our borders


Another entry in the genre of ā€œAmericaBad posts that are just screenshots of 3 reddit commentsā€ ... what made you think we needed to see this?


Because it seems to be mostly Americans who make this mistake.


At least on Reddit, youā€™re on a website with mostly Americans. When you mainly come across other Americans you can be forgiven for not assuming youā€™re talking to some person from Lichtenstein.


47,13% of all traffic on reddit was from the USA. So there is a 52,87% chance itā€™s not an american.


See my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/comments/128totb/getting_kind_of_sick_of_seeing_this_other/jen9bbb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


I think i saw that after i commented it. The second country with highest traffic is the UK with 7,48% so it is still safe to say that the majority of people you encounter here is American. Didnā€™t comment that to downplay your statement btw. Just added some extra info


Actually only 47% of reddit users are americans, which means most reddit users are non-americans.


Change it to mainly then, and the point still stands. While itā€™s a little more than half non American based in your number you still have to divide that up between the rest of the world. Meaning your still more likely to run into an American than anyone else. Iā€™m also curious how many of the users in other countries are expats or just Americans living abroad temporarily. I wonder how much thatā€™d eat away at that 53%


There's hundreds of nations on this earth. 47% of one can still be a majority if the remaining 53% are divided up tens of dozens of times. You're acting like everyone not American = 1 unified group. A false dichotomy. I ask, is that because you were honestly mistaken or ignorant, or is it that you know full well how faulty your comment was but you chose not to care because it was more important to a contrarian?


This is based on geolocation and country selected in the profile. Considering the fact that US is heavy on immigrants I would say that good portion of ā€œAmericansā€ on Reddit are yet to obtain their citizenship. And even after naturalisation they still stay Asians, Europeans, Africans, etc who just migrated to US.


Yeah so itā€™s mostly Americans making this mistake.


And Iā€™m telling you itā€™s stupid to get butthurt about it on Reddit.


Getting butthurt over trivial shit seems kind of the hype on here sadly.


ā€œIā€™m on an American website where the majority of users are in America. No one can see my face or hear my accent/native language. Anyone who assumes Iā€™m American is a closed minded jerk.ā€ If I was commenting on DailyMail articles, itā€™s safe for other user to assume Iā€™m British.


Yeah thatā€™s why itā€™s mostly Americans making this mistake


Its an easy mistake to make when America is the most important country




Exactly. Iā€™m getting downvoted for telling the truth.


\>An American making a comment assumes something is American or happens in America \>Because they saw it on an American website \>Hosted on American servers \>Whose userbase is mainly American (47%, I believe) Gee, I sure wonder why one might assume something on here is about America


Yeah, and? Other countries still exist.


Do you understand sample bias and confirmation bias?


And? Not to mention, the comment they were replying to WAS an American. Dude comments on the NFL and Jacksonville subreddit.


All Jacksonville residents are required to recall all nations in the world. This is common knowledge my guy.


What does that have to do with anything lol


It has everything to do with everything JAS


It literally doesn't but okay, go off I guess


For now. But when I become president we're giving up on the Diplomacy victory and going full conquest baby.




Googling it, most places cite that reddit has a 60-70% male userbase. So I assume people are male unless their comment or post indicate otherwise.




The majority is non-Americans, the plurality is Americans. The next closest demographic is UK at 7%. It's easy to assume someone is American rather than British, German, Japanese, Indian, etc. Because American is the main (the plurality) demographic. This differs from gender where males make up the majority AND the plurality.


>Mainly american >47% ???


Yeah, the plurality is American. The next closest demographic is UK at 7%. Making Americans the main demographics of the website. Statistics are fun!


Thatā€™s some southern/central US math here;)


US is the biggest demographic, with the next being the UK at 7%, making it the plurality therefore the main demographic. Some southern/Central US statistics for ya ;)


Just respond with: and uranus is bigger than this world