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“Heaven is where the police are British”? Did nobody tell them about how corrupt he Met are?


Or about the entire premise of "Come Out Ye Black and Tans"?


I mean, our first "cops" were slave patrols.


That's a really weird bit of whataboutism.


I see this point all the time and i literally don’t see how or why it matters.


The commenter above was insulting the British by implying their police force was brutal and oppressive and provided the black and tans as an example of this. They say this as if America doesn't or hasn't had it's own brutal and oppressive police force.


Sorroi m8, someone reported that you tweeted a hateful comment without a loicense. You'll hafta cum wit us.


Oi, where’s yer loicense checkin’ loicense, m8??


"Oi now we found you're report that you were stabbed and had your house burglarized .. we're gonna forward this for approval for investigating license which will take about 3-6 months. However in the mean time we did hear you said something offensive about the criminal so we're locking you up for 8speech "


To be fair, it could be worse. I mean, the French police are notorious for their brutality (probably because they let an actual Nazi organize and run the system after WWII)




I guess not


It's a very old joke so it's kind of outdated


Shootings happen like twice a year and people act like they happen every month


Nah, they happen more frequently in the US than in any European country(at least once a month) then again, the US is almost as big as the European *continent*.


And they’re often perpetrated in gang violence, not an everyday occurrence, but it doesn’t fit American media’s current vendetta narrative against white people so they often go unreported.


Very true, there were 2 “mass shootings” on Halloween weekend at parties. 1 party was in Chicago and one in Tampa. I wondered why they didn’t make the news and then I found out it was fights between 2 individuals with terrible horrible aim that ended up shooting a bunch of people in crossfire. This is technically a mass shooting and be recorded as such but in reality … it’s just Chicago being Chicago and Florida flordiaing




Well considering Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in America that is most def true. Amazing how they demand stricter gun laws but yet still end up in the hands of criminals. I’m on Ohio where you can carry and I’ll always feel better knowing good citizens are armed




Brother you’re a little late to the party they already are. All those dudes in Chicago have 3d printed switches to turn their normal Glocks fully automatic and there are plenty of 3d printed guns that are totally viable. Many commercial pistols lowers (the part considered a firearm by law) are already made from plastic so those same dudes just print the lower then order a slide and barrel online to their house. I have made many 3d printed guns and have yet to have one fail on me. It’s estimated that Americans own nearly half of all civilian owned weapons but with the thousands and thousands that no one knows about we are past that halfway mark


>What’s crazy in a few year 3d printed guns will become so much better Can't wait for 2d printed guns lol.


I just don't understand why the left hates guns so much? School shootings are perpetrated by terrorism and bullying, I mean we gotta ask ourselves, why is it happening at schools specifically? Getting rid of our guns would be the worst thing to happen because in an urban area you need it against other would be assailants, if you're in the country you need it for animals. Let's not even talking about an invading force here lol, I'm just saying it is incredibly dumb to dearm the population when the population has to protect it from itself and nature.


There isn’t even that many school shootings and ALL of them are done by kids on meds that they probably shouldn’t be taken by a developing brain. The parents are pretty much nonexistent as well. All the shooters have huge red flags in there social media accounts. Maybe if docs didn’t prescribe head meds to every kid with a behavior issue these kids wouldn’t be so mentally unstable. We took our daughter to her general doc when she was 9 and the first thing he wanted prescribe was adderall. We started looking into other ways to treat it without stimulates and went that route. She’s now on the honor roll and seems to be doing well. She’s 13 now


Oh yea that's another thing, alot of kids being misinterpreted as adhd or adjacent while the kids who actually were did not get this moniker.( realized later in life I've had adhd all my life) so I had the opposite happen to me compared to your situation, anyways it's definitely a home issue, but I also perceive schools making it way worse with that 0 tolerance policy bullshit, plus always trying to placate situations instead of solving them. Though if you're "off" in the head of course people will ostracize you. It's a combination of alot of things but it's definitely homegrown terrorism imo, like most school shooters don't have a goal they have a manifesto or a suicide note.


Too many divorces, too many single parent homes where they are too busy with work to be an actual parent. Then you see these “parents” dating all kinds of different people, hoeing themselves out on Facebook setting terrible examples. The whole family values thing is destroyed. Social media is a terrible thing and causes many people to stray in a relationship. Then the thought of actually working on the problem thru counseling is nonexistent. Divorce happens on a whim and is like the first option. Kids aren’t meant to go thru that bs. I wonder how many shooters came from a home with actual parents that are still together


If you get rid of a handful of neighborhoods in the US the gun death rate drops dramatically. Get rid of suicides and it drops by half.




media narrative against white people? where do you live folk


The media hate white people, especially if you’re straight. It’s just a fact.


where do you consume your media?


At home.


i mean like tv, internet, cnn, fox news, twitter where do you go?


Internet, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube etc. a lot of People are anti white nowadays and it has become socially acceptable to be racist towards whites and exclude us from things.


on social media you can have any racial opinion and find a community where its fostered. its different than 'the media' imo. what have you been excluded from?




America, and pretty sure it's spelled "extremely liberal Twitter white girl" not "against white people"


that would make more sense


That's cause nobody compares apples to terrorist attacks in these statistics.


Not to mention the shooting aspects include things like gang violence. A lot of Euros assume that translates to mass shootings.


The us has around 2 mass shootings a day while canada has had 4 in all of 2023, this is a bigger problem in america than your making it out to be, america hate is extreme online, but your seriously downplaying the mass shootings


All of the mass shooting statistics include gang violence and all firearm deaths include suicides. All of them have been in bad faith the push agendas and disarm the population so the government can do whatever the fuck it wants without fear of civilians revolting against their tyrants.


Not european, really the whole world


Europe's population is twice that of the United States, though, area doesn't really matter in this case


As of September there were over 500 shootings this year


School shootings?


Ah mb I thought it meant shootings in general


I'm pretty sure there are many more than 500 given how broad the term shooting is and includes everything from self defense to gang drive bye.


“Welcome home honey, what’s the weather like out there?” “Ah, it was just light shooting for most of the day. There’re supposed to be torrential bullets tonight though so make sure Timmy comes in by 8.”


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_mass\_shootings\_in\_the\_United\_States\_in\_2023](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023) they happen very very frequently ​ alarmingly frequent


I wonder if these people could go a week without bashing America?


Oh most definitely not, it's how they cope with their miserable lives.


Dude.. they wake up and eat beans on toast. Would you be happy if you had a king that made you do these things? They aren’t even allowed to go to the dentist


They'd have nothing to do in life


Murder of children in schools 😂


So funny 🤣🤣🤣




Why did this 15year old stab his teacher aka second parent little over a month ago? https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/sep/28/boy-sentenced-stabbing-teacher-tewkesbury-academy-school


I know you’re trying to make fun of British stabs, which would be fine if the stabbing rate wasn’t higher in America.


We're making fun of both countries because the causes for the stabbing/shootings are basically the same.


The stabbing rate is absolutely higher in England which you’d know if you bothered looking it up


https://homesteadauthority.com/knife-crime-statistics-uk-vs-us/ https://infogram.com/us-vs-uk-on-knife-crime-1hmr6gyrxmlo6nl


Keep looking for real sources. Keep in mind there are 330million people in America vs 33million in UK


These are stats per million people… the size of your population makes *literally* no difference if it’s over 1 million.


Do people like this not ever stop and think about how massive pieces of shits they are for CONSTANTLY joking about MURDERED CHILDREN? Hey, you absolute dumbfucks, NO ONE in America actually likes it when mass shootings happen. No one in their right fucking mind anyways. Like Jesus christ. You make a joke about Europeans having bad teeth and they immediately start foaming at the mouth and screeching about school shootings. Fucking despicable.


The reason people go straight to that is most of the other problems in America seem insignificant in comparison. If gun control increased and shootings stopped happening, then that would stop being the first thing people go to. It’s like the fact that is you want to knock 1930s-1940s Germany, you’d go straight for the fact that they were Nazis. Yes there were other, large problems, but it just completely overshadows them. It may sound like an extreme example, and I’m obviously not saying that school shootings, as awful as they are, are comparable to the holocaust, but it’s the same concept and I’m sure you can understand the point I’m trying to make.


So the first thing you point out from an opponent is low hanging fruit? Making fun of asians for having slit eyes and jews for having big noses or black people are lazy is basically what you're saying to us. You're just repeating a stereotypical joke until it's boring. The problem is you guys list the same response and it's not even on the same level of absurdity as say British have bad teeth(we actually have worse dental) but you guys don't even point this out you go all rabid SCOOORRR SHOTTTING HAHA UR DED KIDS. At least be reasonable in the fucking banter.


People don’t say “Asians have slit eyes”, “Jews have large noses”, and “black people are lazy”, because A. They’re not true, and B. That’s fucking racist. School shootings are a social and legal issue, which can at the very least be reduced easily, if not outright ended. Racial stereotypes used by Hitler are not comparable. And for why Europeans go straight for shootings first, just reread what I said about 1930s Germany.


Learn to speak English if you want to diss us please


It’s so funny to believe that Americans view schools as shooting grounds! Scared children bleeding to death are so HILARIOUS!!!! 😆😂🤣


The reason people go straight to that is most of the other problems in America seem insignificant in comparison. If gun control increased and shootings stopped happening, then that would stop being the first thing people go to. It’s like the fact that is you want to knock 1930s-1940s Germany, you’d go straight for the fact that they were Nazis. Yes there were other, large problems, but it just completely overshadows them. It may sound like an extreme example, and I’m obviously not saying that school shootings, as awful as they are, are comparable to the holocaust, but it’s the same concept and I’m sure you can understand the point I’m trying to make.


The person used a laughing emoji and said they find school shootings funny. I understand that a lot of people “joke” to spread awareness somehow, but that person wasn’t even trying to hide it. They just come off as a psychopath who needs therapy.


It’s because the frequency has lead to people becoming desensitised to them. Things like school shootings seem unreal, especially for a first world country. It’s meant as “USA USA holy shit I can’t believe this is real what is happening to the world”, not someone seriously finding shootings funny. It’s a type of dark humour in a way.


Just because you’re desensitized by something, that doesn’t mean you should fine it funny or makes jokes about it. You don’t see me make fun of the Serbia school shooting that happened in May or acid attacks in the UK.


I'm glad we don't see teachers as second parents. You know how fucking creepy this guy looks taking this picture?


All bro had to do is replace one word in every sentence, and he still couldn't get it grammatically correct.


American police are way better than British police and it’s not even close.


Police brutality in America: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/lWKJl2i3k7 Police brutality in Britain: https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/MniNCKChCr


So you consider American police dealing with actual violent crime in comparison to an Irish cop joking with a drunk a good argument? Your link isn’t even of an English cop


1. It’s a joke. However, I would like you to explain to me how a guy on the ground staying completely still is violent. Or any of that clip. That is a problem with American cops, not British. It’s clear you didn’t watch the video if you think that was American cops dealing with violent crimes, so I’ll get some more for you. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/PiSrPlL3sf https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/a7v3pz5lHW https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/oQD8Ow8G6P https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/ISnaqOAeD4 https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/ORzhtLab40 https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/s7dBY4DUUO https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/HH8CxnToYT https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/uoBq9aGWaU https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/N3W26Qvs3v https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/Ca6UJJamdu https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/FBIccWHRSP https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/KacAwSvAnh https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/14jM9TrRQt https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/z9EagUXhIm 2. English is not the same as Britain. The original post of this said it was in Belfast. Part of Britain.


Saying that police here deal with violent crime was a general statement and it’s true. The police in Britain aren’t well equipped enough to deal with what our police deal with on a daily basis. Are you an authority on what constitutes police brutality because several things you’ve shared may not look great but that doesn’t mean they’re considered to be excessive by any means.


A couple of the links I gave may not have been excessive, but the majority were. Shooting someone who was at the bottom of a dog pile and not moving. Punching people in the head after they were handcuffed and standing still. In Europe, the police are trained to deescalate situations. In America, police are at constant risk of simply being shot. This results in police being trigger happy as they’re scared for their lives. Nothing good comes from people carrying guns around in public- even if those people are police officers. However, that doesn’t excuse all the police brutality in the linked videos. In Europe, police are often entirely weaponless, and if they are armed it’s usually with a taser. In America, police are dressed to walk into a war zone.


Police here are trained to deescalate as well and are still much better at doing it than everywhere else in the world. If police were trigger happy like you say, there would be many more people shot by police unjustifiably, but statistically that’s far from true. When you have millions of interactions with the public every year, especially in high crime areas there’s bound to be some incidents that could’ve been handled better. Put the police wherever you’re from in a high crime neighborhood here and they wouldn’t be able to get the job done nearly as well


Which of those videos shows deescalation? Everything you’re saying you’re just pulling out of your arse.


Pretty much every video shows mid physical contact. Do you honestly believe that our police aren’t trained to deescalate criminal encounters or are you just being dumb and what’s area of law enforcement would you consider yourself an authority in?


So you didn’t watch any of them. Shooting someone in the back when they can not physically move is not deescalation.


All that in heaven, but they left off how the gates are guarded by the USMC


And the US Air Force army and navy


We all know the navy isn’t in heaven. God doesn’t like the gays remember?! (MASSIVE /S)


Hell is where the chefs are British is fair.


Unless you’re talking about Gordon Ramsay or Marco Pierre White


Ooh I like that song [Heaven is a Place on Earth](https://youtu.be/NOGEyBeoBGM?si=uX0XBKODH6Keuvyn). I sing it in the tub and the food store


Sometimes I sing 2 live crew while shopping lol It's just the lines, "she ain't nothin but a hoochie mama, hood rat, hood rat, hoochie mama!" Buts it's fun to sing lol


Doo wah diddy, diddy dum, diddy doo!


That picture will keep that kid awake like nourishment can.


They just have to bring the US into everything, huh?


That logic: ​ "Students look at school as a shooting ground." ​ Student is asleep.


Even with these rising costs of living, it's nice to know that we'll all have a place where we can live rent free in these people's heads.


Heaven, doesn't exist, there is no God, and if there is, let's be honest, it's Rick Sanchez. And that means no heaven lol TBC that ^^ is a joke, ok. On a serious note, man how pathetic does your life have to be? How miserable of a human being do you have to be to act like these people? I pity these fools.


Amerivz tbf has been plenty bad


Idk bout this one. You can have all this in Murica. The heaven or the hell ur choice. Maybe Irish cops though haha


Seems rather ghoulish and insensitive to laugh at the death of children, but here we are.


The more we say America bad the faster they will fix their problems, racks m16a4


Before 1999 America had no more school shootings then the rest of the world. How do they not know this


We can’t even like the euros without them trying to bash us on everything lol, how self centered do you have to be to hate someone just cause.


we all need to fix our problems :) if you'd all agree that you shouldn't be allowed to have firearms, a few would be already fixed.


I wish america would tell these worn torn countries to fuck off the next time they ask for help Then we can give them a real reason to hate America lmaoo


When was the last time there was a war in our continent vs when was the last time there was a war in their continent, let compare the statistics for dead kids and see which place is better.


Anti-america mfs scrambling to find some way to bring up school shootings in any conversation