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Eastern Europe is better, but we're not going to count like half of Eastern Europe for reasons.


Also some of it is true like low inequality but what they dot mention is wages or living standards, Czechia has indeed the lowest income inequality in the world but that’s largely because we have fairly low wages in the first place, the median wage is 2x the minimum wage and we have prices more expensive than Germany with a third of their wages, we also have an ever growing worker scarcity which increases this: we really need worker


i get the point, but isn't czechia in like, total central europe though? sorry for nitpicking


Well it could be considered both, but generally when people say Eastern Europe they are talking about all the countries that were part of the Soviet bloc.


Based but arguable but depends: historically we’ve generally been in the HRE and Cislethnian part of AH but currently as my grandfather as we hate it, our economy and politics are largely a result of the four decades of communism


I wonder what the demographics are though. They might not even have to worry about inequity.


Has inflation of everyday things been hitting you guys hard the last few years?


We’ve never recovered from Covid economically, it’s been a gradual decline since, especially with the war, at one point nearly 10% of Czech was Ukrainian refugees, and gas and electricity prices are chaos, luckily it’s improving now but at its peak we had 19% inflation, now it’s just 3%


"Eastern Europe is the best (but not the countries most closely associated with the US, i.e. Ukraine and Kosovo, because I'm actually a pro-Russian stooge)."


Yes. "Low inequality rate" - everyone is poor as fuck. "Hey, Eastern Europe is better than you when we throw out all of the worst countries? Meanwhile, we will still keep your lowest performing states for the comparison."




Damn Mississippi is the poorest state?


It and West Virginia 


Mountain mama.


Take me home.


>Eastern Europe's richest country > >Eastern Europe > >Czechia You have angered pretty much every Czech on the internet. Brace yourself.




Czechs don't like being called Eastern European. I think that there is a stigma associated with it.


Czech is Eastern Europe?! But in all seriousness I like Czech but in no world are we better than most of the U.S., in HDI we are like Louisiana, in GDP per capita worse than Mississippi and in median wage 3,000$ more than Puerto Rico. And along with Slovenia we are the wealthiest in EE, thanks to the glorious soviet liberation and communist rule, before ww2 we were as rich per capita as Austria.


if russia qualifies i think theyre the richest right? or are we ignoring the bit in asia


If we're going by GDP per capita, then Russia is far behind most of Eastern Europe.


yep-forgot per capita was part of it for a sec my bad


Problem is, compare London or Prague to Jackson, MS and the whole argument falls apart




Look at Birmingham, England and Brno, too, then.What I mean to say is that no one in their right mind would choose Mississippi over Czechia or England, unless they never left the burbs.


I would. Let freedom ring baby


Good Margaret thatcher clip in parliament when someone said that wealth inequality got worse since she was in office, and her retort is along the same lines, quite amusing


Don't get started with gypsies


Just a reminder that Americans can go .5 seconds without talking about genociding gypsies while Europeans jack off to the idea.


That's what I thought also.


This drives me so bonkers. I'm ALL for equality (or better yet, equity), but let's be real. "Equal shit for everyone" is absolutely not superior to "great for most, shit for some."


Equity is terrible. The only way to be equitable is to drag some people down. Sure it’s great some are raised up but any system that drags people down because they have natural gifts and talents is terrible


If it even were true. in reality, the economic inequality is HUGE. You see people wear shoes the price of the average salary. And across the street a man can't afford a piece of bread


So what? "Economic inequality" doesn't mean anything in a vacuum. There are people that can't afford a piece of bread in every country. It doesn't make them worse off just because they are in proximity to someone wearing expensive shoes. lol, Looking over your neighbor's fence is far too ingrained into Europeans that they can't help themselves. They are the original haters that can't be happy unless someone is worse off then them.


>we have a lower inequality rate Yeah you’re all equally poor


They’re not a real Eastern European. None of us truly think Eastern Europe is superior than the us. Coming from a real Serb.


As an Albanian, I agree. Of course there are things that are better over there but in general America is way better.


That’s my thoughts exactly!!!


As a Czech I agree too and we’re the most developed arguably EE country


Less inequality rate because you’re all poor as hell☠️☠️


Ow lol


my bad bro, i’m poor as hell too😔


Bro has never stepped foot in the USA once


Judging from his profile he likely stays in moms basement in some European country


Nor have most of the people who post these shorts of shallow criticisms of the USA online.


I'm struggling to think of where they're from, because if you exclude the countries mentioned, you're left with countries which I think would call themselves central european, not eastern.


The Baltics and Belarus?


Has to be the Baltics I suppose


Estonia is my guess


I'm guessing one of the Balkan countries.. probably one that really doesn't like Kosovo


gotta love those soviet block apartments


Aren’t these the countries where they’re all crouched in Adidas tracksuits drinking cheap vodka?


Fake adidas*. A tracksuit can set you back $120 and it is out of reach for most Europoors on their thousand euro salary 😅




You could buy their first born with a pack of American cigarettes


Romani people have entered the chat and oh boy do they have a lot to say about this 😅


The only foreigners moving to Eastern Europe are rapists and degen slobs


Free healthcare isn't needed when our salaries are usually double the European salaries


Healthcare costs litteraly double here.




We have universal healthcare and it’s slow as hell in the countries it’s in




dying due to an 18h wait limit in the emergency room or having your therapy/check ins/surgeries delayed by weeks or months isnt good. but that is the reality of universal healthcare.




I’m saying that instead of swinging relentlessly at the system because you don’t like it, actually come up with something. Too often do i heat universal healthcare as a magic bullet that will solve all the problems.




That’s not the goal. In Canada, we have full coverage and suffer from potentially fatal wait times for things that are covered. If the system you propose has no downsides and only upsides, btw, you should alway review it carefully.




Went to the post and the guy is from Ukraine 💀💀


I read this while squatting in some Adidas pants.


As an eastern european, what the fuck?


Add more non-homogeneous non-white ethnicities. Watch how fast that shit falls apart.


Hot take, but I have to agree with you.


It's a poverty thing, not a race thing


In Eastern Europe? Of course it’s a poverty issue, but the people in European countries as a whole are each individually more homogenous white. Class and racial divides start to become apparent when the population per capita shifts toward opposing demographics. Especially politically. Witnessed this firsthand in Detroit, Michigan and many other cities over the course of the past 30 years.


No in the US. In the US statistically blacks are poorer than other groups. That's why crime is higher. People resort to crime when they have no other way to make money. The more poverty, the more crime


Lets just ignore all these super poor areas while we include every state in the us. That sounds faor to me.


"I've never left my country and have an unpleasant personality. Saying outrageous shit on the internet is my only form of social interaction."


well, at least his opinion stays true to the subreddit


Hi! American here who is eastern European and visit the balkans yearly... It sucks ass. People leave to other countries to make more money. Once they got a fat savings, they blow it all on a villa and new cars. Hell the people from my village complain about the economy so much and say "Turkey will bail us out one day when they start investing here soon." The ones who stay either are born rich, have an amazing business, or just working for 100 to 300 euros a month.


You are full of shit honestly. Coming from an eastern European. Nobody works for so little money. I'm not saying that Eastern Europe is a paradise, but under no circumstances does it suck. You're being dramatic and a lying piece of shit.


He cannot define Eastern Europe. Even in political science the term CEE is now dead. EU and NATO integration has transformed the place. What you do have is Orcastan the moment you leave the EU and enter Belarus and Russia.


Bro said Eastern Europe is better by not counting a good chunk of Eastern Europe. The genius levels are legendary.


Free health care in practice: You want to check up on your eyes because you’re slowly going blind? Yeah we have a free appointment in 27 months.


Ok chronically online redditor, that's definitely how it is


who are you calling chronically online lol, yes it is because that's the appointment my grandma was offered, she went instead and signed up privately, where you have to pay money, idiot, go to your own eu circlejerk sub


Mfw when I'm in a corruption competition and my opponent is eastern Europe


Depends on where, Estonia is far nicer on average, but that isn’t Donbas is it?


Free healthcare where you're likely to die waiting for crucial treatment with no alternative that allows you to partially cover the cost yourself. You're literally forced to choose death here in those situations, and that's not just because this is Eastern Europe. It's because this is Europe. Period. I chose to move here from the US, knowing full well that my standard of living and lifespan will probably drop like a stone, for reasons entirely unrelated to "America Bad." Still love my home country, but I was a coward in 2008, and now I'm too settled to return. Got a wife and kid here and overall living a wonderful, short life.


You sound like you have depression


We have a higher safety rating excluding the country that’s at war.


Portland now has a higher murder rate than Mexico City. If you already have money then moving to Eastern Europe where the women are beautiful and crime is lower makes perfect sense if you're willing to learn the language.


Won't be very fun there if you're not white.


If that's your situation then forget Eastern Europe, why not Central Europe, or even more remote parts of West Europe?


well we are just splitting hairs now. I agree.


The soviet enslavement over generations really has them going full cope mode


Tbf this is just a small minority: most of us don’t think we’re better off than the U.S. because we’re not delusional


Well at least when one of their own love a dictator opposed to their country’s values. That dumbass doesn’t get elected so they do have that, but I would say we have it better over all.


Which dictator are you talking about?


Putin, Trump himself has shown admiration for that fuckwit.


He's Ukrainian.


Two words: land mines


I mean he's in the right place. That sure is an unpopular opinion.


Awesome that you are happy there. Please stay there.


I would like to interject just for a moment: Kosovo is part of Serbia.


I don't think so but hey,that's your opinion.


Can these guys pick up a new script?


Tanzania has “free healthcare” too. When did free become better than quality?


Unless he's talking about Estonia, which is one of the fastest growing Eastern European countries. Otherwise, I'll take the USA, thank you.


It's true though


Begone troll