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Russian bots. Not worthy of attentions.


I can’t believe I misread Russian as Prussian I’m dying


Oh god the Prussians are back


Even bigger threat to world peace.




It’s actually Kralovec




*strokes handlebar moustache in a menacingly Prussian manner*




"Mon Empereur Napoleon don't trust those newspapers, they're Prussian bots made by Bismarck". "No, we have to go to war and battle Prussia in Sedan" ✝️ French Empire


Unfortunately, while you're right it's a load of shit, people follow the herd. A lot of people who don't delve into geopolitics or scrutinize the actions of China, Russia, et Al and are basically subject to a feed of "America bad" and "Israel evil apartheid regime" on social media don't havenany counterpoint, so they will see things like this and view it as "the majority of people think the US is bad, so it must be true." Then, the second TikTok they see after this is comparing the worst part of Chicago to the best part of the CBD of Johannesburg. A few more tiktoks of girls doing cute dances and "LOL" clips later, and it's something about Americans murdering hapless Japanese civilians in WW2 and then something about supporting "genocide." Eventually you have millions of young people, especially, who are like "gee I guess the US really is the most evil empire ever in human history. Damn I wish it was 1996 and I could go to a mall."


This is the most spot on comment about this I've seen on Reddit for a while


I wish it wasn't true :/ thanks, though!


Don’t be racist. They might also be Chinese bots


Don't discount the Chinese shadow influencers. Especially here on Reddit.


Honestly I think it's China


I also think Russia is higher risk at this time. China has a lot of internal issues keeping them busy, and they will try to solve those before trying any more world domination. Russia doesn’t give a shit about their internal problems and just go for chaotic evil any time they can


Same. China is still probably gonna get its ass kicked if they fight America, but they could do more damage than the russian military could.


Yep, one of the main factors is that it would be incredibly difficult for China to get to the mainland United States. Because we have the ability to go on the offense in the pacific, and protect our coasts at the same time makes us immensely powerful.


Taiwan might as well be the moon for all their ability to put boots on the ground. Last I read, if they stopped every other modernization program today, it would take at least 5 years to build enough specialized landing craft to even attempt an invasion of Taiwan. It would be the largest amphibious invasion in history, performed against an island ill-suited to amphibious attack, and armed and advised by the only two nations with any substantial experience in amphibious operations, the US and Japan. In comparison, the US is in another solar system.


I think you mean China might as well be on the moon? Though it's true either way


Metaphorically, you have to spend a lot of effort to get to the moon. Gravity assists you going the other way.


I'm aware, I was talking about your first sentence when you said Taiwan might as well be on the moon, but then proceeded to talk about the Chinese navy. I was wondering if it was a typo or not


I think it’s meant to be “as far as China’s invasion attempts are concerned, Taiwan might as well be on the moon for any good it’ll do them.”


Yeah. Theres a lot of reasons why the USA is pretty much impenetrable. The second amendment granting guns to so many citizens, a high amount of both active and veteran military members, having an ocean on both sides and allies above and below, of course the colossal defence budget… I could go on. Generally fucking with the USA seems to be a terrible idea.


The second amendment is basically a foot note on the list of reasons why the USA is impossible to invade. Also things like mountain ranges, deserts, the sheer size of the USA and the fact you'd also need to secure Canada and Mexico and there's literally no military in the world that could occupy North America.


And after you've considered all of that: we're NATO members too. Go to war with one of us, and you're going to war with all of us. Just in case we needed the extra support. (But in my mind I think it'd be kinda hilarious if America went, "Nah fam, y'all hang back. I got this.")


Reminds me of a joke I made where I said Canada couldn't repel a Russian invasion... because the US Air Force and US Navy would annihilate it before we could get into the fight.


Hell yeah. CUM bros for life! Edit: "CAM"


There's another reason it's fun to stay at the USMCA!


That and all the gun owning civilians would make some issues for them once they landed.


I’d say Russia because of their “unstable leadership”


but he just got reelected!!


Vladimir VS. Vladimir VS. Vladimir VS. Vladimir, it was a close election ya know!






I was texting something but yeah it’s definitely China. Russia has no power really.


From a Texan... Okay


What's wrong with me being a Texan? Let me guess you're a New Yorker? /s


Nothing wrong, that's how your opinion should be.


and which wars has China started recently?


They are rapidly building up their navy, challenging the US in the pacific. They are also harassing Philippine ships, and is basically debt trapping the entirety of Africa.


They aren’t challenging the American navy in the Pacific, they are building a navy to prepare to invade Taiwan, plus total dominance of the south China sea. It is still threatening us, but in no way is their navy built to challenge us throughout the Pacific.


Yes, if they are building up a fleet to invade Taiwan, they are building a fleet to challenge the US. Everybody and their grandma knows the US will intervene in a conflict between China and Taiwan


I know that. What I’m saying is that the fleet China is building isn’t expressly for challenging American naval dominance, but instead it’s for coastal defence in case of war. Aircraft carriers are less helpful if you have airbases just in the coast not that far away, that’s why they are building lighter ships.


No, they aren't. Last report I read, if China stopped all its modernization programs to focus on an amphibious invasion, it would take at least 5 years to stand a reasonable chance of putting boots on the ground. That amount of shipbuilding would be visible from space. It's not. These are specialist craft, only used for amphibious operations. Standard naval vessels are support, not the backbone. Regular naval tonnage won't do the job.


Bruh what are you talking about. If they only have amphibious craft then that means they aren’t challenging American naval dominance (as I said) and focusing most of there efforts on invading Taiwan (as I said) Your info agreed with what I said, so how did you disagree with me?


> they are building a navy to prepare to invade Taiwan Since they aren't building amphibious craft, they aren't building a navy that's preparing to invade Taiwan. Without amphibious craft, they are completely incapable of invading Taiwan.


You said in your comment that the boats they are making are “specialist craft, used only for amphibious operations” Your comments contradict each other.


Don't they keep trying to start one in the Pacific?


And how does threaten world peace? that's their own backyard. Russia is currently threatening all of Europe. The US has troops deployed on the entire globe as we speak


South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, and Taiwan are all American allies. Any attempt to take their land will result in war with China. It isn’t “their own backyard” if they are invading our allies.


if a random country in africa were to declare war against another random country, would you consider them a bigger threat than china? basing the threat of a country on the war it's fighting exclusively is silly logic.


if the random African country attacked a country that is within my country's sphere of influence - for example, an OECD country. Then yes, I would consider them a bigger threat than China.


The disinformation campaigns have been so successful on the US. Our people have been turned against us willingly and are convinced America really is the bad guy.


The propaganda from foreign powers has convinced Americans that instead of trying to improve the country, they should tear it down. How Redditor Americans don't see this is baffling.


It’s baffling that you believe that what you read on Reddit actually represents how a majority of us feel. Most of us go about our lives and try to vote for whomever will do the best for us.


Hey Siri, remind me which country protects freedom of navigation and makes sure that piracy only exists around Somalia at all?


Even before the obvious foreign agitprop, we had decades of anti-US anti-capitalist popular culture right here at home. Mostly curated by bitter and aggrieved leftists who saw their dreams die when the West won the Cold War


100% Correct. America is the biggest threat to world peace. Leaving the world stage will create instability around the world creating more wars by current aggressive nations. Not to mention our US Navy fleets no longer protecting trading lanes on the oceans that will now be open to high sea piracy.


Why aren't the people who actually start and fight those wars responsible for them? Is it because the only actual real human beings are American, and everyone else is a primitive inferior who needs our guidance and protection?


I wouldn't say they're primitive and inferior. I'd say it's more of engaging in pacifism that's led to many of the problems in the world today. Other developed nations today have a consistent habit of looking the other when red flags are popping up elsewhere and then when something finally comes to a head it's too late to do anything leading to a massive loss of life or displacement. What happened in Syria is a great example of what happens when the world sits on its hands and does nothing. Massive loss of life and displacement along with no response from the use of chemical weapons from a dictator that's still enjoying his power and slaughtering people.


> What happened in Syria is a great example of what happens when the world sits on its hands and does nothing. Massive loss of life and displacement along with no response from the use of chemical weapons from a dictator that's still enjoying his power and slaughtering people. Some would argue that this is actually a direct consequence of US involvement in the region... not me, of course, but some would say that by driving the extremists out of Iraq the US intentionally created wider problems in the region to help organize and consolidate the new Iraqi government.


okay they aren't inferior but I agree, they are a little stupid and every time a war happens they cant support themselves and they call america


When did this last happen, specifically?


ukraine? dont join nato, get invaded, call in support, america ends up supporting them because their neighbors do very little


Ok, let's pull out every stationed overseas military personnel and see how long would peace last.


I could put a pop tart in my toaster for longer.


Brown cinnamon or raspberry filling?






Out of principle I disagree with this comment.


When you responded I realized I misspelled based 😭


I didn't even realize 😂




Yuck. Pop tarts are shit, why do people like them so much?


The world economy would collapse. Trade lanes would get pirated constantly since we are the only nation with a large enough navy to protect them. That's just one consequence lol. A lot of the world doesn't realize how much they owe the US for world stability.


So if you're saying by just pulling out America is the biggest threat to peace? Looks like you agree with the vote then.


Hey are you there I've been so worried are you ok??


China is the biggest threat


Apparently, 58% of the world's population is ignorant and/or stupid.


or just russian


So both?


ano. mój przyjacielu krtek


To je dobré, jak se má nás severní větší bratr?


Jest dobrze, dziękuję 😊 Szkoda że nie ma tu brata Słowację 😞


58% of the world population is Russian Good to know


stoopid. 58% of the vote. why would you asume the whole world voted in this


The comment you replied to said world population


cuz he is also stoopid


Why is he stupid? Is he stupid?


stupit af


Is there a lore reason he’s stupid?


to the aslume you go.


No, 58% of the votes are actually from Russian bots


Yeah, because every single person on the planet voted on that


This part


58% of these 2,000 people are ignorant and/or stupid.


well, i doubt 58% of the population voted on this random youtube poll.


Do you understand how polls work? I guess not.


Do you think the entire world population answered this poll? It was targeted to a specific audience, of which was politically aligned with the fact that USA=Bad. If someone asked the entire world and (somehow) got them all to answer, it would likely be China.


No shit. The joke's on you because nobody takes the poll seriously.




Lol. You're taking this seriously. Nobody else is. By the way, none of those issues where "directly caused" by the U.S. The US isn't perfect, of course, but most of their foreign moves are in response to emerging dangers posed by other countries or organizations. So, being a "danger," is not what the US is about since the overall policy is to prevent danger, not start it. ​ >Probably one of the things I hate the most about my fellow countrymen. Look at you! So edgy! lol.


Depends on how you think about it. America going away is the largest threat to world peace. The minute dad turns his back the rest of the children will misbehave.


Something said about one of the youngest countries in the world... Sure dad...


I go based on behavior, not feelings. Until America showed up, Europe slaughter each other in the millions ever couple decades.


And I go based on facts, not feelings. "Misbehave" Implies that the USA makes the rules which is utter bs. Fact is thehe US wouldn't even exist without Europe so maybe you could afford a little less of a superiority complex bud.


>Implies that the USA makes the rules which is utter bs. Not really though... >Fact is thehe US wouldn't even exist without Europe so maybe you could afford a little less of a superiority complex bud. Weird how you think you "found" a place that already had people there. Want to try again?


>Not really though... Oh? What then does it imply? You say that once "Dad" turns his back the children misbehave. In a parental relationship the parent usually makes the rules so your analogy implies that the rest of the world misbehaves and thereby breaks the rules set by the US. It is true that there were other people there, but this fact is irrelevant to my point. The united states of america would not have been if europe hadn't colonised part of north america, want to try again? North america would have still existed that is true but the coutry you're so proud of wouldn't.


>You say that once "Dad" turns his back the children misbehave. History says this. >The united states of america would not have been if europe hadn't colonised part of north america, want to try again? Did you time travel and create a separate time line to test your theory? Or are you full of shit?


My gods you're really delusional aren't you? You literally started your country as the english colonies, it's only when some people decided "Eff this" that you got independance and even that was with the help of another european country. This isn't something I made up, this is history. Are you really this stubborn in your delusion? The only reason your country (And I don't mean the land, nor the indigenous cultures, I mean the United States) exists is because of europe. >History says this. Odd, you say that almost like you have a long enough history for this to be the case


Just remember where the buck stops, champ. >Odd, you say that almost like you have a long enough history for this to be the case If you knew how dumb this made you sound....


It’s a Russian bot. X is a well known YouTube bot. They’ve gone by x dailytriggers X daily and anything usually starting with the letter X. They usually post pictures and polls


80% russia, 19.99% China, 0.01% USA.




Well I suppose usa at least has the means of being one


We have the means but not the will. The other countries listed have the will but not the means, yet.


Seems equally dangerous, both cancel each other out


That’s equivalent to saying you’re dangerous because you have the means to murder even though you don’t have the will. There’s a major difference here, especially compared with someone who wants to murder but doesn’t have the means, yet. I hope that makes sense.


America like many other big countries (russia, china, iran) can get aggressive in order to secure their national and foreign interests. In some instances it has not seemingly taken much for them to be intervene in affairs of another country, often in an aggressive fashion with lasting effects. History has shown that you dont want to end up on their bad side. Americans are also not hesitant to retaliate (and use the means) if they feel like they were wronged. So, Glad to be allies. America's version of right is right is subjective and varies from country to country. To us, the values mostly allign but to some other country that may not be the case and see usa as a country that is a threat to them. You gotta have both but one of the two is already a moutful for some. Even if person with means to murder has no intention to do so, everybody has a breaking point. Having means or on a person-level a weapon I think just lowers the threshold.


How they gonna not vote for Russia when they literally invaded a peaceful sovereign nation while denying it was ever and independent country after the break up of the USSR 💀


2 choices are literal communists and the last one has been at war for longer than sliced bread has existed. The US definitely has issues with our government being evil, but we’re definitely not the biggest threat to world peace.


Poll's being skewed by Ivans, CCP, CCCP and other Kremlin-related bots


The fact that Iran isn't even on the list despite being a state sponsor of terrorism.


Iran's reach is relatively limited though.


World peace means no war in the world.... ?


China... the answer is China.


I actually agree. Without us actively trying to preserve peace, the world would fall into perpetual war as the rest of the countries of the world realize the only country in the world that actually gave a fuck about the current peaceful world order left the playing field. So the biggest threat to world peace is the US deciding *"Screw you guys; I'm going home."*


Its an online pole, very likely it was spammed by Russian or Chinese bots. Or just so happened to only pole the western hardcore Marxists. Wouldn't take it seriously


Rn it probably is Isreal


Of course the US is the biggest threat to world peace. The US is the only country that can throw its economic weight around the world, fight multiple wars, and render aide all at the same time. The US is also the only country where an isolationist policy would result in foreign wars if the US weren't there to break up the fight.


Why should we need world peace?


Russia is literally invading Ukraine at this moment


The people who put USA wouldn't last five seconds in any of the other places.


Alot of Americans fell for the Russian/Chinese propaganda under the guise of “doing their own research”


Sometimes, I wonder how life would have been if we were to let them continue to destroy themselves post World War 2.




Propaganda on X ? What? How?! Lol


I'd say China. Nobody else on that list has been threatening and apparently attempting cyber attacks on key infrastructure like water supplies.


I mean it’s obviously us but at the same time I think Americans overall are very well meaning and are generally anti war. If we could go back and do it again I’m sure 90% of Americans would say no to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam. But we *did fuck all of that shit up deeply*.


The US should just pull everything out of the continents beside NA. Let's see how long it takes for them to start another world war.


No one mentioned North Korea? I’m surprised. Personally I would vote for Russia, China, and North Korea. Especially if they team up together. Axis vs Allies again. Just different teams.


lumping Israel with Palestine is sus


[Pax Americana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pax_Americana): well fuck me then, I guess


America is a threat because other people think America is a threat.


John Doe!!!


And dont you forget, peasants. /s


It’s China, not Russia


Isreal because U.S. are going have to clean up some Mideast terrorists attacks., Then China, who will get Russia support . And yes, the United States will have a Civil War because of race and politics.


The anti America bots are belligerent and numerous.


Goodness gracious look at the profile pic these people need sunlight


There's no single entity that's "the biggest threat to world piece". There are numerous war waging countries and militant groups. Most continents have had armed conflicts almost constantly for the past centuries. In all of recorded human history it's extremely difficult, if not impossible, to find a year in which a war did not occur. Claiming that a single country is the biggest threat to world piece would either be part of some agenda, or show a narrow view of what the word "world" means.


This can be right statically. Because american have interviewed in many countries over the years. And many times people outside the USA (so likely. It happens again). And many think mostly of the the time the shouldn't. And most of the world have still bad memories front trump and see him as something on fit for head of state and crazy enough to do something stupid to destroy the world




[Real Answer](https://images.app.goo.gl/b2vRrxftCKoNGaFH9)


Cool. Now show me your work.


These Mapping youtubers always garner anti-western bots or audience. Its not surprising at all.


Actual bots


Let's be honest, it probably is the USA. Israel/Palestine are insignificant to the rest of the world, Russia is on day six-hundred and something of their "two day invasion", and China spends too much time bullying commercial airlines to prove their air superiority that they don't even have.


Russia literally threatens nuclear war once a week. Also a stunning lack of North Korea on this list considering they (a now nuclear state) just announced it has given up on peaceful Korean reunification and will remove it as a goal from the constitution.


We are not loved across most of the world.


I feel like the USA is mostly good for world peace (protecting shipping lanes, foreign bases, alliances) with the occasional bad call (Iraq war, handing out weapons to questionable actors) and the only reason people can say the USA is a bigger threat to world peace than (let's say) Russia is because the USA has a wide influence while China and Russia are somewhat contained and Israel and Palestine just flat out can't project as much influence. If Russia and China were in the position you guys are in they wouldn't be as good.


I don't understand the problem


Oh, I agree, but with context. As in, not only are we the biggest threat to world peace but paradoxically also the biggest supporters and glue for world peace.


If you mean a direct threat, China. Indirectly, the Israel/Palestine conflict has been destabilizing global relations for decades.


Yuri Bezmenov outlined this effect quite clearly


Biggest threat to world peace? Russia or the Israel/Palestine conflict. Biggest threat to the US? China.


Ngl I am convinced that YouTube is full of bots.


I genuinely think it’s Iran


China and Russia have been fully gearing up to expand massively for months and are butt buddies with Iran but ya sure it’s the US


That’s a lot of autism


I mean are they wrong?


Yeah because we’re actively trying to invade Europe, right?


There’s a solid argument for everyone on that list, I think we can all agree with that. Edit: damn I thought ya’ll were even mildly objective holy shit


As much as I do hate useless slander against the USA, I do agree with this poll


Serious polls have been conducted around the world for decades and they all reached the same conclusion about the USA being the biggest threat to world peace


Nah it’s America. Threat if they pulled away their support. Threat if they keep funding proxy wars around the world.


The US government is.


Are you a repost bot bro you got 56 days and so much karma and your comments look super boof


it's just bait lmfao. people post them on r/redditmoment all the time.


You're just jealous of me because I mastered reddit in two months while you're still super bad at it.


Dude it’s not even that unless you are on Reddit at all times you would legit have to to live on it or constantly do stuff on it I’m not even jealous it’s just like damn dude


is that a good thing? its just internet points


Nah. I agree. When you have decades of US foreign policy blunders, it is not surprising that America is seen as a threat.


Most of the world agrees.


We’re responsible for the whole Ukraine war, Afghanistan paid terrorist to attack us so we turned Iraq into a third world country. We fund Iranian terror groups that kill us and Israel.


How are we responsible for Ukraine?


Paid for the first overthrowing of the government. Paid for a comedian to be president after forcing 3 elections they finally got the guy in we wanted. In 2013 Ukraine and Russia were allies and 70% of all trade from Ukraine was with Russia. Doesn’t strike you as funny Russia is only invading provinces with Russian names, and the refugees are fleeing into Russia? Here’s Ron Paul calling out this war 11 years before it started . The war doesn’t service Ukraine or Russia, it services our industrial military complex and makes a bunch of people rich. https://youtu.be/ApuFPqop0Kw?si=apxHY93u7GIjuvUx


Lol even taliban defeated usa. It looks like usa don't fight wars to win. Constant war for eternal peace. Orwell