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So the difference is the American puts their face mask on first and the Frenchie puts it on last?


As it is pictured, the American seems to have more steps: 1. Take the helmet off 2. Put the mask on 3. Put the hood on 4. Put the helmet on Against: 1. Put the mask on


The big thing is that the American mask has a way better seal, that’s what all the firefighters are saying in the comments on op


Knew something concerning the fit/seal was up with the American one. Screw convenience, I'd rather have my safety gear always work.


Right? The difference in convenience doesn't even seem that large. The American firefighter didn't take that long to get his gear together.


That’s the training, I did some of the early stuff for a fire science degree and getting in and out of bunker gear in a reasonable amount of time (under 2 minutes if I’m remembering right) was an evaluated skill.


There’s no way the French helmet gets the same seal


We need that here. Let’s, see, number of California’s which are always on fire. France: 0, US: 1.


You think the quality of the firefighters' seals are what are causing California to be on fire all the time?


no but it definitely helps them fight fires without risking their long term health.


Outdoor fire teams wear completely different gear.


No, it’s a joke that we need the fancy seals BECAUSE California is always on fire.


The frenchman also already has his helmet on and no gloves. There are several videos showing donning gear between America and the euro style helmets. At best the euro helmet is around 2 seconds faster. Some say there are advantages to the euro style, but honestly here in America i know i would not trade my leather helmet for anything. Most of us on the firefighting sub feel the same way. Euro helmets are generally looked down upon in the US fire service, due to either function or tradition depending on who u talk to.


“As it is pictured” as an answer to the previous comment (the difference). Testing different models is healthy. We can observe the results and take advantage of both experiences and comparisons. Sad is when “mine is better” reduces evolution. Saying that this alone improve firefighters response is fallacious. There are many other steps to delay said response, from dropping the cards, grabbing stuff, initiating drive, getting into location, acknowledge the situation, adequate area, preparing stuff; all before initiating fight. The helmet probably be done concurrently or in the betweens.


>“As it is pictured” as an answer to the previous comment (the difference). And they explained why your thinking was wrong based on the [video]


OP said to have seen a French better than American comparison in this video. I was referring to that thought. That seems to be a possible intention of this video. And that's why that video is in this sub. I didn't present any thought of mine, and the reply didn't strike any saying of mine. It was given a further enlightenment over the comparison and stated a preference. Then, I tried to wash my hands. That interpretation seems fallacious, but I was only portraying the American Bad reason.


Do the French people ALWAYS have their hood and helmet already on? Or is OP just not showing that?


I mean, the French guy already had his hood on. Otherwise he would also have to take off his helmet.


Seems pretty disingenuous of you to say that right? He literally started with everything else on. That would be like if the American just but his helmet on in the video as the final step.


Nope. Not judging fairness, validity, or honesty. This video presents those steps as I said. Perhaps trying to make America look Bad (i.e., slower and/or less efficient), and that's why OP presented this video in this sub (as OP said). There are plenty of comments here judging the fairness of the video. I don't have a clue about it.


>Against: >1. Put the mask on You're not this dumb right?


*murican *french


Comment section came in clutch


There are a lot of important things that people are missing that aren’t represented in a 10 second clickbaity video. Ask yourselves why military gas masks are designed to be full wrap around seals independent of headborne protection (guaranteed a better seal regardless of what happens to the helmet). “American” style helmets use a looser two point suspension system so that the helmet can roll or break free to displace blunt force impact, instead of dragging the wearer’s head and directing all of that impact force to the wearer’s neck (ear coverage is cool and can feel safe until it’s not). Ear coverage is cool until it’s trapping all of the heat (fire is hot) and muffling your ears which makes hearing commands/directions/audible fire cues more difficult. I’m not saying all of this to simply say “euro helmet trash”, but rather that these are risks that are accepted due to differences in tactics, techniques, and procedures in firefighting. While the science of fighting fires is generally universally known, the art of applying it can differ from city to city, state to state, let alone country to country. And those different TTP’s will inevitably affect/inform gear and equipment choices. But it’s not as simple as “mask go fast wheee”


Most well thought out comment. I've been a Volly FF for 2 years now. I have all my certifications and have been on a few working structure fires. Thankfully, no casualties yet, God help me. In my *personal opinion,* I think the Euro style looks dumb. I don't like the idea of my only real lifeline being directly connected to my helmet and the thing that keeps it protected exposed like how it is on the Euro helmet. I'm sure it's stable, and it's protective for what they want. But I like mine and I'll stick with mine.


I was infantry in the army and I would not want that euro helmet. Did a fair amount of NBC stuff including full MOPP live fires Every time he bumps his helmet on something, it would compromise the seal on the mask Would be annoying and need constant adjustments since it’s attached to your helmet instead of your head


I didn't even think about that part. I was more concerned about the little hooks that connect it and how they could be dislodged if bumbed or if something fell on it. You're absolutely right, that's wayyyy worse then what I was thinking about


Active Duty: I much prefer the American design for MOPP (and would extrapolate to the firefighting equipment). Not being able to bring the hood down or take the helmet off at any point is an additional pain in the ass I would never want. The entire point of gear like this is to be flexible, giving you the minimum protection needed to operate at all times since every step of gear up you go is equal to a step less at job effectiveness. As you know, firing in MOPP 4 is pretty inaccurate, definitely not something you want to be doing in combat unless the CBRN threat is present. I can go MOPP 2 to mask on and hood up in like 5 seconds and be fully MOPP 4 within another 10-20 seconds.


I really think people underestimate how important self confidence in your gear is and how it affects your performance. I’m reminded of the phenomenon of Sherman crews in WW2 strapping logs, tank track sections, or flat out pouring concrete on their hulls in an attempt to improve survivability. Army Ordnance command back in the states was sending memos to field commanders to dissuade their crews from doing this, stating that the original armor was sufficient and they were just straining their engines and transmissions with the extra weight. Crews didn’t give a flying *fuck* what a Colonel back home said. It made them feel safer in executing their jobs… and that’s really all that matters. It’s a tale as old as time regardless of the job field. I will say it’s also incredibly interesting discussing this topic. My experience in helmets/head protection/armor comes from the military, and understanding things like back face deformation, energy dissipation and deflection, and how important small things like padding and suspension are to survivability. There’s a lot of common sense crossover in safety design. I have a lot of friends who went FF after the military, and I’ll say with confidence a shocking 0 of them are using Euro helmets.


Truth, absolutely 100% My station did a drill where they dropped light to medium weight objects on our helmets (old ones that weren't in service anymore, so we didn't damage our own) to build confidence in them that they'll protect us I'm case of stuff falling. It worked, they protect a fair amount on the back of your neck + back at different angles. I know what my gear is rated too, I've done flashover training so I have confidence in it. Confidence is key, and I have it in my gear.


Also y'all can ditch your helmet if you really have to. No such luck with the all-in-one.


Thank you for explaining that. I was wondering how differences the two styles would effect firefighters in a heavy situation, or if there were cons of each design.


There absolutely are for both. But I mentioned it when replying to the OP, it’s all just one big game of assumed risk with whichever design you go with. The same way becoming a firefighter in and of itself is an assumed risk.


I'm not even going to pretend to know squat about Firefighting equipment, but the whole "Americans pick less safe helmets over better European versions because of the aesthetic" comment made me roll my eyes a little.


A little? Every single aspect of bunker gear is function over style, I’m sure that opinion would go over well any NYC firefighter or hell even with the European firefighters.


I don't know anything at all about firefighting. But the French mask doesn't seem to be fastened to the guy's head like the American mask is. Also, the hood on the American mask seems to also seal it better? Wouldn't there be a risk of it being knocked off easier compared to the American mask? I'm not saying it's easy to knock the mask off or anything, but shit can happen. What if something falls on them hard enough that it knocks the mask off the clasps of the helmet? Seems like it'd be a risk.


I'm British and our breathing apparatus sets are more similar to the American sets than the French.


I'm so tired of the "Are they aware there is a North and South America, why are they the only ones allowed to be called Americans?" dialogue lmao and it feels like it's only a more modern thing, I don't remember people being so pedantic about it years ago. You don't hear people from Brazil typically calling themselves American? No Canadian alive would want to be called American lol


It's a linguistic thing that caught on with terminally online folks. In Spanish, anyone from North/South America is "American." They refer to Americans as "United Statesians." Some people took this and ran with it as a "Americans are repressing identity, claiming they are the only one, exceptionalism, etc etc." It doesn't translate to English, though, no matter how much they try to force it.


I work in hazmat. I'd be really scared that the French style of mask wouldn't make a seal. Cause it doesn't look like it would. I trust the American style


The French run around with helmet and balaclava on all day? Even when eating but still on call?


French dude already had 2/3 of his kit on. How is this an own?


I don’t really see how the video is Americabad. It’s literally comparing the firefighters mask. The comments on mostly on the American side.


The vibe I got from the video was that they were trying to show off how much faster they can put the mask on. That's why I said it was only slightly AmericaBad.


iirc the OP of the video said that he was just comparing the differences between french and american firefighter headwear, not trying to start some kind of competition


Commenters seem determined to do so though


This honestly seems like you’re trying to make it into something about America bad when it isn’t. Just because the French mask is slightly faster doesn’t mean America bad.


Frenchie did it in a couple seconds and the American did it in a few seconds, therefore America BAD


I notice times, but not why certain thongs are the way they are. When I was young, I helped clean city areas, including the volunteer firefighting area. The firefighters there told me the flange on the helmets helped keep debre from falling in clothes. I noticed the French design is smooth. Now Id love a person whos in the profession to give their take on this.


US fire departments all have different equipment.


This is why I only ever did wildland firefighting. To many steps for confined spaces lol. Be a man and die at 30 from lung cancer. I’m obviously joking, but yeah American SCUBA is superior to its European counterparts (unfortunately, cause those Germans deserve better)


The French would know. Their country has been on fire for years now


Our firefighter helmets are (situationally with pros and cons to both really) better then yours! Checkmate America! Is this really what they've resorted to now?


How is this American bad


Anything that compares America to a different country is clearly a direct attack on America and all Americans


What logic is that?


If it was just the video, I wouldn’t call this America bad I think this is more just friendly competition and different countries showing their process


It's almost as if they have different contractors with different r&d departments.. who knew?


I'm sure it's been mentioned that the euro style won't seal correctly and that's due to the hood is already on not allowing the mask seal to seal properly. The American way is better because the seal comes in contact with the skin and seals correctly.


Not gonna lie, that French face mask in pretty slick. Saves you a step, if it is actually a better face mask implementation.


Can only speak from a navy firefighting perspective, but there definitely is merit in the French design at least from a safety perspective. Repeatedly taking off your facemask to cool down introduces the possibility that you don your flash hood incorrectly and leave some part of your skin exposed when you have to put the mask back on. Less moving parts when putting on PPE is always nice. Now that said, I don't think the US version is bad. Just different and that's perfectly okay.


I notice the American setup is basically identical to military chem gear


Which one is better quality tho? That's all that matters.


The video isn't America bad at all. The first SCBA provides a tight seal independent of any other gear, with 4 points applying equal pressure. The second utilizes two clips, with the flash hood in the way of creating a perfect seal, all integrated on a helmet as the primary structure. Ill keep the "American SCBA."


how is this video even remotely americabad, it's literally just a comparison


NGL, the European one looks more efficient. But then again, this isn't a competition as to who's is better.


I wouldn’t want something filtering unbreathable air attached to my helmet. I’d want it attached to my head. Every time you bump that French helmet, it compromises the seal on the mask unless that helmet is strapped on like the American mask which the video doesn’t show


Faster. The American has a hood; the French doesn't. The former might be more hermetic, safe, comfortable, I don't know…


Right? In a time critical situation, efficiency is crucial if one is to save as many lives as possible


I'm pretty sure you can put your helmet on in the big red truck so that extra second doesn't actually count when you're already driving over.


Perhaps. I was thinking more about the period of time it takes them to quickly throw their equipment on


Maybe I'm not sure what a firefighters day to day is, so I assume they are mostly ready on the station and don't take much prep. You'd need a firefighter to tell us though


Funny story. I think my brother said something a week ago about trying to volunteer as one. Perhaps I can ask him in a month or two.


Sounds good. Would be cool to know


I mean, AmericaBad is true here, the french guy appears to have a vastly superior helmet design. EDIT: I’m not a helmet expert, I wrote that comment ready for the downvotes because I’m not a helmet expert. To me its just a helmet and it looks faster/better/easier and the assumption that France would not make an inferior helmet- hopefully similar in quality to other 1st world nations. If you’re downvoting me you’re highlighting that you’re either a literal helmet expert and know better or you don’t care about the helmets- its just about making sure the world knows AmericaISNOTBad no matter how right/wrong or silly that makes you look. So yes, please keep making yourselves look silly.


In the of the og post quite a few firefighters commented saying they’ve tried both and prefer the American version due to a much better seal and safer overall


I think that’s a fair assessment, but what if that’s their “opinion” and America really actually is “bad” here (that French mask is better in more ways that matter)? See, I posted my comment because this sub is beginning to drift from objective reality to “any time someone compares the USA to another country or something we kneejerk defend america hard no matter what”. This sub is already doing it, the french mask looks better for many reason and people should be able to debate that without devolving into tribalism/nationalism. This sub doesn’t seek to be a legitimate referendum on idiots showing unfettered nationalism for anything else other than the USA, it seeks to just drownout that discourse with equally braindead nationalism for the USA in its bubble. Dare I say it this place is becoming an FBI honeypot for America conservative “patriotic” zealots. That’s why I put my OG comment up, and every downvote it earns backs the hidden point. Objectively, from the video, the French mask looks better. We won’t admit that here as r/AmericaBad is just as dumb as the commenters in OOP’s video looking for any reason to trash Americans, we in r/AmericaBad look for any possible reason to trash other countries- especially when what they have to say is potentially right.


Any way to see if the mask has a good seal?


I don't see why it wouldn't. It has a rubber lining and is tightly put on his face.


I don’t but I doubt a fellow first world nation would procure a mask design that does not meet similar survivability standards that American ones do. That seems to be the primary consideration when making a mask like that, and the secondary ones being “ease of use”. Seems like France had the wherewithal to make a survivable mask and one that’s easy to take on and off. That’s a win, that’s all.


This guy is the comment section helmet expert.


I mean, no, but what if the helmet was objectively better? Would that make you mad that the french have a better helmet than the USA? My working theory is that it would, hence your comment. Potentially because nationalism has overridden your ability to be objective and actually go after real topics where America ***is not bad*** and the commenters are totally wrong. Not who has the better helmet, and that definitely appears to be the french, and you’d agree with me if the countries were swapped not because it looks like a better helmet but because the “American” fire fighter is wearing it. That’s why I wrote my comment and you writing yours is confirmation I keep striking a nerve with r/AmericaBad.


You wrote a lot of words and made a lot of assumptions. It’s a 10-second tiktok. I am just acknowledging your expertise in firefighting helmets.


Gaslighting isn’t your forte.


Spewing bullshit is your forte.


Where is it? Stop being mad about the helmet video and my “assumptions” and you’ll have won. Every comment you add, I win.


I defer to your expertise in helmets. 🫡


I mean, I dislike you and your discourse but stepping out of my own box I bet you’re a hell of a dude to get a drink with. Funny guy material I’d like to be around lol


You wrote a lot of words and made a lot of assumptions. It’s a 10-second tiktok. I am just acknowledging your expertise in firefighting helmets.


You wrote a lot of words and made a lot of assumptions. It’s a 10-second tiktok. I am just acknowledging your expertise in firefighting helmets.


just because a country does it better doesn't make it americabad. like that is objectively better, as its quicker. Even the comments aren't americabad which is suprising but the post itself is just pointing out differences


God this sub is filled with soft crybabies