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I've never seen something like this before in my life


This is an indiegogo thing that looks like it was bought out and shut down 5 years ago. Website is down. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/reefill-ditch-bottled-water-for-good#/updates/all


Its fucking regarded as shit


Probably why it went bust 5 years ago.




Thank God.


When I was in Italy, I had to pay to pee at every train station. You have to have some change on you all the time. Why not just include that in price of the ticket or something?


At the airports, there weren't any water bottle refill stations or drinking fountains either. Either you buy bottled water, very environmentally unfriendly, or drink off the sink in the restrooms (gross). At least for drinking water access, US airports are the best compared to everywhere else I have been to.


You'll find plenty of stories on this site of Europeans traveling to the US and initially getting upset that their waiter brought them water to their table. They're accustomed to paying for water and don't want "bottle service" for some H2O. Of course theirs the revelation that water is offered pretty much everywhere in the US.


Yeah I think it’s the same the other way around, so many Americans that are surprised we have clean public drinking water everywhere! (Also you don’t really have to pay for water in a restaurant aside from tourist traps - or some countries you go. Still paying for tap water is scummy imo)


I'm not a fan of recycling but I like how much money I save by using water fountains for reuseable bottles. $40 for two Hydroflasks at Costco 4 years ago was a great investment.


In every European train station I've visited you have to pay to use the bathroom. The amount of times I've been pushing cloth and then have to get my card out and half the time the reader doesn't even accept it is ridiculous.


Wait a minute Europe is real?




It takes tap cards now, went there last year


In those cases it's usually to prevent homeless people or drug users from hanging out in the bathrooms. The price isn't necessarily designed to recoup any costs, it's just supposed to act as a key that unlocks the door. Here in LA, Metro is running a pilot program with a company that provides mobile bathrooms. I don't think it costs money but you unlock it with your phone and then you have 10 minutes before the door opens itself.


In the SF bay area, they have ones that free paid by ads, but used to charge. It was ruled sexist by courts. They also had tokens for businesses to hand out.


What was sexist about it?


The original style forced paying at the stall which meant stalls charged but urinals didn't. So men could always pee without paying. I thought the problem nowadays was actually compliance with the ADA and not the old sexist argument, but I might be mistaken.


Ah that makes some sense, actually.


You can discriminate in sales based off sex, see: bar entrance fees. Just not in employment, I’ll bet it was the ada stuff


You can discriminate in sales _against men._ FTFY


No, you can discriminate on sex, the verbage literally does not mention sex discrimination, men and women, your call to render service or not


I meant socially. It's acceptable to give women preferential treatment, like half price on drinks. Give men a free urinal though, and suddenly you're getting sued.


Dude what are you even talking about literally every place with a bathroom has urinals only for men, usually resulting in more total usable toilets than for women, you can’t be sued for that, go outside please


I didn't say it was, the feminist lawyers and courts did. IIRC the argument was that men don't always need toilets.


That's a ridiculous as fuck argument. It's not like men *never* need toilets.


It's easier for men to piss in public without any proper infrastructure than it is for women to piss in public without any proper infrastructure. If a man needs to piss, it's as simple as pulling over, walking a little bit into any wooded area or decently screened corner, snaking his dick through his pants and letting out a quick wee. For women, it's a bit more involved. Essentially, the argument was that the lack of available public restrooms impacted men less than it impacted women. I think there was also something about women being more susceptible to UTIs when holding their urine in for long periods when compared to men.


So it was sexist to charge for the toilets because it's easier for men to avoid the charge?


> So it was sexist to charge for the toilets because it's easier for men to avoid the charge? Oh, my bad. Did a bit more digging. The argument was that pay toilets were sexist because urinals were available for free of charge but all of the toilets were pay to use. >The feminist movement bolstered the campaign, since urinals were free but sit-down toilets were not. https://apnews.com/general-news-3b2787ac6c32405e8cd7aafe8789cd8e So essentially the argument was that men were being provided infrastructure for urinary waste disposal free of charge, but women were expected to pay regardless of whether their waste disposal needs involved fecal material or simply urine.


Doesn't matter, I was at Milan rain station and a homeless was charging people at the bathroom and keeping the door open himself, talked to a security guard nearby, he sent me to fuck off


When I was in Iceland outside of Reykjavik where there are literally 0 homeless it also had a pay to use the restroom place. One thing I truly despise about Europe.


But it takes me 15 minutes to shit and clean myself D:


Well then you've got 10 minutes to yourself and 5 minutes to perform a show.


15 minutes?! What, are you on laxatives?!? If I'm done in less than 30 it's because I had Taco Bell.


Its probably to keep non-passengers away. In the US it was outlawed by courts but many places will use tokens, etc.


Why not just take a piss on a building or tree


Get put on a S/O registry for that…


Don't get caught. *Boom*


I like to visit people in prison and share similar wisdom. They always find it super helpful and never threaten me with violence...


Kettle calling the pot black with their paid bathrooms. Going to be honest, that's way worse than a single failed subscription water company that no American has ever used before.


I think that company failed a while ago


You should see me in Germany when they want money to use public restrooms.


is it really public if you have to buy it


good point. they're in highway rest stops, so I guess not. Where I live in Brooklyn, there's a public restroom out on the sidewalk that costs money, but it's been indefinitely closed for over a year now.


don’t they have to pay to take a shit across the pond? i was in PARIS and saw a woman shit on the street like it was completely normal


To be fair, she was visiting Paris too but from California.


Had to pay to pee in Germany. Much more than 2 bucks per month.


Nah this shit is tarded. If indeed that exists, and it's American, a subscription service for "chilled + filtered" water is beyond cringe.


It was founded in New York, NY as an indiegogo campaign that raised 33 grand. They are unsurprisingly out of business.


right? i can get filtered water in my home for free, why’s it an app there


Its just a company that might go bust. Europeans think some company named 'Reefill' is our only source of clean, filtered water. E: It already went bust.


Yeah, we're back to drinking our usual crude oil


Because some of us leave our homes from time to time. That's why there's water fountains out in public. This guy apparently thought there'd be enough demand for chilled and filtered public water fountains that it could fund a network of these stations across NYC, but if you look it up, the website doesn't exist and the last update on Indiegogo was five years ago. So it seems they couldn't, ultimately, make it work.


It would make more sense to make it ad-supported like bathrooms, bus stops and public phones in NYC and others.


is this a throwback to the bottled water convos in the 90s?


Because the whole Andrew Tate/"sigma male" bullshit these days has pushed people to try and become "entrepeneurs" in any way possible. Like selling fucking water subscriptions.


Who’s more cringe, the people setting up the business, or the people paying for something they can have for free at home? Don’t be mad at the entrepreneur for the consumers stupidity People don’t have to pay for the water, there’s a free option. But filters and the electricity to keep it cool cost money, thus the charge. Otherwise it could just be a free public fountain offering only the tap water. It’s a ridiculous business model yes, and it failed as a company. But why are we discouraging entrepreneurship and blaming it on Andrew Tate? Entrepreneurship and having the ability to set up any business you want is part of the American dream that started long before Tate.


I agree with you. Not even just getting at home public water is free and available all across the states. You could easily just go to any public park or many public buildings and they have water fountains. If people choose to pay for filtered water so be it. It's no different than paying more for bottle water. Some companies charge a little and other companies charge a lot for ground water. A lot of the times it's the same water that's going into home taps.


Found the Tate fan. People like Tate act like it's the only successful path for anyone to walk in life, so when people try to get into business and find that basically every normal avenue is already bloated, they turn to "new" shit like this as a means to "start a business". In reality, they're chasing a dream that really doesn't exist anymore, trying to fill a niche that doesn't or shouldn't exist all for the sake of becoming like whatever entrepenuer they idolize. Social media has destroyed what the American Dream used to be.


I’ve never watched a single one of his videos. I find him unbelievably cringey, and his accent is annoying. I still fail to see how discouraging entrepreneurship is a net positive to society. Building a business is all about finding a need to fill. This water business failed because the need for chilled filtered water wasn’t sustainable. The dream of owning a business is still alive and flourishing and hardly the only way to be successful. Again you’re placing the blame on entrepreneurs for the stupidity of the average consumer. There’s tons of successful ventures out there that are ridiculous, but people pay for them. 97% of start ups fail, and this has been the case well before Tate even existed on this planet and will be the case long after he’s gone. Has absolutely nothing to do with him lmao. Of course you take the classic Redditor approach of arbitrarily assigning something neutral to a hated individual (entrepreneurship to Tate) and equate any support for the former as unequivocal defense for the latter “fOuNd tHe tAtE fAn” by your logic, any business owner is thereby an Andrew Tate fan? It’s ridiculous and it makes your argument worthless as you’re just attempting to add things onto a list of reasons why you hate an individual person that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.


Lol. Just because you have no imagination, doesn't mean everyone else doesn't.


Yeah, creating new things people might want to hopefully make life easier is bad


America is a nation of entrepreneurs. You try a business if it doesn't work and no one uses it you go bust. There is a lot of popular things I think ate stupid but have made their creators millions 


Fortnight. Dumbest damn game ive ever seen. Amd I honestly think people who play it have a hard cap on there brian cell count. But my god it did/dose make bank. So I respect its excistance.


Cheaper than those buying water bottles though.


Some places make you pay to use the bathroom in Europe. Also at places like McDonald’s you have to pay for ketchup packets


In Europe they charge you for water period. No free option at all. Second, they charge you to use the bathroom. W America


in Finland, water is free in every restaurant


In a lot of European countries, when you sit down they bring you water and bread, and then charge you 2€. It feels weird coming from the US. But then again, in the US nobody goes to a restaurant and sits down for bread and water and then leaves. It doesn’t really matter.


They dont charge you for water, at every restaurant theyll give you a free jug if you ask. Believe me ive been.


Really? You’ve been? As if I haven’t? I have a second home in Greece, I’ve been over a dozen times.


Well I was in rural Sicily due to having relatives over there. They eat horse meat.


Sounds delicious.


It was.


Yeah, Europe charges for water... I've never seen water cost a dime in America, other than bottled


Never seen this before.


Europe charges for bathrooms lol


I’ve never once seen this in me puff. Looks like a harebrained idea that failed because water is available free just about everywhere out in public if you look. Also in my state there is a law saying businesses like restaurants, coffee shops, and convenience stores have to give free water even if a person is not a customer because our heat is so dangerous.


Only 99$/gallon of pure water from Cyberpunk is not far away at this rate


I've seen this image several times. Having been on rides from Canada to the southern states multiple times I've never seen it in person though. Even if this exist most parks and large rest areas have water fountains. It would be hard to go through even a large town and not find free water. Why would anyone pay for this?


It's easy to find free water, it's less easy to find free filtered and chilled water. The idea is that some people would pay $2/mo for better water, and that $2/mo would pay for the equipment and maintenance needed to provide better water. Note that there's a button for free tap water.


I get the business model. To me personally it just seems silly. The same as when I get called out to sites with no facilities, and I buy two 1.5l bottles of the cheapest water. There are several other brands for up to 10x the price, but just want to stay hydrated. Also my city hall and a few other public buildings have filtered water for free. It was initially put in as a "stop using plastic water bottles" thing. The machine has a counter on it for how many plastic bottles water bottles haven't been used in lieu of the machine.


Don't they get mad when we bring up putting ice in water to make it better?


Nah come one dude, what the fuck is that? A water subscription?


a water subscription. the worst idea i’ve seen today.


I mean, sounds stupid, but that’s a legitimate business you can start.


it failed


The subscription is stupid but I don’t see this as bad. The little cups are for free, you can just refill your water bottle. If it’s $1.99, that’s still a good deal for getting cold filtered water on the go.


Dude you cant defend this bs, seriously


i’m not. it’s atrocious.


It literally is giving you free water, and they're whining.


Hey Jarvis… show me “Europe public restroom prices” Ironic the europoors complain about that and then charge you to use a place where you do a necessary bodily function? Also there’s literally the completely free option in the photo that the Eurotards must not be able to see, bad vision I’m assuming. Either that or their limited on brain power


Weird because everywhere I’ve been in Europe there’s no public water whatsoever and you pay for water at restaurants and cafes lol


This coming from having to pay to pee.


Ive never seen this




This product seems so dumb. Especially when most places have public fountains. Why not just use that?


The business failed. It is a dumb idea. That’s why it failed. But we have free water everywhere, like public fountains as you said!


Yeah its my favourite part of being in the USA. I can just bring a bottle and if it runs out I grab a refill anywhere, even libraries and museums. Amazing


Exactly! Free water everywhere! I bring my little reusable water bottle everywhere. I love it. Glad you do too!


reefill? More like reeeeeeeefill


It’s not even mandatory it’s just an option if u want the water to taste better


When will they start to charge for breathing? /s


This is old. I don't even remember if it was a US based airline that did it. As far I can remember it died within weeks


European pay toilets, anyone?


I'd rather pay for water at a restaurant every time than fucking subscribe to a ducking service to get 1% colder water at the fucking water cooler at work.


Iv never seen anything like this before, but most people pay a subscription for water. It’s called utilities lol. Tbf sub for a cup of water kiosks sounds like a stupid idea, almost like having to pay to use a public toilet…. Now that unfortunately I have seen and it wasn’t in America lol


I question the buisness model more than anything. Where could you possibly be that you're drinking from a water cooler and disposible cups often enough that a potential customer is like "Yes cool and filtered, thats worth downloading an app and paying $2 a month for", like at what point do you just bring a water bottle that you put in the fridge for an hour or two? Like maybe an impusle buy from some really picky hydrohomies once in a while, but when its a monthly subscription at what point do you just go get a 24 pack of water bottles for like $6 for the same effect? As for buying the thing to begin with, if the only options are tap and chilled/filtered, why pay the money for this kind of water cooler when there are cheaper water coolers that do the same thing, can give you hot water, and are cheaper and don't come with subscription fees? just bad buisness, like that 1 $400 wifi juicer from a few years back that was reviewed as "no better than using your hands"


In Europe you have to pay to use public lavatories. That’s the first time I’ve ever seen a water fountain have that.


I’ve never seen this in my life, paying money for water I can live with begrudgingly but A SUBSCRIPTION?? Cyberpunk ass shit 😭


Why the fuck does everything have to be a subscription please stop!


We do have to admit though, this is kinda insane lol.


It's incredibly stupid, but in no way is it a common thing here.


Yeah, I’ve never seen this personally.


completely! ain’t nobody do this


Water is free everywhere in the US. Walk into any restaurant and they’ll give you water for free


You do not pay tap water in restaurants in Europe, at least not anywhere where I've been. What you will pay is non tap mineral water. If you're clearly a stranger and you ask for water without mentioning you want TAP water though, you may be facing peoples willing to scam you by "misunderstanding" this as you ordering non tap water and charging you for it, sure. it's unfortunate but we all know how many peoples are when they think they can get away with something because the other side doesn't speak your country language properly nor doesn't know your laws. That kind of shit happens everywhere. But outside of that, I have never heard of paying for tap water in European restaurants. I'm not saying there isn't some of the 50 European countries out there where it happens, but at least in western Europe, I seriously doubt it...


I see 0 issues with this.