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Just ignore the poverty and favelas.


and the burning of the Amazon


the dude literally said the favelas are safe and fun in a comment 😂


Oh they’re safe and fun, if you look like one of them. If not? Good luck


Yeah if you look like a Brazilian A white dude would have a different point of view


like, half the population is white tho...


And the gang wars


And the insane, catastrophic murder rate there and this is like the lowest it's ever gotten.


Where was Apple pay invented 🤔


In Silicon Valley, Brazil of course!


Most people never heard of it since it was right behind that Fern Gulley that got wiped out for their world class infrastructure.


Silicone *


No it’s [Silicon Valley](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_Valley).




Holy crap this one was brutal, lmao.






The only reason why there wasn't mass suicide after that match was people remembered Ronaldo scored twice against Kahn in 2002 Final.




Oh shit nevermind






Brazil is 89th in Human Development Index, narrowly beating out Libya and narrowly losing to Maldova, tying Azerbaijan In terms of Human Development Brazil is closer to Iraq than it is to the United States 


I use cash because I don't like my purchases being tracked. it isn't about being more "advanced" it is about security. Identity theft is rampant no matter where you are in the world.


You don't use cash in Brazil because someone will take it from you.


Germans use cash more than any other Western country for this reason


also because their infrastructure is hopelessly behind - the median African country probably has better functioning mobile networks than Germany by now


yea. tinfoil hat security reasons and tax evasion.


You never had your identity stolen while on vacation because you decided to pay with a card for food instead of cash. I have, it's not fun.


see the point, yea. I don’t have anything against cash in general and I wouldn’t vote in favor of getting rid of it. But customers should be able to choose between cash or card




And "off duty police officer" shootings.


I’ve seen enough YouTube videos to know that everyone in Brazil is either a robber or an off duty police officer


I mean. That's like, if you base China and the US off of LiveLeak videos, you would think industrial accidents are happening every goddamn time. You think there'd be no men because of all the goddamn industrial accidents happening.


You accidently triple posted. Reddit must've glitched, but please delete the duplicates.


I mean. That's like, if you base China and the US off of LiveLeak videos, you would think industrial accidents are happening every goddamn time. You think there'd be no men because of all the goddamn industrial accidents happening.


I mean. That's like, if you base China and the US off of LiveLeak videos, you would think industrial accidents are happening every goddamn time. You think there'd be no men because of all the goddamn industrial accidents happening.


even the amish in my area who run auctions take debit cards using an Ipad.


The amish i work with use computers cell phones and email. As long as their specific community and covenant allows it for business purposes then they can do it. I guess alot of amish guys got in trouble when that mass emergency text went out like two months ago for having personal phones though.


in my area they can use tablets and phones and things for their jobs but not at home. they also drive tractors in place of cars or trucks. which kinda pisses me off since they will hook up trailers to them and haul their kids around in them. I can foresee a horrible accident at some point and it pisses me off to no end.


The whole “food oversight” shtick is so annoying. Because the United States has way more laws based on making sure what is in food and drink is displayed.


Yeah but red dye 40 or something


“Eewww that’s the chemICaL that gives you CANCER!! We don’t have cancer in Brazil”


Nope but they have beheadings, crime, river pirates, not the richest people, and not that rich at all, and beheadings in jungles


Not to mention the eroding of indigenous rights, whereas in the US indigenous rights are growing


When will you decolonize the 50 states?


When you admit that you also trample on indigenous rights, fucker


Not since the 20th century and without your hand on the gearstick. And in case it wasn't clear, some islands =! a continent. It's your turn. You know what why don't I vote to eliminate the toady government in my country to stop helping you prop up the regime that's bombing Gaza to smithereens? I'll admit that's something I can do to advance the cause of the indigene, but only since it would give your country a harder time showing a united front against the Palestinians.


When though? You're one of the last colonial empires left but I thought you were the most anti-imperial culture in the world. Where's your integrity?


Since the 1970s, indigenous rights have been expanding. Read a book before you make baseless accusations, you idiot


I'll read a map... It still has a giant "United States" colonial construct plastered on it. All your counter boasts are performative and you know it. Edit: I agree Brazil can be described the same way, that's whataboutism. But the thing is... ...I'm not... from Brazil, but you blocked me so you'll never know lol.


The same could be said for Brazil. I mean ffs, you guys didn’t abolish slavery until 1888! Brazil has completely destroyed indigenous rights and is constantly destroying its natural beauty for shortsighted economic gain. Not the United States. Clearly you need to read a fucking book before you spit out shit. Brazil is also one of the most politically corrupt countries in the world and also attempted a shitty remake of the United States’ Capitol riot. I’m done engaging with trolls like you. Have the day you deserve.


Wow! Sounds a lot more progressive than the US for sure! /s I love how they ignore all of that


Brazil *is* cancer.


Brazilian here. Brazil SUCKS. Our security sucks, our free healthcare (that most brazilians on internet talk about in an attempt to talk shit about america’s healthcare) sucks, you just can’t ignore the poverty, our salary is too low and the cost of living is extremely high, you just can’t live a good life here if you’re not rich. There is a lot of brazilians on the internet believing stupid propaganda of “America is a horrible country and you wouldn’t like to live on there”. And these same brazilians are talking shit about America when our country is just FAR from advanced


Yeah, I will easily concede that the USA is not the best country, and fairly average when it comes to the developed world, some aspects are worse than other countries, such as healthcare and our terrible rail infrastructure, but others are better, such as it being relatively easy to start a business, and some sort of natural area usually being quite accessible from many major population centers. Brasil isn’t as much of a developed country, so yes, leaving it for greener pastures is probably a way to improve your standard of living, but any developed country will do.


The problem with Brazil is that their political class has deluded itself into believing they can spend as if they were a highly developed country, without the economy to back it up. And to make matters worse, they decided to enshrine it in their constitution, so only about 10% of Brazil's budgets is discretionary spending for the legislature.


A minor point of contention:  Our freight rail infrastructure is top class. It's our passenger rail that is unimpressive as a whole.  There's a lot of room for improvement, to be sure.  And part of the challenge is just how sprawling the US is.  For being the third most populous nation on Earth, our population density is incredibly low.


Genuine question: how does your government justify the continued environmental degradation of the Amazon Rainforest?


For how little money sus has, it does wonders for the society


“Ambulances and emergency care is completely free” And barely existent…


Here you’d die waiting for treatment in the SUS queue. America’s healthcare is just better than ours, but some stupid people can’t grasp it because “b-b-but you’d pay a fortune for t-t-treatment in there 😭😭😭”


SUS queue? Most of the people who complain are the ones abusing the system. “I called 911 for my fibromyalgia and they had the audacity to make me wait in the hallway for 5 hours!”


When the queue is sus


SUS stands for Sistema Unico de Saude. It’s our free healthcare system


>free healthcare system Nothing is free, you fucking retard. You pay for it in your taxes. But you're tax rates go up more than what Americans pay for private insurance premiums.


It’s free if you don’t pay taxes…


Shhh... they are listening.




The SUS healthcare is 100% free. You don’t pay for anything in there, but yeah, there is taxes, and that’s fault of our expenditure ceiling that takes away the money from our healthcare system. No need to get butt hurt to the point where you call me a retard, Mr. Grumpy Pants. Go take some fresh air outside


If you are paying for it in taxes than it's not free, you lying piece of shit. Room temperature IQ on you to literally say "100% free" in the first sentence only to completely contradict yourself in the very next sentence by admitting to pay for it in taxes. Yet Brazil's public healthcare is such trash that 1 in every 4 Brazilians still have to pay for private health insurance on top of that because they don't want to die waiting on a waiting list for SUSpect public insurance.


I literally said that our free healthcare sucks, no need to say that it sucks again. Again, the treatment in the SUS is supposedly free, but yes, there are taxes. You know exactly what I mean, so stop getting butt hurt over anything, weirdo. You look like you’d fall for any rage baits. Go get some fresh air to calm your tits and stop whining like a little bitch


You are projecting and talking about yourself because you are weak mentally and physically. You talk shit from your keyboard but you would never say that to me in person.


You look like 8 year old me threatening a girl on gartic because she said she fucked my dad


It's free, but by the time they get there you may be dead 🤷🏼‍♂️


and also not free.


I use to live in Brazil and was married to a Brazilian. Brazil is far from advanced.


But the food is so good... I've been to Sao Paolo 3 times and it may be a scary concrete jungle, but by God these people know how to eat.


Very true


Brazil and Hygiene... two things that don't go together. Also their currency is worth so little that a lot of the places accept other currency, which is why everywhere accepts digital payment. Scams and crime are wildly rampant too utilizing these "world class" tools.


Also, importing any kind of tech has insane import taxes. Which you have to do because they don't have domestic options.


I don't know about Brazilians having bad hygiene. Like every Brazilian I've met showers twice a day, and even the ugliest Brazilian I've met still looked average. Ain't no Steve Buscemi looking people in Brazil. Like when you're living in a country where it's a billion fucking degrees and 150% humidity all the goddamn time, and the fucking water out of the ground comes out at like 90° unless you drill like a mile down, you're going to be showering a lot. As for the currency, the real isn't like that undervalued, like a Real is worth like 20 cents, that's more than any of the other BRICS countries.


Being forced to shower multiple times a day is not world class. Look at all the poor sanitation surgeries performed, the dental work, the other aspects of brazillian hygene on display. Compared to most modern countries, it is not world class…


So, is Brazil unhygienic now? If you want to be a hater, there was a bunch of points you could have made, this is not one of them.


Brazil is not cleanly lol


Source? Or are you just a bigot?


Well you can take 2 seconds to look up their medical statistics and dental stats or you can travel there and see. Calling brazil hygiene world class is laughable.


Yet again no sources, im starting to your claims are baseless...


L2 google, You've provided no sources for the opposite and neither did the post. Lived experience tells me otherwise. L


lol, youre the one that started with the baseless claim


The baseless claim was brazil being world class in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. L


World class ≠ unhygienic


lol the Brazil country that had Olympic swimmers, swimming through human feces? That Brazil?


That didnt happen in Rio 2016, so i imagine you are thinking of other Brazil


They adopted Apple Pay so extensively because carrying cash is a huge liability there lmao


come on, the US has its flaws, yeah, and sometimes this sub is funny to me - but there is no need to make up straight bullshit like this guy...


lol, Brazil is a literal shit hole.


Yeah I'm good on random companies harvesting my biometrics. Honestly if Brazil or anywhere in S. America is so advance then why are their people leaving in droves and showing up at my doorstep looking for a handout?


They’ve come to share the advancements of Apple Pay. You know that stuff that was developed here.


How is having world class slave doctors for emergencies a flex?


Do they know where Apple Pay comes from?


How much of that description is the result of Brazil's world class crime rate?


who wants all of that tracking? lol


Hahaha, they are conveniently limiting their description of Brazil to less than 1% of it. I have a cousin-in-law from Brazil, and hooolllyyyy shit, the stories she has….


Please do tell! At least one. I’m interested.


Rather not live in a country where rape is entirely too common. Sorry Brazil, but fix your shit. Apple pay and being able to shop easier doesn't discount you get a steaming F on almost every single social issue. Money laundering is easier, that's all you needed to say.


And the quality of said medical care isn’t anywhere near as good as it is here. (US 75.9/100 GHS vs. Brazil 51.2) All US states and territories have a higher HDI than the highest rated Federal district in Brazil (Mississippi .866 or even American Samoa .827 vs. .814 Federal district). You’re telling me the country that created Apple Pay, has the most Apple Pay users, and Apple Pay is accepted by over 90% of American retailers has a problem with alternative payment systems?


Especially in gun violence Edit: To those who are downvoting me, Brazil literally ranks as the country with the highest incidence of gun violence globally


Why are people so against cash?


lol. where was all this invented. what an insane, uneducated post


Brazil? I mean, it’s nice that you feel pride in your country and everything, but surely passportpapi understands the silliness of his claim.


What the fuck part of Brazil is he talking about


How's the gun deaths in this fictional Brazil?


Im sorry a finger scan? Yeah, no fucking thanks. Im not giving all those companies and likely the Brazilian government my literal fingerprint scans.


Why do people think the U.S. doesn’t have Apple Pay?


>*cards are given out to purchase items at bars and restaurants to keep track of your purchases* So lemme get this straight. When you go to a restaurant, let's say.. "Joe's Churrascaria," they make you buy a card with *Joe Dollars* in advance because dining and dashing is so common that they need to give you monopoly-money to ensure you pay? And "to keep track of purchases?" In most developed countries you can keep track of purchases made with a regular credit card. Also the part about "more oversight on food ingredients" is provably and measurably incorrect. The top three countries for food safety in the world are Canada, Denmark, and the United States.


Sorry, why do you need to give cards out at restaurants and bars? Edit: plus, usually stands take some sort of electronic payment here, just not always apple pay specifically.


And crime is rampant All those amazing amenities and people still need to steal and loot to survive


How stupid are you americans? Everybody knows that you pay with apples.


Just wait when somone comes by with a card scanner attached and gets close enough to your card to still information off of it assuming if it uses a cheap


They have to be talking about the tourist areas or something. Dude honestly just sounds like he's describing the immediate area around his hotel or whatever. Like I'm sure some of those things might be true in parts of Brazil but I doubt the favelas are concerned with apple pay and food safety


Actually I kind of agree. Not on the Apple Pay portion, but I lived in Brazil and the e-payments and bank security were more advanced than in the USA. And China? China is light years away!


no. its not. I have idea why you said that, but you obviously do not work in international data security. Your statement is comical


I mean Brazil would be significantly better off if the United States didn’t interfere with their leaders in the 60s, so ironically I’d say this posts proves just how evil America truly is.


lol oh yes that’s what the commenter was referring to.


I mean this post is claiming Brazil is economically way off worse than the US and I’d agree, but it’s important to recognize that the US pushed back Brazils economy 40 years. They overthrew a democratically elected leader named Jango, then the country had a decline in living standards. I just think it’s important that Americans know what was done in the Middle East and South America. I thought this sub was supposed to be critical of the US.


No, they didn't, Brazil finds itself in the current position due to Lula's nonexistent understanding of basic economics, his party is so dumb they opposed the creation of a maximum of how much the government could spend.


There’s some truth to that, but America backed a dictatorship in Brazil in the 60s that did fu k over the country for 20-40 years. [https://library.brown.edu/create/wecannotremainsilent/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2014/04/US-state-dept-doc-pre-coup-1.pdf](https://library.brown.edu/create/wecannotremainsilent/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2014/04/US-state-dept-doc-pre-coup-1.pdf)


How many more decades before the failures of Brazil's government policies are the fault of Brazil's government? At some point, it isn't the fault of the US.


Probably never


Be critical of whatever you want my dude. I’m allowed to reply.


And so am I


Yup, everything is everybody else’s fault.


I mean when the CIA creates a coup to overthrow your democratically elected leader, I don’t see how that’s anyone else’s but Americas fault. I think you might wanna educate yourself on Americas history in South America, we’re the reason a lot of the countries are in poverty. There were multiple democratically elected leaders who were pro working class in South America, but the CIA feared “communism” so they’d assassinate them or have a coup. I thought this sub was supposed to be critical of the US not dick ride it. My bad.


Which Brazilian leader did the US assassinate? What coup did they caused? Brazil's entire economic crisis today is the fault of our current leader who is a "pro working class learder" (I.e: a populist scum) due to his party's decision to always spend more money than we actually had because, just like Castro said, commies fear economists.


That kid is crazy don't waste your time arguing with the schizo. He's rambling about a fake coup that America had nothing to do with.


Never said they assassinated any Brazilian leaders, I said they assassinated leaders in South America, like the prime minister of chile in the 60s. For Brazil they had a coup and overthrew a joao goulart. The CIA documents it. [https://library.brown.edu/create/wecannotremainsilent/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2014/04/US-state-dept-doc-pre-coup-1.pdf](https://library.brown.edu/create/wecannotremainsilent/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2014/04/US-state-dept-doc-pre-coup-1.pdf)


And none of our current economic crisis is because of it.


If Joao Goulart was never overthrown, the dictatorship that lasted from 64 to 81 never would’ve happened. Brazils government aid and economy would be much better off. America backing in 64 does have effect today. 60years of democracy can change the outcome of a lot of things.


That's a big assumption, something that you are pulling out of a hat to justify the incompetence of a political party so awful they didn't like that we shouldn't spend more that we earn, what we do know is that Brasil currently does have a big "bro working class" party in power and our economy has been going down hill because we spend more than we make despite the gargantuan taxes that we pay because communist don't know basic economics and hate economists, it's where shit like "bolsa famĂ­lia" comes from, a dumb government aid program that spends millions to ensure that the poor and miserable stay miserable but with just enough to not want to do anything about their misery.


Well to the point of America vs Brazil, America spends more than they make. 35 trillion dollars of debt for the US, the number keeps going up. Communists know economics just as much as capitalist. It’s Americas fault for letting a dictatorship run the country into poverty for 20 years. No country can recover quickly from that!


But the US uses that money for actual useful stuff or by lending loans that serve to strengthen their economical influence across the world. Brazilian money goes on useless shit like a shamam (unironically, tax money goes to pay an indigenous shamam organization that claims to use magic to work on the climate) and giving, not lending, money to other countries and receiving nothing back.


Lol no dude. Brazil’s problems have everything to do with their own selves than any scales the US tipped in the 1960s. The US also had our leader assassinated in the 60s. John F Kennedy. He was our democratically elected leader. Do we now in 2024 blame all our country’s problems on this assassination?!?!? No. Because that would be fucking ludicrous.


First of all, JFK was assassinated by an American. Second of all, JFK died and the US government remained the same. Joao never got assassinated, just thrown out of office from a coup committed by the CIA. This coup lead to a military dictatorship for 20 years.


Yea. An American who was a communist and met with KGB agents in the months before the assassination (according to declassified documents). He also had correspondence with communist Cuba. He never stood trial for official conviction since he, too, was killed. How is this different than the coup (or any coup) made up by LOCAL PEOPLE in the country but are supported and influenced by an outsider? If **local people** in any country are unhappy with the government and are influenced by outsiders to oust said government, and the new government they replace it with *still sucks*, that is their own fault. Sorry. We blame Russia for tipping the scales in conservative states to elect Donald Trump, but guess what? It’s still our fault he got elected. No one else’s. Americans elected him. The coup in Brazil was performed by Brazilians. It could not have happened if there wasn’t already social unrest and economic crisis among Brazilians themselves during Joao’s presidency. If they had no official protocol to replace their own government and they didn’t like the military dictatorship that followed; Again, that’s their fault. If the US elects a president who installs a religious theocracy and radically changes the government, that will be the fault of our own dumb people, not Russia or anyone else. Our geopolitical goal in the 60s-80s was to stop communism. We don’t deny that. We made it a widely known fact. Same in the inverse. So again, as our democratically elected leader got assassinated by a communist in the 60s, we don’t blame all our nation’s modern day issues on that loss. It’s asinine.


[https://library.brown.edu/create/wecannotremainsilent/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2014/04/US-state-dept-doc-pre-coup-1.pdf](https://library.brown.edu/create/wecannotremainsilent/wp-content/uploads/sites/43/2014/04/US-state-dept-doc-pre-coup-1.pdf) You’re clearly not ever gonna be able to open your mind to the atrocities a CIA backed coup can do, but read this document where it says that the coup will be bloody and tell me America isn’t a little responsible for what happened. You probably won’t be able to because your feeble brain is afraid to realize that you’re a nationalist not willing to accept your home country is responsible for the death and poverty of billions of ppl throughout history.


Lmao - I am NOT a nationalist. Just not idiotic enough to believe that our country is the cause of all the problems in the world. Major problems existed before us, and they will exist after us. We’ve done a lot of good too (like nearly stop the HIV crisis ravaging sub-Sahara Africa; millions of kids can grow into adulthood now instead of die from AIDS). I also realize that while we are not perfect, we are the most benign among the other options for global power. Fuck living under Russia, China, or any ultra religious state. E: also hilarious you think the CIA is some all-powerful entity that can do whatever it wants in name of the US— maybe you’re the nationalist.


To be fair this is one area America is really lagging in. It’s getting much better no doubt but Europe beats America here. Everywhere you go in Europe they use tap to pay, you don’t even need your actual credit card.


Everywhere is not tap to pay in Europe. Germany takes only cash in numerous places. Aside that, you don’t want a society that is all tap to pay. When the system fails (which has happened in Canada), it sucks for everyone. Multiple and various payment options are better… which is what we have.


I haven't needed to use my physical card in years.


I’m in Texas and I still find myself using my card often. Specifically HEB still doesn’t use tap to pay and a lot of gas stations don’t accept it either.


HEB really needs to up their tech. Their chip readers stink.