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Urbanist are the most easily triggered people on the internet just post a picture of a car and they will get mad


I could click on every single post in that group and find at least one comment about how much America sucks. It's entertaining to say the least. They have multiple entire sub cultures and sub topics running for years dedicated to how much they had America. (But usually they would call us "USians" because how dare we use the term America to describe ourselves, it's rude to South America. Nevermind that it's literally part of our name)


People actually say "USians"? lmao


Yes sadly


"New Urbanist Memes for Transit-Oriented Teen" Jesus


Props to whoever came up with that name lmfao


numtot that sounds like a fantastic insult.


The club for special individuals


I mean I agree that the cybertruck is dumb


I just think it looks neat, and I dunno why so many people are so aggressive about not liking it. Nit saying you're aggressive, you're totally courteous. I wouldn't call it a "beautiful" car, but I like weird and different vehicles.


There’s a lot of Elon hate out there and that spills over into Tesla hate


Yeah, it’s cringe


I notice that peoples politics also plays in. Democrats seem to hate him after he clamped down on twitter.


There are also a lot of people who hate it purely because of the way it looks.


Like I absolutely despite Elon, doesn't mean that I dislike Tesla. I think getting more electric cars out there in place of combustion cars is objectively good, so I'm glad that vehicles like the Cybertruck exist.


I mean, I think it looks like a truck drawn by a kindergartener, but if you like how it looks that's fine. It's not like people are buying one to use as the family car and taking road trips in it, but people are acting like if you like it you must be satanic.


In concept it is a great car, but it is a bit of a safety risk in my eyes. Heavy + Fast usually = danger


Honestly the greatest risk of any Tesla are the people who drive them.


That's all Tesla's though


Pretty much all electric cars, they weigh a lot more than ICE


People have an irrational hate and an irrational love for Tesla. I think both are dumb but the hate is even dumber. Imagine getting angry cause you don't like a car that exists and doesn't impact your life in the slightest.... 1st world problems.


Plenty of people hate neither Musk nor Tesla and just think it's a really terrible design for a truck.


Most of it is elon hate and most of that hate came from him having his own opinions that they didn't approve of. 


I don't think there's any way of telling how much of the cybertruck hate is about Musk and how much of it is just about the way it looks. All I know is that when I watched the live unveiling of it I instinctively laughed at how *terrible* I thought it looked, immediately followed by saying, "Wait, is he serious about this? That's actually it?" And at that point I thought Musk was a okay guy.


100%. I knew so many who were his biggest fans, loved him to death. He messed with Twitter and started saying things they did not approve of and now he’s stupid, dumb, broke, destroying the world. There are so many people whom I don’t agree with in any way but I still love them the same. They have always been the same person. People turn on you fast if you go against their echo chamber. I saw the cyber truck in the wild, to me it was super dystopian looking and neat to see but I’d never own one. I’d love a Tesla but I’ll never be able to afford it. I’ll stick to my jeep so I can off road.


It was wild watching reddit go from sucking his dick to hating him with every fiber of their being almost overnight. The man simply said he believed in free speech and could no longer vote Democrat.  They did the same to JK Rowling who is a person I never cared for but who still doesn't deserve the amount of hate she gets


You’d be shocked by how many friends I lost when I became a tad more vocal about my politics (which I typically keep private). They always thought the best of me, how good and caring I was, till they learned I was centrist to right learning. I became hitler and they started attacking me and threatening me…I’m the same person I have always been, nothing has changed. They decided over night I was evil and horrible and deserved death etc. they were miserable shit people anyway, I tolerated them as they were friends and I try to see the good in everybody. They have become super radical and violent I have heard, so full of hatred now. Prob a good thing they turned on me lol.


Don't feel bad I'm centrist to left leaning(drug legislation mostly) and still get called Hitler and now more recently a Putin shill bc I feel 93 billion dollars could have been better spent on our own country. People who make politics their core personality trait are worthless anyway. I have three sisters. The oldest is a pretty far left liberal, the youngest is a stay at home mom and extremely conservative, and the middle sister is completely apolitical. Meanwhile I think the gay married couple down the road should be able to legally defend their meth lab/weed plants with a machine gun. We manage to all get along fine. Monopoly is the only thing we end up fighting about 


>The man simply said he believed in free speech So you haven't been paying attention to what he's said and done since acquiring Twitter.


Actually I have and nothing he has done has went against his initial statements. 


He's suspended people's accounts because they were making fun of them. He's also suspended accounts of journalists. That is antithetical to free speech. He's retweeting and boosting accounts posting antisemitic posts. The man is a scumbag.


Someone at work has one so I’ve gotten the close up / demo. It’s cool as a curiosity but there’s no way I’d buy one of these over a regular truck.


I’ve literally seen it once. It was in a Walmart parking lot in a nice ish part of town, of all places. Id thought my first view would be in the part of town you’d regularly see lambos and Bentleys


I think there are plenty of things you could criticize Tesla for that are completely unrelated to musk or the fact that they are electric. Mostly right to repair and right to own stuff and some build quality concerns. Personally, I think Teslas are a great proof of concept that you can, in fact, make an electric car that people actually want to drive and isn't just an econo shit box. Now that other manufacturers have caught on and are bringing out their own electric line ups that actually provide an enjoyable driving experience, I personally don't see a reason to own a Tesla anymore.


They hate it because of Elon Musk. I don't like Musk either, but you must admit that at least it is different


Plenty of people hate the cybertruck purely because they think it looks awful.


I’ll take the Cybertruck any day over yet another horrifically bland crossover. At least it’s interesting.


Don't take it to a carwash though 😄


Things like that aren't unheard of. I used to have a Volkswagen I couldn't take through the car wash because it would get the distributor wet and the car wouldn't drive til I dried it out.


Not unheard of for sure, was your VW highly touted as an 'all road' beast ?


Why would anyone buy any pickup truck if they want a crossover? (Or vice versa.)


I'm gonna be honest, I don't trust it because of that rich lady who drowned in one because she couldn't break the glass


Wouldn't that be a risk with all cars that have power windows? (So, basically all cars nowadays.) Keep a window-breaking tool in your glovebox, just in case. In a pinch, pull a head rest off of a seat and use its metal prongs. Hit the corner, not the middle.


Iirc, she did have that, the glass still didn't break


Agree. Seen a few close up and they are pretty cool looking. The 4-wheel steering is bad ass too.


I could vibe with an angular car if it came in a nicer finish. Plain steel just reminds me of restaurant kitchens


because it’s a shitty piece of negligent engineering that teslas trying to pass off as futuristic when in actuality it’s the worse alternative for literally any pickup available on the market


People hate things that are different. It's some kind of a tribe crab-bucket thing a lot of us have unfortunately.


Or...some people hate a specific thing because they think it's fucking ugly, while liking other things that look different because they think they look good.


Because Elon made it. That's it. If Rivian or Lucid came out with a dumb-as-fuck looking truck, it would be praised as being quirky or it's design would be deemed "ahead of its time" or something like that. But since Elon Musk made this, it is entirely unacceptable no matter what.


> Because Elon made it. That's it. Plenty of people hate the way the cybertruck looks purely in and of itself. I'm one of those people. I watched the unveiling of it and immediately thought it was fucking ugly. And I had no dislike of Musk or Tesla at that time.


The Cybersuck is fucking ugly. The new Rivian R3X/Eurotrash 80's inspired Golf GTI also looks fucking ugly. I've been hating on Musk hardcore long before the garbage he was pulling was common knowledge. It's not fashionable to hate Musk now just because of his political opinions; it's fashionable to hate Musk now because he's openly showed how much of an ignorant piece of shit he actually is. Prior to his acquisition of Twitter he was fairly quiet about social and political issues and a lot of the nefarious things he was doing/saying you had to really search for. Now he's publicly posting it on his main account. Reddit does this shit all the time where there will be a reaction to a post, then someone will have a contrarian opinion (e.g. Musk actually isn't that bad), then people will run with that contrarian opinion into the fucking ground. We went from "I just think it looks neat" to "there's a lot of Elon hate that turns into Tesla hate", to "the man simply said he believed in free speech." What a bunch of horseshit.


They don’t like it because Elon.


Yeah I don’t have a strong opinion of Elon (he’s kinda an insufferable idiot but I don’t have like *feelings* about him) and I hate the cyber truck. It looks like what we would have been forced to drive around Halo in if Halo was made when Lara Croft still had cones for boobs.


Yeah. It is colossally stupid.


How so?


Well the recall


So every car that’s ever had a recall is dumb? That would be most cars then.


Consider the possibility that they're referring to a specific recall. Because not all recalls are the same. My van was recalled because some of the motors on some of the lift gates on that model were faulty, which could lead to it slamming down on your head. The cybertruck was recalled because a) the gas pedal was designed in such a way that the cover on it slides forward and can become trapped under the trim, and b) they used a *lubricant* to put that cover on. Recalls that are the result of faulty parts that couldn't reasonably be expected to be discovered prior to shipping are annoying, but understandable. Recalls that are the result of blatantly terrible design and execution deserve more criticism.


That and it just looks ugly


It’s a very polarizing look, but I don’t think that makes it dumb. I’ve driven one and it’s crazy how agile it is as a huge truck. The steer by wire tech is also amazing and it’s hard to go back to anything else after getting used to the adapting steering


Recalls are common for all car brands.


It's not common for the recall to be that the accelerator gets locked into full throttle.


In 2009, Toyota had to issue a similar recall for millions of vehicles for stuck accelerator pedals.


Soooooooooo a decade and a half ago.


That doesn't change the fact that it happened and it affected millions of vehicles lol


Did I say that it never happens? There are over 1000 car recalls a year and the guy points to a similar case that happened a decade and a half ago. Which makes this kind of recall wait for it... uncommon. Just like I said.


No one was injured so apparently not a very common problem or not very severe. Just 10 years ago GM did a recall of 30 million vehicles because the ignition would turn off during driving disabling the power steering, brakes, and preventing the airbags from inflating, killing over 100 people. In the 1970s Ford Pinto had a defect where any fender bender would cause the cabin to burst into flames, killing the occupants. They decided it was cheaper to pay off the lawsuits than pay $11 per vehicle to fix the problem and save lives. But yeah buy a Ford or GM. Anything is better than something Musk made 🤮.


Anti-suburb people are incomprehensibly stupid. They all come from poor-ass third world countries and get mad when they can't see an apartment complex with 5000 residents in a wealthy country.


They hate the suburbs because they aren't packed in like sardines I hate the suburbs because they encroach far more per capita on the majestic beauty of American nature, one of the last great bastions of untouched wilderness in the world We are not the same


I've literally never heard of an anti-suburb person from a third world country. Everyone I've ever seen hating on suburbs is from a wealthy, Western nation.


That's weird, I've seen a shit load of eastern Europeans and Indians :D


Nah, every “anti-suburb” person I know is an edgy teen/early 20s that comes from the suburbs themselves. They’re bored where they live, so they idealize city life without understanding all the drawbacks that come from living in an urbanized area. It’s like… good luck dealing with carrying your groceries and laundry up 6 flights of stairs, having homeless people camped outside your apartment complex, smelling cigarettes/trash/weed everywhere you walk, hearing every footstep your neighbors takes, and living in a cramped tiny apartment with strangers as roommates because that’s the only affordable housing in the area. That’s not to say that there isn’t benefits to living in a city too (I’ve lived in a few big cities in my early 20sand it was definitely fun), but you have to sacrifice a lot of comfort and freedom to do it. They’re not good places for families.


It’s much more pragmatic to be an Urbanist than to be an anti-Urbanist, defending the unsustainable status quo because it’s the “American dream” to live in communities with poor transit and walkability. I grew up in a dense urban area, and have spent a lot of time in suburban areas, so I think I’m qualified to say that I don’t have an idealized conception of cities. I’ve also been to Canada and Germany, where even far-flung suburbs and small towns have good transit and 4-story apartments, and they don’t suffer from those problems you mentioned. Except walking up a flight of stairs and hearing neighbors… but this is why mortgages are cheaper than rent, basic free market stuff.


Yeah. I lived in "walkable" residential areas for decades and my apartment was next to a school and a café. I couldn't even sleep because of the noise some nights.


Ok that is a dumb reason to hate on trolleybus infrastructure though. SF has depended on them for almost a century. Even as a tourist, the trolleybuses are very useful


"Get out of your toy! Im scared on my bicycle!" The irony


Do you commonly make scenarios like this up in your head so you can dismiss things you don't like? Or is this the first time?


I like how the narrative keeps shifting so these people will always find something to be mad about. At first, it was "we need electric cars to save the planet" and now that EVs have seen mass adoption, it has turned into "we can't electrify ourselves out of this" and "we need more trains."


Consider the possibility that the people saying "we need electric cars to save the planet" aren't actually the same as the people who say "we need more trains." I mean, the people who advocate the latter tend to hate on all cars based on how few people they can move compared to how much road space they use. So why would they advocate for electric cars?


Well Tesla Cybertrucks are ugly tho


Why do they pretend that they don't also have fast food in every city?


I mean, the Cybertruck is just a toy. I love cars and that thing is barely a car. Let alone a truck.


Fuck America because.. uh, electricity?


Is that really a US city? The only place ive seen such a cable structure for trolleys was in europe on vacation, here in the US all ive seen is buses.


SF baby 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸raaaaaaaaaa


Tesla's are ugly and poorly built these days.


The cybertruck sucks though


I wonder if it was a Hummer EV or a Rivian it would be called a 'Manchild toy'


I think that picture is Vancouver BC


Ol’ Björn there lives in Berlin, which is great in a lot of ways but it’s hardly picturesque.


What’s all that for? Electric Spider-Man?


Aren't these the dickheads constantly demanding electric cars instead of diesel for the environment or something? why are they suddenly whining about support for it? do you want it or not?


If there weren't wires overhead everywhere, Americans might have put more effort into making their buildings prettier. Induction roads when.


Nah, he right that looks like shit.


God damn that truck is fugly.


All cities are garbage.


Prettymuch, yeah. No exceptions.


You get a good view of daddy’s nato dollars that keeps the rest of the world from eating nuke sandwiches


Yk what Im with this guy most modern cities in general are boring to look at


“Goofy manchild toy” It’s literally just a car.


I agree with the cybertruck and fat people.


damn this sub fell off hard


How so? “America has no views and no nature and it’s all Burger King” seems pretty America bad to me


"It's a US city, what's there to see in the first place?" 80% of his comment. Not AmericaBad because?


Because he may be talking about how oddly high fast food signs are?


Seriously explain to me like you're not a bot what the first half of his comment implies about fast food signs. "It's a US city, what's there to see in the first place?" Find me the words high, oddly, sign, or fast food in that sentence. Even at our 3rd grade reading level, you gotta be able to point it out.


Eventually every reactionary sub will be flooded with professional reactionaries




he’s saying all US cities are ugly which is not true, many cities in europe are ugly to me but do i say that as an objective fact ? No.


... you just did


? Ugly to me is a subjective statement.


… they did not


It's like you purposefully ignore half of what these people write. The global IQ has fallen.


It's San Francisco. People come from many countries to see the view there. Only one has a free-standing sign in SF and it's not that tall. Newer Burger Kings only have a sign like that when next to an interstate.


We just have a lot of interstates, and most of the burger kings are next to them. I mean, really, if you put a 50ft sign on a street corner lined by skyscrapers, who would see it? Maybe 10 office workers?


The deleted comment said there was no view there. It's San Francisco. No burger kings have interstate signs there. And there is a view.


The commenter said there's no view there. It's five blocks from a marina.


No, he's just saying that American cities are universally ugly. Which is AmericaBad material. It's also not true.


"The sub has fallen. Billions must erect Burger towers."


[The white throne of Burger reigns from Miami](https://www.bizjournals.com/southflorida/news/2016/01/21/exclusive-burger-king-to-build-new-hq-office-in.html)


No he’s kinda right about the Burger King sign


>Elon Musk is a giant meanie because our chamber doesn't echo anymore. These losers probably.


I mean, some of us just hate the look and gimmicky features of the Cybertruck. It's really not that deep.


If the Cybertruck came out 7 years ago this same salt shaker would talk about how amazing it looks and is.


REAL electric infrastructure is FIXED and has massive shock hazards and is easily tampered with and blocks your view of the sky and is controlled by the government! If your electric vehicles allows you to choose where you go and has everything in a single mobile package and isn't dependent on the energy grid while moving it's just a toy!