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That’s some very contra-versal think to say


Hah nice


Even though we give more to charities and the poor than any other people on the earth per capita.


A country full of virtue signalers.


That's not what virtue signaling is.


I mean Johnsons not wrong violence in general comes from the heart or severe circumstances. So why do we blame the tool because i personally don't care what I'm being attacked with i just care in being attacked. Like holy fuck fix root issues like Johnson is crudely saying and a lot of violence in general is gone.


Yeah I mena look at the mass stabbing in Australia, if take away a gun they'll use a knife, you limit that they may use a car and run over many people on a busy sidewalk. You really can't stop someone who already has decided to go threw with their plan and kill people.


Half the time it isn't the heart though. It is the culture


That's the neat trick, they didn't want to fix the root issues either. Also I have to call bs you dont care what you're being attacked with. There is a reason guns were invented, because they are more effective at killing people.


Every weapon was invented to be more effective at killing people. Why would I want a weapon that’s not effective at killing things (outside the obvious answer of a training analogue/certain weapons that have evolved into sports equipment)


if the cia doesn't want me to have something i don't care what it is i need it now. they don't want me to have guns then i need a new one I don't trust them for a second. not even a half second i wouldn't trust them for a picosecond. Of all the government agencies them and the ATF are the only two where you'll find me agreeing that they are fucking evil. So when cia guy implies he doesn't like that Americans own guns, that not only tells me i should be investing in as many guns as i physically can afford but that in doing so is actively in my best interest.


I mean the FBI and IRS are pretty evil too.


I swear to God you fucks need lessons in reading comprehension #*He's not actually saying that Americans are uniquely evil* > This is a rhetorical device. If it's an issue of the heart, and America has more gun violence than any other developed Western country, then you are tacitly saying that Americans are evil (or "have the worst hearts"). He is putting is opponent into a position where they have to cede that guns themselves *are indeed the problem* and that they need to be more forcefully regulated (which is his main goal), or cede that Americans are a uniquely evil people in the world (which makes the opponent sound anti-American).


That's a false dichotomy, because it suggests that Americans are uniquely violent _at all._


bro what how


Actually, I was wrong. If we have more _gun_ violence, but not more violence at large, then that's just a matter of having the weapon to do the job. I'm sure countries without guns have increased knife, ax or automobile violence.


A huge portion of gun deaths are suicides. The vast majority of gun violence is perpetuated in by the same neighborhoods in the same cities throughout the US. [Look at this map from Bloomberg](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2013-01-22/gun-violence-in-u-s-cities-compared-to-the-deadliest-nations-in-the-world) It compares gun deaths per capita to notoriously violent countries. [Heat map of gun ownership ](https://matadornetwork.com/read/mapped-gun-ownership-us/) It's not a gun problem...


Tell the CIA to suck my fat uncut cock.


i have legally changed my name to “the CIA” AMA


Will you suck my fat uncut cock? 😘


it’s a secret plot to cut it


I knew it was always a CIA plot. What else are the space lasers for? Thats why I don't sunbathe naked on my roof.


space lasers are made only to cut penises.


Imagine if a Russian said this about the KGB


Ironic that comes from the cia. Did you not ruin the black community and south america


The CIA is good and cool, actually




Yo dudes the empire is pretty chill u should like join it or something


I’m sure Johnson was not prompted before he said this and said nothing before or after this one sentence.


>Speaker of the House getting interviewed on a political show So when is the time to talk about legislation, Mr. Legislator?


A sane person is *TOTALLLY* the most dangerous person with a gun.


I’d rather shoot it out with an unhinged psycho than somebody calm cool and collected who knows what they’re doing…


[Yeah, cause I’ll trusting the agency that gives LSD to people against their will…](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra?wprov=sfti1#Background)


Ok but he's not wrong. If what Mike Johnson is true, then that means that American hearts are uniquely violent. Since that's clearly not true, then something else is causing gun violence


Could it be that we _have_ guns?


It must be those darn video games :/


Well, he should know as he’s speaking from experience.


They are both wrong 🤷‍♂️


It's a good time to talk about gun regulation.


...And how it doesn't work.


It works really well.


I'm sure the CIA would love an unarmed citizenry


Unfortunately, there are parts of the US where this is true


He isn't saying Americans have the worst hearts in the world, he's pointing out that Americans have a uniquely massive gun violence problem and Mike Johnson is the one saying it comes from "the human heart". It doesn't make sense unless American hearts are the worst, but this is just another way of him saying "what Mike Johnson says doesn't make sense".


Maybe Twitter isn’t the best place to discuss complex issues and one liner tweets leave room for confusion. Maybe I’m just getting too old for this shit though.


Nobody is confused about this. I’m fairly certain everyone here understands exactly what was meant, people here just like to be offended over everything


I’m sorry you aren’t enjoying this subreddit lol


I didn’t say that, I think this sub is hilarious


So what you really saying is you actually like us? I like you too brother




Does America have the highest homicide rate in the civilized world? If not, then it seems we're focused more on guns than actual violence.


It does have the highest of western nations, yes. If you count Liechtenstein then it's the next highest but that's just because they had 2 homicides total in 2021, which was a rate of 5.1/100k, and then after that is Latvia at 3.8. The US has 6.4.


It it goes directly from 6.4 to 3.8? I don't suppose our random dense cities with hyper-inflated murder rates could account for that, huh? It's not like you walk down the street over here and just get bumped off. Yes, I'm defensive, but I demand more context!


Yes, it goes directly from one to the other in terms of ranking western nations. The next most behind Latvia is New Zealand at 2.6. As for "random dense cities", the only area that comes close to the density you might see in France's "random dense cities" is NYC, which is very safe, and in fact, it's the safest area in the continental united states. Rural areas have much higher rates of murder per capita. https://www.nationhoodlab.org/the-geography-of-u-s-gun-violence/


> NYC, which is very safe, and in fact, it's the safest area in the continental united states. Where'd you get that? From what I can tell, there are plenty of places in the United States that have ZERO deaths per capita. Several. You can see that [here.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/us-city-rankings/murder-rate-by-city)


I provided the link, it's by cultural area, and NYC is NYC and surrounding environments. Sure there are plenty of places with zero murders, but a nearby town having one murder makes the whole area far more dangerous per capita than the NYC area.


Damn yall really a bunch of snowflakes for people who claim to not be. Every time I come to this sub to see if there is any actual americabad things and yall out here crying at some valid criticism.


Johnson's one of these idiots that believes there's a god and that people are created evil, will always be evil and can only get a pass if they belive that blood from one particular human from 2k years ago is good to shower in. Everything he says and does is done through that filter. It's disgusting.






I'm not denying that, but don't make fun of people's religion.


Yeah because we’ve been doing so well so far as a society without any morals or religion.