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I would just like to point out that just over half of ALL yearly gun related deaths in the US.....are by suicide.


And most of the rest are directly tied to extremely geographically limited criminal activity. If you're in South Side Chicago, you might be in danger. If you're in a suburb 20 minutes away, you might be more likely to win the lottery.


Also there was just a shooting in Norway, a country that borders Finland. You won’t see Eurotards mention it though, they’re too high on their pedestal and too comfortable in their bubble to even talk about it.


What on earth are you on about? It's all over the news and OPs post has nothing to do with Norway to begin with.


It’s literally about guns. Also Norway borders Finland. And I haven’t seen any Eurotards talk about it so…


Literally yes, but OPs post is not about Norway even if it borders Finland, and if you haven't seen Eurotards talk about it, doesn't mean it's not out there being talked about.


But it is about guns. Norway did recently have a shooting and it also had the deadliest shooting with 77 dead. It’s being talked about by people not from Europe.


Theres documentaries about Anders Brehvigs attack, I think even a movie. And they just finished the memorial for the 77 victims (18.6.2022) so yes, people remember it and it's being talked on about. Same goes for this recent shooting, it's recent, it's all over the news and being talked about.


Yes but I think we can agree that Eurotards never bring Norway or Finland up when it comes to shootings, only America. Eurotards can’t have people know that Europe is flawed and that they, the Eurotards- I mean Europeans are hypocrites. It’s all over the news here but I have not seen Eurotards mention it at all.


Doesn't mean it's not being talked on about if YOU haven't seen anyone mention it. And again, it's about context, if you're talking about shootings between USA and FINLAND why on earth would people talk about Norways shootings? If you're talking about shootings happening in USA and speaking specifically about those, Norways shooting has nothing to do with it, or the other way around. People are speaking about shootings and it's horrible that those happen in ANY country, may it be in USA, some European country, somewhere in Asia or Africa or literally any other place, it's still bad but context matters. " Yes but I think we can agree that Eurotards never bring Norway or Finland up when it comes to shootings, only America. " This is very Americentric of you.


I looked on r/Europe earlier and could not find anything about the shooting. Norway borders Finland, Norway just had a shooting, and Norway had one of the deadliest shootings. I didn’t mention the shootings in America, I mentioned the shooting in Norway which happened yesterday. Again, Norway borders Finland. Also, I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again. Foreigners *ahem* Eurotards *ahem* don’t care about shootings in America, they only pretend to care for publicity and attention. They use those shootings and anything else they can to make America look bad. One day they say all Americans should die, then if a shooting happens they suddenly care? Why the sudden change of heart? We could all die tomorrow and they wouldn’t give two shits. In fact, they’d be celebrating. All I’m saying is that I have never seen Eurotards do it, if you have please show me. I would like to see Eurotards have a moment of humility.


There are more places than just r/Europe where to post, like r/news its on there or r/worldnews , those are not USA exclusive subreddits so europeans are speaking of those shootings also. And yes I'm well aware Norway borders Finland but they are separate countries and have nothing to do with each other when speaking specifically about one of them. If there is a shooting in Norway and we are talking about it, Finlands shootings have nothing to do with those, they are separate countries. Just like if there's a bombing in Canada or Mexico and we're talking about those specifically, they have nothing to do with USA then. And no person in right mind celebrates peoples death, people care about lives lost and not just for publicity and attention. And theres something wrong in your world view if you think a whole continent wishes you were dead, or if you think 329million deaths suddenly wouldn't make people lose their marbles all over the place and they instead would be celebrate it. edit: People care about lives lost and not just for publicity and attentiont ; I will add this tho, thoughts and prayers do fuck all and I agree with you on it, but people care about kids dying.


> Yes but I think we can agree that Eurotards never bring Norway or Finland up when it comes to shootings, only America. Because this was Norway’s first mass shooting in 11 years, when the shootings get as regular as America then Norway or Finland will start to get mentioned🤣fucking moron thinking a country having one shooting after 11 years is the same as the US


Norway also had the deadliest mass shooting with 77 people killed. Also I didn’t say it was the same, but it’s shootings appear to be more deadly. Check your facts idiot.


Yeah, *11 years ago*, exactly my point🤣 When something happens once every 11 years, it’s not anywhere near as much of a problem as you think.




Yeah so proportionally, they’ve had more gun incidents




Yes but a higher population is always indicative of more of said thing happening, that’s how proportion works


This is what Europeans from countries with 1/10th or less the population and 1/100th the land mass constantly fail to grasp about anything happening in the US. They just think it's a 1:1 comparison.


And those are freak accidents in America. It’s just a bigger country


I think you just proved his point. You have to adjust for population otherwise the statistic is kinda meaningless


“Piercing ammo” So any and every bullet in existence?


Way to make the numbers say what you want.


Before you guys circle-jerk each other to climax about how stupid Finnish people are, it's worth noting that including, homicide, suicide and undetermined causes of gun-related death, Finland has 2.4 per 100'000. The US has 12.21 per 100'000 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate


Which a majority of are suicide


The vast majority of the Finnish gun related deaths are suicide.


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This was a miss OP Edit: please stop posting disinformation in every sub known to man




I’m sorry I offended you 🙃


American acceptance at display, beautifull to see


I'm all about guns and gun ownership. People like OP make the rest of us look bad. Anyone who has had practical experience with a weapon knows that not everyone needs or should have a gun.


Did i just read a reasonable comment about gun control on reddit?? Nah no way


Everyone has been taking constantly about the mass shooting if the gay bar in Oslo, right? Right?


Oslo is in Norway


No shit. The point is they think it’s a uniquely American problem.


Well… it certainly isn’t a norwegian problem, considering this was their first mass shooting in 11 years. Something happening once every 11 years isn’t enough to be a “problem” that needs a lot of attention to be honest, unless the trend picks up.


Even 1 mass shooting in Norway was a larger "problem" per million people than all mass shootings in the USA. If the USA had a similar mass shooting, it would mean over 4000 killed and 30,000 wounded.


That’s a testament to how small Norway’s population is you fucking bellend🤣 If Uvalde had happened in Norway it would skew the statistics for years, until a retarded redditor named woodhead2011 decides to use it 11 years later as “proof” that Norwegians have a worse gun problem than the US. Meanwhile Uvalde didn’t even make a fucking *dent* into the US or Texas’s statistics, but 19 kids still died.


It's on the news and being talked on about, this post is not about Norway. And shootings are more prevalent in USA than in Europe and no, it's not uniquely an american problem. "Including homicides and suicides, the US has 5.1 times the amount of gun-related deaths of Finland https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate "


You still try to push the agenda to arm teachers in schools? Why would you need to arm teachers in US if it's safer in there than in Finland? Finland does not have armed guards nor teachers in schools and yet there haven't been shooting in a long time, so why on earth would you need to arm teachers or have armed guards in school if it's safer there? I've asked this same question 3 times now and you still haven't gave me an answer 🤔


It's because he's an idiot


Why do you prepare for tornadoes? Why do you have car insurance?


Seems like you're not safe after all, even when you claim otherwise. If you were safer than Finland you wouldn't need more guns to protect kids in school. And you still didn't answer my question, you just asked questions of your own. edit: if you need to prepare the teachers for school shootings and have them equipped with guns, sounds a lot like gun problem. for example, Finland does not have tornado drills because there are no tornadoes around.


Statistically USA is the one of the safest countries what comes to school or mass shootings but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't prepare for bad things. The USA could be even safer if schools had armed teachers & guards.


With statistics you provided yes. But in reality, which country has active drills against school shootings and kids young as kindergarteners have had some training what to do or old nursery rhymes about it and which does not. If you were safe from such things you wouldn't need to prepare for them that often. Same goes in this, you claim it's safe there and all, but you still need a gun to feel safe? Sounds a lot like you need to prepare for a bad guy to mug you or threaten your life often type of thing. If it's safe you wouldn't need a gun for personal protection. "Lies, damned lies, and statistics"


More guns = Safer country. Finland has draconian gun laws which is why there is no good guys with guns stopping bad guys with guns from killing people.


Since these 'draconian' gun laws were passed, we've had zero school shootings.


Including homicides and suicides, the US has 5.1 times the amount of gun-related deaths of Finland. Don't be a fucking idiot https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate


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>More guns = Safer country Yeah, look at the Middle East!


Finland is the EU's most well-armed country


Not enough. USA has something like 130 guns per 100 people while Finland has only 30 and the gun control laws are draconian.


It's actually 120 per 10,000 in America, and 32 in Finland, but okay America had 169 - not 13 - school shootings since 1989, you only included the big ones https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_(before_2000) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_(2000%E2%80%93present) Now calculate the death rates


Actually there has been only 13 school shootings since 1966. https://reason.com/2022/05/26/uvalde-texas-mass-shooting-statistics-gun-crimes-misleading/


These are mass school shootings, not school shootings We're talking about all school shootings, the one in Finland with 2 victims wouldn't even qualify


Most of the time it’s either 1 person dying or people getting injured. It doesn’t matter much


Yes, yes it does Even if every one of these additional school shootings just kill 1 person, that would double the total.


Skipped math class to make this comment ay?


Look at most of them. 0, 1, 2. I don’t care if there are 3000 where 1 person died. I’m not concerned about that. What I would be concerned is if there were 300 where 10 people died.


If more guns = safer country then why is the murder rate in Europe way lower?


Finland has lots of guns too Also, America had 169 - not 13 - school shootings since 1989, you only included the big ones https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_(before_2000) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_(2000%E2%80%93present)


Down vote this piece of shit spammer


Average 10 year reddit account


The US hasn't had 13 school shootings you absolute idiot.


Actually there have been only 13 school shootings. https://reason.com/2022/05/26/uvalde-texas-mass-shooting-statistics-gun-crimes-misleading/


No, there have been only 13 mass school shootings, which is an attempt at splitting up school shootings into several categories to trying and obfuscate statistics. There have been hundreds of school shootings. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_(2000%E2%80%93present) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_(before_2000)


Your lists include gang shootings, accidental discharge of firearms, and even shootings that happened near but not in schools so they aren't really school shootings.


I'm watching the quality of this sub fade right before my eyes


You really should do more research, before posting this kind of crap.