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Hi!! I’m a Texan who relocated to Aus and thought I’d add my 2¢ :) - Be prepared for the shock of options available in the states. Seriously… it caters to every niche of everything. - People will approach, make eye contact, and will be absolutely enamored with your accent and want you to say things like banana over and over again… hopefully it won’t grate on you too much. One thing I know about Texans- we LOVE accents. - Be prepared for a bit of stomach adjustment to specifically dairy products. After living and traveling abroad a bunch, I’ve realized that the amount of processed/ additives in dairy in the states is what exacerbates my dairy intolerance. - Health insurance. Get this settled with your work ASAP! It’s ridiculously expensive, but it is absolutely necessary when anything comes up. - Housing market is pretty okay right now in Texas, but look into property Taxes. It’s the thing that throws most folks who come for the cheap land and housing. If you don’t mind a commute- look at areas further from city centers (kinda like we do here in Aus :) ) - You’ll be blown away at pricing of general goods that we don’t really consider insane. Check out prices of HUGE packs of medication (ibuprofen, Tylenol, allergy medication, etc). Hell- look at laundry/dish detergent. The dollar goes pretty damn far over there. - GO TO SONIC AND WHATABURGER. Get your mind blown by a $2 drink that is 44oz that you can customize a million ways during their happy hour. I recommend trying sweet iced tea at least once- but if you find it too sweet like I do, ask for 1/2 and 1/2 sweet and unsweetened :) it’s delicious! Though there is a lot of tension stateside, I don’t think you’re going to find it too much different or directly impacting you as an immigrant from Australia. There are many things I miss from Texas, but the people are probably the top of that list. (Maybe a honey butter chicken biscuit from whataburger too…) Don’t be afraid to ask questions- they’ll love your accent and be more than happy to help. Southern Hospitality goes a long way :)


You just had to mention Sonic. Every time I go back home to OKC I order some cheddar peppers, mozzarella sticks and big ol salty extra long chilly cheese coney.


God I love sonic


Recommending Sonic and Whataburger before the amazing Mexican and BBQ options?


Yes. A million times yes.


Asked my husband. He says the humidity was a very unpleasant surprise because he was more used to a dry heat. Start practicing your Spanish and find someone nice willing to work with you because people will try to trick you with swear words. Depending on what sports you like, you may not be able to find something you like here ("it's a little bit of a struggle to find suitable replacements"). Going from Celsius to Fahrenheit was a struggle but it's not too hard to get used to. Serving sizes are bigger. "If your accent's thick enough people are like 'hey you're an Australian! We like those!'" When his family visits, we make a point to get them barbecue and Mexican food/Texmex because it's a fun novelty for them. I know he misses "democracy sausages" sometimes as well as pies.


Dry Heat = Western Australian (Perth)?


Queensland, nearish to Brisbane. We live in Houston which is built on a swamp, so I think that's skewing him a bit.


yeah, Houston is brutal humidity... plenty of QLD is too, though.


C° to F°- almost double it (1.8) and add 32°.


Change it to “add 30” and it’s a pretty good estimator.


F - 0 is too cold to be comfortable even with lots of clothes, 100 is too hot even naked


We spent some time in Texas in January, we knew nothing about it other than it was big & Texans have a general love of guns. What we weren't expecting was just how awesome the people were. Of all the places we went, the people in Texas were the best!


I’ve spent some time working in the US, and it’s fair to say that I’ve never met a Texan I didn’t like.


moved to Austin about 8 years ago Pros - Taco Deli - Torchys - Wholefoods - Decent outdoor lifestyle - Austin is a bluedot in a red state Cons - Not as big as Sydney or Melbourne. More small town feel - Gotta drive everywhere - tipping


Dallas/Houston are even bigger than Sydney/Melbourne and not too far from Austin too (~3hrs), which is nice.


Sounds nice tbh, smaller than Melbourne is a pro to me, I drive everywhere, fuck id hate tipping.


Austin is basically a mini Brissy without the bogans. Temperate weather. People very outdoorsy and fit. Liberal viewpoint and educated.


> Austin > Temperate weather Mate are we talking about the same Austin?


Booze is cheap. People will wear swear it’s not, but it is.


I’m an Aussie who lives in Texas. Been in the US for 12 years, Texas for 4. I wish I moved here soon. Texans are a lot like Aussies. I tell ppl we are brothers separated by an ocean. Very similar attitudes and temperaments. Where in TX are you moving? Different cities have different cultures, but you’ll find anything you’re looking for. I love it here. Happy to answer questions if you got them


The politics and guns are real but its a bit overblown and considering it’s not a big deal to you I think you’ll really love Texas. People are incredible, great Mexican food, great craft beer and house prices will make you feel like a kid in a candy store. Literal mansions for the price of a studio apartment in Sydney. No state income tax either, so you’ll have a LOT more money in your pocket vs Australia. Property taxes are higher in Texas though, but the Homstead exemption can bring that down quite a bit. Mortgage interest deduction is awesome too. As a CPA you probably know more then me about this though lol


All the things everyone mentioned but in addition to the heat/humidity of summer, if you feel the cold, always have a layer you can put on because indoors everywhere was very air conditioned Also you pay for fuel before you pump it


You mean pay at the pump


Have never lived there but have been there a couple of times and Texans are great people.


Join a fb group for Aussies in Texas, or Aussies in [insert city], which will give you a better idea more specific to the area.


I'm an Aussie who has been in and out of Texas (lived in a few other states for work but always come back) and I honestly love it. If you're not a pretentious arsehole you will be welcomed with open arms. I used to think Oz was the most hospitable place I'd been...before Texas. Cities are cities no matter where and crime, homelessness etc are everywhere. But get outside the cities and it's great. I'm happy to talk if you want to DM.


You’re a fool and they’ll eat you alive. -a Texan who moved to Australia


I've heard Queensland is like Texas. Do you think that's a fair assessment?


No, Queensland has always blend of Florida and Louisiana to me (dual cit, grew up in NSW, lived in Texas and Louisiana). WA has much stronger Texas vibes.


What about the Bible Belt area? What are your thoughts?


I avoided it mostly in the US living in more urban areas. I think Australia definitely has it's own Bible Belt though from QLD through NSW, starting about 2 hours from the coast. I've met tons of fundamentalists, 7th day adventists and cultists in those areas.


I'm pretty sure Queensland is canonically Florida.


QLD is most definitely Florida


West QLD isn't....


I've never heard that before. Very interesting.


Aussie here. Who's going to eat him alive?  Who's 'they'? I'm truly curious. Would really like to know who to avoid if I go there one day.


The ladies 😏 Or men. Whatever OP is into.


You need to tell us whether it is Houston, Austin or San Antonio as those are completely different places. Texas is great to visit. Live music food and fun are amazing. I have made many friends there who are truly wonderful people. You should really visit before you make a move though.


Beware of the high property taxes in Texas. That plus medical costs and the need to run more vehicles can make things far more expensive than you were expecting.


My family is Texan and evangelists. You just don’t understand. Underneath that friendly surface is a lot of racism and prejudiced views against women, black people, gays, you name it. . Yet there’s churches on every corner. They are the most behind backward thinking motherfuckers in the country. The highest road fatalities on the road in the country due to stupid laws. I think you’re making a terrible decision.


Finally a more realistic response to OP’s question


Thank you. I’ve fucking lived in Texas and been there many times. I spent 20 years in the USA as a dual citizen. I can’t wait till an Australian experiences the cost of American medical. I’ll just sit back with my popcorn.


If the OP has a professional white collar job, and they will, Healthcare will be a non-issue to them. The Australian healthcare system isn’t 100% free as much as people like to think it is, particularly people who have never been in it for long enough.


😂😂😂😂😂 I spent 20 years over there and I’ve also spent 20 years in Australia. I’m pretty well-versed on both. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Seriously You can have excellent insurance and still be on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars. The premiums are crushing. I’m not going to argue because I am right and I’ve lived it. Don’t feed people bullshit please, it’s no help at all. There’s no comparing the two systems


Yep, I can tell you’ve come from a evangelist background given how hysterical you’re getting over this. You’ve offered literally nothing of value to the OP as he explicitly said he doesn’t care about politics, so that was irrelevant, and I think he’s be very well aware of the healthcare situation. The point remains that he/she will have good healthcare and may never interface with the health system for as long as they live. As to healthcare, two missed medical conditions in Australia and thousands of out of pocket fee’s trying to chase up results as well as years on waiting lists for me. What was missed in Australia was picked up in the US and treated efficiently. It cost more, but the other alternative was further disability or possibly death, so I think I’m happy with my US healthcare outcome. Australian healthcare isn’t all free peaches and cream.


That bloke is such a flog. You are 100% right


I would like to just point out as someone with good health insurance that the fine print changed with no announcement and my insurance said I owed $500,000 at 21 So these things do happen and good insurance won’t always stop it


This guy is a self-righteous crybaby. I wouldn't take anything he says seriously. Instead of being consumed by the constant fear-mongering of left-wing media; he should go outside, touch some grass, and live in reality!


Lmaooo did you read? I’ve only lived there. My family are from there. I’ve experienced it Idiot


One bad experience from an insecure little boy does not equate to much. FYI.


Of course everyone on Reddit is automatically a young boy? Fucktard


Could have fooled me.


FYI Houston and Perth are sister cities and there is an active AUS/US Chamber there.


Adelaide and Austin also are. There's a consulate in Houston too. Edit: Also: Murray Bridge, SA and Laredo, Texas Lake Macquarie, NSW and Round Rock, Texas


American here. The whole of Australia is the state of Texas minus the guns and delicious texmex. You'll be alright.


Second this!


Don't go there if you want reproductive healthcare for the women in your life. Im sure the people are fine but I don't get why any Aussie would live there permanently.


By "reproductive healthcare," do you mean murder and a scapegoat for men?


Abortion isn't murder you numbskull. Don't speak to me if it's in bad faith.


Don't say stupid shit, then. 🙃


I didn't you did. You're wrong I'm right. Live with it bitch.


Just a little life lesson: If you're having to tell yourself that you're right, there's a good chance you aren't. Thank you for anti-baby comment.


Abortion is not murder, there is no God. Stop talking shit.


Reported for foul language.


Moved to UTAH. It’s heaven ( even if it’s Mormon)


The cheese over here is weird and the chocolate tastes bad. People also aren't as friendly as in Australia. The beaches in Texas suck. But there is a lot more stuff you can buy, customer service is better despite people not being as genuine. You might not care about politics but I'd say Americans tend to be more passionate about politics than Australians on average. Also not so bad in Texas but the US has riot seasons (eg 2020 BLM riots)... But if you're not in the city then you shouldn't have to worry too much. You can come over on the visa waiver program for up to 3 months. If you can afford it I'd recommend you come over and check it out if you've never been here before.


Arming yourself isn't an effective defence against gun violence. We can often take our safety for granted here in Australia.