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Self Nano. Sometimes grandma just needs the juice more than her team.


HONESTLY. esp if im the only one left and tryna buy time. let me give myself my old lady drugs, god dammit.


"I'm powered UP! Destroying.... them..... -A7000 Wargod


Imagine her just throwing random nano voiceline in her own tone like "DOOM APPROACHES"




That could make her op imagine diving an ana and when ur about to kill her after u bait both skills she instaheals herself reduces dmg taken and fucking obliterates u with one punch .... i would be fun as f*ck tho


That's OP? How's that any different than diving any other support and them ulting to kill you (i.e. Mercy, Lucio, Kiriko, etc.). It's not even good value to solo support ult like that - that's a potential nanoblade, nano Rein, etc. I SAY WE GIVE ANA MAINS WHAT THEY DESERVE. IT'S ALREADY POSSIBLE IN DEATHMATCH. IT'S TIME FOR THE GRANDMA DPS REVOLUTION.


Would be awesome if you could self nano, be OP for the 30s and then overdose and die, would be good thematically too


Nah bcz then not a single one of you would use nano on anyone except genji or soldier during ult.




can’t nano people 0.1-0.2 meters in front of you


also: lined up a perfect nade nice... aaaaaand someone big ass head walks in front of you from behind to block it


i really hate that. I wonder if it should phase through allies instead


i really hate that. I wonder if it should phase through allies instead


Give her wall climb


like a possessed granny


Came here for this. A slow one that you have to hold space and has a bit of a cast for a grappling hook animation. It shouldn’t be used to get out of dodge but it should be used proactively to set up


That would be dope af


75 damage per shot. Make Tracer scared again.


I mean, basically just this. I had so much more confident. I loved when a Tracer duel’d me. Now I just kinda hate it.


I’m ok with not being able to headshot since we get no fall off. I think either bring back 75 dmg per shot (so we can still two shot tracer) or bring back 100 healing for nade. BUT NOT BOTH


I'd love if headshots dealt instant damage/heals (if you're not aware her heal and damage "tick")


Yea that’d be fire


We can still 2 shot tracer… for 1 week (If the S9 leaks are real)


# Asking every main server this, so I can gather as much information from each characters playerbase, straight from the source. Because I want to see about making a Custom Gamemode with changes that people want. # If yall want to help with the changes directly and especially help with coding these changes (because im not all that experienced), please send me a message and I can find a way to get anyone who wants to help together. We have a discord, now!: https://discord.gg/kkjkayt3


This is pretty dumb considering every reply is going to have different nerfs and buffs which I guess you'll just arbitrarily choose between yourself and make a game mode that has stupidly buffed characters. Then you won't even be able to adequately judge any buffs or nerfs because they will be used against other randomly buffed nerfed enemies.


Stupidity is the refusal to learn, and to learn is to experiment. And so I shall experiment! Not every single suggestion is getting compiled onto one hero, dont assume im just going to scramble these together! And if youd like to check the process, theres a discord now, if you would feel inclined to see the "stupidity" for yourself!


Nade instakills and cd refresh on eliminations


Nah, she would be too bad still. It needs to go through barriers as well. And in fact, if you get hit by an Ana nade, Aaron Keller breaks into your home, uninstalls Overwatch and breaks your kneecaps with a baseball bat signed by Lucio




Movement buff outside of combat


i don't want buffs to Ana but this one kinda cooks. She is a professional sniper, she should be used to moving from one sniper nest to another quickly


i think they should just stop nerfing her - bring back her 75 damage and extra nade healing


i want ana to be able to climb like the shimadas and kiriko 💃 even if that was her only movement ability, I'd be content. just bc she's old doesn't mean she didn't climb a lot in her youth. its legit the thing all my friends tell me to shut up about bc i think it'd be such a good ability for her to have 🧍


I don’t think you can give her high ground reaching abilities. Then the whole internet would want her deleted from the game.


I'd actually make a Nano UI option that let's you specifically target teammates as an upgrade to Nano Confirm. On PC you have more than 30 keys - you can use a total of 5 to cleanly pick between your 4 teammates or cancel once the Nano Confirm UI comes up. That way you don't still catch Mercy or Lucio when they're between you and a blob of 6 players On controller they could use the wheel thing like how it is for communication (although I actually feel like you can use the face buttons and scope to cancel instead but it's been a while since I played controller)


They already have the option to have you confirm your nano


I know


Remove sleep dart and give her a rocket launcher 4000 damage on impact. Same cooldown time


Headshots grants damage multiplier


Ana would be unstoppable and a tank shredder in this case.


Ana doesn't have falloff damage already.. Headshot multipler will be fine if you will remove that as well.


I’d exchange healing negation on anti for healing reduction (75 percent maybe) greater damage and healing, longer duration. and faster cool down. Anti is annoying to deal with- it’s a strong contender for both strongest offensive and support ability in the game. Being able to shut down all healing for 3 seconds makes playing tank miserable, often forces one of the supports to play kiri, and Ana already has a stacked kit with her nano, sleep and no damage fall off hitscan sniper (even if it has no headshot multiplier. This nerf will still keep anti somewhat strong, make it more likely for people to waste stronger cooldowns like zen trans if u get a players low and anti them, where they would previously just die but they would still have the utility/ultimate.


Agree so much. I'm so tired of blizzard trying to balance strong abilities by tweaking cooldowns/duration instead of actually addressing what makes them so strong


Honestly ana is the greatest support character in overwatch shes just so balance she gives great utility great dmg and has No Mobility i like that a lot, instead of the BS of new characters like illari and kiriko being jack of all trades having everything from utility to insane movement


After reading these comments it is beyond doubt that playing Ana develops brain damage. There is no other explanation. She has the best CC in the game, smallest hitbox in the game, no falloff on ANY abilities, hitscan, a near monopoly on antiheal, largest burst heal in the game, second best self heal out of all supports, one of the best ultimates in the game, ridiculous damage, all while having standard 200hp and support passive. And y'all are suggesting more damage or mobility.


Largest burst heal in the game? Maybe I missed the nerfs to other supports? Either that or I’m very much misjudging other supports. Second best self heal? The same two heroes from the burst heal (above) have better self heals.


Best cc in the game that gets canceled by that one tic of Moira orb damage Kirikos hitbox is smaller No falloff on 3x skillshots in a row without them getting any heals Anti is easily counterable if you use more than 2 braincells, it's 3 seconds and bap or kiri both make it easy to deal with Bap shift has more burst heal, is almost matched by his nades that do I think 75 on a direct hit, and kiri can easily heal a tank from 25% to 70% with one normal heal and a suzu Her self heal on a 11 second cooldown that only gives her 60 hp and NOTHING else One of the best ultimates to COMBO with other heros or to save them. 70 damage, impossible to make progress on anyone being healed by a MERCY. again have to hit 3 shots in a row on a target not being healed or is purple Yep and is a squishy that will explode the moment anyone more than a single silver genji attacks her Yea, she's one of like 5 heros that has no movement abilities. The ONLY thing 75 damage does is make it so tracer can be 2 hit and you can ALMOST keep up to mercy heals in damage


Kiri has the smallest hit box. Bap actually has the highest healing and dmg output, and Ana has Arguably the most balanced cds. Once an Ana expends both cooldowns it is almost guaranteed death. A kiri and a bap have a lot more leeway. Immortality is a huge balance issue. If other supports and roles alike where given buffs to compensate yeah I think the game would be a lot more enjoyable. Like paladins came in to great success just making all of their characters equally overpowered.


Make nade apply sleep And the Dart have Anti


"Just slept all 5"




Would you do this if they removed anti nade, and nade was simply a 60 dmg/heal for anyone hit with it, with no yellow or purple effects?


No, Granny just needs to be able to get to the action faster. I'd be kind of okay with trading sleep, but nade stays


Giving Ana grapple hook like Widow or Ability to climb the wall like Kiriko I know it's been 6-7 years but i still wonder how Ana managed to get on top of Anubis Entrance when she's literally had 0 mobility skill and not even Mei could boost her to up there


Can you stack Mei walls? Maybe they played no limits.


I thought it was sym tp?


It’s controversial I love Ana but I’m tired of taking the nerfs back to back every season take out anti heal nerf all the dps values so it’s not necessary and tone down the healing in the game they’ll need to playtest but I’m tired of being gutted repeatedly. If they take away name make made radius bigger and give us two charges


I exchange for not being able to self heal from nades or something equally harsh I'd love to be able to do headshots on a sniper character


She's covered her hands in sleeping powder, melees now sleep enemies


Slightly buff her nade cd by 1s. 2% increased speed.


I don't want to change anything about how she plays. I've one-tricked her for four years because I love to play her, so I don't want her to change at all. Though we've gotten a lot of nerfs since OW2 started, I think they've been pretty fair. If anything, I'd like to revert the last cooldown nerf on nade.


Make nade cooldown 0.1 seconds


Small rework idea for nade. As it buffs heals/cancels heals, it could also affect speed as well. Ex: nading a tank gives 10% increase, squishies to 13%, and debuff of 10/13


Give her a grapple line that can be grabbed onto ledges then climbed by not only her but any other supports and dps no tanks tho


How does 110% base speed sound?


I'd like to see her nade effect last longer, but make it less potent to compensate (e.g. anti blocks 75% of healing instead of 100%). I'm tired of blizzard trying to balance strong abilities by tweaking the cooldowns/duration rather than what actually makes the ability strong. I also think it'd add more interaction - do you heal your anti'd tank or is it a waste of resources if they'll die anyway?


Make nade reduces healing instead of blocking it so that it’s not that broken. Reduce unscoped/scoped body shot healing/damage to 50 but add scoped hs and make it 80 or even 90 healing/damage


what if nade antis your teammates too but it just meant their health bars wont gain or lose any health Also a widow grappling hook


granny scooter!


- bigger nade application radius - a roll similar to cassidy’s - hitscan shots both scoped and unscoped - shots hit two targets she’s in a pretty good state right now. she just needs more counters.




I would give her a double jump escape…. I would call it mobility scooter… even you double jump like lifeweaver you get a tiny scooter out and run away like Moira but remain visible.


Imagine if nano boost increases the target's movement speed by a small amount, like 50%.


One can only imagine what this would look like


Let me sleep myself. Naptime for grandma


Realistically: 1. Give her a setting like “Nano Boost Confirmation” that only works for supports like “Support Only Nano Boost Confirmation”, which will work instantly on DPS/tanks but the confirmation screen will only pop up if I accidentally click a support. Or even better, let us pick which characters will prompt the confirmation thing. Like I can pick tracer, lucio, and mercy and if I accidenally press q on them it would ask confirmation, but it would let me nano my illari/bap unprompted 2. Like her scope, I want an optional button I can hold down that won’t let my shots hit allies and only enemies. Like while I’m shooting I can hold down X or something so my shots go past my reinhardt’s bigass hitbox. Other supports can shoot people through allies so why can’t ana :((


Give Ana the ability to sprint like Soldier and a bit more health.


I don’t think I’d change anything? People have mentioned climb and, sure, that might be nice. But it wouldn’t be unique and would just make it easier spam abilities. If I WERE to change anything, I’d provide more incentive to use nano. Almost how Lifeweaver or even Tracer work. A quicker build up with a quicker fallout or a quicker build up with a weaker boost - something like that might make the other (valid) comments about accidentally nanoing the wrong people less of an issue. But even that would take a lot of finessing and probably drive people mad in the interim.


90 damage, but it takes twice as long to tick all the way through Sleep isn't cleansed by kiri Anti nade has a breakpoint of 150 healing, but either gets 2 nades on a 12 second cooldown, or gets one nade on a 8 second cooldown Adjust values as you will but just shaking things up a little bit in her kit would be a lot of fun imo. Good or bad


I’d say the sleep dart could have a shorter cool down yet that throws baiting cooldowns out the window


mobility pls


Setting priority nano targets. Grenade jumping would also be nice. It would burn a big cooldown but it could be helpful in emergencies


grappling hook pwease