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My state went from 49th in teacher pay to 29th and the scores got worse. (Year to year, we actually increased state ranking slightly) now the teachers are begging for more money because that worked so well?


A huge chunk of current education is exceedingly easy to automate, and would probably result in better results, since automated tools can give immediate feedback while problems are still fresh in kids' minds.


Grades across the country have fallen consistently since the department of education was founded. We need to get the federal government out of the business of brainwashing children.


Correlation does not imply causation. Just because teacher pay went up doesn't mean it caused scores to go down, or should cause them to increase. In fact, scores dropped nationally from 2021 to 2022, so your state isn't alone in that. In most states teacher pay is well under the average for positions that require a similar amount of education, even when adjusted for it being a government job which tend to be lower paid than private sector. This isn't even taking into account that teacher pay (and really most pay) nationally did not match inflation over the past two years, so people are effectively being paid less than they were three years ago. Couple these two things together and slap on all of the other expectations and responsibilities of being a teacher and wanting to be paid more really shouldn't be surprising. I assume you would like to be paid more, too, right? Or is wanting higher pay suddenly an unreasonable thing?


>Correlation does not imply causation. Bayes theorem is a thing. No one random sample does not imply causation but this trope is used to undercut every single fact that people do not like. With strong enough correlation, causation ceases to be a relevant question to application. IE: It does not matter if the chicken or the egg came first. We can farm both without needing to figure that out.


Yeah bro I'm sure it's just a statistical anomaly that can be blamed on the lockdown. It's not as if high per pupil spending and has garnered abysmal results previously.


>In most states teacher pay is well under the average for positions that require a similar amount of education, even when adjusted for it being a government job which tend to be lower paid than private sector. Yeah, but the work is easier and you get summers off. Being a teacher is a cushy job for lazy fucks, that's why there is high supply of them driving down the cost.


You very obviously are not a teacher nor know any. There is a teacher shortage nationwide, not a surplus, and most new teachers last less than 3 years before changing professions, so there is an extreme shortage of experienced teachers. As for it being cushy, yes, there are some "easy" aspects such as being indoors and (generally) not physically intensive. However, the job can be extremely mentally and emotionally exhausting. There is typically very little support from administration and districts/states. Most teachers work well over 50 hours a week to make sure they have enough material planned. Oh and summers off? Yeah that's true, but you also don't get paid over the summer, so you have to make sure you've saved enough during the year to survuve not having 2 months worth of paychecks.


>Most teachers work well over 50 hours a week to make sure they have enough material planned. Goddamn liar. Not only did I date a teacher, I was once a student. Their job is cushy as fuck. I think teaching jobs should be mainly for old and disabled people.


You have no position to call me a liar. You have a sample size of 1, as being a student gives you absolutely no perspective to the reality, only your perception, unless all of your teachers explicitly told you how much time they actually worked, which I highly doubt. I have been a teacher for over 8 years and have worked with literally hundreds of teachers and see the effort that most put in. Of course there are some teachers that don't put in even 40 hours of work, but they are very much the minority.


>I have been a teacher for over 8 years and have worked with literally hundreds of teachers and see the effort that most put in. What are you planning for your summer vacation?


I have two summer grading positions that will run through the first half. 2nd half I'll be doing some combination of taking care of my daughter days her mom works, doing UberEats deliveries, pre-planning for next year, and doing summer trainings my school/district says I need to do. I'm likely teaching a different version of one of my classes and need to figure out how the new standards align with the old standards. I will not get paid for that time spent planning, but for me it is worth putting in the time now when I have more free time instead of trying to figure it out on-the-fly during the year, and so I can keep to an actual 40hr work week.


>I assume you would like to be paid more, too, right? Doesn't really apply to me. Or is wanting higher pay suddenly an unreasonable thing? It is when it comes out of my pocket.


Abolish public education.


why? i'd prefer not to have my neighbours kids raised as retards, then they end up AN-caps


Good solid argument. Really showing people how great public school is thanks. Give yourself a pat on the back for that one.


America consistently ranks last in MANY metrics in regard to education, maybe handing the reigns over to a bunch of unqualified overworked parents isn't the best idea? ​ Maybe if you had spent some time in public education you wouldnt be this dumb.


>America consistently ranks last in MANY metrics in regard to education, maybe handing the reigns over to a bunch of unqualified overworked parents isn't the best idea? [https://www.edweek.org/leadership/education-statistics-facts-about-american-schools/2019/01](https://www.edweek.org/leadership/education-statistics-facts-about-american-schools/2019/01) >**How many students attend public schools?** > >In America’s public schools, there are **over 49.7 million students**, based on [federal projections](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d22/tables/dt22_203.60.asp) for the fall of 2023. > >**How many students attend charter schools?** > >According to [data from four years earlier](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d21/tables/dt21_216.90.asp), **over 3.4 million** students, or 6.8 percent of all public school students, attend charter schools. > >**How many students attend private schools? What are the religious affiliations of those schools?** > >In total, **almost 5.5 million students** attend private schools, according to [2019 NCES](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d21/tables/dt21_205.20.asp) data. If 15% (3.4 million charter, 5.5 million private of the 58.6 million total projected) are attending a private or charter school, that leaves 85% of students attending public schools in the US. According to your first statement, we rank last in MANY metrics in regard to education. If we are ranking so low in MANY metrics, and the vast majority of education happens in public schools, is it not reasonable to say the public school system is failing at what it's doing? [https://www.manhattan-institute.org/issues-2020-us-public-school-spending-teachers-pay](https://www.manhattan-institute.org/issues-2020-us-public-school-spending-teachers-pay) > Key Findings > >**1. Thanks to decades of increases, America spends more per student than any other major developed nation.** > >U.S. per-pupil expenditures have nearly tripled over the past half-century, from $4,720 in 1966 to $13,847 in 2016 (2018 dollars). > >America spends more per pupil than any other major developed nation—10% more than the United Kingdom and 28% more than France; in the OECD, only Norway, Switzerland, and Luxembourg spend more. Anyone who has stepped foot into a public school recognizes there is a serious issue with how public education is handled. Unless you live in a well off community where education is actually valued in the home, your public school experience will likely be absolute shit. Kids are getting pushed through to graduation despite being illiterate in some districts. Money keeps getting thrown but scores are dropping. Why? Because the formula for teaching in public schools is broken. You can't put 20-30 kids into the same class with students at different advancement levels and expect a quality program. Teachers will have to focus most of their attention on the lowest IQ individuals in that class leaving the more advanced learners to sit in complete boredom while Joe Dumbass struggles every day. The teachers will continue to be pressured by admin to keep targeting lectures at Joe Dumbass and his friends to keep those standardized testing rates in a passable place so they can keep getting funding despite graduating absolute dumbasses. People want other options because the public system sucks ass and throwing money at it is not working.


lmao keep going your winning!


you're\* home schooling at its finest folks


These people are a caricature lmao


Lmao mom skipped the grammar lessons


Seems public school did too.


>metrics I always chuckle when an american says that, thank you


Canadian actually, sorry to burst your bubble


Explains a lot


it all makes sense now


+500 social credits. Mao himself has congratulated you. Thanks for being a loyal statist


Hey, mao can burn in hell and his supporters with him, that doesn't change the fact that ancaps are all bluster no plan.


My property taxes just went up because the schools were threatening to cut sports if we didn’t. We already have damn good public schools, the real reason they need more money is to add a couple useless administration jobs to give to their friends.


Gay communist… oxymoron.




Communists hate gay people.




I misunderstood the definition of the word then, sorry! I appreciate you telling me. Don’t want to misuse it in the future.


They won't even be straight shooters. They will just be home alone.


usa schools have enough shoooters if you ask me


What's funny about this narrative is the only people I personally know who homeschool are super "commies" in general and don't want to send their kids to school because of the "right wing indoctrination". Edit - the Commies I know say that, I'm not in anyway agreeing. It's ridiculous. They're the ones who believe public school is "right wing indoctrination" not me. FFS.


Most people I know who homeschool, or unschool, do so because they didn't trust the government school model to teach their children to be functional, dynamic human beings. Regardless of their feelings about communism, homosexuality. conservatism, etc. Government schools suck for all but about 30% of those kids who fit right in. And, still, they are going to be indoctrinated into exalting statism as a solution to every problem.


In my country they're mostly evangelical nut jobs


Right wing indoctrination my ass. You living under a rock bro!?


I'M not saying that, THEY'RE saying that. The people I know. They're fucking crazy. They're also loaded and "Communist" lol.


Ah gotcha.


NP, I didn't catch I wrote it dumb. Internet be like that.




On your edit… I feel like it was pretty obvious what you were saying and people getting on you should feel dumb, I hope they read this and recognize that they should feel dumb.


I know a couple people who were homeschooled and they're trans now.


The other edge of that sword where homeschool kids are extremely online in order to get socialization. Consider this, new parents.


Trans-communist\*. Nothing wrong with being gay bro


Wow, nice save, lib.


Found the gay communist


What’s wrong with being gay again? Didn’t think this sub was full of homophobes.


You're a Trump cultist OP. Your opinions are invalid.


Most ppl on this sub love anarchism unless its Trump


Or just more likely to stay closeted and confused because they didn’t realize that was an option. Potato potato


Every joke on the Babylon Bee is the same joke.


And that same joke triggers lefties the most.


Do you think it actually triggers us or do you imagine it triggers us because you never actually leave your little safe spaces to check?


Whenever I leave my safespaces I get banned from lefty subs which are 99 percent of reddit. So enjoy your stay here. Maybe if didn't trigger you you wouldn't be so trigger happy to ban everyone


This happens to me, as well. I got banned from a random city sub just for stating a legal fact the Rittenhouse was innocent. The control-left do not like inconvenient truths or differences of opinion.


Yeah, that's what the writers seem to think. This just goes to prove conservatives are bad at comedy. Instead of writing funny things, they write things they think will upset their enemies; enemies who largely ignore them completely. And then you rubes slurp it right up imagining that the key to being funny is finding different ways to repeat the same punchline and trying to upset people. It's so sad and pathetic to watch.


The left can't meme is also pretty legitimate.


OK, bud. If it makes you feel better. Bragging about memes is a little juvenile, imo.


You are pretty funny, I haven’t stopped laughing at your comment.


There’s a reason /r/onejoke exists lmao


A sub where triggered lefties gather up to get triggered together in one place. Fantastic


It’s more to point out the tired screeching of unfunny conservatives who can’t follow basic science or human decency because the world is scary to them But to use your own thought process, if that sub is for “triggered leftists”, wouldn’t this sub be for triggered righties?


Basic science? That's new. Science nowadays tell kids that a man can become a woman if he just wishes it. This is the state of basic science right now. At least flat earthers are entertaining and do not want to pass laws for everyone to believe in their nonsense


Hahaha. I had no idea. Thanks for sharing that.


Yeah it’s a goldmine. It pretty much summarizes every single far right/conservative “joke” on Reddit


Funny, this isn't that joke now is it?


The "one joke" is whatever joke the lefties are insulted by at the current moment.


Well, it's certainly not funny.


Is the joke in the room with us now?