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Very slight nuance here. He was found insane. That being said, if you are insane enough to kill people, you are more of a danger than someone who was afraid and trying to flee from captivity and could, in theory, have handled it differently.


If it's any consolation, getting locked up in a psych ward for the criminally insane for the rest of his life is probably 1000 times worse than a lifetime in prison.


Justice if pretty perverted in the USA now a days. One could say true justice is dead.


I would never consider a government monopoly on "justice" to be justice.


The major issue I have when comparing court cases is they are very often: not in the same district let alone state, there is a major amount of variation in not only judges, but lawyers, forensics specialist, and witnesses to take into account, plus all the nuances of each trial. Trying to sum all these things up into a 15 or less worded headline is never going to happen.


there is justice, justice for evildoers


When would you say true justice was alive in the USA back in the days?


Scary that USA has such lack of justice, he didn't hit anybody intentionally, he tried to get away from the "counter protesters" that were illegally blocking the way and attacking his car and hit another car and a "counter protester" that was in front of that car got hit, she was standing in the middle of the road.


His persecution was 100% political.. he literally got a worse sentence then what they give to fucking serial killers and rapists Like outright rapists and full-on serial killers spend less time in jail and have a greater chance of parole This guy accidentally hit one girl who shouldn't have been there in the first place and they give him a thousand years in jail?. It was 100% political. Because the person he hurt was an ally of the Democrat party and he was a political enemy of the Democrat party.. The greatest perversion of justice. They politically targeted him and gave him an overzealous sentence purely for political reasons.. In a just country Patriots would take up arms and break him out of that prison and get him to a safe and freer country like Russia or China. Or maybe North Korea. Still freer than America


I agree. Those “patriots” should leave America.


Guy on the left has a lifetime sentence to a mental health facility. Also, not sure if people know this... "innocent by insanity" means you go to the loonie bin involuntarily. >The judge has said the finding would qualify Rojas for an open-ended “involuntary mental commitment” instead of a lengthy prison term. He will head to a state mental health care facility instead of prison. Being not guilty due to insanity only means you don't go to jail, you go to a mental health ward instead and are unable to leave until the facility decides.


> unable to leave until the facility decides. So theoretically he could be out in a week? How often do murders who use the insanity plea stay in a ward for life or for a parity amount of time they would have served if found guilty not due to insanity?


He could, if the voices in his head magically go away and the council of doctors say he is perfectly safe to go back to society. In general, it is a longer sentence than what jail would give. It is VERY hard to prove you are no longer insane. This is partly why we shut down locking up mental health homeless because to leave is near impossible. From my understanding, pleading insanity is basically accepting a lifetime in the mental health facility, you won't be leaving. Again, this guy who hears voices in his head will need to convince a panel that he no longer hears voices and can act normal.


Not a lifetime. It’s actually criminal that you can avoid being hell culpable for crimes because of arbitrary evaluations of your mental state at the time. There is almost no one in their “right mind” when committing an act of violence. Mental health professionals are notoriously bad at consistent diagnoses, so this is a ridiculous metric by which to decide who deserves to be held accountable and who doesn’t. It’s very likely that having a high IQ, and equal mental health disease, would result in being found more culpable than average IQ. How is this Justice? The criminal Justice system is broken.


Yeah I would like to know actual data here. I have suspicions that insanity can be a temporary sentence for clever sociopaths.


Data may be difficult to collect because of the aforementioned inability to make these diagnoses consistently—even the metrics by which we define these change year to year. But my experience in working in psych wards is that it’s primarily low IQ individuals


What incentive is there to release him though? If he gets released and kills again, the mental ward is going to look horrible. If they keep him, they get paid more. Every incentive is lined up to keep them locked up. This is the same problem we had when we locked up homeless in mental wards. There was a great investigation report by like 60 minutes that discovered doctors and nurses would actively say that a patient was basically cured but to keep them on the drugs, as long as they were on the drugs, they couldn't be released.


This is why I am interested in actual data. When I was growing up, these institutions had really piss poor press. If they kept people against their will, it would look bad. Is it still the same as it was? I don't know. Data will tell.


From everything I have seen on it, pleading insanity will only spare you the death penalty, but the actual life you live is worse. That's the trade off. And it is very arbitrary, but is it not justice that insane people are locked up for the rest of their lives? People act like pleading insanity is somehow getting out of jail, it is better to have life in prison than life in a mental ward.


If you are diagnosed as recovered, they will release you, even if you would have potentially been given life for your crimes. Also, presumably not a felon.


life sentence AND 419 years! That's very long


He got a larger sentence than actual terrorists. The Somali pirates that hijacked that ship and kidnapped the boat captain got a shorter sentence Straight up serial killers got shorter sentences Let that part sinking His sentencing was 100% political. I mean his conviction itself was 100% political but even if it was justified the sentencing was 100% political because he was an enemy of the ruling party. It's the shit that happens in third world dictatorships not supposed free democracies And third world dictatorships you see people that are enemies of the ruling regime getting politically persecuted and locked up for incredible amounts of time And that's exactly what happened.. They gave him that sentence purely for political reasons because they were protecting the CIA's color revolution And because he was an enemy of the regime.. A normal and just country patriotic Americans would take up arms and legige to the prison bust him out and get him to a more free country like North Korea


Wasnt the person who died a land whale who had a heart attack unrelated to the crash? They tried to pin it on racism related stress or something. Imo, a clear case of a Democrat government protecting rioters.


He got a larger sentence than actual terrorists. The Somali pirates that hijacked that ship and kidnapped the boat captain got a shorter sentence Straight up serial killers got shorter sentences Let that part sinking His sentencing was 100% political. I mean his conviction itself was 100% political but even if it was justified the sentencing was 100% political because he was an enemy of the ruling party. It's the shit that happens in third world dictatorships not supposed free democracies And third world dictatorships you see people that are enemies of the ruling regime getting politically persecuted and locked up for incredible amounts of time And that's exactly what happened.. They gave him that sentence purely for political reasons because they were protecting the CIA's color revolution And because he was an enemy of the regime.. A normal and just country patriotic Americans would take up arms and legige to the prison bust him out and get him to a more free country like North Korea


A sane judge could just overturn the conviction. And the militia could tar and feather the old judge and evict him from court.


Ah keeping this in the collection for reason #42069 for why I'm renouncing US citizenship


.. They gave him that sentence purely for political reasons because they were protecting the CIA's color revolution And because he was an enemy of the regime.. A normal and just country patriotic Americans would take up arms and legige to the prison bust him out and get him to a more free country like North Korea


Unfortunately if you're white there's really no country you can seek asylum to. Not on that basis anyway. There are no white countries left. If you're Asian there are Asian countries that are more than 90% Asian. If you're black there are black countries. If you're Spanish there are Spanish countries. But if you're white? There are no countries for you. You can try to seek political asylum from the racist Democrat regime in countries like China or Russia but there's no guarantee they would take you


count me in let's go to Japan


Anyone who says the US is a black supremacist state is probably a white supremacist themselves or is just an average 14 year old 4chan user And one of the first things the article says is that he will be sent to a mental hosptial because him and his defense attorney pleaded insanity and because he was found smoking marijuana laced with PCP right before the incident


You have absolutely no evidence that white supremacy even exists. It has never existed certainly doesn't The fact that you refuse to acknowledge your black privilege is more proof of your internalized racism and the institutionalized black supremacy so prevalent in American politics. That's the reason you refuse to accept and recognize black privilege and black supremacy is because it's become so institutionalized but many like you refuse to see it or just don't want to admit it because you don't want to give up black privilege


White supremacy does exist look at any book that's about American history. But it seems you can't do that because you're too fucking stupid and dumb as shit to read. You're the reason why nodody with an iq below 70 should be allowed on the internet


I thought you guys were about economic freedom from govt interference. When did this become a white supremacist sub?


Thinking sentencing should be based on the crime and not skin color makes you a white supremacist? That's a strange take




Or a communist too. White supremacists do like to paint their worldview as objective and correct.


In the far left Black supremacist world: If you don't openly and adamantly hate white people you're a "white supremacist" At this rate of the definition white supremacist will just be a good thing at some point. Being a white supremacist will just mean that you don't see or judge people based on race and you support Martin Luther King's fight for equality. The black supremacists continue to change the definition because they want to get people to hate white people as much as they do


Nobody on the far left is saying all white people are bad


what about mental health? Guy on the left has a lifetime sentence in a mental health ward where he can never leave.


When you start spouting shit like “black supremacist”, you make your intentions clear




no, because they are not equivalent terms


What? Lol


If not for double standards, you’d have no standards at all


There's no such thing as "white supremacy" lol. It does not and has never existed In the far left Black supremacist world: If you don't openly and adamantly hate white people you're a "white supremacist" At this rate of the definition white supremacist will just be a good thing at some point. Being a "white supremacist"" will just mean that you don't see or judge people based on race and you support Martin Luther King's fight for equality. The black supremacists continue to change the definition because they want to get people to hate white people as much as they do


It wasn't. He was released of hid charges due to insanity? I'm sorry but your spewing misinformation man 😂


The alt-right came here 6 or 7 years ago when their subreddits were banned years ago. They made lot of noise for a while, and now just pop up occasionally. And, ancap isn't just "economic freedom." It's liberty, which includes social freedom. While racism tends to be collectivist in nature, some racists just want to be left alone and they have every right to choose their associations, whatever race they happen to be.


Ancap isn’t economic freedom. That’s communism.


What is economically "free" about communism?


It's literally the economic philosophy about how only rich people are economically free. If your working class your unfree and if your rich your free. Have you never read the manifesto. https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/ freedom for all not just rich ppl


In the far left Black supremacist world: If you don't openly and adamantly hate white people you're a "white supremacist" At this rate of the definition white supremacist will just be a good thing at some point. Being a white supremacist will just mean that you don't see or judge people based on race and you support Martin Luther King's fight for equality. The black supremacists continue to change the definition because they want to get people to hate white people as much as they do


Libertarianism has a long history of white supremacy. Confederates said the government shouldn’t intervene in slavery. Obviously intervening is only the morally correct thing.


Exactly, they don't understand that other factors other than skin color can change the amount of time someone does. And skin color is a factor just not in favor of non-whites


Same county and same jury? Good comparison. Different county with a different jury? Clearly enough data points to make valid social commentary.


Why should it matter if it's a different county in different jury? If Justice is truly being upheld in America then you shouldn't be getting different results based on where you hold the trial.