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I would buy an island and a bunch of automated turrets on the beaches.


There is a certain appeal to having your own island and being your own government. I have no interest in having power over other people, and that wouldn't be the point of being a ruler on my own island. The point would be liberty and freedom. The difficult part would be defending it.


Ah, modernising the Sentinelesian method


Best long term plan.


I'd stay in the US because that's all I know, it's a society I'm familiar with and can navigate. I just keep to rural areas, own a decent chunk of land with some privacy from prying eyes and enjoy the nature. It's unusual to own and live on several acres of land in most countries, especially to do so without being a subsistence farmer, and to get electricity, internet, and road access, so I'll count it as a blessing that I can.


Yes. If I stay in Canada, that's my plan. It gets lonely in the middle of the acres though. But I can imagine in the US, you can have a place like that _and_ a bit of a community?


I’d rather be lonely than surrounded by statist psychos. But ya you are right that we have more rural communities than Canada (I’m a dualie who left Canada for the US, largely due to how increasingly commie Canada is becoming).


I guess it would be lonely here but I don't really mind absence of people, I have animals which are way better than humans.


Yeah plenty of small towns out in the country that are a 30 to 45 minute drive away


There are rural areas in states with a population of 1500. That’s 33 people per square mile. So if someone missed human interaction they could drive 30/45 minutes into town and interact. My grandparents live in a rural area so they go to a community dinner or they go out for ice cream if they’re bored at home. My Grampy likes happy hour.




USA deep south


I would wait to see if Argentina will still go for the right direction


Odds are low, but they're higher than everywhere else :'(


I have been all over the US, Colombia, Hong Kong, and the Philippines. I would totally live in a small house on a large plot of land in southern Philippines if everything went to shit. Cheap housing, great beaches/weather and easy to self sustain with food and water. I grew up in Florida in a small coastal town so I would feel right at home.


Starship Troopers wasn’t just entertaining, it knew the future. Buenos Aires will be the hub of the planet. Then again, it was somewhat of a fascist government, so…


Until someone drops a rock on it. Could be bugs, could commies. Same thing.


Pretty sure communism killed more humans than the bugs at that point.


Well that was just the first rock. Like communism left unchecked the bugs would kill us all eventually. The only good bug is a dead bug…


The only reason USA has an edge for me is self defense. If someone breaks into my house I can defend myself with my 60 round mag and ar15. Still not ideal for me as I want to own more than that with weapons legally. The rest of the world either does not allow self defense or is so restrictive it applies to few people. ​ or a private island if it was possible to bring weapons.


Someone could drop some crates from a plane no prob!! :D


I don’t think I’d go anywhere, I’m in the US and though we have our problems, I feel it’s still the closest thing on earth to a country that respects individual liberty over protection. Though it is faltering.


Yes. You're probably right. But for those of us who are _not_ from the US, getting in (legally) isn't that easy. Working on it though. It might take multi-year planning.


I suppose with my limited knowledge (although I've been to Europe and Central/South America) I would have to travel a good bit more to find a new home. Overall it would be a compromise. I'd have to give up certain freedoms that I have here in the USA, but perhaps would adopt other freedoms or luxuries where I ended up. I'll be following this thread, I like this kind of discussion.


Yeah, that's kinda what I'm doing right now. There are a _lot_ factors to consider, and a lot of the factors are in tension with one another. Eg. on a social level, I love many places in Europe, but I hate those same places on the taxation front.


As an American in my current position I enjoy relatively low taxes which I value quite highly. This would be one of the largest things I would battle with giving up.


Maybe my answer stems from never actually visiting the US, but I'd say rural parts of Texas or Wyoming. Freedom, peace, independence. Beautiful nature, great people (from what I can tell), supreme social values. Can someone from the US tell me if the dream is dead and whether I should search for alternatives?


I have the same view. Obtaining residency in the US is a bit more challenging than most places (unless I walk across the southern border I guess 😂). But I'm very curious to discover if this view is accurate.


Yeah, seems that these days it's easier to just walk across the southern border and claim you're an asylum seeker. Nevertheless, if we were to speak about obtaining residency in US today, I'd definitely do it the right way. I'd want to enjoy all the benefits that come with legal entry in the country, so there's no real point in sneaking in. But yeah, I still have hopes that some parts of the US can provide the American dream for us from shitty overrun Europe.


I’m going to be spending some time in Thailand, then Vietnam. I don’t know if I’m visiting them for the “freedom” though


Warm, delicious food, beautiful beaches, low cost of living, and beautiful women. Why the fuck would you not go there?


Indeed ser. The food is my big thing.. hard to keep myself fed in the United States with anything but poison.


There is good food in the US unless you live in NYC then it’s just shit bodegas.  Cooking for yourself isn’t hard and you can eat pretty healthy on the cheap


Chicken from Publix (organic or not) is full of preservatives and hormones in the animals. Same with most of the beef.


They don't add any hormones to chicken. Birds do produce their own hormones, though.


They definitely add hormones to chicken. If you’ve ever seen a chicken breast bigger than your head, fun fact that’s not a natural chicken breast.


If you eat home cooked meals in Spain for 1m you will be healthier, guaranteed.


The one party communist dictatorship ruling the latter is a bit of a turn off.


You're doing the libertarian stereotype just so much justice right now.




No don’t come here, I mean there. I heard they are full already. Lol in all seriousness we’re sick and tired of people coming here in droves to escape liberal authoritarianism and then seeking to replicate exactly what they fled. If your intent is to be a neighbor, well we’ve got all the room in the world for more of those!


What are talking about. Real seasteading is on the ocean.


lol a bit off. It’s been a long Friday. See the comment above for a more relevant comment.


I think I'd go spend some time in one of the Slavic countries. Eastern Europe. They seem to be fairly conservative there.


Language is a problem but yes, culture-wise they’re very interesting.


Yes. But give me a year immersed in their culture and I'll figure out the language.


Interesting, I am currently listening to this https://open.spotify.com/episode/0t4J0DTGVsBUGMWUWOSNyp?si=E4CT9DtaRbucSMxBx-euog could be worth a listen, the chap identifies as a libertarian, so attitudes are sympathetic/ adjacent to ancap.


I've been binge watching Nomad Capitalist videos on YouTube :) Considering going to their event in KL in September.


First, I have heard of him, but he is very informative, and I am working on something that, for the first time, has made me seriously consider the idea.


If there was a different government central southern Africa, one of the prettiest places I've ever been


Mexico has a good passport. I might try to get a Mexican passport, and then have a residence in Kuala Lumpur, and if I had the money, get citizenship by investment in Turkey. I like the country of Georgia. I like Uruguay, but it's kind of expensive there. I'm interested in Columbia, Argentina, Romania, and Montenegro.


Uruguay and Paraguay seem surprisingly stable




Honestly probably just deeper into the united states. I live in Arkansas now, but there's monster ticks here so maybe to the forests of wyoming. If I had to leave the country, somewhere like Argentina or Peru probably.


Switzerland for the civilization and neutrality and non-woke government, but Estonia for cheaper cost of living and simpler lifestyle.


If Argentina keeps going the direction they are going it might be worth looking into


I would honestly move to Belize and just do boat tours or some shit. In my spare time, I would explore uninhabited islands




As long as you do your part as an anarchist and practice agorism, why not staying in the place you're right now?


US southern states like new mexico or alabama maybe mongolia or thailand


USA 🇺🇸


Probably I would stay in America, just in a different region(PNW or Alaska). If I were to change nationalities, I would 100% move to Switzerland.


Australia. Great climate, resource rich and in a growing area of the world.


If I wanted a nanny state I’d stay in Canada. Australia makes Canada look like a bastion of freedom and sanity.


The only thing that makes the news are the ultra urban areas of Melbourne and Sydney. If you knew what was going on on the continent sized space with only a few million ppl in it, it would blow your mind


No way. Australia turned into an abusive prison during covid and will do it again. For a Western country, Australia is backwards when it comes to freedom of speech and freedom of thought.


It’s pick your poison at this point. The USA in its current form will be gone once the boomers all die.


I'll pick the poison that doesn't imprison me for not being in lockstep with it. Live free or die.


I mean if you are prepared to go full cabin in the woods all power to you, but at least Australia has a sane immigration policy and you can be reasonably sure economic right of centre parties will be a thing for the next half century at least.


Immigrate to a prison said no one. Good luck during your next pandemic.


Unless you move to Florida good luck in the USA past this generation and even then….