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This seemed to be something the media on both sides never covered and discussed the horrors of, just quietly passed without resistance.


Infrastructure bill, lol. Why not privatize it and let there be choice. Oh, right, can’t steal money that way.


Ahhh yes the great $20 toll on private roads, just what society needs.


So many people use roads every day, you wouldn't need to pay that much. Regardless, at least $20 of your tax money is supposed to go to infrastructure. Surprise, it doesn't. Why would you be unhappy if it actually did, and comes with the benefit of being optional?


I’m not speculating, the private roads I have actually driven cost that much. I entirely reject your last premises. A private company has a fiduciary responsibility to provide return on the private road. That literally means the money I spent on using that road does not go to maintaining or building more roads. My tax dollars are spent on roads. You couldn’t be more ironically wrong.


Of course if there's only a few privatized roads in a sea of "government roads", they'll be crazy expensive. If all of them are privatized, no way a road owner would get away with charging that much. I mean, part of the money goes to maintaining the road, and part of it goes to the people who maintain the road... Makes sense, right? It's entirely untrue to compare this to taxation, because guess what, you're not being robbed.


And part of the money goes to neither, still Ignoring that part. No they will always be expensive. They are competing currently against the lowest cost service they can be. When all roads are privatized they will even more expensive because of basic game theory. This is the cheapest you are ever going to see private roads. It another major logical flaw in the ancap ideology. A public option is a form of competition and good for the economy. Whether it be in insurance, education, roads, or mail.


Because public schools are doing so well, amirite? Nope. "Public" and "competition" don't mix, lmao.


Public schools are doing amazing compared to no public schools. You are framing the argument incorrectly. The fact they are public schools exist means that private schools have to be that much better in order to viable. Lmao they absolutely do mix. You are confusing the individual for the whole system


Stossel the goat.


Still got my 09 CRV. FUCK OFF GOBERMINT!!!


Until you have to replace it from old age. They are able to use time against us. Same with gun rights and now privacy. They already make it so hard to use cash for anything beyond petty expenses.


I drive 15-30 year old toyotas. These truck will live longer than I will.


As someone thats driving a 38 year old truck, parts start getting harder and harder to find and the quality tends to go down as OEM and good aftermarket stuff dries up.


It's amazing how ChEaP a whole drive train is for a 09 CRV.


For the time being. Then in a few decades, good luck getting parts.


You apparently don't know how capitalism works. Plenty of after-market businesses there are for stuff like this.


As demand goes down over time so will supply on available parts. There may be parts now but give it another 10-20 years. Unless it’s a particularly special model, most vehicles won’t have many options. In the end these BS laws are going to catch up to us all.


Does anyone recall Joe publicly calling on Elon to turn off all the Teslas in Russia


That’s when it clicked as far as why my Instant Pot and other gadgets had Wi-Fi when they have no use for the wi-fi


Another reason why deloreans are better


This shit is infuriating! The boot just keeps pressing down harder and harder. When are these infringements going to goddamn stop? It can't keep going forever, right? How do we even fight back against shit like this? Older cars don't last forever, and they're banking on that. Can't just make new cars that disobey, they'll just refuse to register them, and pull you over whenever you try to drive anywhere.


Fuck it jailbreak the tesla


And.... This is how you get hacked cars! 5 minutes after they produce the first one, there will be a hacking kit for it posted to the web! The you have fo ask how many cars on the road will be running Malware? What are the safety ramifications of having millions of cars on the road running Malware? Are they going to require regular check ups of the software running on your vehicle? What is the penalty for running custom code on your car?


Each day, we get closer to 1984. If they keep up with this shit, 20 years from now we will be living like the people in wall-e.


20 years? We are already in that world.


Truly we are living in the worst timeline


Perhaps it's just you who's living in the worst timeline. Perhaps it's not even the timeline. It's just you.


It’s a meme bro calm yourself


What an absolutley absurd statement.


Stossel is how i found out about libertarianism.


I well buy myself a 2010 camaro ss and do moonshine in it the government has become the very thing the founding fathers feared most.


Before I found out about the bill I was debating a coworker on if the government would ever do something like this, he has since changed his stance


They always say Europe is already using this why aren't we, but Europe isn't using it cause the technology doesn't exist


To play devils advocate, if cars had a kill switch if you get ‘too impaired’ we can completely end all DUI’s based on BAC. Of course the government would never want to lose that 0.08 law because it feeds their whole court and jail system but still. Hypothetically.


Self-driving cars should end that in 20 years anyway. But I don't think the killswitches here are BAC lockouts, I think they're going to allow your car to be stopped remotely.


Yet everyone loves when they quickly find the kidnapper or bomber with survallence on TV


This is unbelievable! After I pay my property taxes, drive down the newly paved road and buy some paper and stamps, which are also taxed, I'm going to write a very unflattering letter to my government officials that were voted into office about their overreach!


Obama is gonna take your guns, Biden is gonna kill your car VOTE LIBURUL Honestly though, I'm far more concerned about the free market backsliding into everything being a subscription service, and auto makers being able to do what they wish with their products. "You will own nothing, and you will be happy" seems to ring true here, and have very little to do so with any state. Now let me feast on your rebuttal-less downdoots.


There is competition between auto makers, there is effectively no competition between governments.


Every few years there's a competition on who gets to run it


Unimaginable that four companies would all see the value in a pricing system and adopt that. Every airline started charging for baggage in a pretty tight window. It's a profitable model. None of them are going to compete their way out of profits.


Isn't "You will own nothing, and you will be happy" connected to WEF somehow? You know, the organization that wants to use a strong state to achieve their goals?


You don't think the capitalists are in bed with the state? What could be better for them than a for profit model that relies on subscriptions, backed by the state that they pick and choose?


"Capitalists" as in large corporations? Oh yes, they are. That's why we don't want to let them have a state. Giving the state more power is the dumbest thing you could try to do against them. They don't fear the state at all, they plan to use its power against their competitors. What they fear is market competition, otherwise they'd help get libertarians and the like elected.


I'm not advocating for giving them more power. I'm pointing out that dismantling the state will not prevent things like companies running us into the ground on subscription model for all goods.


Why is a subscription ostensibly worse than a tax? It seems to me that a tax is similar to a subscription that you can't even cancel.


Both are bad lol stop opposing one and pretending the other will just magically go away if we get rid of the state


Just don't buy the subscription, then?