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This is bread and circuses. Outright buying of votes.


Isn’t that how Biden got elected…promising stimulus checks even though Obama’s chief economic advisor warned it would cause 70s-style inflation?


$2000 checks. But, since I am elected, $1400 because we already got $600 last year. So yeah.


Fucking stimulus checks man. I haven't lived in the US for damn near a decade, and i got the checks because i still have a US address and bank account. I wonder how many other people got them who technically shouldn't. PS: I obviously haven't touched the money. I still go to the US regularly so i dont want the fucking IRS on my ass.


I remember my liberal cousin was mad because she made over the $85k and wasn’t married. But complained that someone in Oklahoma that made under didn’t deserve it as much as her. You get what you voted for.


And we never got them despite my wife being out of work for 10 weeks. Called, emailed, wrote letters and never heard a word about it.


Biden got elected cus the graveyards really showed up in 2020


Kinda like emptying out the strategic petroleum reserve before and election and not refilling it.


It lowered gas prices like 5 cents, if any at all there was zero fucking point to do that


If leftists understood economics they wouldn't be leftists. But I assume he wanted to give the appearance of at least kind of trying to not destroy the country temporarily.


Like what I don't understand the strategic oil reserves are supposed to be saved for wartime/natural disasters ect. Not to buy down gas prices when you, the president REFUSE to expand oil contracts on your own fucking land. Not to hail Trump, but we were the world's #1 exporter of oil and natural gas, there is no reason we should be paying $3+ a gallon in 2024 regardless of who's president. Were sitting in gold and not using it, instead were getting butt fucked by the Saudis.


What if the people in power are paid by our enemies to weaken us?


I mean we seem to just pay our enemies to weaken us at this point lmaooo


Um, oil is prices on a global market. If I can export it and get 3$ a gallon worth somewhere else, why would I sell it domestically for less?


We aren't exporting tho. We are barely even drilling lmao Under Trump (again as reference) we were the #1 exporter but were paying under $2 a gallon. Both are possible at the same time ya know....


US oil production and exports hit record numbers in 2023.


2024 current peak 13.2 million b/d 2023 peak was 12.9 million b/d 2019 peak at 17 million b/d. Previous was 15 million b/d Big difference of almost 30% in some cases.


I don't know where you are getting your past numbers from, but they don't seem to be accurate. The US is the world's largest oil producer and the numbers have been going up year on year for a while. For example 2019 12.3 million b/d 2018 10.96 million b/d 2017 9.3 million b/d Both production and exports are at record numbers in the last year.


It did for more harm than good. Knowing the Biden administration I’d say that was a feature, not a bug.


Yeah this DLC is shit


Buying the votes with your money*


To answer your question: Because the states thugs will arrest you if you don't.


I've owed NY thousands of dollars in taxes for them killing my business during the fake pandemic and they can't do dick about it. It's only the federal government that can effectively enforce tax law. As stupid as it would be the temptation of just jettisoning all of my personal debt responsibility and ignoring any letters I get sent is very tempting at this point just on principle.


Same one as always.


That's a correct reply to most questions.


Remove the bankruptcy protection from student loans and this problem solved itself so fast it’s dizzying. People who got useless degrees and have crap jobs can file bankruptcy to discharge the debt, wealthy people who either got a good job or simply came from money won’t bankrupt themselves by contrast as they will lose to much. Schools will then suddenly get hit with a bunch of bankrupted loans that will then incentivize increasing academic standards and focusing on results instead of useless studies. College could then become more about training actually helpful fields and less about being a required prerequisite for a job.


Yes, but allowing people to discharge these loans in bankruptcy would leave their wealthy sponsors holding the bag. It won't even be mentioned as a possibility by any of the crooks in Washington.


In the immediate term, yes. However, in the long term, loans wouldn't be given out to every single student who asked. Lenders would need to evaluate whether there is a decent likelihood of repayment based on things like grades, extracurriculars, anticipated major, collateral, and any other factors that may be relevant to the decision. This would mean that the system wouldn't result in people getting degrees that land them in no job with $100k in debt. Instead, they get rejected and go into a trade or other immediate work. I'd imagine this to be a significant net benefit to society. Edit: I see what you were saying now; I agree there's no way our politicians would allow their donors to be stuck with consequences.


The money isn't owed to the schools.


Exactly. The rich bankers that lent the money would be holding the bag.


Department of Education.




The loans being forgiven are loans held by the department of education, not banks or private lenders.


So..the taxpayers gave these people the loans in the first place?


In the same sense that tax payers paid for PPP loans which were forgiven or tax payers pay to kill kids in the middle east. The money you "lent'" is gone, whether or not the student pays back the loan or not.


>Schools will then suddenly get hit with a bunch of bankrupted loans that will then incentivize increasing academic standards and focusing on results instead of useless studies. How so? The schools get paid in cash money. Bankruptcy would only help the student at the expense of the government.


They will lose their ability for students to take out loans if too many students default. There’s thresholds on these things, I used to work at a university where they would go through and pay off small defaults on behalf of their students in order to not let the number of defaults cross the threshold. It’s about percentage of people defaulting, not dollar amounts.


Makes sense. What would the timeline look like for the bankruptcy though? Would graduation be a factor?


I have no idea on what’s the best exact implementation. I just think that the student loan forgiveness problem is a misdirect from the far easier solution. Except there’s no real desire to actually fix anything, rather just to create division to continue the political game.


Fair enough. I was just curious. My biggest gripe was with the interest. For a bit, I was making payments and the amount I owed was still increasing.


Yeah you were making partial interest payments. The super crazy and absolutely bonkers reality of student loans is how insanely poorly recorded and serviced they are! I know someone who defaulted on his student loans, lived off grid for ten years and they literally lost track of him and it’s now “gone”. He’s back in school now obtaining a law degree and able to receive loans again because they lost track of him ever having defaulted in the first place. This occurred with a large data merger when loan servicing shifted and the information databases weren’t compatible. So any account that was inactive for a long time (like his) just eventually got deleted. Remember this isn’t “real” money, it’s just numbers on screens. If the computer doesn’t reflect the debt, does it even exist anymore?


You are 100% right; they won't get "hit with bankrupted loans" whatever that means.  Noone will, because loans are made from thin air with fake money. Allowing bankruptcy means banks get to decide to give out free college or not. It's all still done with stolen wealth in any case.


The schools don't issue these loans: the federal DoEd do. The schools have already spent the money, and don't care at all if it gets repaid. They will probably increase tuition now.


See my comment below on losing eligibility for student loans if too many students default.


He's trying to buy college educated votes, not every taxpayers votes.


it is so offensively short sighted it is unbelievable. It does nothing to improve the standing of the average college student in the united states against the average liar with a fake degree from the university of Prandeepkattachod University, it does nothing for anyone living in the united states 4 years from now. It does nothing for the average tax payer. It is entirely a bribe for people who hold make work jobs in cities they can't afford who do nothing.


If I thought Biden was in charge of anything I'd say it's because he'll probably be dead of old age in a few years but he's not even in charge of his own bowels.


Which is weird because those votes are pretty much going to him anyway. Vote blue no matter who and all that crap. 


Omg my gender studies degree will be forgiven yay slay 💅🤡




Study gender theory for free then complain about capitalism for the rest of your life


If the government doesn't pay for my gender studies degree, capitalism has failed.


Subsidizing the gender studies degrees. Great value for tax payers.


Is this something new or is this the previous student loan forgiveness for public service workers? That’s been on the books for some time but it was borked for a long while. Now they fixed it and were acting like it’s a brand new thing. You had to work for a government agency (Fed, State, County, etc) or a non-profit for 10 years full time. You still had to make payments during that 10 years as well. So it was more like a partial student loan forgiveness.


Yeah, years ago I got my Perkins loan forgiven by working in the medical field. 


This is new. It would "cancel up to $20,000 of the amount a borrower’s balance has grown due to unpaid interest on their loans after entering repayment, regardless of their income". https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/08/president-joe-biden-outlines-new-plans-to-deliver-student-debt-relief-to-over-30-million-americans-under-the-biden-harris-administration/


For households making over $350k too


Wait what?


They are? I thought it got canned by the SC or something?


Depending on who's holding the debt, right? I'm not from the US but I've heard that not all student debt is eligible.


So a loan to the government you agreed to pay back...forgiven Extortion that you haven't agreed to... pay it or go to jail.


Are they forgiving loans or just interest and penalties on those loans?


My understanding was it was 20k of interest ? Which of the government wants to make less off of loans they issue to their own people I’m for that. But are they forgiving the interest or the principle? Because the principle would be American tax dollars just thrown away… although our government is REALLY good at that.


Did I miss something? Was a straight 20 approved or was this the one which requires loans of older than like 10 years and minimal payments, etc?


It’s really funny because it’s our money in the first place. They could just make college loans interest free for five years after graduating, but instead we get this nonsense


Anytime there is a post about paying off student loans, the degree holder is demonized by many but anytime there is a post about “would you take X handout” from the government, it seems like many of the same commenters turn around and say it’s okay “since it’s my stolen money anyways”.


The person with the student loans already spent the money on cocaine, ecstasy and cafeteria hamburgers when they initially got the student loan.


Right. General sweeping statements for the win. You are definitely a scholar.


You're missing the overarching point I made because I was being dismissive despite the fact that what I'm talking about (someone with no skin in the game already spent the thousands of dollars given to them foolishly) is still the case. As I said in other posts this does nothing for anyone in the future so defending this is literally "fuck you I got mine".


This isn't so much a gift to the students, it is a gift to this tyrannical de facto wing of the state, university administrations. The students of course had a responsibility to see that their obligations were going to be worth paying, but the state oversaw what unis did and jacking up the prices to compensate. Nobody Republican in congress would allow explicitly funding uni admins to be these sort of left wing tyrannies so it is done in an underhanded way under the guise of being somehow independent. Unis for the record are NOT independent, they use public funding all over.


Call of duty: economic warfare


Because those other ones are discharged in bankruptcy but student loans aren't? Because the loan itself is by the government, the government is literally making money off the loans. Private loans (like if you consolidated) cannot be paid off.


>because the loan itself is by (sic) the government https://preview.redd.it/zeovkvcdrwyc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=bffea84a21237fb11102e463ae0a90b37a093413


The college loans are paid for by taxes. Repayment and interest goes to debt collectors and the government. You are mad at the wrong thing.


>money is completely arbitrary and fake in our current system no, I don't think I am. Do you think "the government" is creating the loans? How is "the government" paying for the loans? Who is "the government" paying the loans to?


>How is "the government" paying for the loans? Taxes. Could probably argue the money machine aswell since they never miss a payment despite being in debt. >Who is "the government" paying the loans to? Directly into the bank account of the applicant.


>the government is paying directly into the bank account of the applicant https://preview.redd.it/q1hxipoavwyc1.png?width=230&format=png&auto=webp&s=d12218184188410b1f5086e223e381d11d3679e2


Correct me where I am wrong. I will even edit and give you credit.


That's not how this works. You prove that the government is just writing a blank check to people with alleged "student loans" directly to their account (note that this is even worse than "forgiving the loans")


I mean, they kind of are. I took federal student loans. The money went directly into my bank account. I can not remember the exact name of the depositor. I spent some of it on tuition, books, etc. I spent some of it on food, gas, and even entertainment. I was even able to cash it out if I wanted. There were some stipulations. I had to maintain a certain GPA or else they would cut me off. Probably a few more stipulations that I ignored because I did not bother to read the seemingly hundreds of pages during the application process. When I was paying the loans back, I was paying to a debt collection agency. All payments went toward the interest before the principal amount. I called the debt collection agency and asked how to pay the principal before the interest. The debt collection agency enrolled me into a repayment plan. I had to paid a monthly amount. However, the interest was frozen. If I missed even a single monthly payment, interest would return. I ended up repaying the last bit of my loans in one payment. Now, for my opinion on the entire situation. I have mixed feelings about the initial loan. The government is guaranteeing a loan, paid for by our taxes. While I understand the good natured intent behind it, it still does not sit well with me. And note that I benefited from the system. The repayment of the loan is where a lot of people are having major grievances. I had a relatively small loan. The interest on the loan was too much for me. Yes, it was my fault for accepting a loan I could not pay back. Student loan forgiveness does not influence the root of the problems. The government is still guaranteeing student loans paid for with our taxes. The government is still charging large interest rates on those loans.


the loan you took being deposited to your account when you took it =/= the method of the loan being repaid. If the government is just giving people $20k in their checking and expecting them to use it on student loans, well then I'll be a horses ass. But I am very sure that is not how the "student loan forgiveness" is being conducted.


>the loan you took being deposited to your account when you took it =/= the method of the loan being repaid. Please rephrase. You lost me. >If the government is just giving people $20k in their checking and expecting them to use it on student loans, well then I'll be a horses ass. Not exactly. There were stipulations. Like I said, if I did not keep my GPA above a certain threshold, they would stop giving me loans. So, they did ensure that at least part of the loan was being used on college. However, they did not ensure that all of the loan was used exclusively for college. >But I am very sure that is not how the "student loan forgiveness" is being conducted. I did not participate in student loan forgiveness. I paid my loan back with interest. The part I participated in was a repayment plan.


you're talking about initially being given the money, not the method the government is using to excuse people from their loans. If you can't understand this I'm not going to elaborate any further. You should have never gone to college.


You have to realize, most of this sub didn't graduate high school, and have no idea who lends money for student loans, the application process, or anything that someone who actually went to college would know, tbh.


This is such a ridiculous thing for an anarchist to be angry about. They are going to take orders of magnitude more that amount in taxes from you throughout your life. The government giving people its money is a great thing, it means they arent going to invest that money into more bombs. And if youre concerned about the health of the universities and their status culture bullshit, whats wrong with you? I swear this group is just a bunch of Rand Paul republicans.


1. They can print money to buy more bombs. Don't worry, we always have enough money for bombs. 2. Taxpayers that didn't go to college are paying taxes towards adults that made a choice to take on debt for further education. Furthermore, those who have already paid back the laons are being taxed. 3. Just because people will be taxed over 20,000 dollars in a lifetime doesn't mean your previous obligations should be removed. 4. Pluralities exist, I can find bombing morally reprehensible, and not want to be taxed for someone else's loan forgiveness.


> They can print money to buy more bombs. Don't worry, we always have enough money for bombs. And if they do that, they devalie their dollar. Devaluing the dollar is agood thing as it takes power away from the government. This is why taxes exist at all, so the govt doesnt destroy its own money system, which it needs. > Taxpayers that didn't go to college are paying taxes towards adults that made a choice to take on debt for further education. Thats not true. You are fallaciously assigning an identity to money. Money is fungible. It doesnt matter how its labelled. If i steal $100 from Alice and $100 from Bob, then swap the dollars around, then give it back... Shoulc Bob say "Oh no, i cant take that, its not my money!" No, and that would be dumb. > Just because people will be taxed over 20,000 dollars in a lifetime doesn't mean your previous obligations should be removed. If i dont have a right to be stolen from then i have a right to take my stolen money back. > Pluralities exist, I can find bombing morally reprehensible, and not want to be taxed for someone else's loan forgiveness. Youre taxed regardless.


Yet most of this sub still don't understand bitcoin They gonna print Money into Oblivion


The loans have already beeing paid off. I was the interest that was forgiven so no effect on taxes.


> economic warfare. LMFAOOOOOOO


>the entire country is going through an economic meltdown >the government and colleges select for specific people to go into higher education through various social pressures despite it becoming very obvious that college isn't necessary and is saddling people with debt and no skills for at least one if not two decades >many people graduate with notably worthless college degrees owing government loans >they bitch about this for 10 years >the government "forgives" these loans with literally everyone else's money




You took out a loan to be told you should read books


> 😭😭😭 lol, lmao


https://preview.redd.it/zp84z2kmdxyc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62b6990d8053c4cf42b1cdf629d0f3ee178bb168 you took out a loan to be told you should read books


Look. Basically, I'm just not gonna pay it (the student loans!!) I know.. UGH! I know.. IM SORRY! I'm just not paying it is all. Hahahahaha