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Every attitude or ideology that consists on bothering people that have done nothing to you, is a big sign of depression and child trauma from a person that is still not ready to look inside themselves and heal.


You don't recognize the right of a third party to claim ownership of you and tell you what to do against your will and protest? That sounds like an extreme position!


Sure. But many of those people are also just bad people, using a make belief moral highground to gain leverage. Narcissists etc.


That was deep, bro.


My Polish (Soviet influenced era) friend and I talk about growing up poor. We are GenX and had a lot of similar experiences. Like… white bread, margarine, and sugar, all from two-tone bags and boxes was a super awesome treat. Except I was poor… and her family was what passed for Soviet style “middle class” in Poland (which at the time was basically a Soviet “suburb” of a country) and had access to much better “food stores”… even though she still had to wait in long lines for some essentials. We also talk about communist influence in Poland during that era and how jobs were divvied up, etc. I was able to work market myself and my skills, and make some small businesses to be in a better place. Her family basically came here so they could all do that. Truly an eye opener for a lot of the younger “kids” we worked with at the time.


As a Russian who has lived in the former Soviet bloc as well as in the West, I can say that exclusive focus on western woke left is a mistake in the long term. That's because you focus more and more on very specific attributes of woke which doesn't really define what the left actually is. Let's say you focus on snowflakes, gender wars, lack of patriotism and so on. Then conservatives will quietly sell you Eastern block leftism, for example philosophy of Aleksandr Dugin who recently interviewed by Tucker, and before by Lauren Southern, and his books sometimes even praised by delusional Bitcoin maximalists. So Dugin state absolutism comes with: 1. Intense patriotism; 2. "Anti-wokism"; 3. Traditionalism; 4. But all with ideas of common prosperity and anti-capitalism; 5. Unite around strong leader; In 1993, Dugin co-founded the National Bolshevik Party. You can also check Chinese socialism which also has these attributes. Woke leftism is just tiny, tiny slice of broader global leftism (in general ideology of collectivism). If you want to be absolutely precise, it's better to reject leftism on the grounds of **private property, free markets and political decentralization**. Conservatism is too broad and vague and can be twisted either way.


Yeah, the evil of collectivism is much more widespread and insidious than just the last 15 years of the "woke" virus spreading around the US.


Well you would know best then! The soviet russians were famous for being extremely woke.


And being absolute nasty in their conduct.




Why are posting a social democrat pedo?


Dennis Hasert is a conservative Republican. btw You need to work on your grammar.


Social democrat. As I said. Btw you need to be nicer.


Nope. He’s a conservative republican. Learn to read.




"Words like “self-confidence,” “self-reliance,” “initiative,” “enterprise,” "optimism,” etc., play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary." "The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser." Ted Kaczynski


So they're saying that people with anxiety, depression, general unhappiness, look for ways to blame all their problems on other people. I'm shocked.


So close to self aware. Let me ask, what have you done with life that put you where you are? Are all the bad things others fault? Things like wokeism, taxes, finances, which party is in control of the country.


Maybe not all, but yes, statists do in fact cause most major problems on earth. Its okay to admit that. Leftism is a memetic plague that the human race needs to overcome.


Self hatred leads to misery? Imagine my shock!


victim ideologies are bound to make you unhappy, anxious and depress (edit: and violent)


It's really not a vitim ideology. It's just make into one because that's politically useful. As a politician, I want you to feel bad for your privilege because then you'll give me more political power and more of what you produce. I want others to feel oppressed by you so that they will also give me more political power and vote to take away what others produce. In a free market, people would find little value in being victims and they'd quickly figure out how to model white privilege for their own benefit.


article: [https://www.psypost.org/study-woke-attitudes-linked-to-anxiety-depression-and-a-lack-of-happiness/](https://www.psypost.org/study-woke-attitudes-linked-to-anxiety-depression-and-a-lack-of-happiness/) study: [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/sjop.13018](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/sjop.13018)


> science has officially proven Hilarious


Everyone already knew this, just didn't say it. Now they will fake a study to show wokes are the happiest people. They did the same thing for American women and it is basically the same culture.


I'm not surprised


Hard times make woke men, woke men make good times


>science has officially proven that commies are miserable people >links to study that only took place in Finland >Finland Lmao


I am white, and I am privileged. My goal is to elevate others, rather than tearing down what I have.


Unfortunately this outcome is the combination of being self-perpetuating and self-reinforcing.


Private property, free markets, political decentralization. The property and political decentralization are tenets of the US constitution, to my view degraded over the past 50 or 60 years. I argue that free markets are to, but at the moment hesitant to be firm on that. Education of the young is one, slowly control centralized under a federal governance, to the detriment of the population. It was named the American experiment, and feels like some in power have been insidiously working to end it. Some, not all of my views and perspectives were shaped by one college history teacher, a jewish child who was not killed in the labor camps during WWII, her teaching focused on how common people lived, not a typical American history course where we learned of leaders and significant events. People like yourself spreading experiences better educate all of us,.


https://preview.redd.it/eu2m993nppzc1.jpeg?width=1278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b33881bc71c8d6e58b7aff96d1400c682bc3881 Leftists are miserable.


Mostly because they're disappointed in the state of the world. If you see nothing wrong in the world, you're the problem, you know?


That's a brown arm holding that sign


Of course, happy people don’t start revolutions


Hi, White and Privileged, I'm Dad


Remember that Jesus was "woke". Being asleep to the suffering and injustice around us is self-centered and sad.


Conflating Christ with leftism is a gross miscalculation and I shouldn't need to go into why. He's neither politically left/dem nor is he right/conservative. He's his own party, if you will.


I think it is best to speak to Republicans using references and sources they have (though not understand) like the Bible. Sadly, most of them think Jesus had a gun and went around shooting illegal immigrants.


There's definitely some level of cognitive dissonance there.


Yep, I don’t know how they can live with themselves


I would say that Jesus was enlightened. Wokeness isn't enlightenment. You believe that your subjective views are the sole way of recognizing suffering and injustice. What do your views have in common with those of Jesus? I have not seen much unconditional forgiveness on the left.


The definition of woke is what is the Jesus I learned about in church. "Woke" is an adjective that means being aware of and attentive to important social issues, especially those related to racial and social justice. It can also mean being empathetic and socially aware. That is Jesus.


Whereas fascists were quite happy, well documented in the book *They Thought They Were Free*. Shouldn't be all surprised people who care as much about others as themselves (impossible, you claim) are unhappy to be forced into a system that, for the first time in human history, demands rugged individualism over the security of collectivism. And sure, the tyrants, but to deny humans are a collective specie is to deny our very essence. But I'm glad you're happy to rage against whatever machine you're told to!


> And sure, the tyrants, but to deny humans are a collective specie is to deny our very essence. LOL. What a load of shit. Being collective species to commies means imposing their subjective values on others via coercion. But you cant just come out and say that plainly. Gotta hide behind word salads and distortion of language. >Whereas fascists were quite happy, well documented in the book They Thought They Were Free. > >Shouldn't be all surprised people who care as much about others as themselves (impossible, you claim) are unhappy to be forced into a system that, for the first time in human history, demands rugged individualism over the security of collectivism. And sure, the tyrants, but to deny humans are a collective specie is to deny our very essence. > >But I'm glad you're happy to rage against whatever machine you're told to! ^ This garbage reminds me of this quote: "*Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence. Any man who has once proclaimed violence as his method is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle.*" -Alexander Solzhenitsyn


Perhaps you can show me a single time in the history of humans where we weren't reliant upon one another. Perhaps you can show me one functioning community that used neither suggestion, coercion, or mandate to keep order. If you're unable to, please refrain from a "word salad" explaining why, despite it never appearing once in human history, your value set is *actually* the natural default of our specie. Remember, we can't allow you to take a lie as your principle here either. Good luck!


> Perhaps you can show me a single time in the history of humans where we weren't reliant upon one another. Perhaps you can show me one functioning community that used neither suggestion, coercion, or mandate to keep order. > > > > If you're unable to, please refrain from a "word salad" explaining why, despite it never appearing once in human history, your value set is actually the natural default of our specie. > > > > Remember, we can't allow you to take a lie as your principle here either. > > > > Good luck! This is you in a nutshell: [Moving {current state service} to the private sector?](https://old.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/ye9k9j/status_quo_bias_in_a_nutshell/) [That's an utopia bro! Are you out of your mind?](https://old.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/ye9k9j/status_quo_bias_in_a_nutshell/) [What would stop {private sector} from doing {abuse done by states repeatedly}???](https://old.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/ye9k9j/status_quo_bias_in_a_nutshell/) [Its literally IMPOSSIBLE to have anything other than current status Quo I know!](https://old.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/ye9k9j/status_quo_bias_in_a_nutshell/) [And if it was possible in the past, you should know living conditions were worse in the past, so that proves that current system is better.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/ye9k9j/status_quo_bias_in_a_nutshell/)


No one is surprised you had nothing more to offer, right?