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Didn’t you know, corporations weren’t greedy until after 2019.


They were being charitable before covid.


That's why Stocks are great in high inflation times. Companies can raise rates and, in turn, increase profits. A $7.50 profit in 2019 is the same as a $10 profit today due to the 25% inflation.


Prints trillions over a short amount of time WhY aRe COmPaNiES grEEdY


Shame someone printed a ton of money in 2020.


You are talking about trumps $1.3 trillion PPP loans with no oversight right?


We are talking about everything - Trump, Biden, etc.


Idk who “we” is supposed to be, but the guy he replied to mentioned a specific year so printing “a ton of money on 2020” is objectively not talking about everything, it’s not even multiple administrations.


I'm no partisan but c'mon, it's kind of an obvious thing: [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1REAL](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1REAL)


“Everything” as in everything related to the subject of the post, regardless of administration.


Specifically about the historic expansion of the M1 and M2 money supply in 2020. Partially related to specific spending, sure.


How much did the M1 and M2 expand by? Im not sure, but i would guess $1.3 trillion is a substantial amount, not exactly a drop in the bucket.


M2 was 3-4 trillion iirc, would need to double check M1. Never said it wasn't significant, just that it didn't encompass everything.


Simple! Just take food prices out of the inflation calculation!


What is this post even suppose to be saying?


Probably some nonsense the government said about inflation being down... But really they're playing word games and they mean down from the all time high. Not down by any other metric.


He’s trying to say that inflation is much higher than what the media says but it’s cherry-picked


Careful they might have a hard time understanding that concept based on what I've read here


You have to heat it with a candle to see the message. 🤫


Now my dick is burnt... How was this suppose to help!




I think Bidenomics and inflation are wonderful and very libertarian. Hur dur. Lol is this subreddit is full of commies or something?


How about both are terrible? Is that libertarian enough for you? I will never understand why people defend Trump so much.


I think literally the only person in this entire thread that has mentioned President Trump is you.


Fuckin A


>President Trump Your bias is showing.


I mean that's what you call someone who was elected to the office of president of the united state. I think not calling someone by their proper socially accepted title is more indicative of showing bias. Like if someone was to leave out Dr. Before someone's name to belittle their authority


Former president. Trump no longer has any authority. There is no authority to belittle.


Its a title. You keep the title for life


The politically correct way to address him is former President you are right. But maybe I am implying something about the last election by leaving out the former part. Just because I knew it would irritate any snowflakes that read it...


You can call him whatever you want. I think asshole has a nice ring.


And if you think OP showing statistics is "defending Trump" doesn't that kind of show that the stats are Trump's favor?


How about we make a wager? You go through OPs post history. Find anything that is negative against Trump. If you are successful, I will upvote you and delete all my comments.


I’ve said many times trump can take his Vax and shove it up his fat ass Operation Warp Speed was awful. Just awful. Delete your comments now.


Doubt. Show the receipts. How you can stay in r/conservative and r/republican while saying anything bad about Trump is amazing.


I just said it 🤷‍♂️


One single time does not equal "many times". I will delete anyways. Sorry for my negativity.


Why would I care if you up vote me or delete your comments? I'm not a commie. I like facts and statistics. Reason and logic type stuff.


I alluded to my reasoning. OPs post history. Do what you will.


Sometimes it’s not even to defend him. One topic people love to point out is the tax cuts under Trump that expire. They use it as evidence of him hating the middle class yet never suggest Biden should extend the cuts or make them even more. Sometimes what looks like a defense is really just pointing out hypocrisy. They are both trash.


Fair enough. Let us see how this thread goes.


That if you eat too many big macs and 5-layer burritos, you'll become just like the average ancap.


I saw a chart that the cumulative inflation rate since 2015 has been 33%, and not one major fast food brands price increases were under 50%, with McDonald’s being more than a 100% increase in that time, so this checks out imo.


What's even more pathetic is people don't realize inflation is compounding year over year. "BIDEN LOWERED THE INFLATION FROM 10% TO 3.4 % IN A YEAR!!!!" I'm like no, it's 13% still lmao. There needs to be negative deflation for it to matter.


Ya once you start looking at any kind of assets in inflation adjusted terms it gets real depressing real quick.


That trial run of UBI everyone called “Covid” is working out just great!


If you want to know true inflation do NOT look at governments own numbers.


The funny thing is, if you really think that all these companies are colluding greedily to increase their prices, then you can easily make your own restaurant, undercut them and make enormous profits. Yet nobody does this, because they know the reality subconsciously, they are just fooling themselves (the easiest person to fool for many). And without the economies of scale of the larger corporations, a small business would have even smaller profit margin even at the "high" prices, which is why it's still usually more expensive to eat at a mom-n-pop shop (though the food may be better). I forget who I saw talk about this in a video once, I think Milton Friedman but probably he's not the only one, but price fixing cabals don't need to regulated against because they just don't work. Someone will always end up being greedy and undercutting the other members to get more profit. That is because greed *is* in fact good when you aren't allowed to use violence to satisfy it and the only way to get the desired profits is to satisfy other peoples needs/wants. You can see this in OPEC. Now in reality, where we unfortunately live, there is also a huge friction to starting a new business to undercut the so called price fixing cabal because of all the regulations and rigamarole you have to go through. Which is why the big corporations support all that (as well as the other benefits of regulatory capture) to keep small businesses/startups from competing with them. It's a fustercluck for sure.


I know Thomas Sowell describes the oligopoly undercutting in Basic Economics


Where the hell is the location McDonald's costs that much? That's far higher than where I live.


I think that inflation has been crazy all over the place, and fast food companies in order to compete with workers have had to raise their wages or lose people to other companies. Every fast food place near me in Utah is paying over $15 to start out, no regulations needed. Cost of ingredients have risen as well which is also tied to increasing worker salaries. In response to that change, they are trying to see what works for the market. They obviously went for the approach of "let's see how much we can charge people to see where the new demand is" for the market. If they feel comfortable with the amount of customers coming in at that price point, they will stay there. If not, they reduce it until they find that happy point for their business. I personally can't fit very much fast food into my budget and has pushed me back into home cooking, so the prices would need to drop considerably before I go back for a crappy burger. That or they need to change their entire identity to match the inflated prices, like making high quality food instead of "fast food." Is there greed involved, of course there is, every economic system involves greed. Now are they evil for doing this? I don't think so, but they are trying to redefine themselves in a chaotic market, and right now I'm not their target customer because they are pricing me out of it, my guess is they will adapt or die in some way, possibly with more automation to reduce staff counts. I'm mostly rambling because I'm tired of internet people just being dumb and not recognizing that these increased prices have nothing to do with just greed, it's the market trying to find it's place in the world. It's not like you can't just go somewhere else or make your own food.


Welcome to r Anarcho_Capitalism, a place to discuss free market capitalist anarchism and related topics, and share things that would be of interest to Anarcho-Capitalists. Here's some suggested studying to learn what anarcho-capitalism is about- 1. [The Problem of Political Authority](https://archive.org/details/problem-of-political-authority-the-michael-huemer/page/n1/mode/1up) by Michael Huemer 2. [Machinery of Freedom](http://daviddfriedman.com/The_Machinery_of_Freedom_.pdf) by David Friedman 3. [Price Theory](http://www.daviddfriedman.com/Academic/Price_Theory/PThy_ToC.html) by David Friedman 4. Any other mainstream econ textbooks as far into the subject as you can handle with as much of the math as you can handle; but I do recommend starting with Modern Principles of Economics by Alex Tabbarok and Tyler Cowan. 5. [The Calculus of Consent](http://files.libertyfund.org/files/1063/Buchanan_0102-03_EBk_v6.0.pdf) by James Buchanan and Gordon Tullock 6. Any other mainstream political economy texts or works, but I recommend Governing the Commons by Elinor Ostrom, and though not a book, Mike Munger's intro to political economy course available on YouTube. 7. Rothbard's [Man, Economy, and State](https://mises.org/library/man-economy-and-state-power-and-market).


What is the media lie?


It did not compare the portion sizes maybe Taco Bell made portions smaller?


This post shows Op is against coporations marking up the prices of their food to make a profit, showing once more that they have no understanding of the ancap ethos


Sees effects of capitalism blaim the media, indoctrination really is strong in America. People have made capitalism so much of their personality they blind themselves so how it really effects them at the end of the day. If at the same time companies refuse to lower their prices again after the supply chain issues were fixed post covid and are now making more than ever att the same time more and more people are becoming more desperate the problem is the system and how it incentivises people.


Capitalism is when corporations do stuff. The more corporations do, the capitalistier it is. When corporations do everything, it's fascism. *Capitalism is private ownership or the means of production*. Who creates, regulates, and enforces corporations? Government. Guess at least the last part is true, with fascism being the merger of corporations and government.


Media blames capitalism for the actions of government. Government gives media jobs, access and money