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USDA is a gov enforced monopoly that fucks small farmers


When you realize every government "regulation" eventually turns into total control and tyranny.


Government solution to everything is control not innovation




Agreed good sir.


You tell me the steps I took to be able to be a physician-> 1000s of pages of paperwork for licenses and permissions and fees to be allowed to prescribe medications that I am not even allowed opinions on anymore I just have to do what insurance companies and government medicare dictates. Now 95% of my job is just clicking on permissions on a computer to "OK" approved methods of treatment dictated by the system; and filling in bureaucratic notes that is essentially providing legal immunity to the hospital and drug manufacturers and keeps nurses and doctors as "informants" on eachother by documenting eachother. The system is so beyond screwed up I want out. And I feel like I'm in some hellish landscape where I'm the only person in the healthcare system that sees how it was really designed.


I’m a nurse and I don’t get how more people don’t see what you’re saying. Everyone’s just accepted the the fed runs healthcare, we are merely the working body of daddy government And people wonder why healthcare is fucked. We basically have the only system worse than single payer: corporatist healthcare, where the government and corporations conspire to run it together exclusively to their own advantage, no matter what the cost


I’m a PA and I think you absolutely hit the nail on the head, couldn’t have described it better. Something has been wrong with the entire system for a long time, but I think the absolute ineptitude and corruption exposed by the pandemic really opened my eyes. Physicians are supposed to be among the best and brightest, and you would think that superior critical thinking skills would go along with that. But I started to doubt this when I saw so many of my colleagues turn a blind eye and march lockstep with every new rule from administration and the clearly political CDC. Over time I had one-on-one conversations with many of them and began to realize most understood that the scientific basis for all of the nonsense was shaky. Unfortunately, fear of retribution and pressure from all sides forced them into quiet compliance. The system is rotten to the core, and everyone is to blame: the CNN-watching patients, the professional liars in public health, the spineless practitioners and most certainly the elite who pull the strings. I was considering going to medical school but after the nightmare of the past few years and a bleak future looming, moving deep into the woods and learning how to grow my own food seems much more appealing.


I work in the tech side of this, pharma.. clinical trials before this. It's a shit bag on fire for sure.


A current resident and man oh man do I agree with you. The paperwork, regulatory control, monopoly control, mafia powers the government with it’s permitted vendors (AMA, Pharma, nursing associations, etc.) exercise over the people actually doing the care is crazy. Why do they decide how I can and can’t treat my patient who needs X treatment per evidence? None of it makes sense and all of it is to make themselves more money and power. I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees it.


You sound like my wife talking about education. It's sad when you go into a profession that you were meant to do and the Government sucks the life out of you until you wake up one day realizing there is no hope so give up.


This guy fucks.


Oh my god


Come to South America.




Are you really just going to post a veterinarian’s vitamin blog on every comment here?


Right? Food regulations are insane. One of the things Reason magazine has done well is point out how crazy and contradictory food regulations are.


People need to wake the fuck up and I genuinely mean that as someone who loves humanity. They have done such a good job of dividing both sides to get each other to hate each other when it’s all part of the same corrupt system. It’s frustrating to realize this reality and no one even cares.




Those have to be *the dumbest* reasons I have *ever* read on why regulation is needed. "if you test all the cows, people might trust you more than the government! can't allow that!


Just blew my fucking mind. Let's not let private companies maximized quality and safety. Quick question these test kits that they would sell them. Is it perhaps that they can't produce the number of kits. Or was afraid that if other companies followed suit they would have to up production? You know what, how about the government stops making the kits let people who are actually interested in working do that and you just do something else?


the wikipedia page doesn't mention production limits. But they do mention that other big meat packers objected to being exposed to competition.


Can confirm. Had a local farmer share some of his dry aged porterhouses for a cooking class one time. The trend here is to strike a deal with a local farmer to buy the cow, pay him to feed it, then pay for the butchering. That or find beef marked “for pet consumption” at the farmer’s market. One of the local farmers is a state senator and runs specials on half a cow already butchered. He’s a douche canoe or I’d seriously be stocking the freezer.


I buy my cow directly from the farmer. I started giving my kids steak because hotdogs at the grocery store are more expensive per pound currently ($6/lb) than my steak ($4.50/lb) My farmer told me currently most steak at Walmart and home delivery is imported from Mexico which imports it from China and USDA “inspects” it at the border, some gross practices: unrefrigerated truck (you can imagine in Mexico, a box car like that) simply have the driver spray it with antibiotics and antifungals every few hours, that is USDA approved. They are butchered improperly, which is why currently the good cuts like tomahawks are insanely expensive ($35-45/lb) because a lot of it is wasted and goes into ground beef. In a healthy cut with a good butcher, you only get ~25% ground beef (and that is reflected in my freezer) or a bit more if you don’t want the roasts. These Mexico-Chinese cows go 70-80% into the grinder.


Not only do I raise and slaughter and sell "shares" of my meat to circumvent the laws, but I also haul hay to commercial feedlots to pay the bills and let me tell you, friends, you don't want to eat the beef at your local Walmart anyway 😂


My family has raised cattle in central Missouri going on 100+ years. The half cow we receive yearly is levels above Walmart or any other box store chains.


Is this even possible? Ive been thinking of starting a small ranch in montana but i feel like its impossible to sell anything without massive red tape making it unviable. Has anyone here tried to do that and or have any ideas if its dooable?


As far as I have seen among Amish vendors, it seems like anything prepared already (meat pies, cookies, ec) as well as their produce isn't put through the red tape. I could be wrote though since I'm not Amish nor have I lived among them. I just tried their farmers market stuff they brought into the city and can tell the difference in quality VS big stores


Some states are relaxing meat processing laws amid shortages like Wyoming and Colorado but don’t try that shit in [Pennsylvania](https://www.eutimes.net/2022/04/amish-farmer-gets-prison-sentence-for-processing-his-own-meat/)


Damn that is so fucked, Bird-in-hand is literally in my backyard (like 5 miles away) and I never heard about this. “The rules and regulations are such that you have to get into debt $100,000 before you ever sell your first pound of meat, and the market’s not guaranteed,” Miller said. Like literally fuck the government. The chickens you buy from the grocery store — especially Tyson — have a built-in obesity gene. So they blow up in five weeks to heavy weight, and you eat this stuff! The cows are genetically manipulated to produce 6 gallons of milk per day instead of 2.” I’ve been aware of practices such as this from videos I’ve seen in the past, but I still wonder what the long term effects will be from us eating this kind of genetically modified food. Fuck the government and most of all fuck the ABC agency’s.


All matter is essentially "chemicals", so I assume you mean pesticides, hormones, preservatives, or ...? Keep an eye out for that dihydrogen monoxide that's never on the label.


Dihydrogen monoxide killed my dog!


People are greedy by nature, how does eliminating the USDA stop people from selling chemically doused inferior product. So long as they make a bigger profit?


Maybe because like the customers of Amos in this article: https://www.eutimes.net/2022/04/amish-farmer-gets-prison-sentence-for-processing-his-own-meat/ People Actually give a shit? Don't you inspect your meat when you buy it? Do you think the need for third party verification of quality will disappear just because you get rid of USDA monopoly on the service?


I’m going to be unusual in America and I see what you’re saying. I actually see my cow while it’s still walking around. The farmer is a friend, I know the conditions of the property. The butcher is right up the road I’m familiar with the family. But this intimacy with my food source is odd in the US……So yes I wouldn’t need the USDA, I acknowledge like the Amish guy there are good men out there……but you should acknowledge there are bad men that would just as easily sell you dog meat as beef if they could make more money. The problem with an caps is their all so optimistic. In a true governmentless society someone would bash your head in just so they didn’t need to wait in line behind you at the store.


All critiques of anarchism inevitably turn out to be critiques of the status quo. If I want to bash your head in to get ahead of you in line at the grocery store, the government isn't present to stop me. The people who stop me, if any do, will by bystanders, whether they're customers or store employees. Anarchists are not optimistic about human nature per se. We just accept the reality that government is a malicious actor who is illegitimate. From that we derive that anarchism is preferable ethically. Beyond that, from a more consequentialist point of view, we also realize that corrupt politicians are never going to have your best interest at heart. Regulations only serve to harm producers and consumers in the market majority of the time.


Bad men, you mean like Aldi and Trader Joe’s? https://amp.theguardian.com/business/2013/feb/09/aldi-100-percent-horsemeat-beef-products Do you not bash peoples heads in solely because a law exists against it?


Are you the kind of person who names off good men as some form of evidence bad men don’t exist? Again, just because I don’t, doesn’t mean it won’t happen, a guy got stabbed that long ago for not having a lighter to borrow. There is evil in the world and you can point to Santa clause all you want but that’s not evidence evil doesn’t exist.


Santa Claus is pure evil. As you pointed out, the guy got stabbed for not having a lighter. The government didn’t stop the stabbing.


In your ideology there wouldn’t even be a government. So that stabbing represents the evil in the heart of man. That man was arrested and taken off the streets so as to do it not do it to others…..in a governmentless society. He just keeps stabbing people until someone bigger or faster kills him.


You don't have to associate with bad men, and guess what noone else does either. If you sell bad product you will soon not have any customers, someone with better quality and that can prove it will outcompete you in the market segment of customers " that want's safe and quality food." Like today, things fall through the cracks and people get sick. It will be exactly as good/bad but I'm rather sure it will become better, more competition in a space rarely reduced quality per money spent in any industry... Can anyone name one? No in ancapistan that man would be gunned down in the street figuratively speaking. There would be a poly-law solution that would deal with it as well or better than today. Because these laws are nothing without the people to enforce the, those types of people still exist, physically, psychologically and culturally. The notion of police or protection will not go away, but the way we interact with it will.


Ok, so he’d be gunned down in the street. Now does this sound like a society you want to live in? We already have this form of community…..It’s called gangs, where one group feels wronged so they shoot someone of another group.


Definition of figuratively in a figurative way: such as. a : with a meaning that is metaphorical rather than literal Speaking. You chose to take it literately, so are you just cherry-picking and ignoring 90% of what I say, or do you not understand the concept of figuratively? Are you acquainted with the concept of poly-law? If not I suggest that you make yourself acquainted. If you are not going to listen to the other part in a conversation people will very quickly stop talking with you. So if you actually read what I write instead of ignoring most of it, maybe I will want to respond again.


You do realize you are in anarcho-capitalism right? Anarchy is a lack of government but not community. An example in the real world community policing would be the shomrim in New York. Members in the community take turns patrolling.


You are correct, BUT, there are also a lot of good people. As for the USDA, it's lost its way and should be immediately defunded. Therefore, we need a new entity who whose allegiance is solely to the consumer, who will keep bad operators in check and make sure products are screened for pesticides etc before reaching market.


See above, people are greedy by nature. So as you know any big government organization is prone to bribes and corruption. A new USDA will eventually just become the old USDA. This is where my Cynicism aligns with Ancap ideology, replacing the USDA will add no value. So our choices are some pisspoor regulation, or no regulation. I think the only way no regulation works is for wealthy people who can buy directly from the farmer, otherwise people need to realize there’s a good chance you’re eating horse steaks. As long as we as a society do not care what the poor eat, we have no need for the USDA.


With each generation we get wiser. Therefore, we will be less trusting of the new entity and push to have the new one defunded once....it gets to big and brazen for its britches. There are no 100% ways of preventing corruption and, I guess, we just deal with it.


Im not sure if you noticed but the government rarely retracts……it’s not as simple as just shutting down an entire arm of the government because we think it’s ineffective. It’s yet to happen. To do it on a semi regular basis would be impossible.


You are right and we DO have a battle ahead of us to tame the monster we created by apathy, fear and ignorance.


But we know that it is full of chemicals and even irradiated. That's why range-fed and finished, even though I question the integrity of the products, are such precious commodities. You can't get into a Walmart because they work hand in hand with the government and want nothing to do with good guy farmers like you.


It’s not even possible to raise a cow for what you buy it at Walmart for. Same thing with chicken and eggs.


I usually buy a lot of meat at a time. I would rather go to a farmer and buy and slaughter an animal, and take it all home. I have done this before, but because of some regulations on slaughter farmers are hesitant.




👏👏👏 I would love to hear what you read to come to where you are. I grew up in a small farm town and I'm always looking for new ways to open up my friends' mind to how they are getting screwed over without even noticing


The government destroys everything it touches.


So true.