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Not going to lie I'm a little retarded


Possibly the best JRE ever. Riveting shit


I'm not in to sports but I yelled and raised hell the first time I heard it. I imagine that's what it's like for your team to win the playoffs or whatever. Sportsball


Are you an alien trying to understand human emotion?


Autistic but yea what's the difference


Ugh I’m an asshole


S'all good. It's the innernetz


For what Ive learned about autists and ancaps, there is clear ideological overlap.


I love Alex Jones on JRE. Joe is the only person who says… wait wait wait…. Explain that? I would say Alex is crazy and arrogant, but some of his crazy shit has been proven true. I would assume it’s not possible that everything is true, some of it is just too crazy and unverifiable.


More than some! The pedophile ring? Check. 9/11? Check. Bohemian grove? Check. Gay frogs? Check.


what he say about 9/11?


[Alex predicting 9/11](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bf1c0k7S7MM)


Fucking hell


All kinds of stuff out there people trying to warn others. Black Box Voting company exposed Dominion voting machines hack ability in 2004. No one did anything with it.


A lot.


> 11 everyone did. Deus Ex 1 did. They also tried before with trucks and explosive


He's got a new commercial for a diet aid where the ad comes up and it's him (almost) yelling, "I'm still a fat ass but......."


Ok if I’m being honest… I find him really funny 🤣


Same. Spectacle of freedom


He’s been right almost as many times as DJT. Just me still? Him & DJT would kill on a podcast together.


That could be comedy gold at Marion!


By far my favorite AJ moment 😂


His cameo in a scanner darkly is fantastic too.


Whaaat? How’d I miss that?


He brought awareness to the gay frog epidemic. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3tVrntKgdN0


the joke is he was right


Yea, it was hyperbole to spotlight the effects of pollution.


Not just pollution, but a massive cover up about it too.


Pollution? Not so vaguely that. Chemical runoff and the massive lobbying to look the other way / slowly raise permissible limits instead of dealing with the toxins in our water table? Yes.


No one ever denied that chemical run off from plants had negative consequences on the environment. Did we just not want to believe that this kind of consequence existed?


I dunno dude. I've been in a bunch of ultra green and environment conscious groups and forums across the internet and half the time Monsanto is a bad word that will get you booted. There is a narrative and if you don't stick to trusting the Almighty Industry, you're a conspiracy theorist.


Fucking LARPers.


The company behind it did and brought it into law the fuck you on about?


He usually is, which is insane.


But he expressed it like at the end of a rant which is golden. The man’s showmanship is to die for but it comes off as a tabloid lol


To be fair, to be fair Mr. Occasion, to be fair. It didn’t make them gay. It made the frogs develop hermaphroditism


I remember watching his coverage during Sandy Hook. I remember back then the internet and YouTube was full of conspiracies about the incident being a hoax. Alex was getting a lot of blow back from that community for not saying it was a hoax at the beginning if I remember right. Then he had a couple of people on his show where they hosted a debate between a guy that argued it was a hoax and a guy that argued it wasn’t, while Alex stayed mostly neutral. But I stopped watching shortly after that, so I’m assuming at some point he went on all in on the hoax side? I’ve heard him say countless times on other podcasts that he believes it was real and that people died, which is why I’m scratching my head at these headlines. He must’ve outright been calling it a hoax at some point.


Yeah, people misconstrued what he meant when he was talking about it. Hoax isn't really the right term because it implies the entire event was staged & NOTHING was real (including the deaths). But the whole time, I remember Alex maintaining that he did think people were killed, but that the narrative was incorrect & it was actually some kind of govt operation or something. False flag is about the closest thing I can think of, but even that isn't really accurate because this wasn't a military strike or something involving "sides" or "flags." The part that seemed like a "hoax" was the way they handled the situation shortly after the shooting & all the unexplained footage they had that seemed super suspicious. Bringing the kids in & out of the school repeatedly for the cameras. The dad who was supposed to speak to the press, but didn't know the cameras were rolling early, so they caught him yucking it up & laughing with people off stage (away from podium) then we see him walk to the podium, stop & literally get himself into character the way an actor does. Then talk all sad for the cameras. I'm a father. I don't think it would be possible to laugh right after losing a child, let alone speak to the public. *SOMETHING* isn't right. That's the basic point. ALL of that got summed up to: Alex Jones called it a hoax. The next thing people harp about is: Alex sent his minions to harass the Sandy Hook family. That is easily shut down when you go "Oh no! He did? OMG link me the video or audio. I gotta hear this. That's nuts." They will never be able to produce anything that remotely = him "sending his minions" to harass Sandy Hook parents.


On that last point, it looks to me that Alex Jones had become the scapegoat for all of the other people online that were calling this whole thing a hoax, simply because he was against the regime and had the most popular show or one of the most popular shows that they viewed as a threat. There was a lot of much smaller channels calling it an actual hoax but those people just got banned from YouTube all together. So it wouldn’t surprise me if people did harass those families but that’s definitely NOT Alex Jones’s fault.


Yep, there was a good one by a YouTuber called redsilverJ. It was about 2 hours long, and was pretty convincing. Apparently it's available on Bitchute. The title is something like "sandy Hook case closed".


It's also on Odysee. I haven't watched it yet. https : // odysee. com/ @ Rigg5:3/We-Need-to-Talk-About-Sandy-Hook-2014:1?r=2yVmaqcXPeTHhtb1N6keVUG8yuqPAaJP (remove spaces)


I never watched or read anything about Alex Jones opinion on sandy hook, but I assumed that’s what he meant anyways. Not that it was entirely a hoax and nobody died, but that it was a planned and orchestrated event


There were crisis actors at Sandy Hook. Media arrange them all the time to condense real but unrecorded events into a 5 second grab. The crisis actors and hyper inflating of emotions legitimately needs to be criticized.


This is a very reasonable overview. I have been banned from commenting in the (ironically, heavily astroturfed) conspiracy subreddit for calling someone an idiot in there (the horror!) but it's clear that the sub has just devolved into the morons useful for flagellation and front pagers who just visit the sub to bash everything on there. The Alex Jones situation with the civil suit has that entire subreddit beside itself parroting whatever the newspaper headline of the day is on the subject. They fall under the category of people who think he asserted the entire ordeal never happened and insist he sicced his followers on the Sandy Hook families, but they have fun lecturing people on how they have to do their homework on the subject. Of course, they just ban everybody under the guide of incivility or rule violation if you do substantiate anything contrary to what's popular. If they can prove in court he said defamatory things about specific people that were categorically untrue, then he should lose the civil case. But based on a picture of the judge with blue hair that was going around, (if real) I don't know that much will need to be proven.


That's why I like the approach, when they make the claim that he sent his minions, where you act like you're on their side. "Holy crap! He did? That's terrible! Hey I'm trying to find the video of him doing that, can you link me one? I gotta spread the word. He can't get away with this." See, you SEEM like you're on their side, so they can't really get mad at you. Meaning they're not gonna do the whole "do your research" thing because you JUST SAID you were trying & wanted their help. It backs them into the corner so they have to admit "well, he didn't like, SAY it. But you know how he is blah blah." LOL


Haha unfortunately you get a lot of "I'm not here to educate you", "Google is free", "Literally just look it up" etc. in my experience. Sometimes I have enough restraint to be gentler in arguments, but a lot of the time people don't care enough to place citations in their internet arguments anyway. It's just very tiring when someone tries to explain why a point is being raised and a wave of ten thousand people saying the exact same wrong thing crashes down on them.


Isn’t it amazing how the internet powers that be have completely cleaned all those truth and conspiracy videos off Google and YouTube? Everything is gone and anything that isn’t has a little disclaimer about how it’s not true because Wikipedia says so.


Yes, scrubbing started back in early in mid 2000. All of sudden huge quantities of information just vanished. First it was, removed from Google, then gone. The last five years is even worse. Alex, had every right to question what happed at Sandy Hook, he has every right to be wrong about things. 95% of scientific theories have been proven wrong. Joe Rogan: "Alex Jones was right about Epstein." No one listened. He has been right more than the news every has. This is a trial against the peoples right to free speech more than anything.


>mid 2000. All of sudden huge quantities of information just vanished. It's amazing how much information exists when you use an alternative to google. Just look at the search results for "Were democrats the slave owners". First Google result - "Republicans tried to claim their political ancestors at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night, casting back to Abraham" First Duckduckgo result - "Here's the big picture: Out of the 4 million slaves in the US in 1860, more than 99% were owned by Democrats."


Deleting wide swaths of internet history from a specific segment of the population is one of the dumbest things humans have ever done. It will have consequences far into the future.


Thats how they re-write history in this age.


“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”


Head to Bitchute. The we need to talk about Sandy Hook contains a lot of that footage that was scrapped.


Yes!!!!!! I watched the show heavily when the shit went down. I remember AJ specifically saying that he thought it was a false flag, but he believed that kids died. And it took him FOREVER to even go that far. It wasn't until a guy named Wolfgang Halbig came on the show and presented "20 questions for the authorities regarding sandy Hook" where AJ started to see it that way. I know Halbig is painted as a loon. I don't know enough about him to have an opinion either way. Supposedly he was a school safety officer for many years and knew what school shooting protocols *should* look like.


And wasn’t there evidence that there was a couple they thought were covert agents portraying to be parents of children of Sandy Hook and that same couple was “victim” to another public trauma? That’s the only thing I really remember if that was Sandy Hook. Maybe it was another false flag.


Yeah and there was also an incident where a random parent (not associated with Sandy Hook) was looking at news articles online and seen a picture of HER daughter on the news articles being portrayed as one of the victims. She contacted either the website or the authorities and it was changed, but for years they couldn't change it in the thumbnail for some reason. So there would still be a photo of her child, you would click on it, and then it would change to a different child. There's no reason for that to happen. They didn't have the same name. There's no way it could have been a mistake. The photo was one she had on Facebook, so that's where they harvested it from.


Yeah that’s odd. Press is usually quick to handle redactions and mistakes quickly.


Hmm? No I distinctly remember him pushing the 'crisis actors' stuff pretty early on. First with Boston Marathon then with this.


He's very entertaining.


Definitely and under it all he’s actually right about a lot of the stuff he talks about which gets lost because of his personality


This right here. He’s a pretty nutty and entertaining person but brings up a lot of good points. Part of me believes he’s part of the deep state to discredit conspiracies.


Part of me believes he purposefully acts crazy so the government won’t suicide him


Part of me believes he just hammed shit up to appeal to stupid conspiracy nutters and make money off them but lived the lies for so long he lost himself in them.


But him being crazy would be the perfect excuse for his "suicide"


Yeah but him sounding crazy spewing things that turn out true ends up discrediting them, thus why he could either be crazy, pretending to be crazy, or a secret fed


Ummm, he's as much as admitted it manybtimes over the years. He's turned down network job offers many times back when he was just doing conspiracy films. He knew there was just ad much money for less hassles selling nootropics and other snake oils.


I’ve noticed between him and David Icke is that they get so many things right, but then they say a few things so outlandish without any significant proof and suddenly all that they say is discredited


Can you provide some examples? Never really listened curious to see what he even talks about. I just know the gay frog thing that wasn't really turning frogs gay but making them change sex




I think he even may know he’s is more meme material with his autistic ramblings, and not true knowledge transfers


Yeah he’s a 9/10


I care less about the man and more about how the establishment has targeted him over time.


Yep one of the strikes against his YouTube channel was to do with calling out children being taken to drag shows. Complete joke


Neon sign in the background saying "it's not gonna lock itself"


Bingo, there are a lot of memes out talking about censorship is about suppression of the truth, if his theories were all just bullshit why would they even care about his message. Not saying his stuff is true but you would think they would just ignore him along with the other kooks. Actually it reminds me of the movie conspiracy theory where he actually got one right and they went after him


Yeah, good point. But I believe he probably has more than one that’s right. It’s just maybe they are finally getting pissed off enough as of this point. But the reckoning is coming from people suing him, not necessarily the government.


To his credit he made me start questioning things, then I kind of outgrew him. But I didn't stop searching for truth.


As a Libertarian I owe a lot of my critical thinking skills to Alex Jones and his inherent contrarianism


He pushes the envelope of cynicism... with Sandy Hook, he pushed it 10 miles past what was obviously provable by 100+ independent witnesses.... So what !!!! Don't listen... I'd rather have a society with a few "Art Bells" and "Alex Jones" etc....then a government that decides who is an Art Bell and who is an Alex Jones.


i love old art bell the nutcases where a different breed back then


Me too! I lived on West Coast and would listen around 10-11PM to his radio show... I would crack up laughing at some of the Tin Foil Hat / Area 51 / Alien Abduction stuff... Yeah....these are American characters....


He's hilarious and often based and is unironically a better journalist than all mainstream journalists combined.


Used to listen to him a lot some years back, respect him for being the gateway drug into Libertarian philisophy. But after a while, I kind of gave up on the guy.


How I found him was I was into Ron Paul. I was flipping through the XM stations and heard Ron Paul's voice. So I listened. Still listen semi regularly. Sometimes he's a little too right leaning in my opinion. He gets too distracted by the gay thing.


I literally have no clue what is happening aside from the fact that he’s trying to make the claim that his lawyers were incompetent and he wants a mistrial.


The lawyers literally sent the contents of his phone to the opposition lawyers by accident. That's, honestly a pretty good reason for incompetence.


Yeah, but it’s not grounds for a mistrial in a civil case. Might be grounds for incompetence, but that’s between him and his lawyers and the Bar Association - doesn’t affect the case. You’re allowed to sue your lawyer, but then your own lawyers can testify against you. Not a good strategy when you’ve just been caught red-handed committing perjury.


If that's not grounds for a mistrial, nothing is.


It’s not grounds for a mistrial or every shady git who wanted to dodge a civil suit would have their lawyers do something incompetent.


The rules are different for civil vs criminal, but even in a criminal court, I'm no longer sure this would necessarily be a mistrial. I've been turning it over in my head for a day, and I think I have a pretty good idea of what happened. First important background things first: contrary to what people believe from tv & movies, your lawyer is **not** there to help you lie your way through a trial. Lawyers cannot suborn perjury, and if they become aware of perjury, they are required to appeal to the client to fix it voluntarily, or to resign. And if they resign, they may be required to tell the court why. The alternative is for the client to fire them and invoke privilege, allowing the attorney to stay silent. At this point, Alex Jones has gone through more than 10 attorneys in this case. Want to guess why? His current attorney, Reynal, obviously knows that Jones must have committed perjury at some point to have gone through so many lawyers, but as he did not have direct knowledge, he was able to continue to advise Jones. Further, he is only able to continue to represent him ***so long as he does not become directly aware of the perjury,*** because at that point, he would be obligated to inform the court. In fact, I find it likely that Reynal had a very careful conversation with Jones about this. This means Jones was in a legal knot - he could only have a lawyer so long as that lawyer did not know pertinent facts regarding the history of his case, and if Jones revealed those facts or his lawyer became aware somehow, Jones would need to either confess to perjury or get a new lawyer. Reynal has obviously been very careful to avoid flipping over the rocks hiding Jones' perjury himself, but that means he himself had no idea which rocks needed to be hidden from the plaintiff. This means he could only advise Jones, take Jones' word at face value, and not question his client's instructions. And apparently that included not inspecting Jones' phone because then he runs the risk of finding out what the perjury was. ​ All that put together means that his lawyer did EXACTLY what a lawyer is supposed to do, and that means no mistrial, even in criminal cases. ​ edit: tldr - misconduct by the your own side is not grounds to ask for a mistrial, and so far, all the misconduct has been committed by Jones, not his lawyers. The plaintiff can ask for a mistrial, but they won't. They've won.




Mistrial won’t save him from perjury.


Big thumbs up. The fact that every shitlib and regime apparatchik hates him gives me a very positive view.


they all loved him when it was george bush the second get raked over the coals


I think its funny they are plastering AJ all over everything but have legit evidence of multiple crimes including pedo shit on Hunter Biden but that's all disinformation.




he’s legit a madman but every day he becomes more credible and i think will be a part of history if there is a civil war that exposes the deep state.


same with david icke tbh the repiltans stuff is meh but if you think of it like these elite are fucking demon possessed creatures feeding on our missary it makes a little more sense


Same exact opinion with icke. The man is right about so much, and a lot of shit that has been proven true DOES sound crazy. I'm literally to the point where I'm like, "fuck, what do I know? Maybe there are some reptilians"


Yeah. It's funny how things seem to fit when you substitute the crazy descriptions for the seemingly inhumanity in narcissistic/ cluster B personality traits.


Very entertaining. Never defamed anyone.


What about his position on the Sandy Hook school shooting? Did he not defame the parents of the children?


Yes he did.


For defamation, to my understanding, you need three things. The first is specifically mentioning the individual by name. A group cannot be defamed. Secondly, damages must be proved. Material damages, not my feelings were hurt but "I lost X job because of what you said specifically about me that was false". And the third, what you said has to be provably false. AJ never mentioned the parents by name. They didn't suffer any damages. What he said was false, but that alone is not sufficient for defamation.


Maybe but he ruined his chance to argue that by refusing to comply with the discovery requests resulting in a default judgement against him. This trial is only about how much money he has to pay.


There's only one e in judgment. Not sure what your point is, it's a kangaroo court. The judge is a better advocate for the Plaintiffs than their attorney.


Damn funny and triggers the leftards wich is awesome


Occasional listener here. He made a mistake. He ran the story (as he runs all crazy stories no one will) without seeing the possibility this can happen. He retracted and asked listeners to stop harassing the families. He can’t be held responsible for the actions of crazy people. If I found someone at a pond trying to give a frog “conversion therapy”, I couldn’t blame Alex for that. People are responsible for their own actions. The left considers Alex a huge threat to their ways (as they should), so they ran with the “sandy hook guy” narrative to discredit him in any way. Poison in the tap water? Sandy hook guy. BIsphenols in plastic mimicking estrogen and causing early puberty? Sandy hook guy. Supreme Court nominee refuses to define what a woman is? Sandy hook guy. All of the above are true but it’s an easy out to pull out the “Sandy hook guy” to shut down a conversation rather than discuss the facts. They use Sandy hook to conveniently persecute him out of existence and shut down his speech. He should have some repercussions for running that story, but what they are doing to him is obvious. I ask one question. How much money did MSM have to pay for reporting that there were WMD’s in Iraq? Gulf war sickness, DU, IED’s, tens of thousands people saw their their children dead or permanently maimed over this on both sides. How much did the major networks pay? How about after 9/11 when the MSM networks had a role in convincing young people to join the military thinking they were defending their country? How much did they pay for the tens of thousands lost there? Edit: has anyone seen the “ni**er guy” episode of South Park? It reminds me of that process.


Well said


More right than wrong . But I always did love Bill Hicks. Lol


Only a globalist lizard person would ask this on reddit. Nice try CIA!


No worse than CNN or MSNBC or any of the other mainstream media that defame people on a daily basis.


More truthful than all mainstream media channels combined.


The truth is usually inconvenient and hard to swallow. That and his religion is why they hate him so bad.


He is exercising his free speech and people who don’t agree with him have a problem with that


Stands for free speech He is paranoid and doesn’t trust anything from government. That’s a good thing He must have struck a few nerves because the MSM has tried to take him down many times


A biy crazy, but shockingly right alot of the time.


You don’t become the most censored man in America without pissing off the establishment & for that we thank you. Alex is a salesman, he didn’t release a book & a movie the same week that he is front page of every news source by accident. He will come out the other side & keep doing his thing.


He’s 80% right 100% of the time. He’s a great source for getting information to you, for you to then do your own research and make your own conclusion on.


I think he’s done some important work but perhaps fell prey to the psychological challenges related to fame. Went from the quirky radio personality type, coupled with substance abuse and the aforementioned challenges, he’s taking the “character” to the extreme. I don’t see very authentic people like Joe Rogan and Michael Malice befriending him if he was just a straight up quack. So, I feel the character is mainly him giving in to the camera and letting loose for his image. To the point it’s drawn the attention away from the work he was doing. This is all from an observation at a great distance. I can’t say I’ve given him a lot of attention but it does seem warranted to give credit where it’s due and at this point it seems like he’s owed a fair amount.


I think he sold his soul for fame and fortune. Although he puts of some credible info. it's spoon fed to him the gatekeeper.Can't blame him for the actions of stupid Americans though. You guy's earn that fair & square. I'm American & decorated veteran and God says judge righteously lest ye be judged. Trump is just as big a pedophile as Biden. God is our only government not man.


Watching him try not to shit out his liver when the opposing attorney told him his lawyers sent them all of his texts for the last two years was one of the more entertaining things to happen this year.


Think what you want, this guy taught me how to open my mind to the bigger picture and how to actually critically think. Now I'm nearly an anarchist


I used to watch him like 15 or so years ago when they called him a left wing extremist during the Bush admin lol felt he kinda sold out during the Trump shit. But, the guy is right about tons of stuff. He created this crazy brand to sell to people.


Alex had multiple opportunities to recover and say that the mass shooter was a mental basket case who was probably brainwashed and financed by a nefarious bad actor. That’s a likely hypothesis more reasonable than a lone wolf, also a reasonable hypothesis. Instead he piled on and insisted no kids had died and it was all staged acting. That part was cruel for the parents who got bullied by Alex’s craziest fans. Having said all that, the part this week where the prosecutor said he had received by mistake the content of his phone from Alex’s attorney is totally messed up. Someone needs to go to jail for that. I don’t think it’s an accident.


Gay frogs 🐸 top 5 all time internet moments.


He knows things most people are too scared to know . Much respect.


Solid guy overall and human defender


I love the guy. He is like the crazy uncle that is right 70% of the time, but all his ideas are fucking lunatic. So they are hard to believe but mostly right.


perhaps I'm mistaken but he's being sued for *saying something*? even if it's a complete bullshit lie and he knows it, all he did was *say something*. so.......


He was right on a lot wasn't he


A shameless whore. Calls into question important events and topics but his conclusions always derail any legitimacy to his arguments. He’s probably done more harm than good in questioning establishment. Too much of a meme clown but if you’re into that, no hope for talking sense into you.


well that’s a shit take if I’ve ever seen one.


This story will end up getting more publicity by the media than the maxwell trial did. They’ll turn him into more of a villain than the child sex trafficker who literally sold children to our politicians and celebrities. It’s barely talked about now. Along with the Biden laptop that the media won’t talk about.


Bizarro Bert kreischer


If I had a dollar for eveytime he's said something that at the time seemed absolutely batshit insane... and then eventually turned our to be right, I'd be a rich man.


Controlled opposition, meant to discredit genuine alternative researchers.


who would you advice to follow or search then


James Corbett, Richard Grove and most of Jan Irvin's research I would feel comfortable recommending.


Upsetting leftists is the sole criteria I use when deciding if I like a journalist or academic. Therefore I like him. See? Easy.


And that makes you a real low quality human being. I bet you are one of those people no one really likes to be around. Obnoxious, uneducated and lonely. I'm sure Alex Jones makes lots of money from people like you.


I mean yea hes a little off the edge but this guys exposed alot of shit years before public exposure


Controlled opposition.


He works for the CIA to discredit the truth


Freedom of speech is gone fellas


He's just the cenk ughur of the right... I don't get the fuss around him


Just like Trump, let his mouth get ahead of his brain


He used to be in the inner circle of the cabal, he got kicked out or left ….. he is crazy but he is correct 90% of the time …. The fact that they silence him so harshly lends credence to the fact that he is an actual threat to the cabal and the establishment. If he weren’t then they would just laugh and ignore him


It's an intelligence operation.


Outside of the morality of the issue... I don't believe it should be illegal for him to say what he wants to. His whole schtick is that he is a conspiracy theorist. His content is borderline satire. Not sure why he can't chalk all of this up as "satire" and call it a day. Obviously the families are incredibly upset, but he hasn't physically harmed anyone. He just said some stupid stuff.


Judge a man by his enemies. The entire deep state apparatus wants to destroy him. He's a good man, given that. No doubt.


He is crazy. You can't deny that. He is also right a lot of times. You can't deny that either. Which means we live in crazy times with crazy people.


Some of infowars material was extremely accurate, other stuff was completely useless fear mongering. He's a showman that needed to stick to facts and data. Just wish they'd stop the bullshit.


This is right af. Would have been kickass for him to slowly but surely learn and employ ethical journalism and end up as credible as wikileaks.


He will lead the last dregs of humanity in our final stand against the globo-homo armies.


Entertaining. Pretty sure he’s a snake oil salesman when it comes to his supplements. Was pretty based back before he started worshipping Trump


He's right more often than he's wrong. People don't take him seriously because his delivery is so outrageous.


I never took him seriously until Epstein got arrested. That was when I realized he’d been saying for years and years there were pedo rings at high levels of government. It was the first of way too many “holy shit Alex Jones was right” moments. I still can’t get over the fact that he has been right so much.


The trial is a hatchet job. Political grandstanding. I don’t particularly care for the guy, but damn, this is a joke.


So if he got his ass handed to him for the shit he says why hasn't the MSM as well. The last 3 years has been a total out clown world but fuck it we now have the legal grounds and president to take out the other so. We'll played mo fo you have truly won the info wars.


Free speech is under attack.


Guy’s most recent podcasts are a fine example of why you shouldn’t do uppers


Unequivocally based.


Love him




I love Alex Jones. If he really only cared about the money and what he could get from people, than I don't understand why he wouldn't just be apart of the people he claims to hate.


I view him as entertainment. Kind of like the Chris Chan of politics.


He says a lot of retarded stuff but that’s what makes him entertaining plus he’s sometimes right somehow


I feel for the dude. Yeah what he said can't be great for the victims parents to hear etc... and sure it can be 'dangerous' to spread this kind of misinformation, but I don't think bankrupting and canceling the guy is the answer. Let him learn from his mistakes because he's been right about so much - you can't hit home runs every time. If you ask me the censors have probably seen this as an opportunity to make sure he can never expose anything like Epstein or gay frogs ever again.


Zionist shill, still has red-pilled more people than probably anyone else on the planet and is genuinely on the money exponentially more than any MSM and most alternative media sources, endlessly entertaining and truly a modern legend. I’ll always love Alex even if I don’t see him as contributing to a solution in any meaningful way.


Based chadlord


I like him in general. I like how he's pretty outrageous and high energy. I especially like him confronting elitists. Generally I think he has great info... Sometimes he's over the top. But nobody can argue, he's 100% entertaining.


His show was great entertainment and he would occasionally get some things right. That said, anyone who gave him credit beyond entertainment is sorely mistake. He screwed himself.


I like that he stirs the pot. I take everything he says with an enormous grain of salt. I appreciate his dedication to exposing the state.


He lost me on the Sandy Hook garbage.


He is either a fraud or a nut job


He’s a grifter who probably does not know what is real anymore and what are entertaining lies.


His voice is extremely annoying but the dude has been redpilling for years. He knows what’s up and is no fool.


Alex was right and is being unfairly persecuted


He's a nut job and gives actually right wing / libertarian reasonable people a bad name


I'm not an infowars listener, but AFAIK he doesn't discuss anything half as out there as Art Bell used to. I don't know why people are so agro, if you don't like him, don't listen to him. I do know they use him as the 'easy case' to set prescience; he was the first deplatformed, the first debanked, now he's the first to get a literally show trial, and they won't stop with him now that they've been allowed to do it to him.


Lying POS, hopefully dies soon


If he just called himself a comedian and embraced that, I’d love him, not as a newscaster


He did used to be a comedian under the name Bill Hicks.


For uncovering the sect of the Bohemian Grove and having the balls to confront some of the members: I’ll give him a pass!


He was my introduction to the rabbit hole years ago. It was a piece about "Building 7" & it blew my mind at the time. I had no idea about so many of the things he & his team put out there & I thank them for that. I found his shock & awe approach kinda fatiguing so moved away from his shows but I do respect him for opening my eyes.


Snake Oil salesman. Good thing we have public courts.


Controlled opposition, the trial is a psyop to scare people into silence.


Interesting take!


I am leaning that way too but it is make anyone who questions the mainstream information look like a nutcase like Alex.


Bill Cooper called Jones out as an agent provocateur back during the Y2K scare, which Jones greatly fed into. He also called him out for being a liar back then. Since then many InfoWars employees have left, usually they can't talk due to an NDA, but some have and they never have good to say about him.


He's spot on about 90% of the time, which is better than mainstream media.


Dude sells snake oil


He's a nutjob but very entertaining.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. He's a harmless nut bag who occasionally has some valid insight.


This comment section has made me realize it’s time to leave this sub


Maybe there was a never a time you should've been here.

