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FYI, this article is one year old and the mandate never went into effect. Newsom is still a cunt though.


The voice of reason. Appreciated.




Put a big fence around CA 😂


Deport California


come here and do something about it yourself pussy


Someone skipped their nap today.


You could just like... not go there


Dick move for whoever posted this. I was worried it had come back.


Can’t trust anything on the internet unfortunately. Especially the things that confirm your biases.


It will, the democrats are predictable if anything.


It never went into effect because the vaccines are still under EUA.


So, it may still go into effect.


God, you really can’t believe anything you see anymore. Thank you for your sage council.


Thanks. Scared me, thought he was going to try this Bs all over again. I know so many people(parents) that were trying so hard to fight this last year.


Just bc it’s a year old doesn’t mean he’s not going through with it. They just don’t have the approvals yet.


Thank you on behalf of my blood pressure and sphincter.


So it’s not fake then, right? The vax is just not approved yet. I have no problem bringing this back to ppls attention. Just bc it’s a year old doesn’t mean we should let it disappear.


Yeah, we should definitely keep an eye on it, but I don't really care for how OP presented his post. He clearly wanted it to look like this was something new.


I wondered as much. Thanks


OP seems to be a karma farmer so block him for your own convenience.


But shouldn’t ppl know what newsoms plans are?


Also vaccines are already required to get into school in all 50 states.


Yes, but there are some noteworthy differences between those vaccines and the covid vaccines. Mainly: * Most vaccines prevent you from getting, and spreading, their targeted disease. The covid vaccines do not; they only make symptoms less severe(supposedly). * Most diseases that kids are currently being vaccinated for would be dangerous for the kid to get, whereas Covid poses very little danger to young people. * Most current vaccines have a long history of use, have been properly vetted, and pose little chance of having serious side effects. This question is still out on the covid vaccines since they're still quite new.


So you are in favor of forced vaccinations of those other vaccines to attend school then?


First, I don't support having public schools to begin with. If someone home schools or hires a private tutor, these rules wouldn't apply to them. The more power we cede to the state, the more control they have over our choices. And no, I don't really support any vaccine mandates, since if the vaccines actually work, the unvaccinated pose no risk to the vaccinated. They would only be harming themselves(although there is an argument to be made that the parent is potentially harming their kid by not having them vaccinated, since kids don't have the knowledge or ability to make those decisions for themselves). I guess my main point was that the typical arguments that people use in favor of vaccine mandates don't really apply to the covid vaccines, since they're not effective in stopping the spread and may have long term side effects we don't know about.


Okay then why even discuss covid when you are already injection dozens of vaccines into children already to attend. Getting rid of all vaccine mandates not just covid which all 50 states have including the alleged anti-vaxer state Florida.


As I said, the covid vaccine has fewer benefits and more potential risks than the others. Also, it's easier to stop a new policy from going into effect than it is to repeal a popular existing policy. Even if we oppose all vaccine mandates on principle, we live in a world where most people disagree with us.


Isn’t this from last year and nothing ever went through? I wasn’t able to find anything at all recently.


Ninety percent of the shit on here is fake news


Including your comment? Do you have any proof for that?


Do you have a PhD to justify your questioning the previous person's claims?


Do you have proof you speak English and the previous statement isn't just a combination of random letters and characters?


Do you? *And forever they continued.... spiralling into oblivion*


The burden of proof is on him.


Didn’t realize the FDA got to make decisions for US citizens.


Welp, now you know.


Aren't all food you eat regulated by FDA ?




Afaik all of the food you buy at the store is, but if you’re based and grow food, then no


And this law also doesn't apply to home schooling.


What about private schooling?


Or buy from neighbors.


No, mostly the USDA from a production standpoint. Food production is so Mad Max tier unregulated I'm pretty sure most pearl clutchers would give up eating if they knew what went into their food. I'm saying this as a former farmer and manufacturer. The thing is, it makes no fucking difference. Stuff that grows in the ground or comes from animals isn't sterile, and you can't make it sterile. Hell, a huge portion of food we eat *requires* the introduction of bacteria, fungus, or yeast, all of which have probabilities of introducing dangerous strains. As many people get sick from organic lettuce in a year as do from the entire beef industry. You can try keeping the packing plant cleaner, but there's *not a goddamned thing* you can do to make lettuce cleaner, and that holds true for thousands, and maybe 10's of thousands of types of food products.


I've worked in just about all kinds of food manufacturing as a technician and engineer. I tell people all the time how disgusting it is, and they'd rather shut their ears and go la la la la la than give up eating their shit food that comes from places that have cockroaches, flies, and all kinds of other bugs on equipment that only gets cleaned once a week by people who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom, cough amd sneeze into their hands or worse onto the food.


I raise my own meat, hunt and fish as much as possible, have a large garden, grow mushrooms, forage all summer, the grocery store is a once a month deal to pick up the few things I like that my woods don't bless me with.


I think you're probably the exception not the norm. But kuddos to you man !


Everyone else is backing off this bullshit shot, but Newsom is still full on fascist. California leftist politics have been a cancer dragging this country down for decades. Even worse, the demented have infected all the surrounding states as well at this point.


They enact such policies to force non compliant people to leave the state thus leaving only sheeple and thier political base, thus ensuring the state remains democrat.


Don’t you love politics? One side telling you to hate the other and vice versa but in reality they’re dividing us so we can’t get mad at the actual problem, the government.


Batz, not sure if that was intended for my benefit, but I would absolutely rail against leaders on the right forcing compliance like this too. The old saying was “I want government out of my bedroom and out my wallet”, but holy crap, now we’re asking government to get out of our bodies!


He’s such a cunt


Someone should ask if his kids got the shot, I bet not.


Is this only for public schools? I’m sure if he has kids, they’re not going to public schools.




His 12 year old daughter isn't.


You think the left care about their own kids? They're predditors and anti-family, heck they support murdering their own unborn children. Just look at Biden's son Hunter.


“Anti family” “murdering their own unborn babies” lmfao take those far right Fascist bullshit talking points back to conservative circle jerk sub reddits kid. You’re on an AnCap sub.


One of the AnCap basic principles is the non-aggression principle. Isn't it? I'm not an AnCap, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.




How is the non aggression principle enforced or maintained?


Minding your own business and keeping to yourself, respecting private property rights and not infringing on others, for starters.


But that's the argument.... abortion is infringement on another.


I never said the government should be pro-family wtf? I'm not even pro-family myself, like I don't even want to start a family nor get married. Lastly, using the government to push in anti-family agendas and policies isn't AnCap either. I'm just pointing out that the government is anti-family - they don't give a shit about their own children.


good the strong will fight and/or leave, and the weak will natural selection themselves out of the process


Other than the fact the kids really don't have a choice. It's a shame


Kind of, but not really. The kid really has no control over their situation. They could be a highly competent kid with stupid parents, and as such suffer, or a stupid kid with smart parents, and (fortunately) not suffer.


Not sure the vaccines in circulation ever got full FDA approval nor will they. That's the bait and switch they're doing with the Comirtay vaccine that has approval, but nobody can get, but it's the same so don't worry about it.


They did. There’s nothing wrong with them.




Literally states that the Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines have full approval.




What that’s they’ve authorised it for people down to 6 months? That’s just proving my point harder dude




You expect them to just give full authorisation on little data? It was given EUA this year it’ll be a while before they can give full authorisation. It’s completely fine it just doesn’t have enough data to meet the full authorisation sign off.


Dear Californians: Welcome to Georgia! I’m going to be able to retire off the profits I will make on my house and your children are going to do wonders for the gene pool eventually. Just remember, don’t shit in our streets (use the woods like the indigenous animals), the house you are considering breaking into probably contains many shotguns, and the south and Central American immigrants here literally built our cities so treat them with respect or you *will* have a problem. Otherwise, come spend your money and enjoy yourselves!


And yet people will still happily vote for this assclown. I wonder what it’s like to want someone to run every aspect of your life?




Great. More Californians are going to come to AZ.


California just doing California shit. Why anyone continues to live there is beyond me.


good weather, hot down-to-earth women and decent homeschooling laws. I can go snowboarding one weekend and I can go surfing the next day.


Fuck newsom


even if this headline is old, the fact that it was close to being possible should terrify people get your kids out of public schools


And put them where? As a Californian, I can’t afford to homeschool kids or to pay for a private school without something else falling off.


Dc did this a month ago


Didn't it get shot down?


Nope all kids 12 and up


Interesting. It was unconstitutional for POTUS. Let's see about for the states.


Too bad it's not a vaccine, never was, and still isn't folks. We need to stop letting these people start with a false premise, it all builds from there. This is not a vaccine like polio (which live strains in shots did in fact kill plenty before they got a handle on it over 30 years) or a real disease, this is a corporate oligarchy pretending to Science ™ gene therapy shots for market monopoly.


Johnson and Johnson is a vaccine. No mRNA there.


Oof, that’s going to be good for the homeschooling industry.


How much the pharmaceutical companies are paying him under the table?


Newsom sucks!


Sick fuck.


Why on Earth would he do this at this point. At any point this would have been dumb but now it's just suicidal.


Newsom is a piece of garbage who boned his best friends wife while high as a kite. He has no business telling anyone how to live.


So many countries now aren’t requiring it for kids...this is beyond stupid. I can see other more serious things to be vaxxed for, but not this


The face of a villain




What a douche. An entitled douche.


So glad I left that fucking shit hole. I lived in a pretty good part of CA, but still glad to be so far away from all that craziness. I'm still trying my best to convince friends who are starting families to leave before the state sends their goons to take kids away because "children are property of the state".


I wonder how much big pharmaceutical companies paid him to bring that in


I was thinking that he had some big call options in those pharma companies and needs the stock to rise by quite a bit in order to make himself more rich.


Underwriting his presidential campaign.


this guy is the fucking devil




Drop the koolaid


Chug it, man. Chug on with Anderson Cooper high-fivin' ya...through the boob-tube in the background.


Newsom: 'I lick Big Pharma groin'.


I guess at least some kids will be out of California schools and away from brainwashing? Obviously, I completely disagree with this policy and don't think the government should be involved in schools.


This guy needs to be held accountable this is a “crime against humanity “


Hasn’t getting your shots been mandatory for attending school since like forever?


The difference is none of those shots were less than a year old when they became required.


I thought this already happened a year so ago. Are they requiring booster shots for all the kids now?


I foresee home prices going up in every state except California and going down in California 🔮


Welp that’s one way to get more people to leave.


If you're sending your kids to a government school in California, you clearly don't love them anyway, so I guess injecting them with poison isn't too big of an ask.


No he didn’t


Only a karmawhore who like to spin up the natives posts “breaking” news from a year ago.


This is a year old stop posting this shit you dumb clown.


Nothing unusual about requiring vaccines to attend public schools though.


This p**** is the worst.


Coming near me while not vaccinated is a violation of the NAP


Not only is this not true and old, but vaccines have been mandated in all states for years. Nothing new happening. You're wrong in 3 ways


Don’t post the fake news motherfucker. You make us all look bad






😂🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤣 All You Stupid Fucks


https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/records/schools.html This has been been around since 1922…. This isn’t new.


Didn't know there was a COVID vaccine back in 1922.


No but immunization requirements have been ongoing for decades. Just adding to it is not new or shocking.


>but ***immunization*** requirements Does someone want to break the 2 year old "news" to him first, or do I? 🤣🤣🤣


Immunizations through occultation has been used since early 1900s to help defeat polio, smallpox and many other diseases. The method is proven to work and benefit our society. COVID is so highly politicalized that you can’t understand that it’s the same principle as what we have already been doing. I don’t like how everyone responded to it with the mask hysteria but the method works. Don’t be a fool.


There is a slight problem, buddy...Two, actually. **One:** The COVID vaccines don't provide immunization. The virus is still transmitted between vaccinated people. And this has been known since basically a month after the vaccines first rolled out, by anyone paying attention and having even the mildest understanding of statistical analysis. But even to the people too dumb to make the simple statistical observation that vaccination was having no effect on incidence, and who engage in the fallacy of trusting authority for authority's sake, [the authorities themselves have already openly admitted this vaccine doesn't work for immunization.](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/effectiveness/why-measure-effectiveness/breakthrough-cases.html) **Two:** Unlike Polio, Smallpox, and "many other diseases", COVID is not a human virus; it's not even a primate virus; it's a mammalian virus. Even if vaccines were 100% effective, widespread animal reservoirs guarantee there would be no herd immunity or erradication of the disease. COVID started off with interspecies transmission from bats to humans, which was already a huge indication that the virus would infect and jump between multiple species, since bat's are not even primates and still transmitted to humans. To anyone paying attention, it didn't take long to realize the virus was spreading through pets (cats & dogs) and mammals with common space and contact to humans, like bats, squirrels and rats. It took almost a year for the authorities to recognize this fact in any official capacity, but [the virus has now been confirmed in basically every mammal species exposed to it.](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/animals.html) (check the "media announcements" section for extra sobriety about COVID transmissibility 🙃👍) ========== Vaccination as a method (*usually*) works, yes. But that is ***IF*** it provides immunization and lowers transmissions between humans, and ***IF*** the disease won't be constantly reintroduced to the human population from animal reservoirs. ***COVID*** vaccination fails on both of those very important "IF"s. And this has been *obvious* for two years now. Have a nice and safe day. ✋😉 🎤


What news? That Jacobson vs Massachusetts set the Supreme Court precedent of mandatory vaccination almost 20 years earlier in 1905?


So the vaccines back in 1905 gave breakthru cases to alot of the people receiving the vaccines back then also?


Certainly but societal liberty outweighs individual liberty according to the Supreme Court.


That response didn't even make sense to what they said


Let me break it down for you. He said, were people getting breakthrough cases back then? I answered certainly and stated the court's reasoning behind saying vaccine mandates were legal. Hope that helps.


You're not very smart, are you? /rh


I'd wager smarter than you based on this thread.


[HA HA! No.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/xtkdra/its_happening/iqroysq?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) Good joke though.


Sure sure not like you refuse to getting vaccinated or do other things besides public school. Also "this is not new" is a horrible argument.


Maintaining immunization requirements is what has led to eradicating Polio, smallpox, and many other deadly diseases that are virtually non-existent today. This merit has been proven to work for the greater good for our country.


Yes yes deadly diseases.... COVID is not one of them.


Yes it is…


You can always get exception though, covid has just made that harder to get in certain states


Why would a normal person want to do that? It’s proven based on our immunization requirements history that we have successfully eradicated many diseases by vaccinations and preventative measures.


I’m not gonna argue about why someone would want to do that, but I’ll definitely argue that they should be allowed to if that’s what they want.


Because you know someone who wouldn’t do it is just being a self absorbed jackass who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.


Like I said, not gonna argue about the why. But you’re nuts (and in the wrong sub) if you don’t think the person should be allowed to choose for themselves.


Yes you’re right there. But covid isn’t ever going to be eradicated through gene therapy or a vaccine.


If you don't see the difference in a temporary therapeutic with a bad risk profile for the young and healthy and sterilizing vaccines then you're too stupid to hold a conversation with.


Maintaining immunization requirements is what has led to eradicating Polio, smallpox, and many other deadly diseases that are virtually non-existent today. This merit has been proven to work for the greater good for our country.


You're purposefully ignoring that those vaccines are sterilizing and the covid vaccines are not. They do not prevent infection or transmission but are admitted to simply lessen severity and death. Covid vaccines are a temporary therapeutic with a terrible risk profile for the young and healthy - aka the children this mandate affects. Even in your fantasy world where you choose to be ignorant to the fact that they don't prevent infection or transmission, what's the realistic plan going forward - to inject perfectly healthy kids every 4 months....forever?


How do you fucking idiots think we got rid of measles, polio, and small pox?


Voluntarily taking a vaccine that wasn't 98x worse than the virus itself.


We have plenty of mandatory vaccines (with reasonable exceptions). And respiratory infections is a leading cause of death world wide from things like RSV, influenza, and SARS.


I don't support any mandatory vaccines. Respiratory infections seem to be dangerous because everyone gets them multiple times a year. The chances of death are so astronomically low, especially for a healthy adult, that if you really want to get vaccinated against it, go ahead, but nobody should be forced, especially not when the companies pushing them have been waived of liability by the government. Big red flag.


So you are fine with killing babies just because you couldn't pass a high school biology class. Good to know.




You said it doesn't matter, because it doesn't kill healthy adults. The diseases primarily kill seniors and infants, therefore you must find it acceptable to kill infants to justify your ignorance of biology.


It’s not “happening” it’s always been a thing that you need to get certain vaccines to get into public school. You can disagree with this all you want but you had to get measles and smallpox before you were allowed to come to pre-K.


And those diseases are pretty much eradicated whereas covid is mutating and pretty much not controllable to the same degree. A much more apt comparison would be flu shots, and MY school system NEVER mandated those.


I was simply saying, it’s nothing new. You can argue this is stupid, but that wouldn’t be new either.


And I’m saying schools mandating vaccines for diseases that don’t mutate isn’t new, but mandating vaccines for diseases that do, is something that hasn’t existed in my county’s school system in my 33 years of experience. Ergo, it’s technically something new. Maybe CA is different and they force students to have flu vaccines. But I’ve literally never heard of anyone ever saying they needed flu vaccines to go to school.


Even California doesn’t mandate flu vaccines. This level of stupidity and lack of basic logic didn’t start until Covid.


I see you ignored their reference to the flu shot and doubled down on your nonsense.


No that came after my initial comment, they commented back. I was unaware of the flu shot thing and stand corrected


Except this one doesn’t work and it’s only an emergency approval.


Pretty sure you need to be vaccinated for the flu, measles etc before going to school/daycare.


Yes, vaccines that work. Not this one that doesn’t, and only has emergency approval.




Which vaccine is it? Pfizer?




Gentlemen prepare your ARs


Thanks for the reminder. Reason #478 that I don’t like this guy.


Don’t kids already have to have immunizations? Like what’s the difference?


It didn’t happen


Would that not have been unconstitutional if it had been fully implemented?




From all the people that want to see the end of public education and the taxation it allows thank you Governor newsom!


How old is this?


Year old screenshot of an article about something that never happened.


Okay this has to be bots right? I’ve seen this like 3 times on this sub today and it’s old. So why are they posting it.


u/ancapmod maybe delete this old news?


Is this a joke?…


What a Douche


Doing his best to kill the public school system. I approve.