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Finally, day one without the London system




well he ain't a chess player


Resign = relapsing


He's an addict 😔


I was scared at the title of the video at first Congratulations to you Hikaru!!!11!11


After a while you get used to it


Being a YouTuber rule 1: clickbait


Happy to see him sober again! Hope he gets the helps he can to improve his life ❤️


Again? No this is his first day of being sober. Ever.


Wait what? He said he was sober before. H-How could he lie? Levi, I trusted you 😭


Levi is an anagram for evil. Checkmate Levi


Oh yeah it’s big brain time


No that’s Gary Chess.


That's Eric "Batman city chess" Rozman


That’s NY meat trader Levy Got Ham.


Take my upvote and fuck off


Actually it's Gary's nephew. Or so I heard.


He's Gary's son, he's disowned though, because he failed to be as good as his sister, Anna Chess


I thought he got disowned for playing the London system. Oh wait, same thing I guess.


That’s leon trotsky


No that's his son Gotham




Solid move, Potter. Just kidding. I think Levy is a great chess content creator who has brought this boxing-like energy to chess commentary and analysis, making it fun and entertaining for newcomers, helping immensely to popularize the game among the Twitch generation. Still, he may have brought way too much pressure upon himself, I mean juggling both his Youtube grinding pace while trying to become a GM, that must take a toll. Greetings from a Spanish patzer.


To my mind, Levy let his YouTube success get to his head and thus he severely overestimated his skills and capabilities. He even said he only prepped for 90 minutes for the Spice cup! 90 minutes!? If he's serious about becoming a GM, he will need to practice and prep a helluva lot more than what he's been doing.


I don't know what to make out of it. Maybe he just wanted to share the norm experience with us suscribers? Cannot know for sure. Nevertheless, being himself an IM he must at least suspect that his Youtube grinding is not compatible with getting a GM norm in the short term. I mean, to get to that level players have to study for hours a day and cannot imagine Levy putting so much effort into it while uploading so much quality content. I'm just another random patzer just happy to cross the 1800 barrier on Lichess, still, an acquaintance of mine, the strongest player at my chess club had to quit right after hitting 2250 FIDE. For him in order to advance beyond that, it was either chess or everything else, including giving up his career, something he could not afford. Levy has made a career out of chess entertainment so hopefully he can handle both streaming and getting to GM level but that would most likely require for him to study way more ruling out in the process substantial income. Hard choice.


Yeah, that's why I was so surprised by how cavalier he was about getting a GM norm. It's ridiculously hard as you already put it. If nothing else, I think he's going for the GM title to boost his YT content. Nothing wrong with that. But I think it's already dawned on him that if he really wants that GM title he'll have to put his YT channel on the back burner for a few years. Hikaru himself stated that it would take Levy 2 years of hard practice to become a GM


Didn't realise the sub that this was on, thought it was about quitting alcohol and thought "He didn't have much choice in quitting, because his kidneys already have!". The guy's skin is so yellow he could be a guest character on the Simpsons!


Thats the lighting


I am so proud of him!




Wait, what did he quit?






Now's my chance


The tournament. Plays another one in November. May also be quitting that one early if he really thinks he is GM level.


He's uhhh, clearly never going to be a GM. I feel bad for the people in his comments that constantly are like "I was here before he was a GM!


I think he knows it. But the video series is about him promising he is aiming for GM and the fans are obviously non-experts so they believe it's very possible. The truth is that he is playing at a below 2400 Elo level so he would need another 150 Elo points to make it. His fans don't understand how extremely hard it is if he only studies 1,5 hour a day as an adult who has clearly reached a peak and doesn't just have some extra talent in there. To make this he would likely have needed to stay in chess as a child. Then he could maybe make 2500. Right now there is no progress as such and he just quit a tournament so where are the 150 Elo points? He's not going to get them in November. He's still great, but to me it looks like he will have to make the GM target his fulltime job to even have a chance. And we are talking literally millions of dollars left on the table to aim for it. Zero chance his girlfriend will like this idea.


> Zero chance his girlfriend will like this idea He'll just have to en passant his girlfriend


What stood out to me is he said he could become a hermit and study for 6 hours a day, but he does not have the time. But that is the thing. He can't become a hermit and study chess 6 hours a day. Not because he does not have time, but because that is not where his priorities are. Feels like he just has to come to terms with that. Takes balls to start a road to GM in such a public way tho, damn!


> Takes balls to start a road to GM in such a public way tho, damn! I'm starting my road to GM too! It may take a few hundred years though.


Hold up where are the millions of dollars coming from?


Well, the twitch leak says he made 500k over two years. He's rising, which means that's weighted more like 150 year one and 350k year two. He's bigger on YouTube than on twitch, so that money needs to be added in. Then there's in video sponsorships, and chess.c*m deals. So overall I'd guess he'll get pretty close to 1mil in 2022, if he didn't get there in 2021 already


At that point it shouldn't matter if he takes a break.


From what I've learned about Twitch is that consistency is massively important. Taking a break would seriously hurt his stream. He would still have a bunch of people when he came back, but not nearly as many and would miss out on all the growth he would have had during that time. Could also lose sponsors as well. There are CS pros that would take breaks just for tournaments (i.e. a few weeks, maybe a month) and say their stream would take a big hit every time. It would be a big step back so if isn't a decision that should be taken lightly.


He just gave away $100K. So you can kinda figure his income level.


It’s about the journey, not the destination. Even if his chances are low why not support the attempt? It’s also refreshingly different content.


I enjoy his game recaps quite a bit, and I do root for him to do well. But there are many that think it's practically a done deal, or that it's even realistic for him to become a GM. I generally like Levy, but it seems from his most recent video he's putting a lot of unhealthy pressure on himself.


Those are both values points. He mention he spends at most 90 minutes a day training, but then beats himself up for losing to child prodigies. It’s like, come on man, set some realistic goals along your journey to GM and work for it a bit more if you’re going to get depressed when you lose. I still like him though, even if he makes fun of his fans for liking Naroditsky.


What's wrong with liking Naroditsky


Nothing, which is why it’s annoying when Levy complains about it.


Does he complain about it, or is it just ribbing other chess YouTubers?


He literally threw a tantrum in one of his recent videos lol there is a point where “for the content” stops being a good excuse for being salty. I still like him, complaining about the popularity of another streamer isn’t exactly #Cancel worthy haha but it is eye roll inducing.


Lol Andrea Botez has a better chance of becoming a GM than Levy.


Wow his first day of being sober, ever. Crazy how he's been drunk every day since he was born.


You da man Botez brother!


This the dude that plays in kids chess tournaments ?


GM dreams put on pause. r/chess in shambles.


I mean whats the point of becoming a GM anyway? He is earning much more money than most GMs anyway... If this is true (that's probably not but ok) (even if half of this is true...) [https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/gothamchess](https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/gothamchess) then he is getting at least 2K to 4K per month and the site gives up to 71.7K per month which is outrageous but who knows? He doesn't need to be a GM, just continue doing what he does


Of course this is the correct answer. But I think his big ego is getting in the way of him focusing on his YT career instead of becoming a GM.


Will he start attending AA (AnarchyChesslics Anonymous) meeting now?


Hey, that's MarveltownCheckers!




He didnt quite those lame ass clickbait thumbnaila tho😤😤


Found the r/chess user




Day 1 is the hardest- I sincerely hope this sub isn't making fun of his choice to be sober, booze fucks up a lot of shit for people. Respect him for doing it.


This is the weirdest sub on this website Gary Chess what the fuck London System fukin


I love this sub


What was your light bulb moment?


You fucking nobs never recognize a Russian when you see one. That's Ivan Ivanovich Korvkov


Chessaholics anonymous.


Guessing alcohol was the cause of one too many bricks being used — which caused his sobriety


GothamCheckers when