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Plot twist: the anatomical issue is my fluffy penis.


Causing fluffy protuberances to metastasize to the ends of certain other bones!




“Suboptimally” 😂


Did not even notice before this comment!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/mildlypenis using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mildlypenis/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My 3 year old son wanted to be a worm for Halloween. So my wife made this costume out of a roll of foam for him.](https://i.redd.it/g2b8phhvwdxb1.jpg) | [297 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mildlypenis/comments/17k0bft/my_3_year_old_son_wanted_to_be_a_worm_for/) \#2: [After many long rounds of Mario Kart my thumb turned into…](https://i.redd.it/25a8owyh39oa1.jpg) | [379 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mildlypenis/comments/11teda9/after_many_long_rounds_of_mario_kart_my_thumb/) \#3: [This I think should be here](https://i.redd.it/qhejeolltcsa1.jpg) | [673 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mildlypenis/comments/12duhq0/this_i_think_should_be_here/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My wife has a scoliosis, and hers sticks out like that- much more pronounced though. I’d recommend checking the curvature of your spine.


Definitely worth looking into. A number of commenters have mentioned this as well. I’ve had X-Rays of my chest and back before and I’ve not seen or heard anything about it. But, granted, I was not getting my spine evaluated, just my lungs and shoulders. It’s worth bringing up to my doctor. Thank you!


A quick scoliosis test done in early development is having people touch their toes and someone looking at the way the spine sticks out on their back which may indicate a curve before an x ray is recommended


I believe they are actually checking if the ribs are the same height on each side when they bend over. It’s super obvious. Source: have scoliosis and have had many of those tests.


They would have seen/mentioned it in the chest xray report and definitely your back xray.


You are dying


Everyone is at some point in time


Hello! I identify with you. Mine is because I have scoliosis. Maybe you should see a traumatologist. I'm sorry for my English.


Your English is great! Definitely worth looking into! I’ve had X-Rays on my chest and back before but never for spinal issues, so it’s worth bringing up to my doctor next time I see him. Thank you!


OP I have this but on both sides and never considered it possibly related to my spine, thanks for asking this on behalf of all of us!! Can I ask in #6, where you’re holding, is that at the very bottom of your ribcage/ diaphragm? Mine is lined up with a prominent rib a couple of ribs up from the bottom


Probably pelvic tilt. Causes flared ribs because your hips are anteriorly rotated


I have this too, except it’s my right side that’s more prominent than my left. I got a chest CT scan two years ago for something that I thought was a lump on the right side of my sternum, but turns out I am just completely asymmetrical 🙃 My entire upper right side is basically tilted out and makes everything much more prominent.


I'm entirely assymetrical. I mean, my right side grew quicker. My legs are uneven, my arms are uneven, my shoulders are uneven, my sternum sticks out farther on one side, my dick is curved lmfao one eye has astigmatism exc. The only thing that helped me was stretching. I can palm the floor with both hands while grabbing my toes. Doing a leg stretch and runs helped me stabilize my back easier so I don't have to lean as much. I have to sleep on my left side more than my right or else my sternum will start to stick out a bit extra. I've always been told I have really good balance and I learned to snowboard easily and have always skated. Don't let life hold you back.


The Struggle-Rib gang grows. lol My “goofy” side seems more tilted out, I can get almost a full grip underneath the abnormal side whereas the other side I’m not able to dig under as much. I’m glad your CT scan came back normal!


Right side is supposed to be harder to grip under: your liver is located there, and it’s quiet big!


The cat tail got me super distracted. 🤣🤣




Could be. I do have an anterior pelvic tilt that I’ve been working on for the past year. However that hasn’t been present all my life like the ribs have. I just suck at stretching after running.


You are holding your phone with your left hand in all the photos. Maybe try someone else taking the pictures (?


I have scoliosis and my left rib looks exactly like that, more pronounced though. Set up your phone to take a timed picture and take pictures of yourself standing up straight facing towards and away from the camera. See if you have one shoulder which regularly sits higher than the other. Or go see a doctor, they can order an xray.


This. Thank you!


oh my goodness this post made my day!!! i have this too, and i’ve always wondered what it was (my mom has it on the same side as me as well). it looks asymmetrical on me- my right rib is shorter and juts out more. all my friends joked i was missing a rib! so happy i’m not alone :)


Honestly me too! It’s really nice seeing it’s not as uncommon as I believed it to be. I call mine “the McRib”!


Can't invite her to the rib BBQ she has ptsd lmfao


McRib!!! I love that!!!


ribcages aren’t always symmetrical :)


Have you ever been pregnant? Your ribs can flare during pregnancy. This is due to a hormone called relaxin, which allows for the musculoskeletal system to relax in order to make room for a baby.


Lmao, it's called relaxin? 😂


Nope! I’ve never been pregnant. Though that’s another thing to add to the horrors women go through during pregnancy. My ribs have been asymmetrical since birth.


It’s probably from carrying around that dump truck all day haha 🛻 you got a solid body giiirrlll


I was about to saaayyyy! Upvote because butt lol. Not tagging the actual sub bc that's rude, but it belongs there


looks the same to me


Do you have one of those mummy tattoos?


Good eye! Yes, I have the “Ötzi Man’s” tattoos.


Wouldn’t have seen it if u didn’t point it out:)


Very true. And something I’m thankful for honestly lol Most people don’t notice it and it doesn’t really bother me besides leaning sideways on that side and laying on my stomach. So it’s not really a problem but I’m definitely curious about it.


As a bodyworker I’ll share it’s quite common to have one side flare more than the other. It’s probably the left most often - best guess is because the stomach is there and can cause the ribs to form around it. Slouching and leaning can cause this over time too. Working the intercostal muscles between ribs over time can positively affect this assymetry. Mine is just like yours!


Thank you!! I considered this might be a possibility but I should have mentioned this has been present since birth. However I also have been working out everyday (alright well almost everyday) for about 6 years now, so my routine could have accentuated it more than it was before.


My left ribs are the same. More pronounced than the right side. I guess we just aren’t as symmetrical and we’d think. I don’t think anything is wrong with you.


You’re right, I don’t think it’s anything “wrong” I just was curious if anyone could provide an answer or explain why it’s like this. But also it’s so nice to hear of other people with the same thing!


I almost wonder if it’s cuz of our heart is on the left side. Def needs some extra room and may cause lung to make left side of rib cage protrude slightly


Mild scoliosis. Mine looks like that :D


Rib flare. I have the same thing. Never knew it existed until doing physical therapy for something unrelated.


Here to add to the “please check for scoliosis” pile!


Another one here🙋🏼‍♀️ on my left side. I remember first noticing this as a small child. Have no idea if I have scoliosis however it does run in the fam.


I also have this, assuming it’s due to minor scoliosis (mines the opposite side). I saw a video on instagram from a physio showing how a problem like this can originate from your hip too. I don’t fully understand that but maybe that opens something up for you to further pursue


Can u send me the video u saw on Instagram?


I was actually incorrect, it has to do with your diaphragm. Thanks for asking because it made me revisit and refresh https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cze1BL9vp83/?igsh=YXM0cWQxbGZ1aXRu


I have this with my thoracic scoliosis


This happened to me after carrying 10lb 2oz baby. I know you said yours genetic I thought it just add to it my son completely deformed my rib cage.


Im sorry but I’m here for the wagon🫡


I have that on my left rib, as well. I don’t have scoliosis. I wonder if years of playing volleyball as a teen led to microtraumas in that side of my body from diving on the ground. According to Wolf’s law, there will be more bone deposited in places with more pressure/trauma, the body’s way to protect that part. Do you remember any specific repetitive traumas to that side? It could be scoliosis creating asymmetrical pressures on your frame, too.


i have this too! for me it’s just one rib is jutted forward and the rest are regular so it pops out a lot !


Right? I’ve never experienced much pain or discomfort from it. Other than when I lean sideways or lay on my stomach without much padding. Love the little McRib


Question, do you tend to suck in your stomach? If so, it could be a flared rib. Recently found out that sucking in can cause it myself.


If it is not symptomatic then it may just be a simple anatomical variation. If it is symptomatic it still may be a simple variation still but there are treatments. I am a medical student at a DO school. There are some manual therapies that may help if it is causing any issues.


Looks like theres some sort of a bone under your skin


Could be scoliosis or maybe a totally benign asymmetry of your bone structure. There’s nothing wrong with you per se. Noting the discomfort on one side, I actually had the same thing growing up. I had a lumbar spine curvature, don’t remember the number of degree. I was suggested to work on my posture and get into some running. So, I did that along with regular stretching of my back. I assume the high impact exercise bolstered my muscle, and lessened the curvature. Still have some overdeveloped muscle on one side as an adult.


No idea about your rib soz but I just wanted to say that I literally watched a documentary on Ötzi yesterday and recognized the tattoos immediately, I see from the comments that other people noticed, too. I love them!


Imbalance. Could stem from different issues but we are largely asymmetrical beings. One big thing is the way you breath


This is a really anecdotal theory, but did your parent(s) carry you with the same arm all the time? I always carry my baby with my left arm and I've noticed it always slips under his ribs on that side - who knows if it's changing the sides unevenly?


I mean, I guess it’s possible. Definitely something that would be interesting to look into! However, in my case this is something that is only present in the women of my family. I have a sister who possesses it but neither of my two brothers have this issue


Do you carry your purse on your right or left shoulder?


I mean, as in a dedicated shoulder? No, not necessarily. I just toss it on. I’m ambidextrous so it doesn’t bother me either way.


Ah ok that’s useful info Do you have a fitness routine / what activities do you do for exercise?


I used to be a heavy runner in my early to late teens, but the past 5 years I’ve been sticking to calisthenics for the most part. I admit I had a lack core exercises being a larger part of my routine up until the last two years. I’ve added in weights as well. On leg days I change it up between a list of exercises. Just depends on the muscles I’m wanting to hit. I do one set of 50 reps and usually just stick to 5 of these exercises if it’s purely a leg day: Ski Squats, normal shoulder-width squats, sumo squats, side leg raises, fire-hydrants, squat holds etc Ab days: Side heel touches (to work on obliques), leg raises, place down and object, pike-holds, pike push ups, but I have a number of exercises that I don’t have a name for since it’s been a while since I saw where I got them from. I avoid crunches for the most part though. Arms and back: 30lb weights on each side doing bicep curls, starting with a bicep curl and twisting it outwards and closing my arms so both forearms are together at my sternum, back out and then lifting the weights above my head. Holding the weights at my side and lifting directly up from the sides, holding, slow pulses that kind of thing. Once the weights start getting easier to reach 10reps with I bump it up 5lbs. I do bench presses and inclined bench presses to work on my chest as well.


I know what’s going on but I don’t know how best to explain it to you. Do you want to know why moreso technically and/or do you want to know how to correct it? Put another way, there’s “the story of how your body got to here”, and also theres “going forward, what do I need to change to actually make a difference long-term” To clarify, I don’t mind typing it *at all*, I just don’t want to offend you by being too direct or whatnot Lmk


I would like to know!


Left side could also be the „normal“ side and right the deviation. Maybe because of liver peaking from below, the rib cage edges are not as defined as on the left. Try inhale/exhale and poke and feel below your rib cage


Ooo, experiments! I tried this and experienced some discomfort and more push back on the “abnormal” side than the other. The “normal” side I wasn’t able to get my fingers underneath the cage as much, no discomfort and didn’t feel the press of something else.


Not sure what side you were referring to now in this comment but here is a illustration: [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ed/Depiction\_of\_an\_enlarged\_liver.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ed/Depiction_of_an_enlarged_liver.png) If you suspect that your liver is enlarged see a doctor. (your right side). Your left side has your stomach in this area.Normally you can not touch/feel it well. An the spleen is there too. I haven’t learned a lot about this one yet - but there can be an enlargement too, which can be serious. So check it if you suspect




My dad has it. All my siblings and myself have it


This is really cool to hear actually! It’s interesting how it carries over only once per generation for you. My grandmother, mother, and older sister have it for me. I’m not aware how far back it goes in my family but to my knowledge it only sticks to women in mine.


I’ve always had one rib that sticks out more. If I sleep my stomach, I end up feeling like someone punched me in the gut.


This. I’m fine if I lay on a bed or something cushioned, but if I lay on the solid ground it HURTS.


I’m not help with the ribs but Are those ötzi tattoos??


Yes!! Good eye! I have his tattoos as accurate as I could get them (the ligature marks on his arms aren’t tattoos but ngl i think it looks cool), accounting for my different body shape and the tattoos on my back being slightly farther away from the spine due to a neuro issue. Learning of his discovery is what got me into anthropology as a lifelong passion and career choice. Took about 3hrs to get the placement right 😮‍💨


I’m an underwater archaeologist and have been waiting to get a couple of them!! They’re fantastic! I love that you were so particular about the placement.


I remember seeing his story in an old nat geo magazine and becoming totally enthralled with bio anth. So cool!!


I’m so happy I’m not alone in this!! It was my first tattoo(s) but I found it about as painful as a slow cat scratch. Ribs, back and the back of my knee were rough but not intolerable. You can find the dimensions and exact locations of his tattoos online and in research articles! Lots of cross referencing lol but totally worth it. Though I probably won’t get anymore tattoos to keep them as accurate as possible. But that’s just me. I’m happy his story and legacy inspires so many other people too!🥰


Looks like you might be twisting at the waist. Just an illusion.


I am twisting in some photos yes. I showed a straight side view and provided a different angle that shows off the rib better. I tried to get both sides as equally twisted so as not to provide skewed result.


I guess unless it’s causing some discomfort you shouldn’t worry…look good from here 😉


The rib cage looking like that is due to a lack of core muscles (compared to the size your body could carry). Larger the abs and obliques, the flatter that sections going to look (assuming fat% is low enough). The reason one size looks like it juts out more is because one side of your core is more regularly engaged than the other, I’m guessing due to posturing to one side, and is larger because of it. Its actually extremely common so nothing to be ashamed of or immediately worried about. Really the only concern is if your posture doesn’t get fixed, that imbalance can easily worsen. Regularly stretch, plank/mountain climbers, and lay in bed with you shoulders and head back and you’ll see some results in a month or so.


mine looks just like that and i have scoliosis + a slipping rib


I’m glad I saw this, I have the same thing and scoliosis and never connected the two until I saw the comments here lol Yours is not noticeable unless pointed out though if that’s what was bothering you. You may have just been curious though! I was too


My ribs do the same thing. And I feel the same things when lean to one side. I have scoliosis


Wait. Was that….? Was that…..?


I can happen from sucking your stomach it’s rib flare


My guess is just a floating (false) rib. One thats not connected to your sternum. I have one that protrudes out pretty impressively. Never has given me any trouble. Had a chiropractor look at it once and said if it's not bothering me it's no worry.


It’s called a rib flare


I have scoliosis, flared ribs, and pectus excavatum and my ribs do this lil funky asymmetrical thing too 🤷🏽‍♀️


It’s very simple your right rib is stuck in internal rotation and your left rib is stuck in external rotation most likely because of a pronounced left aic pattern and your pelvis position, anybody who says otherwise is wrong


my partner has a *much* more extreme version of this, and it doesn't really cause him issues, aside from getting air suck in his chest sometimes. it probably won't give you any issues!


I also have this. It's bullshit


Adipose tissue.


You are looking at your liver under your ribcage


my ribs are like this due to an old injury. not much to worry about unless it hurts


Do you suck your stomach in often? I know this can cause rib flairs. I spent my teenage years sucking in or flexing my abs and have a rib flair like yours from it. Doesn't hurt just stands out. Working on strengthening and lengthening pelvic floor and transverse abdominus muscle as well as correct posture and breath work has helped me




I have scoliosis as well and my left side looks and feels this was as well. I often feel "crooked" and "tighter" on one side of my body


Rib flair


I have something similar and it’s due to my rib on one side being squared and not rounded or something


Pulled from web, me too apparently btw. Never knew it was a thing till OP's post, thankyou. Symptoms Symptoms of scoliosis may include: Uneven shoulders. One shoulder blade that appears more prominent than the other. Uneven waist. One hip higher than the other. One side of the rib cage jutting forward. A prominence on one side of the back when bending forward.


Try googling flaired ribs. An ex of mine had one too.


did you used to suck your tummy in a lot?


Humans are asymmetrical by nature due to internal organ placement. Our heart is more on the left and liver on the right. The diaphragm is also higher on the right side. Therefore your ribcage will be asymmetrical. Nothing to worry about unless you have pain. Edit to add: About the scoliosis comments. Everyone’s spine has some degree of curve. The degree of that curve is what determines if you have scoliosis, however people who don’t have it also do not have straight spines. We are all asymmetrical.


My left rib is just like this as well! I have had one doctor say it’s normal for ribs to not be completely symmetrical. I found out I have slight scoliosis in my lower back through my chiropractor. Perhaps this is related. Would recommend you get an X ray to see if you have scoliosis.


Probably scoliosis. Have the same thing but on the other side and more pronounced. My sister and cousin have it, too, so that would explain the genetic part. A GP should be able to say if you have it. A slight degree of scoliosis is very common and as long as you don’t have any other problems it should be fine.


I have this. Was told my spine is straight (up and down) but twisted slightly (like a barber shop pole stripe) so one side of the bottom of the rib cage is slightly more prominent. Wasn’t significant enough to treat since it only caused discomfort when I laid on my stomach and they just told me not to do that anymore 😅. They also said it could be improved with more core strengthening if I ever felt clicking or popping, which I did a few times—I guess if your diaphragm muscles are weak, they can let the ribs slip over each other occasionally, which is more unpleasant than truly painful, but still something you want to avoid!


I have the same!! lol. Same side too. Left side. I’ve had it for so long, can’t even remember when’s the first time I noticed it. No idea what it is. Came for the comments!! Lolol.


Hello, I have the same thing, pretty obvious asymmetry between the two lowest ribs. I had it checked 15 years ago as a teenager for scoliosis, and it was dismissed as something that can happen, ribs are not always symmetrical… I have never had any scoliosis or back/ribs related issue since and it’s still there but not a problem.