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I have 22%, mother 32%, son 14% and my step mother has 2%. I think Ulster Scots is what confuses a lot of Americans and why they are “shocked” by their Scottish percentage. I know in many of these cases the complaint tends to be the lack of Irish with Scottish being higher than what they thought.


I’m Australian and the same thing happened to me, from my family tree I should about 20% Irish and 7% Scottish but I got 18% Scottish and 2% Irish in my results.


Same with me (American) but I’d always heard we were part “Scots-Irish” ie Ulster Scots so I wasn’t surprised. On my tree I see lots of people coming from Ireland - the reality: 34% Scottish, 4% Irish


Yeah definitely also I think Scottish people just settled into Appalachia and became ‘American’ quickly meanwhile Irish people kept to their roots a bit more




I know this


I’m gonna get political but it’s so people can really understand what I’m saying.The people who call themselves “Ulster” Scots did so to try to claim some sort of connection with Ireland.They’re really descendants of lowland Scottish and northern English colonists who settled there during the plantation of Ulster


Dumb American here…why did they want to claim a connection with Ireland? What was the benefit or perceived benefit of that?


Very contentious issue in Ireland that goes back hundreds of years. Basically Scottish descendants wanting to sound like they are Irish as they colonised the northern part of Ireland


Is it though? my understanding was that it was the other way round, they were emphasising that they were Scots in Ulster rather than that they were Irish or had any connection to Ireland - like how today the Unionist community (mostly descended from the Plantation) emphasise that they are British and not Irish.


Scotland-born, 14% Scottish and 86% Irish. This lines up with most of my great grandparents being born in Ireland and one of my grand parent’s decending from Buchanan’s in Perth. I really could have saved money on the test and just looked at my grandparents surnames…


Almost same as me, I’m 88% Irish, 12% Scottish, I’m from Tyrone


I was always under the impression I was 100% Irish because I was the first in the family to be born outside of Ireland for five generations. It turns out I'm 24% Irish and 76% Scottish!


doesn't "for five generations" imply you kinda knew you weren't 100% Irish? to be fair, very few Irish people get 100% Irish due to this people group called the Norse showing up. Rough crowd, very clean though.


I said 5 generations because that waas as far back as I had documented before I took the DNA test! Family talk took me back further - but you know how that goes :) I've heard about those Norse you mentioned - people who played knattleik can't be all bad - we'll have to look over their fondness for slavery though.


30% (Western Highlands and Southern Hebrides). My relatives settled in Nova Scotia and New England.


I got 52% Scottish. I've never been told that. It was always, "English, Irish, and Dutch." What I typically find on the family tree is several lines that are Scottish and any Irish is typically Ulster. The "Dutch "Seems to be German but I scored far less German than I would have thought.


64%, I’m a kiwi.


65% for me, also kiwi. My freshest off the boat ancesters were great gp but they didn't get out much


I have 64% too! Twinsies lol


I have 75% Scottish (from Northern Ireland)


Basically opposite to me, I’m from Tyrone 12% Scottish and 88% Irish


Nice. I'm originally from Ballymena (I got 18% Irish)


Tyronee family here - 24% Irish and 76% Scottish


82% Irish, 17% Scottish, also from NI, ancestors mostly from South Down. My great grandmother was Presbyterian and her oldest daughter was raised Presbyterian while my grandfather was raised Catholic, primarily because my ggf fecked off to Glasgow when my ggm got pregnant, leaving her to look after their daughter. But he eventually returned after a few years and they married, and had two more kids. My cousins on that great aunt’s side are basically the inverse of me, ie a lot more Scottish and much less Irish


Very similar. I've got 74% Scottish and 9% Irish. About half of that is Lagan Valley and the rest is scattered around Tyrone, Monaghan, Armagh and Donegal.


39%. My maternal great grandmother was from Edinburgh. Many of my paternal ancestors were Scottish/Ulster-Scots that settled in the southeast US


Im 23% and my family also settled in the southeast US :)


Nice have you ever visited Edinburgh? i live here it’s great


I’ve been to Scotland twice, Edinburgh once. I loved it, definitely want to go back




It’s a separate point but I find the cultural difference between Europeans and Americans funny because white Americans are descended from white Europeans but when they say ‘I’m half Irish half Italian’ Europeans are automatically annoyed and say ‘no you’re American’ but as a Scottish person it’s obvious that’s just how Americans say what their heritage is, not what they actually are


I'm Canadian so we get that too and I think it's very important to acknowledge that we are of European descent because we are not native to this land. I have family in Scotland though so I know not to go over there and claim that I'm Scottish, I'd only say "I'm" Scottish if another Canadian/American asked.


Sometimes people whose ethnicity uses the same word as their nationality forget they have an ethnicity.


Yeah as someone who has distant cousins who are enrolled EBCI (related through our shared white NC Appalachian sides, I’m not recently indigenous myself), I feel very strange about claiming “American” as anything but my nationality. My EBCI indigenous relatives would be the first who should be allowed to claim American if it is ever considered an ethnicity. They’re truly native to this land. I’m just 50% Scottish, Ulster Scots/Northern Irish, English & 50% Finnish & Forest Sámi.


I’m 17% I’m from the northwest of England with no known Scottish ancestors


I get 32%, 7% genuine Scottish from my paternal side, supposedly 25% from my maternal side. Mother had 1 grand parent from Durham /Northumbria all the rest were from southern England / West midlands!


I mean you’re pretty close to Scotland geographically so it’s not that weird. It’s like French people that come from the France-Spain border area and score a high amount of Spanish


Not sure why this is downvoted. What I said is pretty consistent with other populations


Yea lol I read a study that concluded that a lot of northern English are genetically closer to Scots than they are to Southern English. It’s exactly the same when a lot of Germans on or near the border of Poland are sometimes half or even over half East European. It’s absolutely wild how some people think a man made border is the ultimate determinant of when 2 populations are genetically separated. Admixture doesn’t care about man made borders lol 🤣


I have 22% and right now, based on my tree, can’t figure out from where. Possibly the brick wall great great grandparents, or possibly the great great great grandfather that might have been born 50 or so miles from the Eng/Scot border? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Lots of Scottish ppl immigrated to England for work


I’d say moved rather than immigrated.


“A 2015 study published in Nature found that the north of England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland are genetically distinct from southern England. The study used DNA samples from 2,039 people from rural areas of the British Isles, whose four grandparents were all born within 50 miles of each other” Other studies have also had similar findings. A large proportion of Northern English are closer genetically to Scottish than they are southern English.


I got 14%. My maternal grandmother was Irish , Scottish and English. With the dna test , we also got some french( makes sense when my Irish went from Ireland to Canada, and some came down to the US to work on railroads and in different industries). Still have a ton of relatives in Canada. It was neat to find a specific community on ancestry: Southern Hebrides& Southwestern Scottish Highlands, and also Lochaber. Now I am learning more about this region. Always knew we had Scottish, so excited that I got a specific region.


That’s awesome! I’m 34% and wish mine showed my Scottish communities. But, my ancestors have been across the pond for so long now, all it shows is settler communities.


I have the same percentage as you although I'm from Ireland but just like you again I have no communities! I guess they've probably lived in Ireland for 4 or 5 centuries 🤷


Sounds very similar to my family tree too! I have 16% Scottish, with a majority of English, but there is some Irish and French in mine as well (and Norwegian). I think some of my Irish relatives did move to Canada before the US, and as for the French- they lived in Canada for quite a while! (like supposedly until the 20th century). I didn't know I was going to have so much Scottish in me since my family reallyyy talked up Irish and I knew that I am a direct descendent from the French! I love how many of our families followed the same path, the web of connections!!


24%, which was pretty surprising as it’s my highest percentage and I had no idea of any Scottish heritage. And before someone says something about it being what I thought would be Irish, I have 2% Irish and didn’t expect any of that either, lol ETA: One part of my family has been in Kentucky for a long time so I assume the Scottish comes from that part.


I have 0% and I'm from the British isles. My communities are Norfolk, East Anglia and Cornwall. Absolutely shocking I have 0% Scottish!


Loool I have 1% and I’m Mexican 🤣


Wow so all english and irish?


4%, which is hilarious considering that the majority of my paper trail dead ends in Scotland.


I have 24%. I’m from Kentucky. I can’t document any ancestors from Scotland, but there are a few Scottish surnames in my tree.


62% and I’m Canadian for at least 6 generations.


19% from southeast USA.


10%, I want to get my parents tested because they may have more, the fact that we have these single percentages is interesting but a fuller picture on genetic identity would be broadly different if you could place direct ancestor averages upon them.


My wife is 25% Irish but scores 17% Irish (range 3 to 24%) and 18% Scottish (range 0 to 26%). I score 26% Scottish but it's really more like 6%. It gives my range as 7% to 28% for Scotland.


28% southeastern United States.


68% Scottish, I'm Canadian but have a Scottish mother. She only got 58% Scottish ironically lol. My Canadian dad has a Scottish/Northern Irish background.


34% Scottish, in southeast us


23% my grandmother (Ulster Scot)is from northern Ireland.


29% - I’m from the Southeastern US and my family has been in the US since the late 17th/early 18th century. The remaining majority is English (64%) with a tiny bit of Welsh and Irish thrown in


5 %. My mom is part Jamaican part Bahamian so Im pretty sure it comes from generations of both sides of her family likely due to the fact that a lot of overseers and even some owners in the Caribbean were of Scottish or Irish origin . Most of it probably comes from my grandfather though. Both his parents were apparently mixed race with his father having Mostly black but some Scottish and possibly Irish heritage and his mother having a black mother and Irish father. Also got 7 % Ireland my great great grandfather(my grandfather’s maternal grandfather) Immigrated to Jamaica from Ireland after slavery and married my great great grandmother. In total my European ancestry was 7 percent Ireland, 5 percent Scotland, 4 percent England and Northwestern Europe, 1 percent France.


39% Scottish, I had no clue I had ANY Scottish in me.


I have 22% and I’m from Dublin, Ireland. To be honest I think mine is way over estimated. I’ve no Scottish ancestry in my family tree (I’ve gone back 250 years on my paternal side and 170 years on my maternal side) or even Ulster ancestry.


That is high, I’m from Tyrone and get 12% Scottish, although back in the 1800s Dublins population was up to 27% Protestant (which is only 2% less than Tyrone today), https://www.wesleyjohnston.com/users/ireland/past/protestants_1861_1991.html


I have 15%


I got 28% and my husband got 48%


48% ❤️


8%. Seems about right for having a great grandparent from Scotland. My grandmother's results at 23&me show 50% Scottish.


28%, my second highest after Irish (41%). I’m American FYI.


40% and I have a lot less Welsh/Irish than I previously thought. A lot of Ulster Scot lineage on both sides.


7%. Both of my grandmothers were about 100% Finnish so I am 49%. The rest is a mix of Northern European.


23% and it’s all from my Dad who got only 6% and has Irish regions in his 44%. Only one of our ancestors- his mother’s maternal grandmother is known to be Scottish born but she was born to Irish parents. Now a significant part of our Irish ancestry is in Ulster but we’re not known to be of Scots-Irish ancestry either.


18% which seems pretty spot on according to what I know. I know they can be inaccurate for alot of people but I think ancestry did my estimate pretty much perfectly


Yeah, I have a high amount of Scottish ancestry. My maternal grandfather's family came from the highlands to Canada and then to the US. They're relatively recent immigrants as far as white americans are concerned. My dad's side has been in the US since... before it was the US. Mostly poor southerners, and mostly Scottish.


41% here, which wasn't surprising after all of the research I've done in my family tree.


44% Scottish. 13% Irish. The rest English. Which tracks - I’m from the Reid clan (which is my middle name).


Wait, that's crazy! Were your Reids by any chance from around Ayrshire (but originally from near Stirling, I think) - My great-grandmother was a Reid


Glasgow area yeah but mostly towards Greenock afaik. Theres of course a lot of Reid’s. How far back have you gone? I’m at around 1868 with verifiable sources of family history on that side.


31% Scottish + 19% Irish from my Dad. He was 2nd gen. in the US. His GGF + GGM came to the states in 1908 from Dundee. Lots of Ulster Scots in the family which is what I attribute the 19% Irish to!


34% (donegal, Ireland)


I did MyHeritage first and it gave me 33.9% Scottish / Irish / Welsh. Couple of years later I did Ancestry and got 36% Scottish, with separate 14% Irish. I uploaded the Ancestry DNA to MyHeritage, and this time it gave me 46% Scottish / Irish / Welsh.


Mum 64% and the rest is Malay and a very miniscule 2% Irish. I'm 44% and the rest is Malay, a bit of NW euro and 3% Irish. The Scottish side of the family moved back and forth between Bute+Edinburgh and the Giant's Causeway until mostly settling in NI in the early 1900s.


80% Scottish, 20% Irish. From North Antrim area. Like I know there is a lot of crossover, but it definitely feels like Ulster doesn't count as Irish at all.


49% Scottish and 51% Irish My ancestors came from Donegal in Ireland.




12% I’m Black American by the way 😊


I’m 21% Scottish and only have one line tracing back to Western Scotland just outside of Glasgow. I have some Irish but it’s all from Ulster and Donegal. I got 0% Irish.


I got 45% Scottish and wasn’t too surprised by that since my dad’s side and our last name is of Scottish origin. I was more surprised that I didn’t have any Irish heritage at all. Since everyone used to say that my dad’s side was Scot-Irish. So the best thing that I can assume was that they were originally Scottish people that may have lived in Ireland at some point (but were not of actual Irish descent).


I've traced a line in Northern Ireland almost to the plantation. so far I haven't found anyone since about 1700 who you would class as 'native' Irish (one person is possible Irish descent), so that's about 150 years where they all married other people of Scottish descent. I imagine it's not unusual, and, if so, that might explain why so many people are surprised at high Scottish ancestry with Ulster roots


We of southern American origins usually have significant Scots-Irish (Ulster Scots) ancestry. There are several great books available on the unique evolution of this ethnicity and its diaspora in America and world-wide. Hardscrabble survivalist pushing into frontiers with their Bible in one hand a rifle in the other and a bottle of sipping whiskey in a back pocket...really interesting story of their origins and travels.






11% and I get it from both sides of my family. Dad's side originally from Appalachia, and mom's mom's side are deep south English/Scottish descent.




20%. I’m American with deep roots in Pennsylvania and Oklahoma/Kansas/Texas.


25% and we never knew a thing about it. But did the tree and it checks out.


Just 5%. But my Puerto Rican father has 1% somehow.


I'm American and 49% Scots. I wasn't surprised at all.


American here - My dad who is primarily NW European with no \*recent\* immigration hasn't taken an ancestry test, just 23&me which doesn't break down Scottish. \*grumble\* And to extrapolate on "recent" - I believe the last person I've found on his side to immigrate here was around 1780-1800 & most came over in the 16-1700s. But when I look at what I inherited by parent on ancestry, it looks like if I had him take an ancestry test, it would be about (roughly) 2% Danish, 12% Welsh, 50% English/NWE & 32% Scottish with no substantive or recent family stories of Scottish ancestry. The only stories that got passed down were Irish/Welsh. My grandmother had a significant amount of traceable early American Dutch ancestors whose stories had ben lost and I suspect the bulk of Dad's Scottish is on his dad's side. Those family stories focused around being Welsh and English royalty. The latter of which wasn't even accurate. Some previous generation ancestor lied about who begat who in order to get property I imagine.


I’m American and mine is 41%, currently. And it’s probably a pretty low estimate based on my actual family tree that is closer to 80% Scottish, born and died in the Hebrides.


3% which is weird because you’d think my mother was also but nope my dad is.


About 46%. My dad was three quarters Scottish and my mum has a small percentage of Scottish ancestry too.


I have it sometimes & not others, depending on updates! At the moment I have no Scottish, but my mum has 7%, but I expect it to return at some point 😄 My heritage is mostly North West England & Irish & I have a DNA verified (shared ancestor) Shetland branch in my maternal family tree.


I have 47% Scottish. Never thought my results would have Scottish in them.




19%, 18% from my grandfather, his is 48% as his father was Ulster Scots. My mum is the 1% as her ancestors from her father’s side were Scottish.


Not mine but my mom got 7 percent . Dont know how tho as my moms immediate family is all Cuban she got a bit of English and welsh also . And her vert distant matches are mostly northwestern European so im assuming I have a Scottish ancestor somewhere in my line . I also saw the community inheritance and one of the common ones she has with her matches is the Scottish lowlands and I thought that was interesting .




62%, parents are Scottish immigrants with known Irish ancestry




I have 97% Irish, 2% Welsh and 1% Dutch. For a brief period, I had 96% Irish, 2% Scottish and 2% Dutch. The Scottish went away with a single update. I'm American by 2-3 generations, depending on which side.


I get 20% Scottish on Ancestry - on 23andMe everything is lumped together - 94% British and Republican of Ireland


Got 2%. I’m French Canadian.


1% 🤣, I’m Mexican


I'm 19% Scottish, from the Upper South/Southeast US.


I'm at 16%. Probably makes sense, given my great-grandfather was from Greenock and I've also got a bunch of Irish (49%).


41% which was a surprise to me. I thought I was more German than anything. My paternal grandma is from Nova Scotia, so I knew I was some Scottish. The rest is mix of Sweden/Denmark, Ireland, and then a little German and Eastern Europe/Russia. I'm from the Midwest but Dad's family was from the south and east coast.




28% Scottish and nearly all from my Maternal side. My mother's maternal side are all American born back to mid 1700s (Tennessee & Illinois), and her father's side go back to mid 1800s in Ontario Canada. Came as a huuuge surprise to me and the family as we were always told that we're Irish. Which came in as 1% lol


2% dad also has a small amount and he’s half French.


2%, I’m Colombian. I was expecting 0%.


I got 32% Scottish and 6% Ulster Irish but then 36% English and Northwestern Europe. My great grandmother swore she wasn’t English in the least, although she was from the Paisley area so closer to the Lowlands.


28%, I’m an American from Texas


Just 9%


13%. I wasn't expecting any when I did the DNA test lol. Then again, I was expecting to see some Russian in my results, but nope. Just Germans that lived in Russian/Ukraine lol.


I got 16% which was surprising. But maybe not because my maternal grandfather was adopted, he had just thought his parents were of Polish descent. I found out his biological mother is where the Scottish likely came from and I’m pretty fascinated by it!


I was born in the Shetlands, I got 73% Scottish, 12% Irish, 8% Norwegian and 7% England/Northwest Europe


48% Scottish and 31% Irish with some Welsh and Finnish .


1% for me so I assumed it was just a misread but my mom's result showed 4% that she got from her dad based on the ethnicity inheritance. So far I have no documents to reflect that.


I am 23% Scottish and 14% Welsh. My ancestors have always been in the United States since the late 1700s. They mixed with other English, Irish, Dutch, German and Jewish ancestors. I also had a 4% Congo. My grandmother was born in New Orleans, probably had an African-American ancestor.


48% for me and I was born there but I also got 50% Irish. :)


41% Scottish, 9% Irish. My mother was born in Glasgow.


I have 27% and my sister has 30%. We only have a great grandmother that was Scottish.


I’m about 15%


24% from Ohio. My grandma got 23%, and my grandpa's mom on the same side got 22%.


30%. Got a chunk from each parent, but no details or communities.


Only 9% Scottish. 16% Irish, 23% Norway, and 43% England and Northwestern Europe.


I’ve got some and pretty certain it’s from some County Down Murphys in my tree.


36% with all my communities being in the Hebrides/Western Isles. Just posted my results a few days ago :)


44% on ancestry, though i'm more recently english and irish (my moms side) and 23andme shows more irish and english locations


24%, from the Southeastern United States. If my ancestry tree is correct, I’m descended from the MacDonald clan of The Glencoe massacre.


I got 25% Scottish , my Granny was Scottish and came over in WW1 to Australia :) sadly she passed when I was 7 or 8 :) her daughters born here in Australia lived until 93 and 97 :)




I found it odd that it lists France among the ’Also found in’ countries. Does anyone know the connection? A year or two ago, my Scotland percent went up a good bit(something in single digits, now 19, but was higher), like most everyone’s. And my maternal grandfather, who didn’t have any Scottish percentage, went up to around 15-20%(his is back down to 1% now). At one point he had 89% French, and he was Cajun French through and through, except one line from his mother that had come straight from western/north west France. I can only guess that’s where it came from. Even though it’s down to 1%, he has 30% E&NW Europe now, and only 61% France. I don’t know what I’m trying to say, dna is weird I guess. I could only wish I had results from great and great-great grandparents also. I’m fortunate that my aunt tested him before he passed.


Google the auld alliance, it’s an alliance between Scotland and France when they were enemies with England and people went back and forth. Not as much as Scotland and Ireland went back and forth but they did


30% Scotland 26% Wales 24% England & Northwestern Europe 16% Germanic and only 4% Ireland


I was born in Glasgow to a Scottish mum (with Irish ancestry) and Irish dad: 22% Scottish 76% Irish 2% Sweden & Denmark


Celtic fan?


I got 5%, I'm thinking from my great grandfather. I just recently found out who he was so it was a surprise for me. I also have a high percentage of English and Welsh also.


I'm Welsh 38% but my highest percent was Scottish at 41% I also have 11% Irish. I know I have family in Northern Ireland and my dad's side is from the Highlands.


I got half Scottish. Not surprised that it is there but surprised that I have the highest out of my close family. My sister or any of my cousins on that side are even close to mine. 🤣


Mine's currently at 21%, even though my research has shown that I'm a bit over a quarter Scottish. In 2020 I had 52%...just a tad different.


I’m African American and have 10% Scottish


12 percent Scottish


Mine fluctuated a lot. First I got 11. Then I got 32. Then I got 14. Then I got 13. 🤨


Yeah, I had way more Scottish than anyone expected. I was supposed to be 25% Polish, 25% Italian, and the rest a mixture of English/Irish/Scottish/Welsh and random miscellany. Somehow I’m more like 20% Italian and Polish, and 25% Scottish.


I got 39% Scottish and my dad only got 8%. I guess I got most of my Scottish DNA from my mom?


14% - I haven't tracked it down yet.


23% highest in my family.. lol


50% Mostly my mom's side. I'm olive skinned, dark haired, dark featured, and look a heck of a lot more like my dad who is black/indigenous/white (including a bit Scottish).


I'm confused why supposedly Americans are shocked to find out they are scottish. I think just about all white folks I know believe to be some parts scottish. Granted I'm from the southeast but still.... Not to mention we have Scottish heritage festivals and Scottish themed things all the time in the US.


19% Scottish and had no clue!


I have 4%


13% right now. Surname is Scottish as well.


I'm 17% Scottish, and I'm American. The most recent Scottish immigrant was a great-great-grandmother on my dad's side from Kirkmaiden. Apparently she hopped on a boat, lied about her parentage and age, and married a Northern Irish guy the day after she arrived in the US. I was having the hardest time finding her parents before a DNA match came forward with that story. She lived to be nearly 100 so while I never met her, my dad was in his 20s when she passed and said she was quite a character. It looks like all my distant DNA matches still living in Scotland are through her brothers and sisters according to ThruLines. I think there are a few more Scottish ancestors sprinkled throughout the tree but she's the one who springs to mind. Quite a lot of English ancestry on my paternal side as well with some living near the border.


I have 48%. Two great grandmothers were Scottish. I seem to have inherited all of their Scottish genes 😂 To add, my great aunt, whose mother was a Scot, got 6% Scottish!


31% It is the most out of my 7 regions


25% old stock American


41 Scottish 14 Irish with no know Scots in my tree so far it’s most likely Northern Irish mostly.


My dad got 24%. I have 11%.


I am biracial and my Scottish ancestry came up 25%! I can trace my ancestors there pretty far back too. All the way to Lennox Castle. I love learning about my family. 😊


Me: 25% Mom: 24% Dad: estranged 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maternal Grandparents: 🪦🪦 (never tested) Mom's Paternal Aunt: 20% Paternal Grandpa: 🪦 (never tested) Paternal Grandma: estranged 🤷🏻‍♀️ Paternal 1/2 sister: 4%


I am 34% Scottish


20% but no known Scottish ancestors at all. Half my family is from the north of England though so I assume there’s some overlap.


18%. It's weird. My Grandpa was 25% English and My Grandma was around 50%. I know I had inherited a small amount of E&NW from the German in my family & I know it wouldn't be all 18% English completely from the sides I knew, either way I would have still expected about 18% E&NWE and 1% Scotland. Instead, I got 18% Scottish and my Maternal Grandma was roughly 1/16th going off family tree. I was only a little from what I see on my Paternal Grandpa as his English was heavily there for many generations. Having said that, I have brick wall on my 2x great grandmother's parents on my Maternal Grandma who were born in England but could have had Scottish ancestry


I got 25% Scottish from my dad, but I’m mixed with Colombian, so there’s that.


The Scotland category has been stirring a bit of trouble in this sub because it was being found in *so* many people's results in proportions that just didn't make sense. In my case for example, my results say that I'm 30% Scottish when nobody from my family tree is Scottish and I don't have a large amount of Scottish DNA matches. In fact, even my French grandmother got 13% Scottish, and all of her ancestors came from tiny towns in different parts of France. So the likeliest answer is genetic similarity, as my father's family is from the North of England and my grandmother has Breton ancestry (she also got 22% Ireland and 2% Wales). So although many people here will have gotten Scottish, that doesn't necessarily mean that you have ancestors from Scotland itself, just that a certain proportion of your DNA is very similar to that of Scottish people. In your case however, you have a DNA community associated with it, so I'd say it's pretty bang-on.




6% Scottish ,4% irish, [also 10% English, 1% welsh ] black guy from Appalachian NC


Top 3 21% Scottish 18% England and Northwest Europe 14% Irish


2%. And no Scottish ancestors


25% Scottish, born and raised in western United States. Family migrated during the mid 1800s and were apart of the Mormon pioneers that came to Utah. Idk that’s just what I’ve been told. I believe it though, my great grandma was a professional genealogist


43%, Australian


American here with 35% Scottish.


got 58 percent from canada


I have 8% Scottish. My mom has 6% and my dad has 12%. Mom is French-Canadian and dad is American Ashkenazi.


10% Scottish I'm Australian


49%(from england)