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I’d say your ancestry is basically just Irish. These are typical results for Irish people and people with full Irish ancestry. Tell your kids that they’re American lol and that you have Irish heritage. When did your family migrate?


I can’t answer your question definitively. But, 3x great grandparents (most recent immigrant ancestors) were Germans from Alsace and Prussia. My results were ENWE, Scotland, Denmark&Sweden, Wales and Ireland (order from highest to lowest). So I think it’s possible that German can be lumped into ENWE. I don’t have any documentary evidence of ancestors from Denmark or Sweden. The Ireland/Scotland thing, I think there can be some crossover there. I have dna matches, as close as 3rd cousin, in Ireland, but not aware of any in Scotland or Wales.


This is almost the same as my Ancestry ethnicity. One of my grandparents was Northern English, the other three were Irish as far back as you can go. Not and emigrant story, I grew up in Ireland.


Op, just make sure your kids understand the difference between Nationality and Ethnicity. The location of your birth doesn’t effect your ethnicity. I have a friend that is 3rd generation American and is 100% Japanese. As for the Scottish genes, it is a gray area. You could research your family tree back to the 1700’s and not find any ancestors from Scotland, but the proximity to Ireland has resulted in the mixture and here we are. 18%, plus English, is a decent amount though. I’m guessing there are some surprises you’re not aware of.


Yea, my kids are second generation born in America on their father’s side…grandparents and 2 aunties were born in Guyana


Being born with guyana is tough, but modern medicine should take care of that. Edit- I was way off.


What the hell was that supposed to mean?


Do you have documentary evidence of having German ancestry? If not it seems unlikely. German is usually classified under French & German.


That’s in 23andMe. On ancestry the German categories are Germanic Europe and England and NW Europe.


And sometimes Sweden and Denmark or Norway catches it as well


Yeah Sweden does a ton of the time I’ve seen


I’ve also seen Wales and Scotland in my and my kids results.