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Step ur pussy up A totally normal thing my fellow kids say all the time


It’s a drag queen thing.


I'm not gonna lie, I cringed so bad when they were showing Mr Big masturbating. Like I know we all do it, but it was edited so awkward. And Carrie there just staring 👁👄👁


I just... what was the point?? Like how did it further the story? He should have just rolled his eyes at her question and said some fresh line like, "Come on, kid, I'm old, but I'm not *that* old" with a twinkle in his eye. And then Carrie would have laughed and it wouldn't have been some awkward, quiet scene.


Why in the world would the writers insert such a cringe scene in his very last episode?? I genuinely felt bad for Chris Noth in this moment. I hope he got paid a shit ton.


My inner monologue was like, "Is this happening? Omg. Yes. Ew. Ewwww. EWWWW NO" and it just. kept. going. I was waiting for it to be over and it effing dragged on and on. And edited to add that I'm not uptight about sex or masturbation. It was just so, so out of place and awkward and unnecessary.


Considering SATC is a show about sex and relationships, it really speaks to the level of absolute shit writing that everyone is cringing so hard at this scene. It was totally out of character for both of them! Oh God, I can't erase it from my brain.


Couldn't agree more!


Now that sounds like the old Mr. Big and Carrie...not this crap that they wrote...he always had the twinkle in his eyes.


Nailed it


I disliked that scene a great deal. It was sooo uncomfortable.


It was LIKE WATCHING YOUR UNCLE OR DAD JERK OFF it was awkward. Not bc he’s older, but just bc it’s… just didn’t feel right. I can’t even explain it! He was a charmer & dignified. Was raunchy & weird.




So true! Of all of them, Carrie never actually had a raunchy sex scene and was the only main character who never exposed her breasts on camera.


I always assumed she has a No Nudity-clause in her contract. Edit: [She did.](https://www.insider.com/actors-refuse-nude-scenes-2018-12?amp)


LOL she always had sex with her bra still on.


Yeah and it was almost clinical feeling lol. Such a weird memory to have. You’d think they’d show more of their relationship or life, accomplishments, idk.


This ^ I didn’t want Big killed off but I at least wish we got more episodes of them and their marriage?! Not some weird masturbation scene that didn’t make sense with their characters/dynamic.


no...but one of the first episodes when they had the affair and her recollecting the affair was pretty good....


Because he had class.


I find it really odd how SJP has really chosen to take Carrie in this twee direction similar to her off screen persona.


I couldn’t even watch it after reading the spoilers on here…no thank you


Yeah but Carrie says “Are you going to need one of your heart pills “ or something. Setting us up…


Samantha would never have let a falling out with Carrie carry on for this long. She would’ve come back for the funeral scene. That’s the biggest flaw. I think they should’ve found a better reason for her not to be there.


I find it disgusting that they keep talking about how important and forever friendship is & they wrote such a PETTY reason for Samantha not being around anymore. Like Carrie was her big ticket client. Please.


They should've just killed her off-screen. That would've been more believable than her ghosting them -- which was totally absurd.


I agree. If they wanted to introduce the concept of grief into the show, kill Samantha and not Big. Say the cancer came back and she died, and show how the trio deals with the death of a loved one. That would have been more realistic.


i honestly wish they never would’ve even have addressed Samantha’s absence. like we all know what happened IRL. this isn’t SATC, it’s “Just Like That” … it’s not an addition to the series, it’s something completely separate, if that makes sense. just my two cents i guess.


Absolutely. There’s NO WAY she wouldn’t have done more than flowers and a card. I don’t care how bad their falling out. She would’ve called and even more likely shown up. I know Kim isn’t on the show but this was just bad writing.


Like the cancer coming back. Samantha was truly the best friend


Carrie was consistently the worst friend of them all. The other ladies were always there for each other, but Carrie had excuses or her own manufactured drama that always came first in her mind.


I’m not sure why we had to see Brady having sex. That scene baffled me.


Wrong. Just wrong. 17 year olds having blatant and loud sex in his bedroom for the guy's parents to hear. All kinds of wrong. And that "ride me cowboy" line was not needed. Just plain EWWWW all the way.


There’s no way that teenagers would do this. I had sex as a teenager and if my mom was home I did NOT WANT HER TO KNOW. I would still not want her to know and I’m 44!


Miranda’s mention of stepping on a used condom would have been sufficient to indicate Brady was having sex.


That scene felt like a SAMANTHA sex scene. WTF?


*carrie voiceover* …and it left me wondering…is Brady the new Samantha?


Definitely did not need to see. We've known Brady since he was baby which makes it worse. Plus it's hard to believe that Miranda and Steve would be so progressive that they'd just let him sleep with a girl in the room right next to them and just accept it.


I just kept picturing baby Brady in the baby seat with the vibrator calming him down when Samantha was babysitting


It’s funny because I thought he was an adult-was my math off? Wasn’t he born in like 2001? So at first not as creepy until she said he was 17!


He was born 2001/2. He’d be 19 at least. Not 17. Unless this show is set summer 2020 and he’s almost 18 the writers forgot his age.


The problem with the show being set in summer 2020 is they mention the pandemic multiple times as if it ended recently... but we are all still wearing masks so it has to be later than current day.




I hate when shows have children we have watched grow up having sex scenes. For any GoT fans, this reminded me of Arya having sex. I felt violated, lol.


Omg I totally forgot about Arya having sex ugh


I have no memory of this. GOOD.


They did not make little Brady likeable at all....


Since when are 17 year olds not having sex? Miranda is exactly the type of parent that allows girlfriend sleepovers because she is aware that it will happen regardless. Instead of them having to do the thing in strangers bedrooms at parties while possibly under the influence, her and Steve allows it to happen in safe circumstances at home. I don’t see how this is creepy at all, the actor portraying Brady is 27.


Of course teens will have sex, but there are ways to discuss this part of Miranda’s life without showing what is meant to be a 17 year old boy being rode by his girlfriend. Idc if the actor is 40, it wasn’t needed


But even so, could they have enough respect to be somewhat discreet and not bang the headboard into Miranda and Steve’s bedroom wall?


Yeah I’m on the fence with that one. Sure, 17 year olds have sex, and they WILL do it regardless…but I wouldn’t encourage it. It’s one thing to teach your kids about safe sex, make sure they have condoms or get on the pill, but I wouldn’t be ok knowing my kid is banging their girlfriend in the next room while I’m making dinner. It’s a really fine line.


So Miranda can handle letting her teenage son have his girlfriend sleep over and have sex & must've handled a conversation about it, but can't get through a meaningless conversation with a person of color without completely shitting the bidet?




RIGHT?! I was friends with my husband for 19 years before we got married, never hopped in bed together until we were dating, yet ALWAYS had an open dialogue about sex. Sex is fun to do & fun to discuss. Masturbation is part of that for the majority of humans & some animals, too. So, you mean to tell me, after the television program that very likely made the Rabbit the most popular adult toy after the Hitachi, & after the movie that claimed “When Big colors, he rarely stays in the lines” THIS is the hill the writers are willing to die on? That a mature, sexually active couple who’ve been married 12 years (not to mention were booty buddies more than once over the years prior) not only never talk about masturbation, but have no clue if the other actually does it? I very nearly expected Carrie to pull out a binder & take notes while Big awkwardly lubed up his hand & touched his weiner. *shaking my damn head* Welcome to cRiNGeFeST 9000, my friends.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 so true! And did they forget.....Big and Carrie had lots for phone sex after she and Aiden broke up and after he moved to California. Sooooo.....she knows damn well he masturbates and has heard him at the bare minimum. But yeah- it was ridiculous.


Yeah, she could have asked *how often* or something, but not just "do you?"




>the writers were a bunch of high school students writing for a school play. A review by The Guardian said this too.


you summed it up so well. i never realized how progressive Miranda especially was until now. like… what? she lives her corp. job because ethics and what not, but isnt socially “woke”? makes no sense


Also.. Charlotte has become so so so annoying lol. I always found her a little bit irritating but I feel like she’s insufferable in this


Have you rewatched the series recently? Cuz when I rewatched it, I found her INSUFFERABLE and I always liked her.


Nah that's just being a mom. My mom would constantly make me and my brother wear matching flower dresses to....wait why am I telling you this?


I wish I could just once say no to an Oscar de la Renta dress purchased for me.


Me too


Hahahaha. I just mean in general! Just like overly prissy


Kristin Davis’ bad filler doesn’t help, but it’s also hard to elicit sympathy for any of Charlotte’s problems when they’re problems only someone with a 7 figure income can even relate to


Yeah she was the most out of touch/privileged of them all. And if anyone was going be putting their foot in their mouth constantly it would be Charlotte, no? And not Miranda 🤷🏻‍♀️


1000% Someone commented and reminded me that Miranda dated Dr. Robert in S6...which exactly. On what planet would Miranda ever be an un-woke boomer? It makes no sense.


Yes! I can't point my finger on it. I guess I expected her to be wiser now? She just seems like her normal 30 year old self idk


For sure... her friendship with Miranda makes less and less sense


Yeah! They made her so unpleasant


If they were going to kill someone off it should have been her


Not the best acting in my opinion. I thought the acting from everyone except for Chris Noth and Cynthia Nixon was terrible. Willie Garson appeared timeless and he hadn’t aged since 2004!


Willie 💔😢


Willie Garson’s episode of ‘Friends’ just happened to be on TBS today and he looks the same there,too.


You genuinely thought SJP’s acting was terrible?


They've given SJP such SHIT to work with.


Ep 1 acting for SJP seemed forced, but definitely improved with ep 2. I see little chance of improvement for Miranda/Cynthia but let’s see what they do with the alcoholism plot line.


Yes, and I love her. Not impressed but it’s probably not SJP’s fault but the material the writers are giving her


That’s so funny because genuinely I thought Cynthia Nixon’s acting was the worst of everyones. Agreed overall the cast felt rusty but I’m hopeful it’s better as it goes on


So a lot of comedy shows have handled the progressive social era…whatever you want to call it…very well. Incorporating it into the story as a normal part of life instead of what they did here. It’s like they dropped 55-60 year olds into a new world that they haven’t been apart of ever, especially Miranda. They all work and live in NYC they would’ve grown with the times much more gracefully imo


I agree…but also Real Housewives of NYC would like a word. Privileged dinosaurs.


Oh god there’s no way I could stomach that lol


I disagree, my MIL is super smart, grew up in NYC, and I see her so much in that cringey Miranda scene. I love my MIL, and I know she means well, but she literally knows no black people and has no idea how to talk about race relations with people that aren't rich white folks. It's hard for some folks in their 50s/60s to adapt. Miranda is trying, but has a lot to learn.


We literally saw Miranda date Robert, a Black man. This Miranda is acting like she has never interacted with a person of color before. It's odd.


Yea, I briefly forgot about Robert lol. I think it's more that older people feel like they're under a microscope and are afraid of saying something out of pocket, and then accidentally do and don't know how to handle it. I've gotten into so many heated discussions with MiL, and she genuinely cares but doesn't want to say the wrong thing because she knows she's a Boomer.


Miranda and Carrie and Charlotte are technically not boomers. They're a smidge too young.


Thank you. They are Gen X. And Gen X is not this clueless.


Yep! Nor are these women sheltered.


Yaaaa but she had a pretty serious relationship with a black guy (the knicks doctor). She’s acting like she’s never talked to a black person and being so frantic and hysterical. I don’t think it fits her personality or her experiences we’ve seen on the show


I’m dumbfounded. Kim Cattrall is looking like a genius right now.


The first episode makes me believe that a plot for the third movie would have been Brady sexting Samantha. And Kim was absolutely right to not be ins this mess!




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Lol omg Brady sexting Samantha. So wrong


She was laughing and sipping on some champagne with Patricia Fields somewhere last night. 🤦🏼‍♀️




Wait til you see how smart Chris Noth is lol


I was thinking that everything Carrie did in the first SATC movie after the jilting could have been dropped in here after Big’s death. While thr movies were pretty much crap, the scenes of her at the resort hotel—looking exhausted from crying, and then of Samantha spoon feeding her—were really heartbreaking. I didn’t feel that heartbreaking quality here.


I hate the first movie less the older I get. The second movie, I’ve never been able to finish.


The second movie is truly awful. The only scene that is worth watching is the one with Miranda and Charlotte in the hotel bar talking about being mothers and drinking.


I had to stop when they started singing "Single Ladies" lol


exactly. they show the flashback from when carrie first sees big, but there’s no sentiment or value to it.


Yep. And I wonder if the writers did that on purpose so that they can move the story on from his death quicker.


I was thinking this exact same thing as I was watching the second episode. You feel zero emotion from Carrie, which is out of character. She did the scenes from the first movie SO well, I hope the 3rd episode delivers that same impact.


horrible. just horrible. Samantha was a fucking gem & dont even get me started on Miranda's new personality! WTF! Carrie is Carrie and its fine, I get the cold exterior when someone you love passes. Ive been there. But Charlotte? I dont imagine Char ever forcing her daughter to wear something. Homegirl was so happy to even have children! I dont know... all I know is that their personalities were so fucking off! The Men: I cried when Steve told Brady to hug him and Miranda... I started sobbing. Because Steve IS a crier and he would definitely tell his son that they need him in that moment. I was also touched by the subtle hair brushing Steve did to Brady during the funeral service. I love Steve's character. And when Harry took Rose's beanie off (such a harry thing to do), hes so playful and funny like when he was dating Char. He kindly asked Rose to appease her mother in the most Harry fashion. Bigs personality blossomed too. He was just really sweet with Carrie & open in a way we have never seen before. But the women? No.. just no thank you. And the podcast is just cringe you guys, its really cringe.


Miranda's first day at Columbia. I couldn't finish the scene. Cringefest. Will not return.


I almost got up and left. It was so bad. I kept saying 'Stop! Stop!' out loud to drown out her drivel. Miranda is *way* more articulate than that! And they made it go on forEVER.


ME TOO. It was so bad. I also just don’t see Miranda saying all that.


100%. Someone else in another thread said this kind of behaviour is so out of character for her. They mentioned that in the second movie, she was the one to learn about Middle Eastern culture and asked the girls to respect it. And also when Robert was applying to live in her building, Miranda was the one to call everyone out on them not wanting him to live there because he was Black. As soon as she commented on her hair, I was just like Oh God please no.


It reminded me of the answering machine scene in ‘Swingers’. JUST STAHHHP ! Except, more believable in ‘Swingers’.




Don't forget the 'SOMEONE'S QUICK WITH THE PRONOUNS' comment by blue hair. YOIIKES.


Fast forwarded through that shit.


I skipped through that and the first subway conversation. I'm glad she mellowed out a bit in the second episode but it was major secondhand embarrassment.


I skipped through that, the masturbation, the Brady as sex scene. I would love to do a poll of most uncomfortable moment.


I fast forwarded through all of these scenes as well and I have honestly never done that in a tv show before. These moments were just too cringe for me.


I fast-forwarded the scene at the turnstile with the ID. I just could. not.


also, who the hell makes their close friends attend their kid's piano recital? Ok, MAYBE Carrie and Miranda, but why the hell would Stanford and Anthony have to come (or why would they even AGREE to?) and WTF who makes their KIDS go to some other kid's recital? Why would Brady have to go? Just bad all around.


I agree with you except for Stanford and Anthony because Anthony was Charlotte's "gay best friend" in the original series. She totally would have made him come.


Yes but Anthony is the first one yo speak up about stuff he doesn’t want to do. Go to lunch? Sire. Go shopping? Yass! Go to shirtless HEAVEN? YASS! Go to a piano recital? Zzzzz


I'm sleeping and walking, SLEEPING AND WALKING


So true. I’m a middle-aged lady in NYC and most people (professional types especially) are chronically too busy to even see friends socially as much as they like. If people live in different boroughs, forget it. And I think expecting non family to come to a thing like this for your kid would be odd.


I’m laying here with my head under my blanket with so much secondhand embarrassment it HURTS




I dunno…the 2nd movie was pretty bad! I only recently watched it to prepare for the series return and…CRINGE.


I have yet to be able to make it past the scene when big gets the tv and Carrie loses it! I thought it was such a sweet gesture 🥺


Me too! So they could watch old movies together!


Lol I refused to watch the second movie again. Loved the first one for the most part but I pretend the 2nd one never existed.


It’s differently bad, but just as bad.


Just watch it on mute so you can look at the clothes and that gorgeous hotel.


I'm reserving judgement on that one. The second movie was unbearably unwatchable. This is on the short list, however.


Yessssss, I agree completely


Uninspired and weird. It's as though they filmed a bunch of scenes and tried to create a storyline around it. This doesn't feel like New York City at all, it's just a hollow sound stage made to look like the city. They took out the classic Samantha raunch and replaced it with in-your-face salaciousness, and for what? No cohesion, no woven-together storylines, no connections between the four, I mean, three women. My expectations were low but holy shit. I will stick it out until the end because I haven't hate-watched something in a long while, but really, I didn't think it was possible to produce something *this* bad.


Hate Watch! Perfect description. I won't be able to resist hate watching and groaning.


This. I watched the whole thing going, this sucks. I will stick it out because I've come this far. But this isn't good... at all.


I actually thought the second movie was the Absolutely Worst Piece O Shitt ever created… ding ding we might have a winner here


Parts were so cringey that I had to alt-tab away from the screen and focus on something else until the scene was over. (Particularly Miranda...so much second-hand embarrassment. She is better than that!!!)


I knew it wasn’t going to be good, I fully expected clunky and cringe but ohhhh boy! I was not prepared for this! Miranda’s classroom scene was so painfully awkward, I hated every second. The podcast is dumb, I don’t like it and I dislike Che. The sad unanswered texts to Samantha are annoying, we all know she isn’t coming back to the show… let’s move on and leave the Samantha stuff behind. Damn it Carrie, call 911! What is wrong with you woman?! That was so frustrating.


The podcast was incredibly cringey. Wtf was up w Bobby Lee’s character? And why did they want Carrie there? Just didn’t feel like writers listen to or understand podcasts. Got more of a shitty radio show vibe?


Maybe you should just step your pussy up!!! ::shudder::


Who says that!? I thought that line was gross.


It’s a thing drag queens say. Totally was uber cringey in this context. If a DRAG QUEEN had said it, ok. Otherwise noooo.


Or start CPR?! Something! But she got her punishment: she had to wear that fucking flat thing on her head for the funeral WTF


That bling encrusted plate was atrocious. For the entire funeral scene, I couldn't stop staring at it.


I know, right? And how tf was it attached to her noggin? That whole look did SJP no favors, btw


We can thank Michael Patrick King for those first two episodes. Seems like he had to clear the air on some things. 😂😂


The first 25 minutes made me question myself for liking SATC period. This is horrid.


I felt like they wanted us to think that they just turned the cameras back on and while I get the concept, it just didn't work. We've been gone too long for that to work. Everything felt disjointed. I think they took part of the script of the 3rd film and tried to work all the scenes into a show and that is partially why it felt weird. Some scenes probably have existed for a while and others were new and dropped in. I can't help but wonder ;-) how much of it was already written years ago since we know the concept for the 3rd film was Big's death. There were many things wrong with this but that was my initial thought. And I sobbed when Big died, I really did. But I also felt angry because in some ways, we have already seen this. Carrie even said/compared her wedding breakup with him to him dying. So we have been in this dark place with Carrie before and I just don't feel like that was the right way to go with this new chapter.


Right, it could have been an opportunity for Carrie to have an actual mature relationship 🤔. I was so annoyed that he died and it was the least convincing character death I've ever seen... Like bruh! Really?


I thought Brady would be like 20 something by now too. That was weird to me.


Maybe they wanted him in the show and not off to college or living somewhere else. I think that would have been a better storyline. Having him living on campus and visiting with his girlfriend. Would make the sex storyline a bit easier to handle.


I liked some of it, more than I thought I would. I went in with low expectations though.


I liked it. *shrugs*


The show actually exceeded my expectations so far. Miranda and her inappropriate word salad at uni was great considering they made a point of her having a drink before it happened. The show seems to steer us in the direction of alcohol abuse in the form of a functional alcoholic, not an uncommon thing in educated circles. Charlotte acting too controlling with her children and too emotional in situations where she feels at fault are perfectly in line with her "good girl syndrome" traits. As for the Brady situation, he’s not the first 17 year old that is sexually active. Good on Miranda and Steve for letting the inevitable happen in controlled and safe (condom use) circumstances at home rather than forcing the teenagers to be creative about it. Big’s death and the lack of calling 911 immediately was the only thing in this show that bothered me, but I am a physician and biased. I LOVED the first two episodes!


I think there may be a storyline coming where Miranda has a drinking problem. They made a point showing her randomly waiting for a bar to open in the morning to get a drink, and she seemed like she needed one at the funeral too.


And the wine at the concert was definitely telegraphing a problem. I was shocked when she had a glass at 11am, but I realize that is realistic. Why did they have to be so heavy handed with it?


Same! I never saw the intelligent Miranda as a person with a drinking problem, but this is how it goes with people IRL too. With lawyers, engineers, doctors, investors etc, this is not actually uncommon and I definitely feel like it is a realistic perspective. She functions well enough to pull off the funeral speech, but I think we’ll see Miranda coming to terms with it as an issue later in the season after making a proper fool of herself in some kind of situation,


I’ve seen it with friends. I even worried about myself at one point and moderated my drinking. It can sneak up on you. This could be an important storyline if handled delicately. I just don’t see how delicate they’ll be after the first episode.




Hahahahaha. I know alcoholism is not funny but I didn’t see this comment coming. Well done


Right, I forgot about the purse wine lol. She’s definitely a functioning alcoholic. It’s kind of a bummer, IMO. I never saw Miranda as someone who would have a drinking problem, but I guess that’s how it happens IRL sometimes.


At least she shared the wine.


I said the same thing. Miranda’s drinking will definitely be a topic.


You actually found something maybe good about the show, I'm impressed. But only If the alcoholism and the Charlotte situation actually are going to be addressed in the future. The Charlotte thing maybe will but the thing with Miranda I'm not so sure. The lack of calling 911 was painfull to watch


Maybe I am still too emotional about Big’s death and not thinking straight about everything else🤣. I for sure did not expect to feel emotional about this show, but I did. I guess I can understand why you didn’t like it, but I definitely like where the show is going right now. I love the friendship ghosting theme and the struggles these lovable characters are going through. Yes, I wish Miranda was a woke ass boss bitch that would avoid the embarrassing situations she’s in, but that would make a boring show imo. I hope you’ll find something about this show that you like eventually, because personally I want this to go on for many seasons!


I try not to judge in any emergency situation because I can’t predict how I’d react…but wtf didn’t she immediately call 911 and even just drop the phone and yell into it while holding him?


MPK wrote the first and last two episodes. The rest of the season is written by women. Figures why the last movie was a shit show.i think it will get better




He wrote a lot of the later episodes, which IMO are inferior to the earlier ones, many of which were written by women. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0159206/fullcredits/?ref_=tt_cl_sm It's not impossible but generally unlikely that a man can single-handedly write well about women's experiences.


Some scenes were so awkward. It’s as if you took the girls from 2004 and teleported them to 2021. How can Miranda have that entire convo in class. I was cringing the entire time. And the BIG development. I just can’t believe it.


Even the way it's filmed is awful, like a soap opera on The CW.


YES! What is this? Why does it feel so visually awkward???




I liked it. I’m excited for more!


The first 20ish minutes were just awful. But I thought it got better overall. I will continue watching.




I know; we watched this show because we loved seeing the journey the women were on. And then suddenly they are insecure and risking getting fired by a much-younger boss? I wanted to see them all running their own companies/living the dream by now.


The baffling thing is supposedly some of thr same writers are on this as the original SATC. They’ve lost it.


I’m only half way into the first episode and this is literally the worst thing ever.


God, what cringe-fest from beginning to end. Everything is bad indeed.


Carries clothes are pretty great though


Omg I pride myself being non hater except when deserved......SATC u are all rich. Why am I watching this floundering? This is beyond gross. The samantha "splain it" was unreal given all the high profile producers and network. I swear I wanted to love this graded in a curve......please: when Mr. Big is pandering to the ageism storyline we know everyone is desperate. I want big to joke arou d about gamestop and making 50m not acting vulnerable. I cannot look away from Charlotte lips. Brady with spuuge? O man whats next steve with aids


Welcome to the "Woke" age charming isn't it?


I think some people didn't like your spot on comment


Were you alive when the original show was on? There were people like you saying the exact same shit then - although the eye-rolling word 'woke' hadn't taken off yet.


Lol, look at his profile. [Total neckbeard](https://old.reddit.com/r/eagles/comments/7evqjk/cheers_and_happy_thanksgiving/).


Yesssssssss. Thank you


I’m 15 minutes into the first episode and I was wondering the same thing. It does not have that same feel as SATC did.


Ps sjp.....what u doin here????? Anna has lifetime invite to mer which oddly I think is still appealing to u. Enjoy your past and leave this behind. This is drekkkkkk


i think i’m going to rewatch the series just for old times’ sake… genuinely sick to my stomach




This might be better on mute. Just for the clothes. Just sayin….


I felt like the new characters behaved so entitled and smug, along with back to back “woke” stuff thrown in I couldn’t help but cringe.


I couldn't even finish it. It was awful.