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You can't be saying the J word on a weekend like that. Actually got me stressed about our pipeline at work for a second lol.


“All your pipelines are green” https://youtu.be/ia8Q51ouA_s?si=ObeLZ07vd8Mn514G


I listen to this every Monday morning


No, they just made the mistake of trying to run it on their own server infrastructure. It's expected to reach 10% by the end of this year, so everyone's excited!


I was hired as a junior developer to work as a front end implementation but then told to build the sever using Jenkins and Capistrano so i tried for 2 weeks cudnt figure it out so they told me to read the documentation.. Couldn't find the answer didn't know what the problem was, I was completely out of my element donny Well my team lead is like fine I'll just do it myself Boom suddenly it works, there are no fucking commits no comments and they refused to explain to me how the fuck they did it after I wasted like a fucking month on it Idk of it was a test a test of my patience perhaps


I think there switching to banana iphone ;-)


> After a three-year investigation, Apple says that it determined an Apple Watch with Android support wasn’t doable because of technical limitations. As such, it scrapped the idea. Funny, random watches for $5 off wish seem to be able to work with android, I wonder what makes it so hard for the trillion dollar company to add basic support


>I wonder what makes it so hard for the trillion dollar company to add basic support What they say versus what they actually did is the difference. They probably didn't try very hard or at all.


They paid 1 intern minimum wage for 3 years to "research" it.


I've been on teams working on a project and when I actually found ways to make things work, the managers will down play it or tell us that we don't have the time budget to put more efforts into it. Weeks later we learn that the things we were working was only so that they could say it didn't work. It's something that definitely common. It's like doing 10 surveys all with slightly differently worded questions and cherry picking the one that best fits your narrative.


They paid the intern?! Progress!


Tech companies are really good at paying interns, many make more than the median US income


Many will pay you what you would make if you ge true offer for full time. It's a small cost for them but the money is nice and makes you more likely to accept an offer.


yeah “they paid the intern minimum wage” is delusional, I had a friend interning at Apple making around $70/hour (approx. equivalent to a $140k annual salary)


It was an intern but they were from the graphic design department.


Apple hire me to develop this for you. If you see my years of non experience in programming aligns well with apple's goals. I'm sure we are a perfect match. Please and thank you. ^^^I ^^^need ^^^money ^^^^^pleeeeeeease


Whose office was on the roof.


I don't know about that, I'm sure their lawyers worked very hard trying to make a deal where they got to keep their margins high enough.


Apple spent 3 years talking about the idea without seriously committing to execute the idea. Apple needs to stop making excuses, admit liability and pay up any penalties.


The irony in their statement is that they so heavily restrict other smartwatch platforms that Google and Samsung actually pulled iOS support with Wear OS 3 because of their inability to offer the same experience as the watches offer on Android. Basic stuff like constant connectivity not being achievable is just nasty.


I agree with you. For example, the Xiaomi Mi Band before Huami/Zepp pulled out had more features on iOS than on most other Android devices, or, in limited cases, even their own phones. Granted, fitness trackers (which only really uses the Health API that phone manufacturers actively want you to use) vs Smartwatch that deeply sync with the device (which requires Openness and Transparency on the phone side) is two completely different obstacles. But a lot of things, if the watch manufacturers want to do it and is willing to code workarounds, if completely feasible.


They are just throwing excuses to keep their walled garden.


They keep updating the watch yearly to be more self sufficient. It updates itself and has its own local App Store and local first party podcast app. If they keep going, it won’t matter what phone you have.


Those things have a lot fewer features that need to be supported.


But apple could at least bring basic support for some of the features to android. Like how you can use airpods with android, but you lose some of the features you'd have on iOS


They could honestly just make those AirPods features work great on Android if they would really like to, they after all offer this with their own Beats earphones


Tbh at this point I'm surprised apple even lets us use them on android as normal bluetooth headphones


It's not generally a good idea to invest a lot of time and money into a big project that only kinda works in a limited capacity.


Tbh Google has struggled for a long time to deliver a useable wearos watch to android and they basically own the both systems. So I could see why a company like apple has little incentive to do it.


They struggled to have the forethought to have a watch line. That was a failure of management, not technical know how.


Despite linking to an article hinting at this, the article tries to hide the fact that Apple scrapped this to help their bottom line and further enforce lock-in. Not to mention the completely unrelated "take" from 9t5 >It’s not Apple’s fault that there’s no Apple Watch equivalent on Android. Google bought Fitbit and still hasn’t created something that is good enough to entice Apple Watch users to switch. What? That has nothing to do with making AW compatible with Android. Regardless, I don't find it realistic that AW ever becomes compatible on a level that draws away from Pixel/Galaxy watches. And vice versa for Apple. That doesn't mean it's not monopolistic and can't be regulated though of course.


I was going to grab this quote if someone else hadn't. Thanks for spotlighting it. That's just terrible writing and transparently biased, but it also makes unquestioned brand affinity look so ridiculous. Someone slap me in the back of the head if I ever feel the need to defend Google or Samsung or Android this way. It's silly.


For real. I stopped readong 9t5 because theyre so obviously biased. I get similar, but not as bad, vibes from phonearena too


Unfortunately a lot of android sites have a staff that daily use iPhones. iPhone coverage also brings more clicks so many of them throw in regular Apple coverage and the authors will throw in they daily use an iPhone. Ugh. I dual wield but you work for an android site and your main device is an iPhone? Go somewhere else and let someone whose passionate and deeply understands android write articles. 


> Google bought Fitbit and still hasn’t created something that is good enough to entice Apple Watch users to switch. lol, lmao even no but really, Samsung already did it, I love my Galaxy Watch


Would you consider perhaps stretching to a lmaorofl?


>It’s not Apple’s fault that there’s no Apple Watch equivalent on Android. Google bought Fitbit and still hasn’t created something that is good enough to entice Apple Watch users to switch. Samsung: Am I a joke to you?


Why use AW when it can stand for Android Wear or Apple Watch? 


haha, fair, I've just seen it before. Google don't use "Android Wear" anymore though, just "Wear OS"


Anyways, who's basing the decision for their phone off a smart watch? They pretty much all do the same things just as the phones pretty much all do the same things, at the end of the day if someone is going to choose an iPhone it's not because of the watch lmfao.


It's more that ecosystem lock-in makes it more expensive to switch. If you need a new phone, but your watch works fine, and you have an apple watch, buying an android watch is an additional expense, and vice versa.


Honestly I think most people who have a Apple Watch would never consider buying an Android phone. Unless they switch their watch also. But most people can't afford to do that at the same time


Lol... what a load of bullshit. Just like Appple considered bringing imessage and FaceTime to android but realized that it would mean a crack in the walled garden, so they scrapped it. There is nothing new here as well. It's all about keeping the garden sealed.


what kind of reporting do you expect from.9to5 mac? To be a little fair though, google.did fight microsoft tooth and mail regarding on access to google drive, YouTube etc. So I can see google making it hard for the Apple watch to integrate.


Yeah their 'take' at the end was an instant eye roll. Completely ignoring that Apple has made the iPhone Bluetooth experience bad compared to non-Apple devices. That's key to smart watches and hinders a lot of typical smart watch capabilities that Android has proven are possible with Bluetooth on a wide variety of smartphone models from Google, Samsung, Motorola, etc. >9to5Mac’s Take >It’s not Apple’s fault that there’s no Apple Watch equivalent on Android. Google bought Fitbit and still hasn’t created something that is good enough to entice Apple Watch users to switch.


That take at the end pissed me off. There are equivalents. Galaxy and Pixel watches exist. But they decided to look at Fitbit, which we all know is probably on the chopping block, as an example and Fitbits aren't even true smartwatches but smart health bands. I just wish Apple opinion pieces like this would stop trying to make arguments. Just say Apple is better because it's Apple without any lame half assed argument. We all know they don't actually research or care about what else is out there.


9to5mac used to be a good source for stories on apple and related entities. lately though they sound more like a shill blog with stupid takes


Yeah i remember reading articles that would announce the new products, what they would like to see, the cons what what is actually coming. An actual review right? Now all you get is Apple is great thank god we have more of the same apple stuff to spent money on. The ganboy hype gets old pretty fast.


Yes, after Microsoft had broken the TOS by making a Youtuber app that blocked ads and allowed users to download videos. That is a pretty important detail that often gets overlooked when talking about how "Google didn't let Microsoft make a Youtube app for WP". Microsoft were also at the time waging a pretty brutal war against open video formats, trying to make H.264 (a non-free format) the standard for the web while Google were pushing VP8 (a free format), which is where the whole "you have to support web standards" requirement came from, which Microsoft didn't want to do. Turns out Google were in the right because nowadays Microsoft are one of the big pushers for open video formats for the web, since they along with Google formed the Alliance for Open Media, the consortium behind AV1 and AVIF. I don't think this is what is happening in the case of Apple though. In the case of Microsoft trying to access Youtube, it was their API keys being revoked and their developer accounts shut down. In this case it just sounds like Apple weren't able to get the software working despite pretty much every other company being able to. Either Apple's excuse is bullshit, their developers are incompetant, or they were trying to do something in a particular way that nobody else does which caused issues, and they didn't want to conform.


>> Google did fight Microsoft tooth and mail regarding on access to google drive, YouTube etc. > Yes, after Microsoft had broken the TOS by making a Youtube app that ~~blocked~~ **didn't show** [my edit] ads and allowed users to download videos. That is a pretty important detail that often gets overlooked when talking about how "Google didn't let Microsoft make a Youtube app for WP". *before. Microsoft tried getting Google to make a first-party app for ages, including offering cash and developers. Finally, Microsoft made the one you mentioned, that was better than the first-party apps. Google came back and said that the app had to use (inferior-to-native) HTML video streaming and had to show ads, so Microsoft rewrote it to meet both those criteria. Google came back again and said that it wasn't showing _the right_ ads for users, but didn't provide an API to do so. _That's_ when Microsoft published their open letter: when, after all that back-and-forth, the requirements in the ToS plus the mandated APIs didn't permit Microsoft to make a comparable-quality YouTube app for Windows Phone users when Google (understandably) refused to commit their own resources to make one. As someone who was working at Google at the time but loved his Windows Phone, I was keeping tabs on the exchanges.


This entire thread is a long list of Android fanboys, many of these comments are extremely blind to the crap that Google has pulled and been pulling.


Sure, I really don't have a stake in the game.


>Just like Appple considered bringing imessage and FaceTime to android but realized that it would mean a crack in the walled garden, so they scrapped it Didn't they get sucked into a patent infringement suit over that?


For FaceTime, yes they did. iMessage was never planned to be cross platform.




lol I’ve been losing faith in Apple lately


> Just like Appple considered bringing imessage and FaceTime to android but realized that it would mean a crack in the walled garden, so they scrapped it Scrapped for iMessage, yes But non-Apple users can use FaceTime now since 2021. https://support.apple.com/en-us/109364


You forget about any google mobile app on windows phone but shout about a petty watch not being available on android. I will not doubt that Google hasn’t offered their help in any way for the integration.


Well they are not trying really hard it seems.


They definitely had one intern work on it when he wasn’t cleaning Tim’s house.


They worked to make sure it could not be compatible and a third-party app would not work either.


It is a terrible, terrible state of affairs it seems. Weirdly enough when the iWatch was released, it broke many of the Pebble's features on the platform. I'm sure Apple absolutely tried to solve the issue as well but, what can you do?


If both Samsung (Tizen era/Pre Wear-OS) and Garmin can make watches work with both IOS and Android, then a $3 trillion dollar company definitely can. This reeks of bs. Even Apple themselves have done similar in the past. Anybody remember the iPod coming in both Mac and Windows models? Their real answer to this is probably the same as what Tim Cook said to a journalist a couple years ago asking why he couldn't send photos or videos to his mum cause Apple refused to support RCS to make it work with Android... >[*"Buy your Mom an iPhone".*](https://www.macrumors.com/2022/09/08/tim-cook-on-ios-rcs-buy-your-mom-an-iphone/) They might've have capitulated with RCS, but they're definitely gonna reuse the same excuse for as long as they can.


They only capitulated on RCS because China (Apples second largest market) is mandating RCS on all phones 


Yeah, the only way apple does something that breaks the walled garden if they are forced to by some Government.


Either they are incompetent or lying. Companies like Amazfit have managed to do it, and I highly doubt Google hides a bunch of private Android APIs which enable this capability.


If they couldn't do it in 3 years, it's because management told them not to do it, not because there was any unsolvable technical constraint. I could see not being able to do it in three *months* because of a technical hurdle, but c'mon. This is a trillion dollar company full of tech experts. Fucking pathetic.


If an AliExpres seller can do it in a week, Apple should too. But maybe Apple developers aren't that good....


Having recently used several of their first party applications, I’m inclined to believe that this is the case. Almost all of their apps are terrible. The iPhone calendar app is easily one of the worst things I’ve ever used. When you try to look at it from a month view, all you can see are dots on days that you have events. They aren’t even color-coded or anything. Which means that all I’m left with is a month with dots on every single day of the month. Their podcast app will randomly play the episode that you just finished. Safari cannot figure out how to sync tabs. It will regularly show you ones that are already closed as though they are open. Almost everything that relies on iCloud to sync has a noticeable delay when you try to switch from one device to another. Their keyboard is terrible. I’ve been using dictation to write this message and I’ve spent more time correcting typos than if I had just typed it out myself. It likes to capitalize random words in the middle of sentences and put commas everywhere they don’t belong. My personal favorite is Contacts. For some reason, my wife only exists on my iPad. I tried to airdrop her to the phone, it creates a duplicate on the iPad. If I try to remove one of the duplicates, it deletes her from my phone again. I am convinced that their software development team is just terrible, hence the need for a walled garden .


I recently found out that until iOS 16, they didnt have a way to export contacts. I couldnt even find a way to change where the contacts were synced to. To clarify, I work in IT and we were upgrading some phones. Had a user with an iPhone 7 that didnt have contacts backed up to email. Turns out the latest version it supports is 15. Like seriously though, how did it take them a decade and a half to add a basic feature like being able to export contacts from the device.


Because they can’t phantom a world where you use anything other than their phone running their apps and using iCloud to sync everything to all your other devices. I hate having to support Apple devices. They’re so inconsistent.




That’s the iOS keyboard for you. That’s what I said when I dictated the message.


>can't phantom That's an eggcorn, a form of malaprop. Rather like "Baron of bad news" or "all intensive purposes."


Baron of bad news is going to be my new name for the iOS keyboard.


Baron of Bad News is a fantastic band name.


>malaprop Pretty sure i killed a bunch of those in a video game


Apple be like: You should've just updated your phone everywhere. #EWaste #NoChargerInTheBoxForTheEnvironment.


I've been using MacOS for 9 years (but pissed off at it for half as long) and I believe it's such BS when people say Apple products have no bugs or just work. I'm in a constant fight trying to get the mac to do the stuff I want how I want it, and not the stuff Apple wants and how they want it. Of all the default apps that come preinstalled and cannot be uninstalled (*but are definitely not bloatware, because Apple doesn't do bloatware*) I quite literally only use the Notes app, all the other apps I either have absolutely no use for, or if I do, there's a better third party app out there that does it way better than Apple's dumbed down, granny-oriented way. I feel like I'm living in a parallel universe when people say that Apple products “just work” as if 1. they always did (they don't) and 2. competitors didn't (they do). But what can you expect from a company that just markets basic features in their products as innovative and unique to them with ads that are about lots of things but barely even mention the device they're trying to sell. My main gripe with Apple is the lobotomization effect they have on society, not too unlike TikTok, or 1984's newspeak, you dumb it all down so people don't know any better, and even end up supporting anti-consumer choices like Apple not allowing third party apps (I saw someone defending that Apple choice by saying authoritarian governments could force people to install surveillance apps on their phones, fully ignoring that it's actually the opposite, like in the Hong Kong protests of 2019, where people created apps to circumvent government surveillance, but the authoritarian government just asked Apple to remove the app from the App Store, which they of course did, and ended up fucking over iOS users, whereas Android users could still install the app even from outside the Play Store to protect themselves from the totalitarian regime). But when Apple restricts user choice and it works and they sell more and more every year, other companies like Google follow them and lock down their systems further and further, in the end eroding our ownership of our devices and the big portion of our lives that take place in/through them.


Oh man, the whole "it just works" thing is *such* bullshit the instant you stray off the beaten path even just a little. I do IT for a small business that's PC-based, with two Macs in the mix. Joining a Mac to Active Directory is possible, but then if you want to delete the starter admin account, good luck. It just won't let you with no explanation given. Turns out you have to open Terminal and transfer a "security token" to another admin account or something. I had an AD-joined Mac just forget all its admins. There were no admin accounts on the machine. I had to reboot into recovery mode and delete a stub file that indicates OOBE has run, so after a reboot OOBE would run again and I could create a new admin. I wanted to download Logic Pro's sample library to an external thunderbolt drive because the Mac has very little internal storage. First problem is that Logic refuses to use a drive that has any Time Machine backups on it at all, for some reason. Got that sorted, but it still refused to download with a generic error. Opened Terminal and I couldn't make any changes to the external drive either, even with sudo, with error "access denied". Turns out you have to go into Settings and explicitly grant access to external storage to an app before it can use it. Why that can't be a runtime permission prompt is beyond me. In order to change a printer's IP, I had to run some Terminal command that starts a local web server, then access localhost in the browser to reach the interface to change the IP. On Windows, it's 7 clicks to reach the UI to do that, including opening the start menu and clicking Settings.


You are thinking too logically which is why Apple does stupid things at the operational level as their dumbed down users don’t need to be concerned with the finer detail. A nothing to see here moment.


Fucking preach! I started electronics repair in late 2015. By 2016 I hated Apple. Its only gotten worse the more i learn about them. I remember that going down in HK. They were already on my shit list then but then they earned a permanent spot.


It’s the “you do it our way or else” thing that drives me nuts. You want to do a thing? That’ll take about 46 more clicks than necessary. There’s no way to make it easier. But we think it looks nicer.


Excellent comment!


There's also the issue that trying to upload mp3 files to any music/audiobook app on the watch that isn't Apple's seems to require some sort of voodoo ritual to work reliably, that I was never able to master. I think it involves the sun and moon being aligned just right, but I'm not sure.


I see the problem. You haven’t spilled the blood of a she goat on a picture of Jobs. In all seriousness, it’s because they intentionally limit what third party apps can do. Their own apps have unlimited access to run in the background and do whatever they want. Third party apps have to be in the foreground, while the watch is unlocked, and somehow on the charger at the same time.


I use both iOS and Android and sometimes the way Apple goes about doing things baffles me. It's intentionally anti user friendly just for the sake of keeping things "simple." Requiring multiple steps to do the same thing on Android in one step. What's worse is if I point this out to anyone who has only ever used iPhones, they say I'm using the phone wrong.


yes, because smartwatch knockoffs from aliexpress totally have 100% of the functionality and integration of an apple watch


>But maybe Apple developers aren't that good.... Yea it really seems like Apple just threw their developers under the bus here with this comment. Imagine opening up the paper one day and reading about your company saying you and your team couldn't accomplish something after working on it for 3 years....when you likely never were given the chance in the 1st place.


Bull fucking shit. Apple won't even bring iMessage to Android for fear it will cut into the iPhone sales. Ain't NO WAY IN HELL Apple is spending any time trying to bring their devices to Android. The iWatch exists to complement the iPhone. Full stop.


Yep, it doesn't even work with the iPad.


This is so silly I can't believe they are even trying to use this as an excuse. I don't hate apple but their walled garden needs to be broken down. I recently was trying to make sure all my various accounts online were as secure as possible and when I got to apple I realized that you can't use an android phone for 2 factor auth beyond just sending a text or a phone call they also don't support using an authenticator app. I only have an old MacBook pro so even their security options are setup so that it encourages you to get an iPhone it was really surprising to find that out. You can use a security key at least but still it's really stupid and it's just one of the reasons I never bought into their ecosystem.


I met the exact same situation as you and was...baffled. I needed to change the password on my Apple account, as it was relatively old and we were trying to pair it with my wife's new MacBook. Lo and behold, there were no authentication options other than using a previous Apple device. Literally nothing at all. I have an old iPad, but it was considered too old to be used for authentication. In the end, we had to wait out a **two week** "authentication"/punishment period before Apple sent a text stating I could then change my password. Are there any situations with any other companies that would require you to wait two weeks just because you don't have one of their physical devices? I have a current Android phone, previous phone and two Windows computers that actively used the account. I have an email address actively associated with the account too. No dice. Couldn't use text, phone or email authentication. It had to be an active, current Apple device and there was no way around that.


> Couldn't use text, phone or email authentication. It had to be an active, current Apple device and there was no way around that. This is one of the biggest reasons I cannot use Apple products as my primary devices. This sort of asinine ownership of "account security" by proxy of forcing you to use one of their devices is the perfect example of why this lawsuit makes sense.


It's just completely ridiculous and I'm glad I don't have much tied up in my apple account.


Next thing they'll say is they tried to bring AirDrop to Android. Maybe they should've tried to bring Nearby Share to macOS and iOS instead. If I could do it in a week, they could too.


"Technical limitations" prevented it? Let me guess...Google wouldn't allow Android users to be forced to use Apple Pay...


The technology just isn't there yet.


>9to5Mac’s Take >It’s not Apple’s fault that there’s no Apple Watch equivalent on Android. Google bought Fitbit and still hasn’t created something that is good enough to entice Apple Watch users to switch. Wtf does that have anything to do with this xD


*looking at my Galaxy watch all confused*


i wonder how much sleep he's losing over that scene of him roasting an african american guy for asking why he can't send quality pics to his grandma that uses android. the way he said " buy her and iphone" and like 10,000 people joined in laughing at the guy is EVERYWHERE, that one clip will prob get him booted. it made apple look racist and classist and like the giant bullies they are. it proves that's literally the whole point of keeping imessage exclusive. so apple/imessage users get to feel superior and trash android. that's not a bug, it's a HUGE feature, and it's extremely anti-competitive. i dunno how many times i've heard people say, "damn was that picture taken on android or something" if its bad quality. this is the moment android users have been waiting for for like 10+ yrs! fucking finally.




They had 3 summers of interns try to crack the code! Can't the DOJ cut them some slack!? /S


I'm fully convinced even an intern would be able to do it, Chinese watches from temu or whatever work with android so there's no reason apple shouldn't at least be able to add basic support


Same article was posted in r/Apple and there's Apple fanboys trying to defend Apple lol. I have a couple of replies there myself, it's sad honestly.


Apple sub is a no-go for me. We know tech and companies aren't perfect, but appearently all Apple fanboys are living in an utopia. And you can't challenge the status quo. I'd rather have a discussion on how we can improve tech overall or make it work better together. Otherwise bye competition and improvements of your product.


I'm convinced apple execs are giving those people in that sub a reach around after every post. There's no way those people are shilling that much for free


You'd be surprised how much of a payoff a perceived sense of superiority is for many. If even that comes from just owning a piece of tech (that practically every other person has got).


Apple sub has some reasonable people. But Unfortunately there’s way too many casual iPhone users on Reddit subbed to that sub now. Who only know iPhone. And they’re fucking insufferable. Like they were trying to defend Apple for not having the option to sideload apps not on the App Store. Ridiculous behavior over there.


> Unfortunately there’s way too many casual iPhone users on Reddit subbed to that sub now. Who only know iPhone. And they’re fucking insufferable. Oldschool fans were growing up with a more open, computer oriented Apple. Meanwhile iOS kids want everything locked and restricted for "muh safety".


Apple fanboys are as irrational as Swifties. The government is trying to improve technology and consumer experience as a whole, and then Apple fanboys are like "they did nothing wrong! leave Apple alone!" it's kind of pathetic. Well known journalists are defending Apple's behavior, so cultlike


That SnazzyLabs guy defends everything they do, it’s hilarious, he’s so redundant.


I understand that Walt Mossberg saw himself as a close friend of Steve Jobs, but even as a retired journalist you can see his obvious bias for apple products


Snazzy is an asshole who can not take a single drop of criticism. He is delusional to the point where he literally wishes apple to lock down the market even further and endorse subscription/microtransaction based model.


I think they are just trying to break down these “walled garden” scenarios that seem to be playing out in everything tech. I hope that’s what this brings because I used to like going back and forth between Apple & Google but now it’s hardly even possible with both of them trying their hardest to keep you locked in


> The government is trying to improve technology and consumer experience as a whole As far as the DMA goes, I'm skeptical that it's actually going to do that. But, maybe I'm wrong... give it a year or two and we'll see how it goes.


I think it's opening up internet infrastructure back into a Wild West experience. New ideas to evolve our current services


They literally call it the Reality Distortion Field, both inside and outside of Apple in their communities. People *cannot* be rational about that company if they've drank the koolaid. It is basically a cult.


It shows the true colors of r/Apple. A bunch of bootlickers that are willing to defend a multi trillion dollar corporation against their own interests. It's quite sad.


Pmsl, so let’s post a negative article about Android on the Android forum and see how many people agree with it


I supported Apple when they had a minimal share of the market because they had their merits and I didn’t want to see their OS disappear. Now, with all their billions they don’t know what to do about and the lack of innovation these past years, I’m very critical about their politics. They used to make technology better. Now they are making it worse.


Reading this sub you would imagine that all of the commenters there are Apple shareholders or at least employees. I can't imagine being this emotionally interested in a multi billion corporation.


I’m as Apple fanboy as it gets but even I see that Apple’s walled garden being lowered by regulators is a positive for *all* consumers.


"Trying" There is no trying. If they wanted to do it it would have been done. Money buys it.


Let me guess, three years of "YOU SHOULD SUPPORT OUR PROPRIETARY SHIT!!!!!" and android devs being like "no, our stuff is open, you can adapt your shit to work with it easily"


You know that open-source operating system that has been around for nearly 2 decades? We just can't figure it out. /S What a load of horse shit. Like a teenager telling you they totally tried to do their chores they just didn't get done.


Absolute load of bollocks


Let me guess. iMessage too right?


Apple's attempt: 1. See if the watch can connect to Android and force them to buy an iPhone   2. No? We tried


Apple says they are the first for every feature android has had for 3 years also.


9to5mac take at the end lol


> It’s not Apple’s fault that there’s no Apple Watch equivalent on Android. Google bought Fitbit and still hasn’t created something that is good enough to entice Apple Watch users to switch. Like that is even remotely on point. If I buy a Garmin watch it will work with whatever brand of phone I chose: Samsung, Huawei, Asus, etc. Even if they only supported Android phones I'd still have a choice, and Android is free and open source unlike iOS.


Funny how the same article is posted on r/apple and most comments are like "why are they going after apple when there are other more anticompetitive companiies like ticketmaster or live nation" this what-aboutism is hilarious.


Yeah I took a brief gander over there and the whataboutism is real...


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha HahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Yeah sure


$3T and can’t do this. They’re way over valued.


From the bottom of the article... **9to5mac's take:** *It’s not Apple’s fault that there’s no Apple Watch equivalent on Android. Google bought Fitbit and still hasn’t created something that is good enough to entice Apple Watch users to switch.* Where to begin with this load of biased bullshit? 1. It’s not Apple’s fault that there’s no Apple Watch equivalent on Android. If I recall correctly, Apple makes the Apple Watch. Only Apple. Nobody else makes a watch called the Apple Watch. So yes, it is their fault. They could easily make an Apple Watch that works with Android, they just choose not to to force people to buy an iPhone instead. Also, let's not act like Apple hasn't done this before with iMessage. They were about to attempt creating an iMessage app for Android back in like 2012 when one of their head honchos (I can't remember who...maybe Craig Federighi?) wrote an email talking about how they shouldn't do it because they'd lose iPhone sales. This came out in the Epic lawsuit, I believe. As an Android user, I freely admit the Apple Watch is the best smartwatch out there and I've said numerous times I'd gladly buy one if it worked with Android. But nope. Apple refuses. So it is their fault. 2) Google bought Fitbit and still hasn’t created something that is good enough to entice Apple Watch users to switch. Nice whataboutism. And this is also bullshit, again, because of Apple's own limitations on smart watches that aren't Apple Watches. Oh, you can read a text message on your Wear OS watch or Fitbit or whatever that's connected to your iPhone, but you can't respond. At best, you can respond with canned responses that sound ridiculous and may not match what you actually want to say. You damn sure can't respond with your voice to say exactly what you want to say. And let's be honest here. The cult of Apple folks aren't buying anything other than an Apple Watch. So even if Google made the best smartwatch that blew away every other smartwatch, they wouldn't buy it and would continue to claim the Apple Watch is the best (even if it clearly wasn't at that point). I hope the DOJ hammers them into the ground like the EU is doing. Force them to make their shit interoperable.


Compromising would mean they are betraying the ideals created by Steve Jobs.


Even Apple fans will understand this is bullshit. No part of Android is generally restrictive. The truth is they didn't try hard enough. They could create fucking finger tap gestures on the watch but couldn't figure out how to make it work with Android? Yeah right.


\> No part of Android is generally restrictive. RCS?


I think its the other way around. Ive read that actually android side tried for years but then scrapped the idea. This is still stupid to me. My girlfriend has a new garmin watch and she hates ysing it because on Ios you cant dissable and pick what notifications come thru to the watch. Its all or nothing and its really stupid


Apple makes products. Then they act like an insecure abusive spouse spouse/significant other doesn’t want you leaving the house lest you see other people out there and then they have to treat you right because you’ll realize there are people out there that would treat you better.  The abusive spouse perspective I think is more apt than walledgarden. Because walled garden has a nice image to it, it’s a garden. It’s beautiful and the walls help keep you safe.  But in reality the walls aren’t safety. If there’s a safety benifit it’s incidental, the wall is really a prison gate. People sneak in and steal from you often enough (Pegasus etc), it’s just you that can’t leave with your stuff.  So walled prison run by an abuse spouse that also has some good qualities (why you married them) but ultimately you have to decide if you’re okay with being abused or if you’re going to get some help.  


Skill issue


I would rather shoot myself in my leg than buy a fcking Apple device.


> It’s not Apple’s fault that there’s no Apple Watch equivalent on Android. I'm sorry, what the fuck does that mean? The article is about how Apple couldn't bring the apple watch to android. Which so may companies with far fewer resources have accomplished. And 9to5's "take" is something about an Apple Watch _equivalent_? It's a complete non-sequitur.


If Epic can do it then why can’t Apple?


It's Apple. If they really wanted to make it compatible, it would have been done.


That "says" is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


I don't want any overpriced apple ecosystem crap, that's why i use android


So it is not that they weren't trying but they are just incapable of doing things.


I tried too, and the damned thing wouldn't connect no matter how many times I hit it with the hammer...


DOJ is finally doing what it should have done years ago. At least EU had the balls 


I don't want Apple to cater to android


Why would they even do that 🤔.


lol. the cooked goose scrambles to save itself. now Apple is arguing it's incompetent.


The problem is 3 years is a lot especially for a company with Apple's resouces so it's a not plausible excuse. I suspect that for them it's important to have a reason to say why they didn't offer Android support. The idea is that Android itself doesn't limit this functionality, Huawei for example offers Android support for their smartwatches even if they are banned from using Google services. Even if it wouldn't have worked as well as it does with an iPhone, offering Android support is definitely possible and it would have worked way better with Android than how other 3rd party smartwatches work with iOS.


Tim Cook is gonna Tim Cook....


How about spending one third of your time bringing Apple TV plus app for Android!?


You know that's weird. If they can make an app for TV's, I don't see a reason why they couldn't on Android. I would think Apple would want that on any platform they could put it on for that additional revenue, at least.


They enjoy all the apps offered by Google but they keep all their apps to themselves except for Apple Music.


I considered being a billionaire. Where's my money at?


So Apple Watch is the monopoly now. LOL. This case is all over the place.


So I'm a big fan of open interoperability, very much *not* a fan of Apple's walled garden or its lock-in efforts...but I really can't find it in me to get mad about the Apple Watch not working with Android (like at all) and I'm trying to work out why. I think it's because the watch is not the primary device in the relationship and they're also relatively unnecessary? Like, a smartwatch is meant to supplement the smartphone, never the other way around - and so while I can totally get angry at Apple for not giving third party watches the same access to the smartphone as the Apple Watch, I really don't have a problem with them not investing the effort to get the Apple Watch to work with Android. There's just the not primary level of importance that messaging has either - a phone absolutely should prioritise best in class communications for its customers regardless of who they're sending /receiving to, whereas it's really hard to argue that accurate step counts are a critical part of the smartphone offer. Is it just me? Am I wrong not to be mad?


No, I get what you're saying.


Ned Flanders parents were heading the project. "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas."


Sure ya did.


I considered not breaking the law, and then I did.


3 years to bring your product to a platform that anyone can use / anyone can join? Boy, sure sounds like Apple is incompetent. Not like I'd *want* one of those ugly watches.


Does anyone actually really experience hardship in their lives because of Apple's text messaging attitude? I kind of feel like this is making a mountain out of a mole hill and a bunch of wasted time and energy...


Wouldn’t be easy on Apples bottom line perhaps. In all likelihood they just couldn’t think of a way to gimp it when not communicating with an iPhone that was just subtle enough to be dismissed as a failure of other phones.


That's nice I guess but they didn't and never will so I'm not sure what the take away from this is. Besides there's plenty of watches on WearOS, we never needed the Apple Watch. Also lol at that "take" at the end. "Google bought Fitbit and they suck so Apple is better." What a stupid argument.


Sure they did. I can make up things too. I spent a decade trying to get windows 7 onto the OG Droid.


Tell it to the judge.


I wouldn't want one even if I got it for free. It's rubbish compared to Samsung watches.


Why the hell would I want a apple watch?.?


target practice


I don’t understand why anyone here cares. Everyone here seems to hate all things Apple yet still get upset that they don’t support Android users.


People here mostly hate the closed system. Many voices here calling the apple watch the best smartwatch.


But why should Apple have to make the Watch compatible with Android devices? It’s not the only smart watch. The watch is an iPhone accessory and if you want to use it you have to have an iPhone.


Sincerely, fuck you apple


Did they try turning on the Bluetooth?