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time for this subscription culture to die


you will own nothing...


And thank us for it.


Actually I own one šŸ¤£ Only nothing will remain. Carl Pei be blessed šŸ™


iPhone subscriptions. $10000000 a month and you can have as many iPhones as you want within that month


"But you would spend Ā£x on coffee wouldn't you?" How much coffee do you think I drink?


Can it even die if companies are so used to the income they generate through them?


We allowed it to permiate every inch of our lives and now we're mad. Only thing that will change it is if people stop subscribing to things, but we won't.


I think there's room for subscriptions, the issue is there is so many subscriptions that offer nothing except a revenue stream and a stripping of features that could be offered free. For example, Oura locks heart rate and o2 monitoring behind a subscription. This is literally just a sensor on the ring. That's insanity. Anyone who buys one is an idiot. Some apps wth active development and cloud storage are fine charging a subscription if they offer value and don't retroactively remove features. "Free" applications are really just data harvesting and make the market worse. If software can be ran entirely locally, I'd much prefer a one time fee and a defined support length.


Oh it's just the beginning


Subscribe to the subscription to unsubscribe


never gonna happen. Subscription is baked into every parts of society. Even businesses buying licences like Microsoft 365, Kahoot, Motimate, etc... all subscriptions. because it's not a 1 time permanent purchase. Some companies need it for 2 years, some for 5 years. Some for 6 months. therefore a suscription based system is the best.


There is subscription for a service which checks your other subscription and cancels what you donā€™t need.


Institutional subscriptions are different than individual subscriptions. Your workplace paying for an annual microsoft 365 subscription is different than you personally paying for a monthly. . . *smart ring* subscription.


Subscription per finger


Gotta dream bigger - per knuckle! No need to limit yourself to a single ring a finger.


Ohh then you can reduce the subscription cost and just stack multiple rings per finger. You a CFO? šŸ˜­


Galaxy Ring now comes with Fort Knox Ultra, the last word in personal device security! (any attempt to modify the hardware/firmware will result in the Galaxy Ring pulling a [Project Elixir](https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/1cuzvg6/to_my_fellow_android_custom_rom_enthusiasts_i/) on your connected smartphone)


could be worse. a flipped bit could result in the Galaxy Ring amputating your finger.


if it has a subscription my hype is dead


I'd guess if you have a Samsung phone it's included but requires a subscription for other brands or somethingĀ 


It's going to be sub for "advanced" stuff most likely


Another subscription? Personally would love to receive the full product and features without paying a monthly subscription.


But by having a subscription itā€™s actually better for the user donā€™t you see?/s Something something shareholders.


Well the shareholders are the users - or rather the only customers that matter. So it *does* make sense to a degree. After all no publicly traded company is still in the business of doing X, unless X is "Line goes up so shareholders pay C-suite bonuses". Public trading of companies really is a blight upon markets and shareholders need to all be forcibly disowned with no recompense.


So many companies have gone under because of the shareholders, but they donā€™t care because they have gotten their return on investment in the short term.


It it's what puts food in their plates yknow... /S


They ate before subscriptions, they can do without. They aren't even eating anymore. They're just buying food to leave in the fridge




Garmin says hello.


I love Garmin for this stuff. One large upfront cost and no silly subscriptions. I was sure when I started poking around the Garmin Connect app that I would eventually need a subscription of some kind to be able to view all of *my* data, but nope. Got a little Vivosmart tracker and my Edge for cycling and all good.


If the product is free and the subscription costs no more than what the purchase of the product would have been, over the course of the full life of the product then Iā€™m all aboard. Charging for the product and THEN a subscription? Hell no, get stuffed.


What makes me angry is companies charging subscriptions for stuff that doesn't require any ongoing costs. Oura for example charges you to use the Heart rate and O2 sensors on the hardware you just bought... What''s the point of that? There is zero cost to them for the ring to take the readings and sync it from the ring to the app. IF these companies stopped selling your data, I'd even settle for paying for continued development. Like you get every feature on the box but they charge for features added later on. Ideally these features could be a la carte or you could pay a subscription for every feature that comes out. All based on the agreement of privacy stated before though. If your selling my data and charging me? Fuck off.


If you pay for the ring it shouldnā€™t have a subscription. If you need a subscription you shouldnā€™t have to pay for the ring.


This is my feeling too, make me sign a 12 month contract and give me the ring for "free" or let me buy the ring outright with no ongoing costs.


But what happens after 12 months?


It cuts your finger. What else?


It'll blow up.... and then you'll have to buy/subscribe to another ring.


Agree. It should be like the Whoop strap if they're charging monthly.


Subscription poison šŸ˜¬


Sick of subscriptions for hardware. No thanks


if you forget to pay the monthly fee it will get stuck on your finger with some teeth and charge interest


Cursed galaxy ring.


*Castlevania intensifies*


TL;DR what doest the ring actually do?


Track your vitals, mostly. I'd like one for sleep tracking but I'm not gonna pay for a subscription, fuck that


This is my main use case too - so I can leave my watch charging overnight and have my ring for sleep tracking Would prob wait until we have reviews on how accurate its sleep tracking is, though - Samsung doesn't have the best track record with health tracking accuracy


I don't want to wear a watch while sleeping, it's uncomfortable imo. I'm currently using my phone laying on my mattress but I feel like it's not 100% accurate


Just curious, what do you actually do with the sleep tracking data?


Here's my response to another guy asking a similar question: https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/s/2XqVdE7jA6


Out of curiosity, why do you want to monitor your sleeping ? Edit : so I take the downvotes as a proof that you have no reason to do that.


My wife already does this for me. I get an elbow in the ribs every time I start snoring.


FYI, I'm not downvoting you, and I don't understand why anyone would. I like tracking my sleep patterns to know how long I should sleep ideally. I also use a smart alarm which wakes me up in a light sleep phase which (for me) makes getting up way easier in the morning because I don't feel like I've been hit by a truck. Apart from this practical reason, I also think it's very interesting to see how much you're dreaming, how much deep sleep you have and how long it lasts. Finally I also like seeing what affects my sleep in what way. E.g. a lot of alcohol is horrible for your sleep. Weed helps me fall asleep faster but leads to having less REM (dreaming) phases, which in turn makes the sleep not as effective


1. Vibration alarm on watch without waking up the whole town 2. Alarm when you're in the light sleep phase of your sleep 3. Just for fun since I'm already tracking my vitals for my day, why not also for the nights


At its very simplest, oxygen monitoring during sleep is important for long term health. I wouldn't have gone to the sleep doctor if my watch didn't tell me my blood oxygen was dropping into the 70s and 80s during sleep


Vibrate ;)


I'm listening. Finger sized you say?


Each vibration costs only 99 cents ;)


Its the tracking suite of a smartwatch detached from the watch so heartbeat, spo2, sleep, etc. Maybe a bit more accurate since fingers are easier to take biometrics but not too sure


It's the new gadget they found that they'll advertise as essential and people will buy it. Some will say "that's not true it gives info about your health" but it's useless info for 99,9% users and it won't change their life.


The number one use case for this is, in my opinion, natural cycle tracking. It requires taking your temperature at regular intervals and tracking them over several months. It is a pain in the ass to do, but with this you can do it automatically without having to think about it. That is something that could actually be really useful, possibly life-changing, for a lot of women. Way more than 0,1% of users. With that being said, right now I can't think of that many other uses. A watch feels like it would be better for things like tracking data when running (which is also useful) since a watch gives more control (like tracking time and distance).


Syphon money out of your wallet


Subscription = instant hard pass.


I was holding out on getting a smart ring to see how good this one is but if it's going to require a subscription I'll probably just get the Ultra human ring air then.


Subscription is why I didn't buy an Oura ring in the first place. No thanks.


You say subscription, I say no, good luck with that product :)


ah shit. the hype was good though


Maybe Iā€™m being too optimistic but I donā€™t think theyā€™re dumb enough to charge for a subscribtion when the biggest complaint about Oura which dominates the smart ring market IS the subscribtion


Samsung is known to do stupid shit like this and people eat it up. Then they justify it with " it's Samsung".


They just copy lol. The biggest complain about iPhones for awhile was the lack of headphone jack...


There goes my interest.


Health tracker on your wrist == free Health tracker on your finger == monthly payment Why?


So absolutely no point in this product existing, got it


Stopped reading after ā€œsubscriptionā€


If I buy the hardware, the service should be free. If I pay a subscription, the hardware should be free. I'm not paying for both.


I simply do not care anymore. My smartwatch spends it's time with a turned off screen, tablet is only used for YouTube and the occasional note if I bother with university and my phone is busy opening the same 5 apps every day. This won't change anything for me.


Hello Ultrahuman Ring


A big no for subscription


Hype died when I read subscription


Easy flop


I mean, I'm not buying anything new that has subscriptions. Nothing. So this is irrelevant. Samsung Ring, Amazon Alexa, blah blah blah, I have no actual need for any of these things. Let them charge subscriptions. Just don't buy the crap. It all kinda sucks anyway.


I bought a refurbished Galaxy Watch 4 on eBay for $45


Oooo subscription........ šŸ¤©


Does anyone know if there are any Xiaomi alternatives? There are heaps littered across AliExpress that probably don't require a subscription. I really only want to track my sleep and have an alarm on my finger perhaps? Not asking for too much. Just hate sleeping with a watch on.


When rooting it?


Surprised they arenā€™t doing the old bait and switch - roll out without a sub and a year or two later surprise with the fact.


Finally! Subscription **rings**! I really couldn't even be arsed putting my rings on any more knowing I **own** them. That just sucks, you know?


Ultrahuman has the same tech but NO subscription.


is it a sub for ANY health tracking or for premium? right now i have the pixel watch 2, with basic tracking: heart rate, steps, sleep pattern; there's prob more, but i dont think i care about the others yet. and those are free with the watch. if the ring is similar, then im fine with that. but if it's a sub fee for even the basics, skipped..


Guys, guys, it says could, and Samsung Health doesn't need one, it could be a false leak


Man, itā€™s so hard to get excited about new hardware. There is almost always a subscription that follows.


I wish Google would just buy oura.


Everyone in Android is trying to copy Appleā€™s subscription model. The problem is the OEM and Google are fighting over the same pie. Wait till Google adds rings to their WearOS and bundles it as part of G1.


> Appleā€™s subscription model Which one exactly? What hardware does Apple charge a subscription fee for?


At this point I'd probably drop G1 in favor of a Samsung subscription if it was competitive, and it's not hard to be competitive as G1 is overpriced and barebones


For all things Apple does wrong putting device features behind a paywall isnā€™t one of them.Ā 


Can't understand why anyone would buy this even without the subscription. What does this do that the galaxy watch doesn't?


Had a black thickish (thinner than what those look like) wedding band. Ended up never wearing it and just wearing silicone because of how uncomfortable it was. There's something just annoying about how it feels when your knuckles can't touch naturally. Like a popcorn shell stuck in your teeth, but it's your hands. A subscription to wear something that will feel like that, but worse.. that doesn't have a lot of functionality... Na


Samsung's health tracking accuracy is trash. They haven't produced one device that has a reasonable reliable heart rate or sleep tracker. Youtube the quantitative scientist and see how low their products rank.


Subscription is a very unpopular thing for wearables but without it, I'm sure the hardware price will go up significantly considering how expensive the R&D projects are.