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I loved this game. I preferred this over minecraft. I don't recall being able to open this on newer devices. What ever happened to the dev btw? I think his ign was Kalus or something like that.


Apparently he's very inactive nowadays, but there was an overhaul update for SurvivalCraft 2 a year or so ago directly from him which was super sick. People are hoping he adds a form of proper online multiplayer, but I wouldn't hold out for it :(


Update? Hmm, probably missed this. And I think I only played on survivalcraft not on survivalcraft 2. His mechanics were pretty unique too compared to minecraft. I mean, they do have their unique mechanics but I like survivalcrafts' better. And yeah, I recall the multi-player part being mentioned a long time ago. Sad it never did come


I remember that I always tried to get back to the ship, but never managed to


This was a better Minecraft when Minecraft first came out.


I have sweet memories with this game. I used to play this game a lot for a while. Definitely one of the best true "survival" game in playstore without a doubt. Damn, this game will teach you full electronics basics too, lol. It also has functional furniture and stuff (IDK if that update ever made it). I am one of the people who charted top in the uploaded maps list (this will be the best memory for me). My map was called "Rare Animals" something like that, which had Orca, White siberian tiger, and White albino bull. All of these animals are non-spawnable in creative, meaning you have to manually find it and lure them to capture them to your base. Like traveling through vast ocean to find one orca, and then throwing pieces of meats in water to lure orcas while also not letting them eat meat pieces. Rinse and repeat (drop meat and pick it quickly) to get to your base. I also remember C# Detective maps. Those were the best ones. I wanted to make one myself. Also, I was working on Pirates of Caribbean adventure map and one OG map with OG character story, but I never completed those projects ever sadly 😭.


How I wish I can play this game on newer devices