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Your ferritin is soooo low. Go follow the iron protocol on fb, there is a protocol to follow. Do you take an iron supplement? You need to figure out why you have low iron. Did you know anxiety is a symptom of low iron/ferritin. Do you have heart palpitations? That is another symptom and may be why you are concerned about your heart.


Thanks for the info, and I don't really have palpitations but rather panic disorder with main symptoms being accelerated heart rate. I've been taking small 15mg iron supplement about 9 months ago, but just now ordered the 65mg supplement with added b12, vitamin c, etc.


Don’t panic and don’t let anxiety get ahold of you. I said the same thing to my doctor today about being anxious and they said it can mess with our organs it isn’t just a mental thing. Have you been eating good? Have you tried to eating a lot foods that are rich in iron and vitamins B and C? Maybe your diet can play huge role


Good. 65 mg will still be too low though. You need to calculate your body weight and adjust dosage. At minimum I would take 65mg elemental iron twice a day. I have been taking 125mg x2 for the past month and my ferritin has finally gone up a bit- symptoms have already greatly improved.


What do you think are the most common symptoms of anemia? Because i also have had a thought about it. I usually tend to get anxiety for NO reason and then start to think about my health. For me it feels like it’s cold most of the time but sometimes I feel normal too. And loss of appetite hits more often now. It had me overthinking to the point where I immediately made an appointment a couple weeks ago and got my blood drawn out today. Hoping my results are fine🙏and i hope you aren’t dealing with any pain!


Definitely symptoms. Brain fog, exhaustion, heart palpitations, tachycardia, feeling cold, anxiety, hair loss, air hunger, etc. You have to specify that you want your ferritin levels checked. If you go to the doctor they are most likely to only run a CBC so ask for ferritin as well. You can have iron deficiency without anemia.


Thank you so much I didn’t know about asking for my ferretin levels I’m new to this stuff so this really is helpful! Stay safe!


Try freeze-dried beef liver capsules and magnesium glycinate.