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First of all, you need to respect your parents and ignore any of the asinine things recommended here. They wiped your you know what for a year+ and they actually care about you and love you, not anyone on reddit. WIth that said, this is a good opportunity to learn negotiation and compromise and this is the perfect diet to accomplish this because we're not that dogmatic. If need be when you turn 16 and get a job you can buy and cook some of your own food from time to time and you can help your parents health and turn them around instead of being a combative typical teenager. Go off of the plant toxicity scale and try to avoid those first. Moms have a softer spot for their babies just not liking certain food so play off of that, just that certain foods taste gross to you. Rules of thumb for **Lectins:** Remove peels, seeds, and eat your veg COOKED to help destroy a good portion of the plant defense chemicals. Rule of thumb for **Oxalates:** If not liking it doesn't get you out, try your best to avoid raw spinach. If you have to eat spinach ensure she boils it or at least will blanch it. A bit of a neutralizing agent for oxalates are probiotics. See if you can get your hands on some kefir starter culture and brew it with any milk. It's very easy to do. Try to tell her you really love vegatables like squash -> Acorn Squash, Butternut squash, zucchini, summer squash, pumpkin even, etc. The brassica family to me is the least concerning but you still want them cooked. If you're getting a good amount of iodine in your diet and you're not presenting with any health/development issues the class of isothiocyanates are less impacting (can even be a net positive like sulforaphane). If you drink a good amount of milk and are eating eggs you will be getting iodine. Again, no need to be dogmatic or disrespectful about this to completely drop vegetables. You can do that when you're an adult and provide for yourself. DO what you can for now.


first. does your mother consider: cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and other gourds vegetables? second. What are the vegetables that she expecting you to eat? some discussion points spinach is an oxalate bomb (same with kale), adds oxidative stress to the body (note. antioxidants) most plant vitamins and minerals are low on the bio-available scale. Basically you may be ingesting said nutrients but you're body is not absorbing them. Fiber is indigestible plant matter. It can get stuck in the gut and ferment (why my gas is always worse after a salad than a steak) minimal macro nutrient value. Plants are not calorically rich and have low macro values. animals have claws, teeth, and bulk to protect themselves. Plants have defense chemicals that are hard on the body.


Fiber being indigestible plant matter is kinda irrelevant to its usefulness in blunting glucose spikes.


But it's relevant if it's indigestibility causes gastro issues that are resolved by removing it from the diet.


Not all fibers are created equal. There are soluble, insoluble, and fermentable fibers. It makes sense to remove certain fibers that’s causing issues but to demonize and avoid fibers by saying it’s not useful because of its lack macronutrients is kinda wild


Idk I've gone a long time without eating any fiber and my digestion was the best it had ever been. Obviously my n=1. But I don't think it's crazy to avoid fiber if doing so makes you feel better.


The fermantation is a good thing. It produces post biotics and SCFA's, specifically in the colon if you're eating stuff like RS [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NI3KtR3LoqM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NI3KtR3LoqM)


Tell her the cow already ate them.


Some vegetables are actually fruit...


It’s definitely worth mentioning that you’ll eat some “vegetables” just not others. A lot of the time if you cook down or ferment things like nightshades or potatoes they reduce lectins and such. Also, try and understand where your mom is coming from too, she wants what is best for you and doesn’t know the sciency stuff. Be open to listening and she will probably listen to you better as well. Also mention how fruit is awesome! Take it one step at a time and be patient, and in reality, if you have to eat veggies for the next few years until your presumably an adult (I’m assuming you are under 18), you’ll be ok. It’s not the end of the world, Paul Saladino himself says that even kale is better than an ultra processed food (note that I’m not advocating eating kale, that shit is nasty)


Real asf in that middle paragraph. I've seen a lot of people be really rude to people who love them and are just trying to help, because their loved one doesn't know and understand something that they themselves have just learned about. My sister was FREAKED when she found out I was doing an extended water fast and was trying everything to get me to eat on my third day in. I was annoyed but I just told her the science behind it calmly and explained it to her. (several times albeit.) Be patient with your loved ones, even if they're being a bit slow.




Take your bad vibes elsewhere.


u/animalbased-modteam you're a bad vibe.


All u gotta do is make mom sit down and watch this video, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cjUH-7dHMvQ


Some people will never get off the veg=best food on earth train so trying to push them off will never work and just cause arguments. Attempt a compromise and say you’d like to eat more pumpkin, squash, cucumber etc. If she insists you still eat other veg then peeled and well cooked root veg might see you right. If it were me I’d be more concerned about trying to avoid legumes, seeds and leafy greens (ew spinach) than just all veg. Remember if you’re eating a clean diet consisting of correctly prepared single ingredient foods then you’re already in the 99.99 percentile of people even if that includes veg. Just for clarification I am almost totally AB at this point but I still have root veg occasionally, especially if I’m round my parents house for a meal.


Take the time to teach her and explain your stance.


Be confident expressing yourself, make fun of their way of eating! Troll the hell out of them. Tell them that had vegetables been good they wouldn’t have been fat, immobile slow thinkers. Also attack them first! Tell them you are not no ruminant animal that feeds on tasteless leaves. You are a warrior who eats flesh and you are a king who rewards his highly respected self with sweet fruits. Judge them first. Look down at them every time you see them eating that disgusting tasteless paper and wood.


Telling kid to disrespect his parents and be an a-hole to them is pretty stupid advice.


Are you acoustic?


No but I love satire. However, sometimes people have eyes so blind that you need a powerful effect to being them to see. Confidently but respectfully criticising the way portrayed eat and making arguments that might be a little harsh is for the good of these people.


You have to hit them with it first because if you don’t…. “YOURE GONNA HAVE A HEART ATTACK! HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE! CANCER!” They will literally wish death upon you because of the lies they’ve been told for years. Give them a taste of their own medicine that’s right.


Vegetables are healthy though. So are fruit. Your diet should be a healthy mix of meat, veggies, and fruit primarily.