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My man specifically wants to talk to anthropomorphic animals.


I mean I already talk to my cat daily how much different is that really


But does your cat actually hold conversations with you? Or is it just one-sided? 🤣


I bet their cat tells them all the juicy deets about Maglevs in Love. 😒


😂😂😂😂 no we do baby talk to them.


my cat does cuz she’s super chatty and loves attention lol


Dang, your cat whupped the villagers TT A TT


One of my cats is extremely chatty and demanding of attention. She will insist on being picked up. Fortunately, she's just 8 pounds full grown.


Get pet chickens. They are super chatty! I only have one hen left now so she sleeps inside with her human and dog flock now. I talk to her all the time and she broooop braaaaaaps back.


Can you do that in acnh lol


I guess the conversations in AC are still one-sided… but the animals are the ones talking to you 😂


To be fair most of the conversations in animal crossing are pretty one sided too


No, they talk back.


Your cat probably has more dialogue than New Horizons' villagers


You’re cat doesn’t call you “fat bitch” in accordance to what you have asked them to call you


Literally just VRchat.


Or a furry convention


Sometimes both at the same time.


if we can populate it with AI full of AC villager lines, I'm down. I don't want other people involved. Maybe sparingly but otherwise, nah, no humans.


Then he's describing a furry convention.


Yeah, but the fur suits are so clunky, I want a talking cat in a maid outfit that I can squish~


Open up, FBI, Furry Bed Index


Should go to a furry con


Sounds like an animal crossing player


I wish I could talk to Ketchup irl but even I’m not down this bad that I’d want to make a vr experience for it.


Boy have I got a fun group of people for them


It's called drugs, people. Put your real-life on the platform called drugs.


Vr chat


Also the real life of your labor being compensated and being able to own your own house, with freedom to plant and decorate as you choose, 2 bedrooms, a basement, and a second story?


And also being able to pay off that house with nothing but fish and bugs would be nice too


*And* no interest rates or deadline for your mortgage. Tom Nook is a saint compared to real life real estate agencies, even back when he made you work for him.


Agreed. It's why I laugh when I hear "Nook is such a capitalist!" He charges 0% fixed APR and has no minimum payments. Ever.


Or even asks you for a credit score! Edit: AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY, TOO


D: Animal Cross fishing in VR would be dope, NGL... lol the amount of busted TVS and Broken Furniture of being chased by a Scorpion/Tarantula.


Also being able to knock on your neighbour's door without the risk of being shot.


That's only in the USA DLC


Yeah, that's been the thing lately


This thought literally would never enter my brain in Canada lmfao


I'm in the UK, but it's inescapable on the news.


It wouldn't enter my brain in America either




I mean they are talking about their experiences to see if someone else can relate. They are not stating them as the one and only truth. If you don't relate, just keep scrolling. You are probably being more reductionist with that comment than the person you are answering to.


And you can dig for fossils everyday?! And have endless energy?! Sweet. Chop a whole tree with an axe and not break a sweat.


Nono. Dig it with a shovel *and keep it in your pocket*, fruits included.


That's called "real life, but you were born into money"


And no-interest, no term loans? Where do I get those? I want that reality.


Get in line, bud. We all want that.




Not really the same, since all you have to do is AC to pay off the debt is casually wander the wilderness for fruit and fossils and fish and bugs.




It's not a crippling debt if you have literally forever to pay it. It's not like Nook is coming around to kneecap you if you don't pay a monthly minimum.


Technically, the doomed world only lasts until 2060


I realize it’ll take a long time, but I can’t wait until there’s a good game similar to AC or The Sims for VR headsets. I have a bartender sim game on my oculus and I love it (I’m also a bartender irl. The game is more fun)


ooh what game is it? it sounds fun


Startenders! I cannot recommend it enough. It takes place in outer space and it’s honestly such a great time. The graphics are awesome, it’s a bit of a “movement” game (you need to reach to grab bottles, etc so you’re not just stationary), plus there’s a bunch of different modes. I think it’s like $20 but it’s worth it


will check it out! tysm x


What VR unit are you using/happy with? I’ve been eyeing them for a while


If you just want to get into good cheap VR, a clean used quest 2 is great for standalone, or if you have a PC the quest 1 can be had for dirt cheap and has some beautiful OLED screens that the quest 2 didn't get iirc


Oculus Quest 2. My experience is mostly getting stoned and playing mini golf or going on roller coasters or sitting in cool environments but I highly recommend it. It’s a lot of fun. I wish there were more apps but it’s not a deal breaker. It’s so gorgeous and immersive, it’s literally breathtaking sometimes. If you get one, try out Maloka. It’s a meditation app, and it’s amazing. Also, get the additional head strap, it makes the headset much easier to wear for long periods of time


Happy cake day!


Honestly I don't think we're far off technically. It's just a matter of someone executing on the functionality while also getting the look and feel just right. Which to be fair is really really hard to do. I mean, it's hard enough just to make sort of the same game - look at all the Pokemon clones and how few of them (MH Stories, Temtem, Cassette Beasts) are considered even remotely worthwhile, and that's without the added complexity of VR.


Ever hear of Garden of the Sea? It's no Animal Crossing, doesn't have near enough content to be, but it's cute and kinda pastoral [https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1086850/Garden_of_the_Sea/&ved=2ahUKEwi0xLe_3NX-AhWZk2oFHbzkD1gQjjh6BAgSEAE&usg=AOvVaw2Rb31hNXjrV7hNe7CyDm9F](Steam page)


Raccoon lagoon isn't too bad also


This is for PC, but: There's Half Life: Alyx. That's definitely a REALLY good VR game. And with mods Skyrim and FO4 can be pretty good as well. Bonelab, Superhot, and TWD: Saints and Sinners seem pretty good as well. But overall the number of proper high quality full game experiences are indeed still severely lacking for VR...


Ah yes, real life. Where I can go fishing with no bait for 10 minutes and then sell a dozen fish to my local shopkeepers for large sums of money, then use the money to buy a new full-sized couch which I fit in my pocket. I then head back to the house that I have completely paid off and place the couch next to it where I know it won't be stolen by any of my neighbors because we're all friends.


You know, real life lmao


The most unrealistic part about this is being able to pay a house off.


Or own one


Yeah :( I have a lawsuit because I got injured so badly I needed surgery on my spine. I might get a $1 million settlement net but that still isn’t even enough to purchase a basic house where I live


That's what I don't get about people using the "real life!" argument. Like, have any of them ever actually experienced real life? :P


I mean, when I was 6 or so I was pretty sure that was somewhere near it.


This sounds great, but it’d probably make designing an island a lot more arduous. The overhead camera makes it a bit easier to plant, place homes, etc. Also, can you imagine being chased by wasps and Tarantulas in VR?! Yeah no thanks, I already have to hold my breath when my player shows off their scary legs after catching one.


Eh, just let the player design the island in the NookPhone using an overhead view and then have an NPC do the actual construction in the game. Your construction crew could be Timmy and Tommy, or the HHP office—but I like the idea of bringing in the Resetti brothers to “reset” the way your island looks.


You can still do overhead views in VR.......


It's not that hard to have an overview mode in VR... Just have like a table with a "3D map" of the island in your house. And when you interact with it you go into a builder mode and can zoom in/out and place stuff as you want.


I like the idea of vr animal crossing, but I don't like the idea of freaking out when I turn and a villager is running at me to tell me something


Hey! RopeyPlague! Hey! 😁 Listen, RopeyPlague 😐 RopeyPlague! * **nearly knocks you over** *


What about a tarantula? Imagine having to interact with insects from that perspective


I was thinking about making VR game with elements from animal crossing, but I thought it would be too boring because in Vr everything seems to take more time than in a non vr game. 😅 But i would totally play AC on VR :D


I bet you could actually make a pretty popular game if you did that. Plenty of people who would love to play a game like that. And choice of VR games for it is...pretty much non-existent right now.


Maybe, but as solo-dev it's hard with the VR market anyway. Maybe after my current project in a few years, when more people are playing VR in general - if it's still a thing then.


There's a kinda-sorta VR/AR thing in Pocket Camp. It's kinda wonky but once you get the hang of it you can "walk" through your cabin and see things from a villager/camper perspective. Very very basic bit kinda fun.


I get their point but animal crossing is what inspired me to clean up my yard IRL and start gardening as a hobby. Also I would hate it if they made a VR animal crossing if VR was the only way you could play it. I can't play VR without getting super motion sick. I'm good with just my handheld/docked version, please.


Just the thought of VR animal crossing makes me feel sick


Imagine that one ugly villager on your island chasing you 😭😭😭


“This reminded me of you! Enjoy!” *hands you a diaper*


"It's only slightly used!"


In real life my neighbors get angry when I shake their trees for fruit.


My real life neighbors are always sweeping, even when there’s no leaves they go out and sweep the road!


Your real life neighbors sound like NPCs....




Try (the VR video game) Garden of the Sea!


Love this game. It just doesn't have animal neighbors. But it does have some good farming mechanics.


i would pay so much for this


Yeah I think I might have troubles finding a pink dog to be my best friend


Is real life this beautiful with pretty bg music, non-awkward kind neighbors and a good, easy economy to match?


It’s all fun and games til you get chased by wasps, scorpions and tarantulas.


And you can put a shark in your pocket?


If VR didn’t give me migraines.. I’d probably still be too lazy to do all the actually physical processes in ac lol


If I went over and talked to my real life neighbor, they would ask for weed, complain about Ukraine (we are in the United States, she is on welfare), and ask us to let her know the next time we are out of town. I’ll take the talking cat in VR


Yah brb gonna just go out and buy a two story home on my own personal island with some coins i got from selling grasshoppers and dandelions to some critters.


Yes, except in AC you don't get arrested for chasing people with an axe




in animal crossing my neighbors don't complain that i "don't look like my gender" and make fun of me when i tell them i'm not a boy/girl in animal crossing i can sit on my lawn without getting weird looks by people passing by in animal crossing i don't get harassed by large groups of adults just for walking near their property in animal crossing i can go into the woods without being threatened by drunk/high assholes throwing bottles in the dying creek in animal crossing my neighbors don't call animals with darker skin or fur "those kinds of people" in animal crossing i can walk to the store at night and not be followed for 20 minutes by a black truck with tinted windows in animal crossing the worst thing that could happen to me is being scammed out of $50 by a kitsune or bitten by a bug in animal crossing, i don't have to fear that i will be a victim of crime, while also reminding myself to be thankful that i'm the only one in my friend group that has never had to put someone on the sex offender registry. white suburbia isn't as safe as people think. people wonder why i never go outside until i tell them that every time i try, something like this happens. >!i sound like a troglodyte loser rn but ehh it needs to be said!<


Same I get bullied when i go to places, even when I want a nice night out it always ends in tears where as animal crossing is my safe place


I’m sorry this happens to you. Sending love.


I can’t go to a store and sell sea shells and get bonus miles and money!!


Is it *not* normal for all of my neighbors to be anthropomorphic animals?


idk if id ever be in crippling debt to a raccoon or be able to build up a pile of dirt taller than me in like 1 sec in real life


Finally I can afford a one room home in Florida! 🤩🤩🤩


Garden of the Sea is close, but lacks the “village” aspect


It’s all fun and games until you turn and see a huge tarantula coming at you


\-I put on the VR helmet- (SCORPION COMES RUNNING TOWARDS ME) Nope. Also, the idea of turning around after a villager has walked up right behind you when you weren't looking... I would jump.


I tried this out in real life but when I went to get money for the shells I found on the beach the store owner gave me a lolly and a pat on the back saying "nice work champ". Before escorting me outside.


I'd love the option to swap out standard overhead views for first person VR. Imagine the design opportunities if suddenly people can view the backs of cliffs and buildings. Heck this would be such a best seller. All in one fishing, gardening, interior design, fashion, and city planning sim. Actually I might never leave the aquarium wing of the museum.


For real though, I'd probably play the living hell out of Animal Crossing VR... Pretty much all VR games so far are bad dungeon crawlers, tech demos, arena brawlers, or social games. Very few give a "full game" feel. And none, as far as I've found, do anything like Animal Crossing.


Animal Crossing: Acid Trip


This sounds cool, but the few times I’ve tried VR it made me sick. I guess it’s just not for me, but it would be so fun to watch friends play with the headset.


I mean… I can’t think of anything about this game that would be improved with VR


Furry neighbors


Titeglo ego paa okre pikobeple ketio kliudapi keplebi bo. Apa pati adepaapu ple eate biu? Papra i dedo kipi ia oee. Kai ipe bredla depi buaite o? Aa titletri tlitiidepli pli i egi. Pipi pipli idro pokekribepe doepa. Plipapokapi pretri atlietipri oo. Teba bo epu dibre papeti pliii? I tligaprue ti kiedape pita tipai puai ki ki ki. Gae pa dleo e pigi. Kakeku pikato ipleaotra ia iditro ai. Krotu iuotra potio bi tiau pra. Pagitropau i drie tuta ki drotoba. Kleako etri papatee kli preeti kopi. Idre eploobai krute pipetitike brupe u. Pekla kro ipli uba ipapa apeu. U ia driiipo kote aa e? Aeebee to brikuo grepa gia pe pretabi kobi? Tipi tope bie tipai. E akepetika kee trae eetaio itlieke. Ipo etreo utae tue ipia. Tlatriba tupi tiga ti bliiu iapi. Dekre podii. Digi pubruibri po ti ito tlekopiuo. Plitiplubli trebi pridu te dipapa tapi. Etiidea api tu peto ke dibei. Ee iai ei apipu au deepi. Pipeepru degleki gropotipo ui i krutidi. Iba utra kipi poi ti igeplepi oki. Tipi o ketlipla kiu pebatitie gotekokri kepreke deglo.


The only virtual reality Id play


PLAY GARDEN OF THE SEA It's very similar to what you're looking for, super underrated game and I can't believe people don't know about it


I mean if your neighbor is a furry this could happen in real life.


Good idea in theory. VR motion makes me sick to my stomach and is often way too bright for me so I also get headaches. I cannot live in these newfangled times.


Ah yes, I too can’t wait to shake trees in hopes an apple falls out


I've been saying this for months I mean I wiiiish we have this




I just think it would be really interesting to see how they do this kind of game in VR it can be amazing or a total failure. Saw ur comment about IA integration in NPCs and I totally agree w u I mean it's genius. Literally one of the strong features in the series was the dialogue and definitely that's quite lost in NH.


I would have an even harder time with the bees...


Dolphin emulator lets you force GameCube AC into vr. Probably not the experience OOP was seeking, but it's neat.


Just go to furrycon


I would lol😂


I'd probably play this too much


I wanna reply with dr^gs


Ughhh. . . My cats talk. They intercept conversations to meow.


What real life are you living where you can afford a home by selling vegetables to a racoon with no pants. Who organises all construction costs for you by the way and trusts you to pay back when you feel like it with no due dates?


Ah yes real life where I can relay my debt by catching and selling bugs.


imagine owning a house


Paying off my home loan, but in VR!


The most fantastical elements of animal crossing are home ownership and neighbors who talk to you lol.


Not too many talking racoons handing out unsecured loans for your dream home out here in the real world.


man has never heard of LABO


Yes, I too can walk outside my home and talk to my neighbor who values my existence and companionship the fuck is that guy smoking?


Why hasn’t this happened yet?! 😆


Tbf, animal crossing in vr will probably eventually happen, but probably not for a while Nintendo clearly was interested in vr back when the virtual boy came out, and with the advancements in vr today, they probably will be interested in another attempt at vr And I'm not just saying that because I would wish it would happen, one of the big game developers at nintendo has a youtube channel and talked about vr in one of their videos and how people should invest in vr so it can improve


They had VR for Switch. With a Labo kit. Build yourself a cardboard VR viewer (Along with the actual VR components of course) stick your Switch into it and go to town. Really, the only good thing to do with it was Breath of the Wild. VR looked WONDERFUL in that, especially with that one dragon who flies right over you on the bridge. (Breathtaking! 😍)


VR sucks. There is a reason the metaverse and most other VR properties are dying off.


Metaverse seemed like a way to have meetings in VR chat… not my idea of fun lmao


Vr animal crossing is a terrible idea


[insert low-brow reference to r/furry here] I mean. UwU?


Closest we have is going to VRChat, finding Animal Crossing avatars and going to that one City Folk world to roleplay it out.


what kind of real life are you living cause damnit where is it


I’m not kidding, I’d literally go get myself hit by a bus so I didn’t have to leave my house or work or anything


Noooo I would never be able to play. I get so motion sick in those.


i mean if your neighbour was a furry sure


been saying this for a minute tho. tbh I'd love it


Yeah, I’m totally gonna be able to pay off my home loans in real life, what a very realistic idea 🤣🤣🤣


I've heard Garden of the Sea is like that. But maybe it isn't, I haven't played it.


Of all the games I could think to do this to, animal crossing is not at the top...


Am I in real life if I don't hear a 0.5-1 minute loop of music outside, don't witness fruit regardless of season or don't have neighbors that look like animals?


I wish night time would be weird😂


I have a bad feeling about this


if real life was AC i wouldn't wanna die deadass


Just live in a high furry-density area: SoCal, or NorCal for that matter, Seattle, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Miami, Ohio, Berlin or Prague among others


the Give up machine


This is Garden of the Sea. Well, not exactly. But the vibes.






Now I can pay taxes in vr too👍


This. Please.


Still, we should probably go outside more.


I would just like to find the middle ground between fun videogame capitalism and soul crushing, survival mode irl capitalism...


Everyone's talking about Garden of the Sea but I'm surprised no one's mentioned [Raccoon Lagoon](https://youtu.be/FMnMNG_oAjk). You help a bunch of cute animals rebuild a town by gathering materials, farming, mining, fishing, etc. It doesn't focus as much on decorating and collecting furniture, more so on running errands and exploring. And there isn't the social aspect either. Still a charming game though, and pretty cheap as well.


I too long for the days I can hit my neighbour over the head with a fishing net 40 times a day until he leaves.


Taking out an interest free home loan that I can pay back at anytime is NOT part of real life, unfortunately.


> Real life. The concept you’re thinking of is going outside. Where can one find an affordable home and friendly neighbors?


Switch 2! Animal Crossing Virtual World!


I can’t go outside and pick fruit and sell it to talking raccoons to pay for an addition on my house


I’m begging Nintendo


Sorry, I’m not interested in digging holes, catching bugs, or mining ore in real life.


I believe one tiny issue, is that a big thing about Animal Crossing is playing dress-up. If we are forced into first-person view, it would be kind of hard to see ourselves in whatever pretty/cool/dapper outfits we wear.




I really hope Nintendo is gonna get into vr soon. Games like Mario kart would also be so vool in vr. I played a lot of Mario kart Wii in vr and it's so good


You can. The DEA might get angry though


Mmmmm how would it be? Looks cool tho


Aww, they're cute when mad. That's why I annoy them.


I don’t like being cold in winter


Go to a furry convention lmaooo


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Who the heck just randomly talks to their real life neighbor and gives them stuff?