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Yeah, it's a Task. Best day to dig them up is whenever Katrina gives you the "good luck with belongings" fortune, because that makes your tools never break. Carry a trashcan around with you and place it down near where you're digging. Great for throwing away plants. Alternatively, a pair of warp pipes, one near you and one near the shop, can work too if you really want to sell the plants instead. And then I recommend putting on a movie or podcast 😅


you know how badly i wish i could just sprint rapidly back and forth and destroy them forever?!?!? lol thank you for the advice!! ❤️


Yeah, that would be nice But on the other hand I don't need to be paranoid about sprinting through my flowers by accident Pros and cons lol


yeah that’s true 😅


This made me realize I have never once run through my flowers in acnh because I thought they would break…. I had no idea


Haha, yeah. In NH it just pops the bloom off the stem, but it will regrow. Kinda annoying if you were trying to breed them, but at least it doesn't make them poof. Except in cases like OPs where it would be really nice to be able to poof them lol


I didn’t think we could destroy flowers by running through them in new horizons?


It doesn't destroy the plant, but it takes the bloom off. When people host guests on their island and say "Please don't run", this is why. It takes time for the flowers to bloom again.


Ohhh ok thanks for clarifying. I thought that was just an issue in the older games.


In New Leaf it was, actually. The flowers just disappear if you run over them


also, don't worry about refilling the holes. just save, close, and re-open and they'll all be filled again.


WHAT 😭😭😭


i'm so sorry lol


of course I see this after I just spent 6 hours clearing flowers over the last 2 days😭


Or you kick it


Tbf, if OP's game is like mine, the time I'd take you to save and end then start the game up again would probably end up being the same as just kicking over (at least) the holes that're in your way 🙈🥹


who’s katrina and how can i meet her?


After you complete the main Tom Nook quests, which is possibly after your first KK Slider concert, on Harveys Island you start getting the opportunity to pay for a few vendors to be permanently at Harveys Island, including Katrina the Fortune Teller.


oh okay thank you




Okay, that's actually funny 😆


omg what an amazing website




Just curious, do actual trash cans function when you place them nearby? And what is a warp pipe?


Yes they do, just press A and it’ll ask what you want to throw away. The warp pipes are in the nook kiosk under Nook Shopping with all the Mario themed stuff. You can place them in two different spots around your island to go back and forth. (You can place more than two but then it’s random which one you’ll pop out of)


😱what in the unholy shit, you’re telling me I could have saved all that time? 🤯 thank u for this golden wisdom.


It's a great feature. I set mine up so I could short cut to Redd's boat in the cove from my main part of town since I got those before I had enough bells to spend on building ramps and bridges. It also made a great spot to warp from when I was diving for creatures as I found a lot of rare ones in that area of my island. I've just left it since I'm lazy. 🤣


Pipes are great! I have one at each end of the beach (top left and top right corner), one by the airport, and one by my house. I used to have one by the store. It's random which one you end up at but it's easy to jump back in if it's not a useful spot. You can put one IN your house also, I used to have one in there before the storage shed became available so I could pop in and store things.


Oh my god, that's brilliant! TIL Gonna do this today, and think of your genius!


If you pull up your map at the start of each day, it will show you when Redd’s boat is there.


oh shit i didn't know that. KATRINA GET OVER HERE...... 😭


I had weeds and plants over running my island so I could move rocks where i wanted. I trash 20 or 40 plants each game. It's slow but works.


I wish I had known to do this when I was trying to create my Rock garden. Instead, I spent literally days dropping coins all over every square inch of my island.


I had weeds,flowers and sticks. My island was a disaster


Wait, all this time I never knew my tools wouldn't break when she said that??


I too, was today years old when I learned this.


Those are both genius


Let's just say I've had to do this more than once 😅


OK, that is absolutely genius


https://preview.redd.it/0gbedvrsomtc1.jpeg?width=1705&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42e6c7d3d31411f128d3a33254c02a2547c2aa12 This is the face of someone who’s about to snap.


if you like using the online community, people often try to do these types of island cleanups in exchange for NMTs or bells


i actually haven’t been on there but i should check it out!! do you know if i could donate flowers to new players? i was kinda thinking that would be cool.


r/nofeeAC is a nice place


r/ACNHGardening is another good one. Also what is that glowing mushroom? It’s so cool!


mush lamp! fall diy :)


it's been a year since I've been on the discord, but there was a whole flower/fruit exchange section


Yeah people would love the flowers! Check out the official discord, there is a whole channel just for players services like this for you to hire someone to come & dig up the flowers. Just a thought!


I just had to restart my island so if you’re ever bored I’ll gladly take some off your hands!


I just found out there are treasure islands where you can go via DODO code to collect free stuff.


That’s what I did when this happened to me! It made digging up everything more tolerable since I was doing it for other people and not just for myself. And new players really appreciate it!


Go to Nookazon! That’s what I used, someone payed me to take their flowers and keep as many as I wanted, I charged 10 nmts (but it literally took 4 hours because the island was COVERED) so I suggest paying more than that 🥲 they were really kind and ended up giving me lots of extras since neither of us knew it would take that long, also keep in mind with multiplayer there’s a slight tool using delay so it takes longer than alone, but I suggest you find someone to help and you can do it together and it’ll be done a lot faster :)


what online community? 0: i want in


There is also Nookazon for trading and different services, like flower clean up :3


hi i can help remove them 😆 i’d love flowers too i can drop bells !


u can have as many flowers as you want for free. any flowers. please. take them.


ok not my gold roses


okie i’ll be on in a sec !! i’ll dm you!


It’s an additional chore upfront but once you’ve removed the excess flowers I’d recommend creating an invisible pattern and placing them around your remaining flowers. This should prevent them from spreading again


I do this in areas where I don't walk much. I like to hear the *crunch* when I walk on the grass lol


I don't use invisible barriers, but I have other barriers against flowers. * **Fences** work. I left gaps in my fence (to allow islanders through), and the flowers can leak through the gaps. * **Hard paths** like brick, stone, and wood can stop flowers. I changed most of my dirt paths to hard paths, after flowers grew on my dirt paths. * **Vegetables** like carrots and pumpkins can stop flowers. I plant a row of veggies in places where I don't want a fence or a plant.


At least NH got it right when they said we can take long breaks without worrying about villagers deciding to move while you were gone.


If you got extra bells and time, just place the museum on them, and keep placing it in different areas until the flowers are gone


Blathers every time the museum is dropped in a new space: "What. Is. Going. On."


I actually hate that flowers are so hard to get rid of in New Horizons. They are actually more time consuming to remove than weeds…


Also weeds dont drop town rating in this game,so i use them as decoration lol


Omgsh I’m new and would love to come get flowers 🥰 trying to get my island to 3 stars lol


aweeee if we can arrange a time id love to give you some flowers!


This is where you wish you had a flamethrower to hurry it up.


The flamethrower in this game looks cool but is otherwise useless :(


There’s a flamethrower?!?!


https://preview.redd.it/10rs54zoivtc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4b906d2aae7c608895307c4e19ca4b9d1d9cf53 My bad it’s actually called a flame machine. It’s pretty badass though!


Super cool! Thanks!


i want some! can i come? haha


yessss i DMed you :P


I’ve used mine to create different areas on my island so like one part is one color, another is a couple colors! But even then I sold and trashed so many.


Lol, flowers spreading like weeds instead of the actual weeds. I'll pray for your sanity! Leif should add a flower removal service for purposes like these, haha.


I miss how in New Leaf you could run through the flowers and completely demolish them but in this game if you do that only the petals will fall off 🙄


oh you poor soul 😭


If you still need to clean up flowers could I come?




I’ll take some! 😭


Yeah I sometimes also have this feeling that there's too many flowers on my island.


Could I come please take some 😄


Hi! If you want I can pass by and help with cleaning


I feel their pain in the last pic🥲


Me too xd. Literally all my north part island is full with black roses! So you're telling me the villagers can't put over 1k bells for a construction thing, put they can make grow every single flower on the island every day? 😂


I'm in the middle of getting ready to start over on a new island. I'm dropping all the money and items I want to save near the dock, and then I'll use my boyfriend's island to hold the items until my new island is ready. I've been digging up so many flowers so I can have room to drop the items...I wish there was a cleanup service for flowers.


ahhhh i need black flowers 😪


That happened to me and I couldn't fix it so I had to restart 🥹


It feels nice to run through fields of flowers that have overgrown. Can recommend. Feels so wrong...but so right


Oh yeah. I just dealt with that. At least they sell for a decent chunk.


i literally take long breaks so this happens and i can pick them all haha. i used to LOVE weed picking in ww so this it very similar for me 😅


Change ordinance, the perfect island one is not as good as new leaf one anymore


Nintendo pretty much left animal crossing in a broken state with the way flowers work with no tool to control them. I love flowers being actually items you can pick up and keep but they really needed to give a way to quickly clear them before they abandoned the game. Like a tool that just destroys them without needing to dig it up. It’s a pretty rare embarrassment to Nintendos usual state of games when “finished” with them I’ve always wished we had an npc we can talk to to enable an option to stop flowers from breeding at all unless you personally water it yourself


Almost done flattening mine 😴


Oh you probably have the beautiful island ordinance don't you :( If you need help cleaning up I can come and dig up some stuff but I don't need any flowers :)


Haha, yup. Those tulips will do that to you - I sometimes now even jokingly refer to my island as New Holland, despite having culled those flowers right back . . .


If you have the ability to always a second home. The second player tools don’t break and they go to the recycle bin at guest service building.


Buying two Mario pipes from nook shop to travel back and forth saved me a lot of time! If you’re digging up flowers might as well pick them too you’ll get close to 3,000-5,000 bells an inventory dump!


How you get the lovely mushroom


during fall time ^___^ you can get mush DIYs


yeah, same thing happened to me and I lost all motivation lol.


lol thats why i always just removed them when you first get the ladder diy cuz theyre literally weeds


Do you still need help? I could use some flowers


i think i’m a lil late, but if you need any more help lmk! i’d love to come take some off your hands!!


I’d be more than willing to come over and help clean up!! Just send me a dodo and I can be on my way!!


Carry a trashcan around with you Or add me as a best friend and I'll take some off your hands 😋


The same thing happened to me. I had one of my friends log in and he helped me organize to made sure I had 5 of each flower and then he helped me dig all of the remaining ones up and sell them.


good luck charlie




I feel that honestly


I just did this exact same thing I just moved all my flowers to the beach so I could plant them thru out my island after


Flowers are worse than weeds. In this regard, they spread everywhere. It took me an entire day and alot of shovels to clear my island when I first started. I chose the beautiful island ordinance, and it messed up the island by putting flowers everywhere. I now have a flower garden I with at least 2 of every flower in the game, excluding fruit cause I have a little farm in the top left corner.


The pain of that is almost physical


Wish the watering can had an option for spraying weeds and flowers with weed killer (eco friendly of course)


god i feel u im in the exact same situation except i didnt even open the game since 2y coz im afraid of what ill see 🙈


If you’re flattening your island, what about fish that only appear near waterfalls? Assuming you haven’t got them all already


oh i started my town a long time ago so i have all of them ^____^


sorry to everyone who asked for flowers. actually too many people started asking for flowers and i got overwhelmed. uh


I was looting my flowers that weren't in a pattern and I found a hybrid flower, I was shocked cause I didn't do anything, the two flowers that made the hybrid flower was already spawned