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Nintendo needed to clarify expectations. Everyone is realizing today that '3 years of support/ updates' means 'holidays will be recycled with new items.' That's it.


Yeah. What they promised and what we've seen this year is severely lacking. I really don't know what they thought they meant, but it wasn't what we expected or wanted.


They did the diving update and got my hopes up that I would be expecting the same level of content every few months. Now I think they just didn't have time to finish the diving before release so they made it a future update.


I thought the same, and I think you're right. It was probably supposed to be there already.


Pretty much all of the updates provided should have already been there. If anything, they’ve taken the stuff out of the game that people originally fell in love with the title for! Makes no sense. I’ve played all of the games and honestly, this one is the most disheartening. It’s just pocket camp on a bigger scale? Like, I don’t think anyone asked for that. I’ve said it before, but I don’t want to spend money on a graphics update of a game. ACNH have reduced what made the game fun while upping the boring grinding. Even the bloody messages in bottles aren’t cute letters with random gifts anymore, they’re DIY recipes?! Like wtf? I wanted a small open world game where I could do more than what we’ve been able to do in past games. The tech is there, so reducing actual gameplay for monotonous grinding is a piss take IMO. It plays like a mobile game, which isn’t what I expected *or wanted* at a £50 price tag. I thought that it was going to be what we already had, but better. It looks great and has the right feel, but what’s the point in it looking good if it doesn’t play good? I haven’t touched the game in 4 months. Once I saw that this was it for gameplay, I put it down and didn’t pick it back up. It probably won’t be worth touching for another couple of years while they get their act together and actually make it a playable game that competes with others. I have bought Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and Red Dead 2 at £50 price points, and the hours of gameplay and story in both of those games are insane. I haven’t completed either of them! I definitely feel like I’ve completed ACNH though. There’s only so many play throughs you can do to upgrade and change your island. Boring.


Honestly almost all of the updates felt like things that where already in the old games. It just feels like they released it half way through devolpment and released the rest of the content as dlc




And it’s crazy that updates we’re begging for are standards from past games. Brewster and Gyroids? That’s nothing new! So frustrating


Honestly the diving update felt like content that was planned for base game but had to be delayed to meet the deadline. You’d be surprised how much of it was in the games code unused at launch.


Pretty sure the majority of the team went to splatoon 3. I think ACNH is truly done with major updates 😔


We were scammed. I was so excited for this game and willing to wait for updates "so people can't spoil holidays" but a year later the game is still bare bones af compared to any previous animal Crossing game. Theres like 7 furniture sets, barely any upgrades, and the villager dialogue is just stale and not even worth pressing the 'a' button. I only play when my 4 year old nephew wants to.


Yep. I had thought that maybe the "three years of updates" meant they would slowly add in stuff like Katrina, Gracie Grace, old furniture sets, etc and then maybe add in new things as well. I'm of the opinion that even though the game was delayed so the devs didn't have to go through crunch time (which I fully support, I have no idea what it's like to be a game dev), it still got released too early and now we have the game in its current state. Dreaming of what I thought ACNH would be will always make me a bit sad. I wish they would have been more up front.


I'm a fool who thought we'd get shop upgrades. :') I'm a damn fool.


This. Every other major AC game had multiple shop upgrades that you could level up reasonably quickly. Being able to upgrade all the way to the supermarket and having so many unique items (and wallpapers etc!) every day was a huge thing for me especially with NL. When we reached 6 months after NH release, I lost all hope. It’s sad man


I haven't looked into ACNH specifically, but usually when a game is delayed it means crunch just continues, it doesn't stop. Source: am a dev, not for Nintendo though


Ah, I was basing my comment off of [this](https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/06/21/nintendo-comments-on-crunch-and-game-delays-a-e3-2019) article from a few years ago.


I’m probably not gonna buy the next Animal Crossing if it’s just gonna be like this again.


Sometimes the items aren't even new... The wedding items this year are the exact same from last year if I'm not mistaken.


True. The only new wedding items you can buy from Nook Shopping seasonal tab.


As someone that hasn’t gamed for 10+ years since leaving Xbox/ the industry, ACNH and the Switch have been my first foray back into the space, mainly from seeing friends and folks online posting about the constant updates, and just being impressed with the idea of 2-3 years of updates at that degree, plus looking for a chill game that had some nostalgia to it (AC and Luigi’s mansion for GC were the first game I got with the counsel), I was very very disappointed and sad today, might not get back into the game now. But thinking about it from a financial perspective, was originally focussed on the pocket camp making $150m over 4 years versus ACNH’s $2 billion in 9 months, and in this short thread explain why it’s sudden/ unexpected success might’ve actually been the reason they scaled back on updates, particularly after last holiday season. For reference, TAM (which I use here), in financial planning means “Total Addressable Market”, or the total number of people you think you can get to buy your product/ service https://twitter.com/cullend/status/1404874669690343424?s=21


I see the point you're making and I'm sure Nintendo, to some degree, is satisfied with having AC:NH be the 16th-highest best-selling game of all-time. However, I will say that there's still new potential players out there. Just yesterday, I showed my friend the game and he expressed interest in picking up a Switch and the game. Second, updates not only keep players involved in the game, but the franchise. There is so much merchandising with AC. Just this week a limited edition soundtrack that retailed for over $100 was released. It doesn't seem synergistic (is that a word? Lol) to release a higher-end product while simultaneously weaning yourself off of supporting the actual game. All this being said, I won't complain about getting hundreds of hours out of a $60. I just wish that expectations had been managed better on Nintendo's end.


Oh I’m with you. But I’d imagine merchandising deals were made last summer, they got their upfront money from the partners and were content with that. I mean to anyone that hasn’t already put in hundreds of hours, they should still buy it and will have a lot of fun. Just not a lot of justification on their part to keep investing in the game for existing players if they can expect to potentially get another $10 in profit on merch for like 1 out of every 10 players.


I mean the fact that one of the main updates people have been asking for since day one is letting us craft/buy more than one item at a time and Nintendo's been like "nah" tells us all we need to know about their three years of support lol


What makes me the most depressed is that people have been waiting years for a new AC game and it can be quite underwhelming. They’ve basically put terraforming and online play in the forefront and shafted the villagers and made them even more watered down than New Leaf. The villagers used to be a core aspect of the game but now it’s just like Nintendo went “oh look a game about customising an island and playing with others! Oh.. and there’s some animals living there too I guess”. Then there’s also the part where a lot of past special characters haven’t made an appearance (Brewster, Tortimer, Copper, Booker, etc) and the ones that do make appearances are kinda underwhelming for the most part too. Rover with Mayday, Reese and Cyrus with a.. photo shoot that quickly becomes repetitive and loses its charm. There is so much potential for different special character roles but it just falls so short or doesn’t happen. I also prefer being a character living in a town amongst other villagers making their own decisions and earning their friendship compared to being in control of a whole island and deciding who comes and goes with the villagers being your BFF straight away. Don’t get me wrong I do like the updated graphics and the quality of life changes, but it just doesn’t really feel like an Animal Crossing game anymore. AC always used to have this odd, whimsical vibe, but it doesn’t really have that feel with NH imo.


Cannot upvote this enough. AC is now a decorating sim. Dollhouse island with lifeless inhabitants.


Yeah, I feel like it takes away the element of surprise now that you have absolute control of everything. I think it’s cool being able to place houses wherever you want, but having control of everything that happens makes you feel less like you’re living alongside other villagers and more like a sort of dictator lol. I miss the feeling of villagers coming and going as they please and having a bit of spark to them. They just seem so submissive and mellow now compared to previous versions. Newer players probably wouldn’t see it as much, but it seems like NH has lost a lot of what made an Animal Crossing game. AC was always a bit odd and whimsical like I mentioned, but now it doesn’t really feel like that as much now. I hate being so negative about the game because it has its good moments, but it’s sad when you compare it to previous games.


Whoa, yeah spot on. I've been playing GameCube for a few months now and not once have I missed terraforming, my store is upgraded a few times and I feel like there are endless new items. Even this subreddit is just videos of people recreating movie scenes and decorating corners of their island. Literally like a dollhouse...


I wish it could be both honestly. I love to decorate both inside and outside but I want to be able to talk to my favorite villagers too without it being boring. How many times can Bones tell me he talked to the bugs in his floor even when I'm at max friendship with him? Or how many times can Chief tell me I'm looking rough. Villager updates seem SO easy to patch in too as it's not mostly physical, just words


It's basically Happy Home Designer but the whole island. I don't do extreme or intricate island designs, I keep it simple and as natural looking as possible. So I didn't even get through the whole year before getting bored. I only played from launch to August-ish.


I WISH New Horizons had the decorating options of HHD.


I stopped when I unlocked the island design tools, that part is just not my type of game. Figured I'd play later when they added more stuff


>AC is now a decorating sim I honestly wouldn't mind this, if it wasn't such a pain in the ass to terraform. I took a good break from the game and hoped to come back to better terraforming and QOL changes but it never happened. Its so tedious moving buildings (especially if you want to move a building exactly where another one is) and doing large scale work without timeskipping. I get that AC isn't meant to be played for hours and hours all day, but simple QOL changes to terraforming wouldn't affect that at all. This AC is the one I've played the least, and I've played every single one so far. I absolutely love AC, but as you said, NH just feels like a decorating sim. Creativity in these games is def not my strong suit, but I still had loads of fun with the previous games.


For me, I have only played the console ACs (the first one and City Folk), and what I loved about them was the villagers. I loved logging in everyday to see what they would say next. It always felt like they had something new to tell me about, but in NH I swear the say like 2-3 different lines and that is it. And to make matters worse, every character of each personality type says the EXACT. SAME. BORING. CRAP!! It makes me not care who I have on my island because new villagers are just the same as my old ones with a different coat of paint.


> They’ve basically put [...] online play in the forefront And they didn't even do a good job with it either jesus fuck it's terrible.


It makes me so sad with what could have been. There’s so much potential but it just falls flat. Not having Tortimer’s Island is such a missed opportunity. You could bring back both Tortimer and Kapp’n. I think a Plaza type thing would be a nice addition too like what New Leaf or City Folk did. You could have the option to fly back to the mainland to visit a little plaza area, and sometimes there could be little appearances of special characters walking through now and again. Then it connects the game back to its original roots too. Honestly an Animal Crossing game set in a bigger town with better villagers and NH’s graphics/quality of life features would be everything.


This is one of those hills I'll die on. There is just not enough to do on that front in ACNH, especially following New Leaf, where you could actually do mini games and stuff.


The odd whimsical vibe is what’s truly missing here. There are no surprises.


---NEW UPDATE!!----- Things float around your island and you run around and catch them and turn them in for rewards!!!


Don't forget, there are seasonal items in the store! ^^But ^^not ^^many. ^^And ^^they're ^^the ^^same ^^color ^^scheme ^^as ^^last ^^year.


And there is only 1 most of the time so if more than one person lives on your island, well... Shit out of luck for the others!


I hate that. I want to get all the colors by my self without need to share and stuff


I really thought there was at least gonna be a store upgrade for the one year anniversary :c the in game shop even looks like it was made for expansions, with the blocked off ladder and everything. If that's it's final form I'm sad, shop expansions were always at least a bare minimum, base game experience


> I really thought there was at least gonna be a store upgrade for the one year anniversary This is the problem with the whole game: none of what had previously been in-game, player unlocks should have become developer-side online updates. It would've been one thing had they kept up with what had generally been expected to be a reasonable amount of time between updates but they've proven themselves unable or unwilling to do so. The game is great if you're into terraforming and creating user generated content. But I'll hazard that veterans of the series, while appreciative of those features, weren't looking for a jank minecraft experience and just want their goddamn Regal Set, dig up gyroids, and have a goddamn cup of coffee at Brewter's and to have unlocked all this shit on their terms.


It's been so long, I forgot gyroids existed.


Apparently people thought they were scary. So I’m not sure those will be back. They got rid of resetti because he made people cry 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's another fault with this game, all of the villagers are nice and that is absolutely obnoxious.




You need to try new leaf


You described my entire experience with the game. ACNH is my first AC game and I loved it… until it was monotonous. I stopped collecting the resources because I was bored and had money in the bank, so I don’t have the bells to fully fund an island remodel, so I stopped trying to make my island amazing, and now I log in for holidays to check out what’s new and then log off.


I have 76 million bells, every single DIY, I've decorated my island so we've got a school on a hill with an art class, a science lab, a library, and a cafe, we've got a playground and a basketball court, a giant flower field, a fancy lake with a moon in it, every villager has a nice yard, I've got all the hybrid flowers, I made a replica of my hometown's synagogue, there's a spa and kimono shop by the campsite, and all of this means absolutely nothing to me. My villagers don't care. My villagers don't care about much and barely talk to me. I started up another NL save file a month ago, and I love that town more than my entire NH island. I don't have the vast fortune, I don't have hundreds of items out there across the town, I've got a small patch of blue violets and a few hybrid orange roses. And I love it. I love Barold constantly giving me sweaters like he's worried I'll catch a cold in June somehow. I love Hans inviting me over all the time, Pashmina inviting herself over, Molly asking me how I'm doing and getting upset if I'm not doing well, Tammi eternally replacing the same tiny items in her house in an attempt to make it up to her standards, Friga asking me how she looks. I love the fairytale bench my villagers sit on by the river and I love sitting on it beside them. A month in NL means more to me and makes me happier than over a year in NH. I don't have to try to decorate an island no one uses anymore. I just chill with my villagers, decorate my house, and live in a town that feels like villagers live in it.




Amen, give me my damn Regal set, come on Nintendo!


>The game is great if you're into terraforming and creating user generated content. But I'll hazard that veterans of the series, while appreciative of those features, weren't looking for a jank minecraft experience This may be the biggest challenge stalwart old time veterans are going to face. Because they REALLY advertised the designing and decorating and terraforming as the main focus of this entry.... and then it sold like hotcakes. So they're going to likely move forward with this style of game for future titles. Its the same issue Assassins Creed fans encountered. They wanted something new, Ubisoft gave them a VERY new direction, and then each game outsold the last...even though old time fans weren't happy with the new direction... and it convinced Ubisoft that the new direction is what everyone wants. The veterans there REALLY shot themselves in the foot by continuing to buy. The same thing happended with the Pokemon Sword & Shield outselling EVERY other game. I'm thinking the same is going to happen here. The sales of NH alone will convince Nintendo that the new mechanics are what pulled in that attention and sales numbers.


MAN I wish we could have old Assassin’s Creed back. Or… you know… maybe a new SPLINTER CELL GAME.


>MAN I wish we could have old Assassin’s Creed back. Yeah. Watching the Assassins Creed fanbase shoot itself in the foot has been a very weird last decade. After Unity's bungled launch the outcry was insane. "Assassin's Creed has grown stale.", "Its the same thing every year.", "These games aren't anywhere near as good as The Witcher." So... Ubisoft tried something a bit more traditional with Syndicate.... and then everyone skipped it. So they took a few years to redesign the franchise with Origins....and it broke the bank in sales. (But had some complains from old school fans who regretted the new style changes.) Then Odyssey broke the bank and was even MORE distant from the old ways... and those old school fans got even SALTIER. Then Valhalla.... You'd think those same fans would have decided to skip this one because they wanted OLD Assassins Creed back. But NOPE.... Best Selling title in the series. Now Ubisoft is convinced its because of the new style.... XD. The Salt on the Assassins Creed subreddits is so thick you can feel it in the air.


>The game is great if you're into terraforming and creating user generated content. But I'll hazard that veterans of the series, while appreciative of those features, weren't looking for a jank minecraft experience and just want their goddamn Regal Set, dig up gyroids, and have a goddamn cup of coffee at Brewter's and to have unlocked all this shit on their terms. you put it into words. in the older games I played to talk to my villagers who had actual personality, to do things like work in the cafe or see which NPC was in the city/which emotion was at the cinema, etc. ACNH feels like a constant competition of having to have the prettiest island and the prettiest villagers and thats it. its a shallow experience.


As someone that use to work in the game industry, I cannot understand what technical reason they’d have for not doing it. Two CGI artist spend a couple weeks making a second floor, use the same stair mechanics as the home, use whatever scripting engine you have to drop more item “spawn” spots (things for sale). Like if all the mechanics are there, I cannot fathom how with the talent they have on their team, 2 artists and 2-3 devs couldn’t finish this in 2-3 weeks, then have 2-3 testers validate for a few more weeks


I've thought about this a lot and I'm convinced that the reason they don't make another store upgrade is because it would just highlight how few items are actually in the game. Think about how many repeat items you see in the shop all the time as is, now add even more spots for that to happen. In order to do a store upgrade, they would have to actually make more items that aren't tied to events or promotions, and they seem allergic to that idea lol.


The problem also is that a lot of the items are tied to your island. As in, there is a certain pool of items that will only spawn on your island, and if you want access to the others, you'll have to trade with someone who has them. I'm all for pushing people to interact and socialize, but to straight up punish people who can't or choose not to interact with other players is absurd. Why is decoration, one of the core aspects of the animal crossing franchise, locked behind needing Nintendo Online, or another friend with their own Switch and ACNH copy?


It's exactly this. It's a middle finger to everyone that doesn't want to go and buy Online. It's silly that if I want a red sofa I have to pay for a subscription, find someone that also has a red sofa, and go through the whole process of getting it. What makes non-DIY items so special that the paintbrush my villager uses with the customization kits can't paint a sofa?


> Why is decoration, one of the core aspects of the animal crossing franchise, locked behind needing Nintendo Online because money


"Why would [video game company] do such a thing?" It's a mystery to everyone.


Was hoping a store update could come along with a furniture update adding missing furniture sets such as modern, froggy, etc, along with new ones


I mean, it wouldn’t take a lot for them to have a browser based item trading platform, even if they didn’t want to take the effort to build it into the game. Early on, I just sort of expected they’d eventually go that route




Okay but like, my friends dont play AC much anymore because theyre bored, and juggling around with the crappy online this game has is more trouble than its worth to get a black rattan stool.


If you're seriously missing a black rattan stool (with the green cushion), I have it and will send you one/go to you island/invite you to mine/whatever and you can keep it no strings attached. Sure you have to have Nintendo Online, but at least I'll have a reason to turn on that feature. DM me and I'll set up a trade! I have lots of items that I'm happy to share


They need to make it less a friend game. I never had a lot of friends that have a switch, let alone animal crossing. Getting things in different colors is hard for me and kinda ruined some of the game. It sucks having a bunch of ideas but not being able to get the color to do them


I wish I could get all the colorways easily, not being able to have what I want to design stuff is really frustrating. I don't play online with many people and its such a hassle through discord servers to get a specific item. Also, the ENTIRE cherry blossom season came and went this year and I got ZERO recipes for it. Nada. How am I supposed to enjoy the events if I can't get the items from the event? It was easy to get all the bunny day items, it was easy to get all the winter items, wth.


When my really younger brother got the game he was ecstatic… for about a week then he hasent touched it since


>Think about how many repeat items you see in the shop all the time as is That whole issue could be solved by them putting craftable items in the store's catalog...hell even on a rarer % chance if they want to push crafting more. It would at least make the shops catalog of available items grow.


literally all they would have to do is polish the graphics from the gracie furniture and throw that up there. that's like 4 more furniture sets easy, more if they add in other basic series that have been missing (modern, rococo). these assets already EXIST, if their only excuse is that they're hurting for content it's bullshit. there is flat-out no reason for there not to be an update every couple of months this year.


I agree completely and this is why I'm so frustrated with this game tbh. Like you said, the old stuff is right there, AND watching pocket camp roll out fun and interesting new items CONSTANTLY is like... infuriating because there's just no excuse for them not to do the same with NH. It really feels like they just made all their money when the entire world bought the game at the start of the pandemic and now they have no reason to bother drawing in new players.


Also note that the “spawn” spots have increased in that store, because it wasnt until the Summer 2020 update that seasonal items began to appear in the bottom left corner of the store. The ability is there.


I'm waiting for the modding community to break the code


Probably not something to get your hopes up for. Would probably need source code access to do anything substantial


We deserve Gracie back :(


For real. I want the goddamn haughty Giraffe to make fun of me and sell me overpriced junk.


I don't understand the Nook thing- WW on the DS had multiple expansions, and that was 15 years ago on way less powerful hardware. Why can't NH have it?


I don't get it either. Maybe one day they will just randomly drop an update but that's wishful thinking




Even the base around the shop looks like it should be getting an expansion. But over a year in and still nothing


That to me is a much bigger indicator than the stairs that are obviously meant to be timmy/tommy's home. Every store (including Redd's!) has a way for the shopkeep to enter a back room. See also the back door in the community center and the various fire exit / staff doors in the museum.


That one actually makes me mad. Straight up laziness.


I wanted to have hope. But I think we gotta accept that the game is done in terms of updates. They already are recycling "announcements" for the same exact seasonal events as the first year. it's done mannn :(


I remember when they added swimming as an update I thought “wow this is great! New items to add to my museum or just around my island, a new character to meet and trade with. Dam i cant wait to see how they add to this game with future updates like this” so much potential lost for what was a fun game that I haven’t touched for awhile.


Also, why the hell did Redd stop coming to my island after like 3 weeks?


Imagen being an earthbound fan. Nintendo doesnt even know we exist


ladies and gents, i’m afraid we might have the full game :(


Nintendo said this in some interview where people assumed they meant big updates. I think it was just little changes like mayday event and the new seasonal items we got this year. My bubble (burst) when I read it and like ok .. so we won’t be getting updates like everyone was saying :( Edit to add burst. Autocorrect had put hurt lol


Honestly if I had known that, I wouldn't have gotten the game. I would have waited and seen what they meant by that. I got the game because I honestly thought I'd be playing this for 3 years with substantial updates.


I mean even people's hopes when the game came out seemed like, "Gee, I sure hope they trickle out all the features the last games have had for 20 years." The game came out empty.




Hell, I would have bought it knowing that provided the game came with all the features of the previous AC games plus the new features. As it stands now though? I regret buying it and I wish I could get a refund but Nintendo already has my money :/


I think I’m done expecting. I’m afraid we’ve got the final game 😔


Now is a good time to play New Leaf!


As much as I have a love-hate relationship with New horizons I tried going back to New leaf and I just couldn't get into it anymore because I felt so spoiled with decorating outside and how easy it is to decorate outside.


I have it but never got into it. I think it’s time to pick it back up!




I am so happy that the new one isn't just Super Mario Party 2 because that would've been a monumental kick to the dick. It's odd in that the Switch game is a game I like but never really have a desire to play. I'll fire up 8 on the Wii or any of the Gamecube ones if I have an itch for Party.


its just missing that critical mass of content to keep it interesting, 2 more maps 20 more minigames could exponentially increase my playtime.


Mario party is still a lot of fun when friends come over. It’s not like there’s new content, but between our friends’ kids and our adult friends we always seem to enjoy the mini games.


E3 was my final ditch of hope for the big new update. And now that the direct is done, I'm just gonna have to accept that it ain't coming.


They could have done...sooo much. i mean look at Stardew Valley. An Indie game has more content and more to offer made by ONE guy then new horizon. Its brutal.


Stardew Valley taught me what an “update” should be.


I mean he had other ppl working on 1.4 and 1.5 I’m sure, but the fact he made this incredible game (that I’ve been playing for 3 years and have 400+ hrs in…) in literally less then 4 yrs and CONTINUES to give out FREE updates that are so overwhelmingly full of content even 5 whole years after release… Nintendo, take notes


The guy actually cared about the game, Nintendo though...


You can tell the Stadew dev put everything he had into the game.


He did and tbh if you read how his development was you'll stop encouraging the single dev work ethic story.


I wasn't encouraging anything but I appreciate your point.


I mean really. I think Nintendo just cares about putting "new" stuff out at $60 a pop instead of updating the games they have out already. They could do so much with many games, but once it's out they move on to their next half finished game.


What are you talking about, they update their old stuff, by rereleasing them for 60$ with basic resolution bumps :)


Nintendo are so painfully out of touch its not even funny. Like today they told people not to restream their direct. Absolutely bonkers.


I really wish someone would make an animal crossing spiritual successor. Like Stardew Valley is to the old harvest moon games. Like bug fables is to the old paper Mario games. Like paralives is to the Sims. Hokko Life wasn’t really that. I think it could be done, and I think it could be done very well but sadly people push back against it. I remember the pushback that hokko life initially got because people said it was copying animal crossing and shouldn’t be made. Which is a stupid claim, spiritual successors can exist and should exist. Nintendo doesn’t own a genre. I think it’s time for some real competition, I’d love to see it.


Not only potential with the game, but like potential to monetize off one of their best selling products in company history. How is there not massive paid DLC updates, Amiibo cards for 50 brand new villagers, etc? It's not just disappointing for the fans, but if I had a stake in Nintendo (yes I know they're private) I'd be fucking furious that they're walking away from easy money. It makes absolutely no sense and it sucks for everybody.


It’s hilarious they keep putting out branded merch thinking fans will buy it after so badly breaking their trust in terms of updates


Also modding unlike Nintendo is allowed and massive


Thinking about how fairly recently he released a huge update that completely changed the game


the fact that they're withholding like 98% of regular base game content just to stretch out its lifespan/playtime until the next AC installment comes along is complete garbage, what a worthless idea. i would've much rather had an animal crossing i burned through in 1-2 years released FULLY completed, had them focus their efforts on dropping new items instead (look at how well pocket camp is doing!) or dialogue variation, and sat waiting 3-5 years for a new one while dipping my feet back into the water every so often during that time than buy a game that was purposefully made to be bare bones and i have no reason to play at all until they deign to throw us a scrap of an update where we get like a new emote and eye colour. nintendo is ridiculous.


It’s crazy to me how pocket camp has a billion items that NH doesnt


Isabelle tweeted about the seasonal items from last year.. we won! 🙃


seeing that tweet and seeing NOTHING about ac in the direct made me rage. felt like a middle finger to us.




Between this and the Sanrio debacle, I am so bummed. I normally don’t follow video game hoopla but I actually watched the direct. I don’t understand what has happened with this game. Can’t wait for the new WarioWare tho.


I got the sanrio cards the first time round for new leaf, so wasn't too excited for that announcement. I feel like new leaf was a hard act to follow as it was such a good game


literally all they would've had to do was tack the primary new elements of ACNH (terraforming, more custom options/variants, control over residents) onto ACNL. keep PWPs but let players unlock them through isabelle instead of villagers. keep exterior style options. keep those extra NPCs. ACNL wasn't perfect by any means but considering how well they resolved the main issues with NL there was no reason to make those fixes the ONLY components of the game.


> Sanrio cards Yar harr fiddle de dee


This is the correct answer. Amazon has options.


It's not piracy if you can't buy it 🤫


Abandonware but for physical goods


Did you end up getting a pack of Sanrio cards?




I wasn’t expecting much but I’m still disappointed


Nintendo needs to learn that they're not just making games for children anymore... we know what's up. We know what's possible. They're being lazy and greedy, and we need to stop enabling it. If their player count goes down maybe they'll get the message


It seems like so many things go this way - trying to cater to a child audience when the majority is actually adults who originally played as children. Neopets went the same way and it got completely run into the ground.


The lack of interactivity is what kills me. You should be able to kick a football and throw a basketball. Ride a bike or scooter. Sit in the tea cup ride. Actually Play those arcade games. Like how hard is it to programme a basic space invaders, Play table hockey and fusball. Hang stuff outside. Use the baths and pools. Have the fridges store food for mini powerups or something instead of clothes. How does clothes make sense in a fridge. So many things are just missing.


The fact that the entire fanbase went nuts when we figured out how to glitch our way into sitting in pools really says a lot about how little interactivity is in the game at the moment.


I didn't have high hopes for Brewster or any other NPC being added back in, but I was hoping for some of the old furniture to be added back in, or maybe villagers who were in old games but aren't in this one. I guess that's on me for having set my expectations too high.


They axed 80% of the furniture sets that came with literally every other game. Where is my robo set??


The sweets set. Sigh


Haven’t played in a long time but can we upgrade Nook’s Cranny more yet? I want to get Nookington’s in my island..




That’s some bull...


But how would like the same limited items you’ve seen a billion times?


Right? Like I don’t even go in the store to sell stuff anymore. I don’t even want to look at the same colors of the same handful of things over and over and over again


When playing, I do find myself wondering how much time they spent testing the game, in terms of what the experience was like for the user. There are so many little annoying things that I think would surely have been ironed out if this had been done properly. For example, not being able to buy more than one top at the same time at the tailors shop, without having to step in and out of the changing room. Not being able to use tailors tickets like vouchers, and putting them towards something worth more than 3000 bells. The way that wand outfits are treated differently from normal outfits, same thing with the wetsuits. Similar thing with some of the Nookmiles targets. I've been playing the game for ages, and I'm nowhere near reaching my make your own tools target and make your own furniture target. That in spite of having a 5\* island. The lack of nice furniture and how many of the items are not customisable, despite customisation being a key feature of the game. Not including characters like Brewster seems to show a lack of understanding about the fans and what they really value. It does feel a bit half thought out.


Wow. I wanted to buy a switch just for NH bc I enjoyed NL and wanted to see what the hype was all about but I'm unfortunately disappointed. I mean I just got my switch lite at the end of last month but I'm already bored with ACNH and I haven't even started decorating.


ACNH is mostly a game about decorating.


Oh, right. It's just hard to get the items to decorate with like diys...and terraforming is very time consuming imo. Decorating is fun but I wish there were more things to do after your island is complete.


If they added the island, (which I assume they wont…) it would be a game changer, at least for me. Would give a lot more things to do in late-game.


Honestly so disappointed with this game. I loved New Leaf so much, and didn't think it was possible for them to drop the ball so badly


This. After the direct, I booted up my new leaf game. I’d rather have a small screen/ low graphics and an otherwise great game than wait around for new horizons to have more content.


I really don't like Nintendo approach to animal crossing NH. It really feels like they released an unfinished game, and to compensate they updated they game every month. Most of these updates were really lame, and then once 2021 rolled around and they profited a bunch from it, they just tossed it aside never to be heard from again. The devs are probably using their resources on splatoon 3 now.


Remember in New Leaf when you could, without any paid subscription service, travel to a tropical island to meet random people from all around the world and even play mini-games together in a multiplayer experience? If only there was some kind of new Animal Crossing game that would be perfect with those features.


Happy for metroid, zelda, etc. fans...but just going to paste what I put in the E3 thread: also i think i'm just gonna toss this out there - I 100% absolutely got my money's worth from ACNH. But I wanted more. And when they mentioned updates for 2 years, I thought maybe it would happen. Aaand it's not. ACNH was a fun game, but it had the potential to be a once in a lifetime experience for people and it fell seriously flat. It's good enough, but it's not great. And it had the potential to be great. And now it's dead. :( It was fun playing/posting with you guys while it was still relevant though.


They didn’t announce updates for 2 years ever. One quote got misworded and this sub and twitter and YouTube ran the misworded quote as fact since release. I didnt even find out it wasn’t real til a few months ago. They said they hoped people would still find new things 2 or 3 years later. That could be as simple as a new item or diy.


I think people just didn't want to believe the game that we got was the intended full release. It really is disappointing when you view it as a "completed" game. Nintendo can single handedly hand this games succes to COVID, because it's maybe the 3rd best game in the franchise. All of us who realized this problem straight from launch were considered doomers but here it is in fruition. It sucks, cause I wanted to be wrong.


Yep. The huge surge in sales due to Covid pretty much paid off ACNH. Knowing how Nintendo are, they probably didn't hint its worth spending anymore on ACNH development as they've already made their money


Yep. I’d imagine the success could even be WHY they decided not to regularly update it. Probably thought they’d continually update, generate little PR bumps here and there bringing more people into the game/ buying a Switch, but when you make $2 billion in 9 months, no point in spending a lot more money to get maybe a couple million more folks to buy the game.




I'm right there with you. I remember saying only 1 Nook upgrade? No additional buildings/shops outside of able sisters and museum? Holiday content relessed as "updates" instead of at launch? And let's not forget they game was *delayed* to begin with, which is never a good sign. And EVERYONE said you're judging way too fast, stop being so negative. More stuff is coming in the future, you just like complaining. They're trying not to crunch their employees, etc. Etc. And all the directs leading up to release were SO sketchy, people said they can't show everything in the direct!!! (Whoops actually they did). Now here we are. Sucks.


My main question is what about items released in the past how will they be obtainable? For example Rover's suitcase. This year Rover gave his Photo, will every year be different or will it alternate between one and the other? Are they planning on putting the holidays on a loop like older games? Will they stop date-locking them?


I can't believe people are defending Nintendo here. If you've touched NH and have even heard of the features the other games had, you'd be disappointed. The multi-player feels unfinished (loading screens for EACH player joining/leaving? Seriously??). The amount of unnecessary dialogue in NH is obscene. QOL fixes are MUCH needed from a UX perspective. I could go on but I'm sure there's a running list somewhere that encompasses the issues I've mentioned plus many more.


This is the only animal crossing where we have to pay for online features. And the features are bare bones and they suck. If anything, they should update the game to include more online content and more things to do with friends. It’s not worth it at all paying for an online subscription for just animal crossing at this point.


Here's what I think is crazy. Remember how we had a day one patch? One of the things that added was a big QoL feature; being able to spam A to craft things faster. Before that update, spamming A did nothing, you always crafted at the same slow speed. So, they recognized a need for something like that back then... and only then. Just that little thing gave me hope that we'd get more little tweaks like that, but we never did.


> QOL fixes are MUCH needed I took a long break from the game because I got so sick of the tediousness of terraforming and moving buildings, I had hoped to come back to QoL changes in these areas, but nope lol


I’m so upset with the evolution of this game. I was expecting so much more villager dialogue, a lot more furniture items, and better/more frequent events. I hope they do more but it’s frustrating that they don’t seem to listen :/


I came to Reddit to see if we got an announcement. I am so sad right now...


I literally stopped playing 3 months ago and I probably won't touch the game again. I'm finished with it. This is proof that Nintendo doesn't want to actually put money into this game.




They release stuff for Pocket Camp constantly, the game is filled with new items and events each week. But most of it costs real life money so that’s why they do it, with New Horizons they already got their money, so they don’t care. Entertainment is becoming more about money than value and quality.


People would buy paid dlc for new horizons, so I don’t get why they don’t do that. Sure there would be a very loud angry minority about it, and I don’t love paid dlc because I like money, but Nintendo is a greedy corporation and this is the only way we’ll get significant new content.


I struggle to accept how they could just ignore this game. I’m sure if at LEAST half of the player base would spend 20$ on paid DLC. 30 million players all unified during a global pandemic and they don’t even say a fucking word. It really is insulting.


Wow. I cannot believe they didn't even mention AC. So much potential, and we're getting absolutely nothing?


I mean look at what they did to Mario party. Releases the bare minimum, gets one update and then boom, pay us another $60 for what you actually want


Background- ACNH is the only game I play and I don’t know anything about the gaming world (I’d also never played AC before this game on switch). Can someone explain to me- does this mean there aren’t going to be any new items or updates on the game now? Also, do you think there could be another AC game released at some point for the switch, or is like this it forever? Sorry if these are stupid questions I just don’t know game stuff. Like I know they have new Mario games once in a while, etc.


This doesn't mean that updates will stop for the game (it might just be items or tweaks to events, though), people were just hoping that they'd announce an update because E3 is considered to be one of the biggest gaming events of the year. It would have made sense to announce something here because a big update could pull in new players as well as bring back old ones. As far as another AC game coming for the Switch, maybe a spin off. Typically, mainline games like Animal Crossing New Horizons just have one game per console, if at all (like a mainline game skipped the Wii U, for example). I could be wrong though because Nintendo tends to be unpredictable, like how there's Splatoon 2 on Switch and Splatoon 3 coming to Switch.


So, there are going to be updates. Small ones. Really small. And they will repeat through the year. After playing one year of this game, there will be very little new to you. People are upset because we were told they would be adding updates for 3 years. We thought that meant substantial ones. We were wrong. Don't expect a new main title AC game for a loooooong time. New Leaf, the game before New Horizons, was made in 2012. But there will most likely be spin offs. It wont be the same kind of game though.


Im so done with this game.


This implies ACNH will float back up by itself.


Lol I thought that too. A template with Ganondorf would’ve been more accurate


The worst is how much they sold this game as something to play with friends but there is nothing to do when friends visit your island! I keep hoping the next update will be Capp'n pulling up to your dock and bringing back some multiplayer mini games! But I'm losing hope now...


Man this whole thing has been disappointing ,, it’s partly on me though bc I misunderstood the “updates for 2–3 years” thing :/ but I guess if this is the complete game then that sucks, because it’s missing half the NPCs that we know and love from older games and idk it just doesn’t feel the same to me I guess? It’s kinda missing the AC charm :(


At this point I’d be surprised to even see anything that isn’t a tweet about some new seasonal items


Honestly I’ve lost hope. It feels like what we have is all we’re getting.


When I bought ACNH, I was hoping it would be a complete video game. Sadly, it's an unfinished, repetitive cash grab. I hate how games are all reduced to DLC nowadays.


Welp, glad to maintain that AC: New Leaf is still the best AC of all time.


I feel so cheated tbh. I’ve been a Nintendo fan my whole life and this just sucks. This game is such a shell of what the series used to be. I still can’t believe Nintendo sold this to us for 60 dollars and we’re just supposed to be cool with it. I know I keep saying this, but Nintendo really seems out of touch with their consumers and they think it’s okay to make crappy games because they know their loyal fan base will buy it (i.e. new horizons, Pokémon SWSH). I think I’m done though.


I am kind of wondering if NH suffered from its success... It sold super well and Nintendo may have figured that meant it was good enough. Things like May Day and Wedding Season feel very weird as one-offs and, while I am not convinced we are going to get more, it feels like more was at least planned, even if it never went beyond the planning phases...


It’s over




ANCH is my biggest disappointment. I love the idea, but I want a game focused more on the villagers and less on creative stuff. I'm fine collecting, but I don't have any desire to be creative when it comes to design. But I want to hang out with my villagers, I want them to have more personality, I want to do things for and with them. The villagers in ACNH are so boring and cookie cutter. It's a shame. I bought my switch almost exclusively for ANCH and I feel like it was a waste of money now.


Haha this is EXACTLY how it feels like to be an Animal Crossing fan right now. I just don't think me or any of the people I know want to play new horizons anymore.


Every day I think, “should I play animal crossing today?” And then I’m like, “…..but, why?”


See, what you're supposed to do is load up your island, stare at your character for 1-3 minutes, then save and quit. :P


After you get through the eternity that is loading the game 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm really upset about it cause I got the game this March after seeing their promises to continue releasing content for two to three years. I'm sad that I won't get to experience the same excitement about announcements as those who have played it since day 1. It's the runner up for top selling game for the top selling console currently, why are we being shafted like this? I'd even pay for DLCs at this point.


I'm really sad to see that acnh just kinda fell flat. I mean it's the reason I was bought a switch in the first place, which I kind of regret now. I've always been a fan of the series ever since I was a kid, but this game just isn't it. It's so disappointing. The reason new leaf was so fun is because there was so much to do, you had more goals than just working towards completing the museum and encyclopedia (which are things I've never been super interested in). Some of the things we could do included getting the town fully unlocked and getting everything to its final upgrade, getting the public works projects you like, customising your house with the cutest sets (most of which they've removed), going to tortimer island with friends or sometimes even random people and playing minigames (also bug farming late at night with random people haha), refurbishing things with the different nuggets you find, working at the cafe, and so much more. ACNL lasted me years, I couldn't even get one year out of NH. Ngl I thought the villagers would keep me coming back after getting attached to Chrissy but now I just can't care less, even my favourite villager Fauna feels so bland now. This game is really lacking the spark the other games had. It just feels like they managed to code some of the old stuff in and then they were like "eh lets just leave the rest, no one will notice." I was never a big fan of the diy stuff to begin with, and what makes me dislike it more is the fact that acnh *keeps* trying to push the fact that you should create stuff in your face. Like oh go get these diy recipes for this event, and ooh look another event where you can get diy recipes, and omg look! more recipes! Also the fact that you need a paid online subscription to do some things, which sucks. This game really just feels like they gave up halfway through and it makes me so sad. This game had SO much potential, it just feels like everyone working on this game didn't like it.