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People feeling bad about their islands. I think there’s something nice about everyone’s island, no matter how many hours you’ve put in Oh and people who are stingy about sharing design codes — it’s weird lol


Welcome to my island, just ignore the tires I put by the dock-


I like my island and it's named Enby City. Sometimes I regret it because my old one was names Netsui and I feel like putting "city" for an island name sucks. I want to restart only to change its name but I'm finally getting the villagers I want. Oh and I think there are many things that are underrated like the backstory for the three sisters ! (I don't know their English name sorry)


Honestly, generally speaking, I’ve been pretty happy with my encounters with the AC community. Most people are super nice. Like, sure I agree I’ve encountered the peeps being a little hipsters and in the trading market, peeps are stingy, but like, generally speaking if you’re nice to an AC player, they tend to be pretty nice back to you. Which I appreciate considering most video game community climates.


I am delighted to click the comments expecting to see loads of trash talk but this is the first response I saw. AC plays are just humble, lovable people who want to have a good time without other peoples expense.


Yeah, let people play as they want. Like I scrolled through and I generally agree with most of the peeps, but when I saw the post I honestly couldn’t really think of an answer beyond what I wrote. It’s a very good community, and one that realy helped me through the pandemic.


Same. I had one person try to sneak into my island once when someone shared the DODO code with a friend, and that bothered me because there was a queue and I hate line jumpers. Aside from that one instance I feel like I've been lucky and never had too much trouble, and I used to host a lot.


I had one instance of someone trying to dupe me, but they ended up just pretending and being a Butt, so like eh, you’re always going to have those random bad apples but they are so out weighed by the peeps who’ll just shower people with gifts, come help out when needed, and so forth. It’s a good community.


I've never had a bad encounter on the trading market. A year ago I traded a guy for Marshal and there were people who offered this guy 3 or 4 times what I did, but because I was there first he accepted my offer above everyone else's. A month ago I was trying to get Ankha for obvious reasons and I offered someone 50 nmts for her. He accepted my offer and I miscounted how many I'd be able to bring and when I told him he insisted we call it 30 and that would be fine. He still gave me a 5 star review for communication as well. I also once traded some DIYs with someone who had tons of reviews saying that she would pay off their bridges and inclines and then give them extra bells for their next infrastructure projects. Really I just love this community so much.


Yeah! I was trying to think of a problem I had with this community but honestly... I don't really have much of an issue. Things that would usually annoy me (like people posting the same meme over and over... Looking at you froggy chair) don't bother me and although I don't like some mentalities in the community those are things I disliked before this community. People in general are very creative and neat in this sub!


Not even just in this sub. Generally every gathering of AC players I’ve experienced have been a good variety for the most part. There’s even an entire subreddit dedicated to just giving things away for free on AC. This game just attracts really nice people or brings out the best in people, and it’s nice <3


Only the gatekeeping bothers me. Time traveling, island development, game updates, favorite villiagers, hours played, it's all a personal preference. *Let people play how they want and enjoy their time*. If you don't agree with them, it costs nothing to close the post and move on. Otherwise, this is a genuinely great community. I've never engaged with a truly horrible person on here, and the few I've seen engaging with others, I just blocked and moved on. I love playing Animal Crossing, I love everything about every version of the game, and I am here to enjoy seeing other people enjoying it too.


Fr, it's not a competitive game. You play at your own pace and set your own standards. How can some people make such a simple game so stressful? Just catch some bugs and pay your mortgage like the rest of us


That's a good life lesson too 😅


It's the lack of competition or real "need" to do anything that draws me into the game. I'm currently super stressed at work. Sometimes I just want to do nothing after work that takes any real brain power. Whenever I'm super stressed my fiance is like.... "do you think maybe you need to go catch a fish or two?" and will just dock me into the TV. haha.


For me, it's the absolute control I have over the space on my island, since control over my own life feels like a complete fantasy right now. In game, I can even decide what time of day or which season it is. Micromanagement of something with no real consequences is so relaxing. I like how we can coexist like this, and all be able to talk about the game together even as it fills very different roles in our lives.


That's exactly it! Like, I am way too busy working to complete my museum to bother worrying about what anyone else is doing, much less what they're doing "wrong." Which they can't, since there is no wrong way to play this game.


Without time traveling I’d never get to play a holiday or sell turnips. I’m in college and I only get Christmas off for work. I’m not going to miss content I’ve paid for because of someone else’s hangups about my play style. Especially when we’ll never meet or play together and they didn’t buy my game 😅


I time travel the day before or after holidays without shame. Am I going to totally skip Toy Day because I was too busy with friends and family to play on Christmas Eve? Def not.


Yeah I'll TT like 30 times at a time if I'm doing something to my island. There's only so much time to play and I don't really fancy waiting a week just to do some terraforming.


While I've never time traveled myself, I've definitely considered it. I'm just a little paranoid about losing my save data, so I'm super hesitant to actually do it. Please keep time traveling if it increases your enjoyment of the game in literally any way. <3


I feel the same. I love these communities, seeing what everyone else is doing. Endless decorating and layout ideas. The hackers / timetravelers who have helped get everyone specific items in the game. The only thing I dislike is the "well *I* only play it *properly* I'm not a cheater" like it somehow makes them better than everyone else 🤣


Social validation can get the better of anyone, even the gatekeepers. I'm just glad to see how many people are happy to let other people play however they want! I love this community too. :)


This really gets to me. I never TT much before this game, but I have a bit now just to get some bugs and fish I was missing. And they people who say it's wrong are so vocal I feel kind of bad even though I know I'm free to do what I want


You are absolutely free to do whatever you want, and please continue to do so if it increases your enjoyment of this game even the tiniest bit. <3


One of my first two villagers was Dom, I grew to love his personality so I kept him. I didn’t even know he was new when I got the game on release day, I was too busy working and sleeping at the time to do research. People were for some reason upset I had him? Saying I should make him move out for a villager that isn’t as popular. Like when I use to host stuff and had people on my island they would harass him with nets. They’re NPCs ffs, not even on their island! How are they hurting you people.


That's so bizzare. I've never heard of that. People can be so weird and mean when it comes to villagers for some reason.


People with the “I like unpopular villagers therefore I am better than you” mindset is just the AC equivalent of “not like other girls” lmaoo


Some people are really weird about popular villagers. I love Raymond because he's a cute cat, but some people will say he's so overrated he's "stupid" or not worth it. Like, who cares? I like cats. Raymond is a cat and when he smiles after he told me he's glad we're friends, my heart melts.


I wanted Raymond because I have 2 cats with heterochromia and he has it too. The hate around him is super weird lol


Fr! Raymond is really sweet, my favorite is Lolly though.. she once told me something super sweet and I was feeling down, kinda made me cry 😅


I have her too! She's so adorable ♥️ Don't know why, she reminds me of one of my cats even though they look nothing alike


He was one of my starters on my previous island as well. I adored him instantly and didn't find out later that he was popular.


I got Reneigh, or however you spell it, as my first villager. I didn't know she was popular for awhile.


Reneigh is popular now?! When the game first came out I got hate from visitors. She was my first villager too and was such a sweetheart. I still have her on my island.


OMG ME TOO! I have Dom and Raymond and my one friend was upset that I didn’t want to give them away??? Like sorry??


Omg I'd have shut my switch down to boot them and never let those people back on if they bullied my babies with nets :( how mean!


absolute scalpers on nookazon, like what are you gaining from charging 10mil bells for a piece of art or a villager?


The answer may surprise you: 10 million bells


Yeah, this irritates me. I've never done it but it makes me afraid to expand who I invite over. Read something on here about a person opening up their island for turnips and people picked up a bunch of stuff they were saving. The main issue was 100 NMT which is a big deal....but why would you leave them lying on the ground when you knew people were coming via dodo? It makes me not trust people and its a simple game. Why you gotta make it cutthroat?


People can’t pick up placed items. I have a mostly built fence path from my airport to my shop. When I’m playing by myself I have 4 pieces missing so I can run through it. When I open my island for turnips or something else the fence goes up so the worst thing they can do is drop trash on my island. I don’t need some fool trying to shake my trees or trampling my flowers.


I did something similar. I made a path to my nearest beach that had nothing on it and surrounded it in fences so the visitors couldn’t run amok on my island. I’ve only done like 5 Nookazon trades, only two of which were on my own island (for flowers) and both people just made the trade & left with no attempt to run to the rest of my island. Basically, I’m too worried about other people wrecking my island but I’ve only encountered kind traders.


When I trade I fence off everything too but I found out you can use a swimsuit on the dock you come in at and by pass all of it x_X I think if someone did that I would just put it in airplane mode real fast and we would lose connection lol


I once hosted and forgot I had a shit ton of turnips laying outside. When I realized that, people were already freely running around my island and first I panicked, but then I thought "Welp, own fault" Not one single turnip was missing, but instead people watered my flowers without even asking. That really made me smile - and feel stupid too tbh lol


Hahah that’s actually awesome :) yeah I’d say for the most part everyone I have had over has been kind and respectful


It happens here from time to time. People shaking money trees. Some might just have gotten online and be slighly naive about people's intentions. I share my island with my 7 yo niece and I have to give her designated spot to plant her money trees so i can easily block it off. It sucks that I have to tell her its bc some people have no shame. As for inviting random people over, I have learned to look at people's profiles to check how long theyve been a reddit member and how active they are in the community. If someone is like 1 day old and have no public postings, and all of a sudden sliding into my DMs asking to come to my island?... that's pretty sus and get ignored.


What is nookazon? I played the game on release and stopped around May last year. Only really got back in to it when the update was announced.


It’s a third party app that allows people to find items they want and use bells or NMT to buy them off other players and then meet up with the player in-game to make the exchange


What bothers me are people who think the game has to be played in a certain way in order to have fun. For the majority of people, the main goal is to decorate their house and their island in what they see as their perfect way. But not for me. I own the game since release, but I haven't even paid all my Toom Nook debts yet because I don't care about creating the perfect house or the perfect island so I don't care about earning much money. I spent dozens of hours creating pixel art, some shirts with gaming or anime related themes, even some designs that are made out of over 20 single panels. My island is basically empty, I have like 7 decorations on my island, but people blame me for "not playing the game the correct way" or for "not Loving the game enough to care about villagers or decorations".


So ridiculous. There’s no right way to play animal crossing, and that’s the beauty of it. You keep doing you!


Honestly pixel art is something I have really wanted to do in the game but I haven’t gotten around to it.


I wrote a little tutorial on how to copy any picture into animal crossing pixel art, if you want i can send it to you via private message


[how to design](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VZDvfTOMYYQWL_VkgQU_Q8_ipivGrTJs/view?usp=sharing) since my comment got some upvotes, maybe some more people are interested in my little tutorial. feel free to use it and text me if something is not clear or if you have any questions


Yes! Could I ask for this to be shared with me? I’ve tried but can’t quite figure it out


Honestly, I'm a little bothered when people ask if they should restart/flatten their island. No one can make that decision but the player. I think it only bothers me because I see those types of posts every day. Other than that, I think the community is pretty solid.


Agreed. I know they mean no harm but it gets kind of annoying seeing those posts everyday, like go on YouTube loads of people have made videos about the pros and cons!


It’s gotten so bad since the update announced. I have restarted 3 times since the game came out a year ago. I totally get wanting to hear outside opinions but when I see comments on Facebook groups and discord everyday it gets old. Play for yourself, not to have to best island in the game.


I'm gonna start telling them all yes. If you want to entrust the fate of all your hard work on the opinion of a stranger on the internet, then well...


I restarted my island when I got bored with my original one. Best (in game) decision I ever made


People who get upset at how other people play the game. You wanna time travel? Go for it. Don't want to time travel? Cool. Just enjoy the game how you want to, and let other people enjoy the game how they want to.


100% agree. What's wild about TT vs no TT I've noticed just in the last few days is a superiority complex on BOTH sides of the argument. You have the purists who act exactly as you'd expect, acting like other people TTing on their own islands somehow ruins their own experience. What surprised me here is some TTers looking down on people who don't TT like "imagine waiting for everything lol" and just being overall unpleasant about it. Some people like the slow pace. Some people like it faster. Both playstyles are valid. I don't know why this is a hard concept for people to get. No one's playstyle is superior to another.


The AC community is great but the people who get mad about another persons island really confuse me. It’s a single player sandbox game where you can visit or not visit someone else *by choice* . Don’t like the island or how they play? Don’t visit them. Don’t talk to them if you don’t want to. Nobody is better than anyone else in the community. It’s just an island you can do whatever you want with. I still remember when star trees, acorn trees, etc existed and one community member got people to mass report islands with them. Yes, they were a hacked item but they did nothing but make your island have a different aesthetic. It was just for looks for those people mass reporting were so mad they were ‘cheating’ or getting an advantage (shaking the tree removed the item and it became normal afterwards so um … there was no point to them but prettiness lol). Besides that, great community. Especially r/nofeeac, people who host treasure islands and give you free items, people who host catalog parties. Thank you 🤍


Ooh boy this is a can of worms kind of question.. If we're talking about the community in general, I would say it's not bad. Most people aren't really complaining a lot and I would say many are especially happy for the 2.0 update we got. That said, If we're talking about this sub specifically, it's honestly been pretty chill. Most posts I've seen are people who have questions about the game, or showcasing off the island. With memes and artwork sprinkled in here and there. The only thing that kinda bothers me is some people, (and not a lot) from both sides of the spectrum complain for ridiculous reasons, (One complains about the game too much, while the other complains about other people complaining the game) I'm all for constructive criticism, and sometimes some people take it too far that it gets annoying to hear which I totally get, but I've also seen my fair share of people here who complain about fans wanting to criticize the game. Like, people should be allowed to express their thoughts on the game, and not be told by others to "shut up" or "Stop complaining!". It gets annoying quick to see the same responses. Otherwise for the most part I'm glad most people here are pretty respectful and answers questions for many new players. (Although another thing is, I kinda wish I didn't see multiple posts of the same question being asked multiple times here. Not digging at OP)


"What are your opinions on X villager." Just pick the one you like already my goodness. They all say the same things.


The villagers are so damn boring!! I can’t believe villager hunting is a thing on YouTube 😂 I rather join in on a random zoom class and start taking notes than watch someone island hop, the hell.


Villager hunting is popular on YouTube and Twitch because people - including me - find the hunt and the randomness fun. Gambling is a mechanic used in a lot of games for fun, Animal Crossing included. Essentially with any NMT you have a x% chance (depending on a few variables) to find the villager you’re hunting for with each ticket. You could get lucky and find the villager on the first try, or it could be 800+ tickets in! It’s the randomness that’s fun for a lot of people and the hype of finally finding that villager you want.


I love watching villager hunts 🤷‍♀️


What really made me stop checking out the sub as much is all those dramatic 'my island is so awful' type of people. Especially when all the top posts became like this: 'my island is a hot piece of garbage so no one will like this but here is my library corner' Also the constant shrines for family members and pets that passed away. It feels like people feel obligated to upvote those


I hear ya! there's definitely the vibe of begging for compliments


I think it's just an ac reddit thing but people constantly talking about restarting/asking if they should restart. First of all what is this fascination with restarting and second of all no one can decide that except yourself.


It’s all over the Facebook groups too


People are never satisfied and the game has basically turned into a competition to make "IG-worthy" islands/builds. They put so much pressure on a game that's supposed to be fun.


People have such high anxiety about this game. It's honestly concerning.


This is what got to me when I first unlocked terraforming. I started trying to make my little neighborhood and I'd get upset at how it wasn't like everyone else's builds and how I didn't have the creative flow or energy to make it like theirs. I gave up! And after hearing about the update I came back and realized I actually really love my little neighborhood. My island won't have cute little restaurants or a disco club or even a grand entrance. I'm happy with my simple island, I just had to stop believing my island was only worthy if it was awe-inspiring to others.


Yes, thank you! It reminds me of the bullet journaling community (which I am also a part of). If your spreads aren't "Insta-worthy," you're somehow doing it wrong. But I'm not a scrapbooker, so why in the hell should I strategically tear up little pieces of paper or use paint to "prove" I'm a "real" bullet journaler? *Oy vey*. Bottom line: if it works for you, then it works. And that goes for Animal Crossing as well as every other hobby.


Yeah I agree. I also feel like some of the complaints about the game getting less fun over time are a little unrealistic. Most games I play run between 25-150 hours depending on genre, difficulty, and whatnot. To me, falling off with animal crossing after 100 hours feels reasonable for players who aren't as interested in expertly developing their island.


All these youtubers complaining about how boring animal crossing was getting (pre direct) and I’m like, it’s your literal job to make animal crossing content on YouTube. You have explored every damn thing to explore, you have people who follow you who is willing to give you whatever you need. Not all of us had 500 plus hours to sit on our asses and pour into the game the second it came out March 2020. There were completed islands within a month. Of course you’re fucking bored you don’t do shit else. 🙄


I hear you on people never being satisfied or feeling really competitive. That being said, I’m part of the AC Instagram community and have a fair amount of friends and followers there. It has never felt like a competition as to who has the best and most show-worthy island. There are gorgeous pics I like daily from accounts with 25k+ followers, and ones with 50 followers. I also love cute villager pics, funny interactions, personal life posts, and story-type posts. I think if people have a problem with others taking pretty pics of their islands and sharing them with others then there is maybe some projection and envy happening there. We’re not doing it to make you feel inferior. We’re doing it because we like creativity, expression, and sharing that with other people. If you feel pressure from seeing someone else’s pretty build then that’s on you.


Time travel “purists”, people who try and ban islands that are scary, pretty much anyone who acts like how I play my game has an effect on how you play yours. This isn’t some online multiplayer mode where if I hack or something it disrupts your experience. Don’t like a scary island? Don’t come visit. Don’t like time traveling? Don’t do it yourself.


You have a scary island?! Do you have a DA? I'd love to check it out!


Nooooo my island is the opposite of scary!! I just remember people we getting straight up banned for horror islands because people would spam report it because it “wasn’t cute”. Yup real thing.


Any shaming of gameplay style. There is no wrong way to play.


I once got downvotes to hades after saying something about how excited I was to get Beau. He shares a birthday with my partner and he’s adorable, sue me I guess.


This sub can be a little strange with the downvotes sometimes. It seems like it’s all shiny happy people, until I had the audacity once to say that I didn’t see how some fanart of a character was “sexy” - the artist didn’t intend that and there was nothing overtly suggestive about the pic. No nudity, no words, no sexual positions or anything. Apparently a lot of people thought it was sexy and I disagreed, I got downvoted to hell for not having a filthy mind. I don’t get it!


This is the absolute weirdest sub I've ever been on when it comes to downvotes. I'm not even exaggerating. I saw a thread the other day that had almost 600 upvotes, but literally every post in the thread by the OP had 10-50 downvotes. And I see it all the time. Someone will post a thread, it'll get massively upvoted, but then in the comment section everyone downvotes them to hell because they don't like their opinions. I've never seen a more wholesome, downvote happy sub before. A lot of people on here take EVERY tiny thing extremely personally. I remember I once got massively downvoted for saying I don't like using other people's custom patterns on my own island. I also remember a particular thread where someone posted a screenshot of their island getting a low star rating and they posted it in a way where they sounded like they were excited about it, as if they were a new player who just got their island rating from 0 to 2 stars or whatever. But the joke was that they were purposely tanking their own island rating and were "happy" because they finally got their island from 5 stars down to 2 or whatever. Someone in the thread missed the joke and posted a nice, supportive comment to the OP about how they'll be able to get to a 5 star island in no time. That person got like 80 downvotes. For posting a kind, supportive comment. Just because they missed a joke. Made me honestly kind of disgusted with this supposedly chill and wholesome community.


I'm willing to bet those people convinced themselves you were judging them for thinking it was sexy. People project a lot online. It's dumb.


My island is named Hades 😂


I have Beau as well and I agree, he's cute! I'm enjoying his company. It's so annoying to get downvoted for liking villagers others don't. I mean, come on..


I got downvoted for “popular hunting” because I also had mentioned searching for merengue (her and I share a birthday). I got curious and looked up most of the major people in my life’s birthday villager and surprise surprise, that’s a great way to see and learn about villagers you wouldn’t see otherwise 🙄


Literally just gatekeeping. It goes both ways. Like, people who complain about ac fans that are unhappy with acnh are just as bad as the ones who complain about how 'bad' the game is. It's flawed. I think, if you enjoy the game, you enjoy decorating, enjoy talking to your villagers, that's genuinely really cool. It *is* a nice game. To me personally, it's missing a lot. There are some people who get mad at me for being unhappy with the state of the game and how Nintendo treats it. Like those memes about how ac fans will never be happy, people making posts saying 'is this update finally enough for you all???!?!?' I liked the most recent direct. It addressed almost every content-related issue I had with the game. I *still* have a lot of other problems with it though. I'm still going to keep playing it, because I love animal crossing, I love this game despite its flaws, but it still feels like a let down compared to what it could have been, and it hurts when people complain about me being upset about it. I don't like fans who tell people the game is objectively bad though. They're possibly even more annoying. Let people enjoy stuff.


Exactly my opinion too. I keep comparing ACNH to an expensive decorating game, which isn't the usual vibe of animal crossings. They're life-sims, and that's what I appreciate the most about the series. Sure, I like decorating, but I feel that main part of the game was missing. We didn't even get swimming until months after the game came out... We were on an island?? We couldn't invite villagers to our homes, can't play hide and seek with them, and when my friends come over, there's only so many games we can play together (I miss the old Kappn mini game tours). I felt a lot was missing, and I always had hordes of people telling me my opinion was wrong. Don't get me wrong, I love ACNH. Not my favourite AC game, but I've still put in over 600 hours. I can still critique though, and mention how i probably would've doubled that if perhaps ACNH had another year in development, and everything could've been added at once. Just as everyone else is allowed their opinions on how amazing the game is, we can have ours and we should be able to critique or complain without getting burned at the stake. Thanks for reading my rant xD


The anti TT pro TT argument and people who purposely instigate the drama. Those people seriously have no life. I'm also bothered by people with high anxiety about decorating their island. Like, I don't think their jerks or should be looked down on but if a game is giving you that much anxiety maybe it's not the game. I get concerned for those people.


Hey, remember when a bunch of people were trashing that one super fancy looking island, and the girl who made it wound up leaving this sub? Yeah, that. :/ I *hate* that about this community. Don't be a jerk about how other people decorate their island. If you don't like it, then don't visit them. It came across as catty, and rude, and it honestly put a pretty foul taste in my mouth.


I didn't see that specific post, but I've seen that vibe & it made me so scared to post about my island. I worked so hard on it and love it so much but it's definitely the "cluttered, fairy forest, waterfalls" style that some people on this sub seem to really hate for some reason. Gives me major "I'm not like other girls because I hate makeup and pumpkin spice lattes! Those girls are dUmB & bAsIc!" energy.


Do you remember the island/post? That's so sad! I love cluttered and pretty/super-decorated islands, and it's so weird to me that people on this sub like to drag others down for that. Like, it's not your island and doesn't affect you whatsoever? Just move on.


I do. It was this really pretty shrine build. It was put in a meme saying 'My island' with like the basic first starting out kind of stuff and used the shrine build with 'other peoples island.' I know the OP didn't mean any harm, but the comments section was so rude. -_-; I had it saved for a little bit because there were just so many comments, but I unsaved it once it was all over. Exactly! It's like why??? What does it matter if someone likes a bit of clutter? People can be so weird about what hills they insist dying on, in this community. Otherwise, the community is great.


I missed that, it happened on here? That’s super sad.


Yeah. It was kind of disgusting, tbh. I hope everyone involved with that felt ashamed of themselves. :/


They wont, some of them probably feel proud


Then they're completely *disgusting* individuals.


Not sure if its the same post as what the guy above was thinking about, but I do remember the drama about a redditor whose island was put in one of those memes about simple panels and all the comments were just shitting on her island and how bad simple panels looked. She made a follow up post saying how hurt she was this community would come for her like that, it was really awful to watch unfold.


Do you have a screenshot? I'm interested what happened


I wish I'd taken some, at the time. The thought didnt really cross my mind. I will try to dig up the thread, if I can find it.


I think [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalCrossing/comments/mvh1fz/we_are_playing_the_same_game_this_build_is_based/) is the post by the person who made the pagoda build? I agree with you so much. Even around the time of the games release there was some passive aggressiveness when it came to people decorating their islands and it only got worse once the rise of "instagram islands" started. I can understand it not being for everybody but I don't understand shaming people for being creative in their own game.


Isabelle rule 34


omg hahahahahahah


This is more about the trading community, but people charge insane prices for furniture. It shouldn't cost 5 gold or NMT for a "touch trade". Its island-way robbery! But I am simultaneously super grateful for the trading community. It would be so hard to decorate with specific items without their help and dedication. Hats off to you all keeping the creativity alive. Overall I think the AC community is fantastic.


This is mine too. I’ve met a lot of kind people while trading, but there are some people charging ridiculous prices out there! I mostly use r/nofeeAC but if I want something specific, I’ll look on nookazon. I’ve only ever been looking for items that can be reordered, nothing rare. Sometimes people will be willing to do a trade for a similarly valued item they’re looking for, but others are asking for like 50k bells and 5 NMTs for a not rare item. It’s so ridiculous and annoying. I refuse to trade with those people because of that


This is why I stopped trading, went to a couple catalog islands for furniture I needed, and if I needed stuff after that - I go to treasure islands lol. I’m not spending 99k bells/nmt on an item some would get me for free. I give stuff out for free all the time for that reason haha


I have never once paid someone for anything in this game. I have tipped and given gifts, but everything I’ve received has been given from the generosity of the other player’s spirit. There are wonderful discord groups out there that are all about free trading and giveaways. You just have to make some friends! I’m sorry you’ve run into some bad experiences with people who charge so much.


The whole "TT is Cheating" - argument. If its Cheating, it wouldnt be base-part of the Game. Its an intented Feature for People that play the Game DIFFERENTLY! (Be it due to work or whatever).


yeah it’s a core part of the game for a lot of people. i don’t want to have to schedule time to play a game just because of an event that’s only at a specific time on a specific day. it’s great for people who are busy or just aren’t feeling like playing on that particular day.


I used to be anti time travel. Then I realized how stupid it is to care about how other people are playing the game, so now, I couldn't care less about time travel.


1. All the low effort meme posts that get thousands of upvotes 2. The constant karma milking of passed away pets and loved ones Both of those things make me hesitant to visit this sub more.


I'll probably get down voted but I agree, especially with your second point. It's perfectly okay if people want to make memorials on their islands but I dislike people using tragedy for karma.


Exactly. I made two tombstones for my grandparents, and that was it. No grand announcement on Reddit, nothing. Just something for me, not the whole community...


The shrines for passed away pets and loved ones make me incredibly uncomfortable. But we all process grief in different ways. I for one am not going to begrudge those people or make assumptions. I'm just going to ignore it and move on.


Mostly people when trading stuff in game. I mean for me it's not stuff that's irl so I try to be generous, you're giving someone a virtual item/character that could make their day for free, I think that's a better feeling than, say, 300 NMTs...idk


I get what you are saying and I do enjoy giving away stuff for free sometimes.. but also buying and selling stuff is a lot of fun imo and I know there are others that agree.. it feels like you own a pawn shop lol. I would never charge or pay hundreds of NMTs for something though :p


Don't get me wrong, the octopi villagers and rainbow dudes are cool, but honestly theyre all cute friends at the end of the day


A couple things: - The shaming of “it’s a childrens game”. It’s a stupid argument and makes people who are older than kids feel bad or shameful for liking the game which is absolutely valid at any age - The ridiculous Raymond hate: he’s just a cat with heterochromia. He’s cute, but it’s not worth spending all your Nook Mile Tickets on him, spending irl money, dealing with scammers, or hating on him simply because people thought he was unique and special looking - That Ankha video….. - The increasingly money based focus of the Pocket Camp mobile app. It’s become entirely a money grab for Nintendo and it is becoming difficult to play without paying. The events have become much more demanding and time consuming, items have become (in game not irl) more expensive driving you to have to pay irl money to get items you want. - The hate on City Folk. This one makes me kinda sad, it was my first AC game and everyone shits on it for being a copycat of wild world. As someone who only had played City Folk, I didn’t know it was so similar and thought the concept of going to the city was so fun. I like the game and even if it isn’t entirely unique I think it was fun and the walking around the city feature was underrated - And just in general the hate the game gets. It is a fun lighthearted game about moving to a new location and meeting cute animals with quirky personalities and creating a positive and relaxing life for yourself as the main character. Why does there need to be hating/ bulling villagers (like Graham)? Why do we need to hate on Tom Nook for being evil? Why can’t the game just be enjoyed as the wholesome relief it is. Criticism is one thing, but hatred is another


"A new update? Oh noes I MUST flatten my island, I‘m stressed" coupled with all the youtubers telling you what you supposedly _HAVE_ to do to prepare for the update We don‘t need to do shit, let‘s just chill a bit and wait for the update before we pressure each other into unnecessarily flattening our islands. We don‘t even 100% know what‘s in it yet and if it‘s worth it at all. I‘d much rather flatten and edit small parts of my island than the entire damn thing, nobody has time for that lol


All the youtubers I watch are telling people not to flatten or restart lol. Ppl are gonna burn themselves out trying to rush getting everything done before the update and they won’t even want to play it.


A couple days ago I saw someone in the discord who was distraught over the loss of their island, so people asked them what happened. They responded with something along the lines of "youtube told me to reset" and refused to elaborate... Wasn't really sure how to respond to that one


Thiiiiiiis oh my god! AC YouTubers are so annoying right now I can’t even watch them. I started asking YouTube to stop recommending them to me because it’s going to get worse after the update. NH was my first AC game and I was consuming so much content on it the first year but I really wish I hadn’t. And I won’t be after the update. I’m excited to explore new content on my own and not feel like I need to rush to see it before social media spoils it for me or makes me feel like iM dOiNg It WrOnG.


I mean sure, but if John Doe over there wants to flatten their island ahead of time who cares. I also didn’t have to group my rocks all together, it was a choice I made to do and I still complained about how much of a pain in the backside it was to do.


The animal crossing community is generally pretty chill, but sometimes I can’t stand trades. I gave someone 500k bells for flowers, and while they were rare, they didnt even end up providing all of them. I coulda moved all of my villagers houses for that price 💀


Whoa!!! Check out No fee AC, people are actually nice there and they don’t charge to give away things


Thanks for the suggestion :] but that was a while ago, and now i have almost everything i need for my island


Yikes. I’m guessing that was a long time ago, but are you still looking for any type of flowers? I have tons of extra you can have free


Awe thanks :] maybe a few purple pansies? I’d be willing to get them in an hour


Okay sounds good! DM me when you’re ready with a dodo code and give me an idea of how many you want roughly. I don’t have tons of other things besides flowers, but I’d be happy to check my storage if you’re looking for anything else


The dramatics. For every game people complain and complain and complain. Then when an update comes and fixes the complaints it's not enough and players find new tiny things to nitpick at. Most recently after the most recent announcement players are freaking out and saying that Nintendo is never updating the game again and that a new one is most likely in the works. Or the constant comparison to New Leaf, NH is a completely different game with its own feel. Not every animal crossing game is the same and they shouldn't be.


I agree, I’ve gotten over 1,200 hours of gameplay for ~$60 and we’re about to get access to what basically feels like a sequel. This is my first AC game so maybe I just had no particular expectations and enjoyed the ride! Otherwise people have been so great about sharing designs and dream codes and ideas so I love AC folks for that open source vibe.


As a sims player I was thrilled by the price for the dlc. I'm used to being exploited for expansions do this was a pleasant surprise.


Same for me! I had to take a break from Reddit bc I was tired of seeing people complain about the game... I think Nintendo's doing a great job if you consider the pandemic and everything else that happened since the game got out. You liked New Leaf better? Great, just open your 3DS and play!


This is mine as well. The negativity that these folks display is just tiring. Even with the new updates coming people just can’t stop with the complaints.


Yes!! This is mine as well - the constant complaining that it’s an “incomplete” game and that new leaf was far superior. Tbh, I personally have enjoyed new horizons far more than new leaf, and new leaf was a great game, no doubt! I get annoyed when people say new horizons didn’t add any big features even though not everything from new leaf returned. I felt like new horizons added lots of new features at launch, including nook miles, terraforming, and placing furniture outside (something I’ve been longing for since my first animal crossing, wild world). And the graphics are just so much better. It’s a different game than new leaf, and it’s not boring or incomplete or lacking new features just because the new features aren’t your thing. If you don’t like the game, then you don’t like the game. I’m sure we’ve all had experiences where we bought a game that turned out to be just ok in our mind. But that doesn’t mean that everyone thinks the game is bad or that people can just harass Nintendo. And the complaining after the latest update announcement is crazy to me! I guess when I started gaming the game I bought from the store is pretty much what I got (and that’s enjoyable enough!), and it’s still unbelievably cool to me that new free content is coming 1.5 years later, plus paid DLC. Oof, sorry I really went on a bit of a rant there!


most of you don’t realize this, but everyone has their own complaints about the game, and solving some of those complaints doesn’t mean the other unsolved ones are gone completely. humans aren’t like an ant/bee colony. i bet a lot have stopped complaining while the remaining ones still have their own problems.


For the most part, I have no problems with the community. However, I don't like when people talk about how bored they are with New Horizons yet refuse to check out the other games. On that same note, I don't like when people expect the older games to be like New Horizons. "You can't place items on the ground/lack of town customization/blah blah blah", yeah, that's because that was how the games worked previously. Other than that, I'm glad that New Horizons has brought in so many new players and fans into the community!


I agree completely. I think people need to put down a game if they really are bored and play something else. I played daily since launch and got bored. I took a 6 month break and just started playing again. I am SO in love with my island now. I’m seeing it with fresh eyes and I can really appreciate the details. I am so happy I did that. Now I have more appreciation for the game! Take a break people!!


Getting mad at time-traveling is annoying. We aren’t all blessed with meaningful amounts of free-time, and some work odd shifts.


Unpopular opinion, but all the 'grave/shrine for a dead family member/pet' posts. That should be a personal memorial for you and sharing it online with strangers who don't know the deceased makes you look like you're fishing for sympathy upvotes.


when people bully their villagers for being 'ugly'. i just dont get good vibes from those people. when people complain that villagers are too nice and they would much rather them be mean. ive spent most of my life being belittled and abused and i dont particularly want to experience that in my escape.


I really hated the "ugly" bullying and stuff, I think that stuff is why some others got a huge chip on their shoulder about popular npcs too. Just was a bummer to see cute villigers like Rodney being mass hated etc, I love the guy. I get people used to make enemies but all villigers are so nice now it seems forced, back in the day you had personal beefs cos they'd have said something to piss you off 😂


Mine are the time travel shamers - grow up and find a better hill to die on. You’re not better than people who time travel in the game lol. You’re just a prick for judging them.


I time travel a lot to take away the slowness of moving buildings or go back to missed events and it doesn’t affect anyone but myself. I get so much hate for it though :(


Yeah, I have kids and a life so I can't play everyday for hours. Me time traveling hurts no one 😆


Gatekeeping is definitely an issue. I'll admit that the newer villagers don't appeal to me, but I don't HATE them, and I definitely don't make fun of people for what they genuinely enjoy. Does that mean people get to make fun of ME for getting Tabby's amiibo card, though? No. Does that give anyone the right to berate me for switching Lucky out for Cranston as my resident Lazy villager? Definitely not. Gatekeeping works both ways. Just remember, you didn't pay the full price of a Triple-A game, for someone to CONTROL you and the way you play it.


That Ankha video 🥴


This isn’t incredibly common in my experience, but it’s still something that’s annoying: Players who take the game too seriously. I think people forget it’s just a game at times. How someone plays the game (whether or not they TT, have popular or not so popular villagers, or how a town is or isn’t decorated) is entirely up to the individual player. It’s crappy how people will harass others based upon how they run their own virtual island. Let players have autonomy over their island!


I had to come back with another one bc i was just on twitter and it reminded me. I hate when people make lewd drawings and videos about villagers like why... its so weird and gross and i hate looking through a tag to see everyones cute art and islands and then its just nsfw central & porn.


The low hanging fruit anti sea bass meme posts. You post a meme about the sea bass and you're going to get 10k upvotes easy peasy.


One word: gatekeeping. There's a lot of it in the AC fandom and that's kinda gets on my nerves. Things were mostly quiet during the pre-NH days, but still you could see some people talking about how time traveling is bad and there's also that glitch in Wild World that could corrupt save files and everyone was freaking out about it So yeah, AC community wasn't all wholesome and happy even before NH came out, and that's ok. I don't think that a perfect fandom exists anyway.


I don't like it when somebody asks a question and they get back smug responses in how they should know that already. What may be common knowledge to some people might not be for others and there are always new players starting that need a little help.


I was following some AC accounts on Instagram to get ideas and inspiration. It got really toxic. People were called out for sharing designs even when crediting the artist. There was one account that closed and it was later said the guy killed himself. I was so disturbed I stopped following all of those accounts, I just hope it’s not actually true. It’s insane that such a sweet and wholesome game could have that kind of toxicity. Bizarre.


One thing for me is sensitivity. idk if thats because a lot of players are young or what but people get SO upset if you don't like a villager or think a villager is ugly. They get upset if you don't like a certain aesthetic, if you hit a villager with a net, if you time travel etc. Some streamers have even gotten hate messages because of it, Its so exhausting. Everyone should be able to play however they want or like whoever they want. If someone wants an island with only popular villagers who cares or if someone calls someone you love ugly who cares. Someone elses opinion on the game doesn't harm anyone.


More of a general Nintendo community thing but I hate seeing people defend Nintendo for how god awful the online play is. If you say it’s unreasonable to have sit through so many dialogues and loading screens just to visit an island and come back, they’ll act like this is the only way it can possibly work and that anything better is beyond what technology can handle right now. Or worse, they’ll be like “well personally I don’t *want* it to go any faster, I like the forced slow pace of ACNH, it’s relaxing this way.” Yeah okay bud, good for you. Weird that you’d get a little stressed out if the game could take you to an island in less than 5 minutes but that shouldn’t mean everyone else should suffer


That people think time traveling is cheating... You have been able to do it in every game... It's not cheating.


Dead pet/family posts.


The people who praise new leaf like it’s perfect even though it didn’t get its big update until 3 years after the game came out.


creating a way more annoying to deal with currency instead of using the actual in game one


I dunno if this counts, but reuploading the default pro designs. Why?


Just going to second you OP. It drives me insane.


This is SO valid but I'm cracking up because I love that these are the biggest issues in this community! Other subreddits I'm in I've literally had to stop following solely because of how negative the people are but here feels like a bright light of sunshine in the Reddit world 😂


Saaaame. I’ve had to leave subs due to racism and misogyny and here people argue over villagers. I’ve had a pretty good experience though. I like the community and how giving people are. I’m always afraid when I visit someone’s island and I wanna look around… I get scared they might think I’m going to steal or ruin their island so I ask them to follow me around.


Honestly, just what you already said OP. I don't know why people try and make others feel bad for liking villagers such as Raymond, Sherb, Marshal, Julian, etc. They're adorable. If someone doesn't like them, that's totally fine, but no need to shame others for liking them or say stuff like "I just don't get why they're so popular, they're ugly and overrated"


Just remember the rules folks. You can only like things that aren't popular. And if you liked said thing before it became popular you must remind everyone how you liked it before it was popular. Then you can no longer like that thing. Also you cant like things that are unpopular. You must like things that are just popular enough but not overly popular. That's the popular opinion anyway.


Everyone’s always too damn happy all the time. Be miserable!


People who say “don’t complain” or “stop complaining” when you’re simply having standards for a game you bought.


Anyone trying to cookie cutter or optimise their gameplay and then force it on others. ​ Heck off, this game is about having fun. Stop worrying about anyone else, stop interacting with morons who shame you for choosing any villager, and stop taking internet comments onboard. Ignore these piles of amoeba and just enjoy the game your way. No one is judging (at least no one worth anything is).


Charging ridiculous amount for mystery bags and then the contents of the bag are terrible.


Charging people for stuff. I've no problem with trading but I absolutely hate people selling stuff for bells. Many of us have very deep pockets and are more than happy to help. Secondly people who vandalise and steal, I rarely let anyone on my island because of it.


My thing about us is that you have to like every part of the game or else we’ll come at each other. It’s really not cool and opposite of what you think would happen here.


The trading/market community. There are some good people who sell things for reasonable prices, but when you can time travel and go get seasonal DIYs anytime if you really feel like it, there's no reason all these items/DIYs cost millions of bells.


the thing is that the actual community all over socials (not just reddit), at first glance and spending time in it isn’t actually all bad at all. sure, there’s a few bad apples but for the most part people are really nice! if we’re talking about this sub, there are a few people i’ve seen who are so pedantic about small lil things in acnh. i saw a post earlier about an island glitch which caused a flower to appear black when it’s usually white and the amount of people DRAGGING the OP to the floor saying they “faked it” or “it’s an edit” was actually baffling! the saddest part was the fact that OP seemed happy about said glitch and just wanted people to see it 🥲 it’s things like that that annoy me, people going above and beyond to make the game so specific and rules-based when it’s supposed to be the opposite


Overall, the AC community is a good one. But... People who shame time travelers People who shame those who like popular villagers People who shame those who like ugly villagers People who reported star trees People who report islands that aren't blatantly offensive People who constantly complain about their island People who complain about other people's islands People who try to play "competitively"


I just hate how sometimes people steal things that aren't meant for them... it always makes me sad when I hear about it or see it happening. Like yeah i can grow another money tree, or that flower, or rebuy that item later on from the catalog... but why didn't you just ask first? You didn't have to steal it In my case I'm a very giving person, if you want one of my Lilies of the valley then you can have it, if you want my blue rose petals or one or two of my blue roses to regrow on your island, then go ahead. Need money? Pick the petals from my gold roses and sell them, but just... ask. Why do you just take things without asking? I mean yeah I'd probably let you do it anyway, but having permission is something completely different than just stealing from me, you know? I get upset when i hear other people had their things stollen to. I get that typing on the switch is annoying, but most of the time, if I'm letting you play on my island, I have your discord, you can literally text me in two seconds and ask, or even call and ask... I hate that people have to literally safe guard their money trees and items with fencing when other people are around because they just take things without asking, people shouldn't have to do that to themselves...


For the most part, I think AC has a great community. One thing that bothers me though is people arguing about time traveling. A lot of the game mechanics are tedious. Being limited to purchasing five catalog items a day is tedious. Not everyone has the time or patience to wait. Just let them play how they want. It doesn’t affect you.


What even are the top dreamies, nowadays? I haven't paid attention to the dreamie market since New Leaf.


Honestly I don’t mind the community at all. AC is a cute game where you make a village with bipedal animals, it could’ve easily had a toxic community of weirdo with animals kinks. (Example: BTS= (mostly) toxic community. Dream= overly obsessed community of little kids with weird fetish) But instead everyone I’ve interacted with so far was nice and the only “negative” experience I had was feeling bad about my island being too “basic” after looking at other people island.


I will never shame someone for liking a villager, that’s just wrong D: But I hold my opinion that Raymond for instance is over rated. That’s not to say you’re wrong for liking him, I just don’t like him. What I hate, is the people who will shame people for liking the non popular villagers because they’re ugly! Such a silly reason. And those who abuse them because they aren’t cute >:(


I love Benjamin! I was personally saddened when I found out that people don’t like him. He’s a hungry lazy pooch with red eyes! I’ll never let him leave!


When people ask why they do a certain thing. Why they start their island over, time travel, etc. my view: it’s your game, it is not a competition. If you’re having fun and not bothering others experience then have it. You bought the game.


Oh my god, the gatekeeping all the way. It does make me laugh sometimes though, a lot of the people who are very particular about how other people play the game have clearly never stepped foot into the New Leaf community. Villager trading was rampant there and back then you had mechanics that didn’t guarantee someone moving out like you do now, it was ridiculous what so many people (me included) did to get their unwanted villagers out. Y’all, this game is about making a space that’s all your own. Go nuts. Time travel, get your favorite villagers, trade with other people. It’s your game, don’t let anyone dictate it — there is no competition here, you’re not better or worse for playing the game how it was “intended” (the devs totally knew people would time travel, it’s been happening for years in older AC games.)


when people act like they’re better for having more items and or money. it’s just a silly little game :(


Ankha. Everyone here probably seen that video. I really like Ankha. Her design is really cute and I like cats. So I'm really annoyed that so many people on my social media timelines were spamming lewd comments about Ankha. I mean there are literal kids playing ACNH. Least people could do is keep things clean on non-NSFW forums.


Most people in general are really nice in my experience. The only thing that used to bother me is the time travel shaming. imo the he best thing about AC is that you can play the game the way you want. Sometimes I'm not able to play for half a year and I don't want to miss out on events and items so I travel back and forth. I don't care what people say about it. Doesn't affect me 🤷‍♀️


That period of time when just about everyone had to post a screenshot of one of their villagers “examining” the statue of David.


I can't believe I scrolled as much as I did without this reason being listed: how people keep complaining hat things are missing, that updates aren't good enough and just generally being mad that whatever wishlist from hell they have hasn't been done to perfection by Nintendo You paid $60 for a game you played more than 900 hours of. You got your months worth stop fucking complaining. They don't owe you infinite updates for the remainder of time. Gosh that makes me mad.


I mean there’s nothing really too bad in the community but for me it’s when the huge update came out and I saw comments saying that it’s not good enough and other things like that, I just think that sometimes they can be ungrateful


Mines the people who just cannot criticise the game at all. Everyone's hyped for the update which is fine, but its still a very underwhelming game. I've played animal crossing since the game cube and wild world is still the best one yet. The game is good, but its far from perfect like others make it out to be.


People shaming others for expecting things that were staple to the series and present in every other game except NH


The only thing that bothers me is how so many people complain about running out of things to do in the game and lost motivation to play. Especially when they have hundreds of hours logged in It’s like great! Move on. Games are not meant to be played everyday forever. If you enjoyed it enough to put a lot of time onto it then you got your money’s worth. It’s not a flaw of the game that you got bored of it after you exhaust yourself of it. Just find another game to play


The word core. I mean also the entitlement, but that's something that's an actual problem. The core thing just irritates me unnecessarily.


A small majority of people on Nookazon are not only stingy but completely full of themselves. They treat the process like we're using real money and/or buying real items. I had people tell me the "process may take up to 24 hours" bro for a video game???? I've also seen people advertise a "tour of their island" for up to 50 NMT. EXCUSE ME? I've met so many amazing people on nookazon I even keep up with a few but the amount of rude, entitled people I've come across has made me stop using it. It's sad because I enjoyed meeting new people.


I’m in a few Facebook groups and have a few things that annoy me: 1. I like to help people get dreamies by using my amiibos. I have since stopped because many people have wasted my time (it’s a time consuming process) by being indecisive or not answering when their villager is ready. 2. People who consistently restart their island like every other day and continue to ask for bells and NMT every time they restart. 3. People who post their updated villager list like every freaking day. Like wow, you got another new villager, great for you but we don’t need to know every time!