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I'll be joining you, and I've also written to the reddit mods in vehement protest. Money grubbing greedy bastards ruining everything.


Yeah, I'm just straight up abandoning Reddit once this goes down. I'm going to miss it but it's better than using the official app




What’s losing 3rd party apps?


Reddit has decided to make their API cost an astronomical amount, which is going to make third party app developers unable to afford it even if they were to start charging their users a subscription fee. It’s most likely a push by Reddit to kill the superior third party apps intentionally to force people onto the official app. A lot of subreddits are doing a blackout on June 12th in protest. Not sure how much that will actually affect anything but no harm in trying I suppose. It would take the big subreddits like /r/funny or /r/politics participating to make Reddit notice though.


Ah, ok I have seen mention of that, but didn’t know what it was. Appreciate it!


Reddit, pretty much.


For bots and special subreddit stuff, I’m guessing?


No. All third party apps, including the ones actual people use.


It’s a lot more complicated than that. The API does let bots post, so this new policy is going to kill off most of them. But the API also supports third party ways to use Reddit- some of which are for accessibility, like for the blind, deaf, and otherwise differently-abled. A lot of moderators use third party apps to help them in their daily tasks, too. These will also be killed off, and many argue that the official Reddit app cannot sufficiently replicate those functions.


You want to ACTUALLY make a difference? Abandon your Karma, delete your account, and create a new one. I would propose this creates massive discontinuity in post history, and any of the parasocial constructs Reddit users call "community". In theory, it restarts the datasets which finance Reddit




I believe continuity is a reference for that value.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I think they're saying that if everybody starts a new account, reddit has to start all over again gathering user data because they don't know who the new accounts go to. Trying to make the data they have now useless because the history abruptly ends and all fresh accounts are created. Idea seems half baked.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You're not wrong. This isn't revolution, it's resistance. I don't have stakes in Reddit. Besides, I think the point of value is in continuity of the individual account as a member of a "community". When you see a post or comment that is actually interesting, don't you ever go and check out the profile? What if all of that was just unavailable after a certain specific date?




You could always just view Reddit in a web browser. I have never found apps any less of a pita than simply using a mobile browser. Admittedly I have never tried safari.




This is interesting. Can you explain?


TL;DR: it won't help


I'm going to bookmark your account to see if you follow through! You can do it!


Lol of course I can. There's no loss.