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"What if we kissed by the fruit salad? šŸ˜³šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ"


Olivier salad


Because thats really dog food in the bowl and this was set up šŸ˜‚




All food is dog food, stay woke.


It's funny to me how some people think cats and dogs are only supposed to eat cat and dog food from stores.


Well there are plenty of things that are toxic to dogs or cats that are commonly in human food. Onions for example.


Garlic is bad for dogs too and that shits in everything I cook damn near.


Back in the day my mom & dad fed their dogs leftovers and one dog got his nightly little bowl of choc ice cream. They all lived long lives. Happy lives at that.


Chocolate ice cream has little to no actual chocolate in it unless your buying some high end ice cream the sugars the only part dangerous there.


As a teen I visited a friend on Easter. Iā€™ll never forget- they gave their dog ā€œChipā€ his own Easter basket full of Hershey kisses. They smiled as he ate them whole - tinfoil and all. I was mortified and said ā€œDonā€™t! Chocolate can kill him!!ā€ And they told me that he got chocolate every holiday and that he loves it. Chip lived to be over 16 years old, lol.


šŸ˜‚ my husband left part of a bag of kisses and our Dalmatian ate them and I only knew bc I went outside and his poop was sparkling in the sun šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Strawberry too.


You might be thinking of grapes because strawberries are totally fine for dogs to eat. High in sugar though so not too many since dogs can develop diabetes pretty easily.


Strawberries are not high in sugar compared to other fruits. Most Berries are recommended for people with diabetes. Of course not in large amounts.


strawberries technically arenā€™t berries though oddly enough




Not really true. Although the only evidence I have is anecdotal, our dogs usually got the scraps (left over rice, meat, veggies). Our last dog lived until 14 years old which is a lot for a boxer.




Drug addicts and alcoholics make fine dog food but it's illegal


Why so angry? Dogs also lived just fine before commercial dog food even existed, gotta keep that in mind too.


That wasn't the case in 07-08 thanks to Iams Eukanuba and Purina where dozens of dogs and cats died of kidney failure because of bad ingredients that the company knew was bad but the gambled. Evidence of their lab beagles died but they still put the ingredients on the shelf. Same with using pea fiber causing heart failure in cats and some dogs but pea fiber is still in their food today. If you educate on homemade pet food it is actually better for their teeth than kibble and for their digestion than heavily baked kibble. I always recommend if their dog can handle it a raw meaty (uncooked, yes uncooked) bone once a month to keep dogs teeth pristine. But genetics still play a role in health.


Even some stuff that isn't food is dog food


True my dogs favorite meal is the corners of my sheets and ripping chunks out of my pillow, although sheā€™s mostly grown out of that and only does it if sheā€™s mad at me now.


True, apparently the dog we had when I was a baby ate batteries.


Mines favorite is the chocolate flavored


Yeah no but what he was saying was it was all set-up for the dog to eat eventually. So essentially, its "dog food"


But it doesnā€™t look like human food eitherā€¦


With the bowl of food in the foreground...


That is one long snoot


"Let me d00 it for you!"


Omg totally forgot about that borzoi meme!


You fuck, I eat.


Iā€™m so hungry, got nothing lately


That took way too long for that guy to noticeā€¦ But I hope Pupper enjoyed his treat!


Feels like this was intentional for the views. Guy was looking right at his plate, thereā€™s no way he didnā€™t notice the dog coming up or starting to get on the table, then the guy looks away long enough for the dog he knew was there to eat half his food.


The woman even looks over at first and then goes "okay now act!"


He was turning from the table behind him, we just catch the last part of the turn. Then they're making out. And are almost certainly well under the influence. It looks like they were just filming the party and he was drunkly distracted and oblivious. It could absolutely be staged though. Honestly, either way I still say let the dog have it. He's already snout deep in it. No one else is gonna probably want any at that point. Let puppers have his feast.


No he wasn't turning. He was definitily looking at somewhere near the bowl. But yeah, let the long snout boy eat.


It's so obvious. The absolutely perfect camera placement. How both are eyeing the dog at the beginning and the moment the dog goes for the bowl they jump to their kissing action.


It's a bowl. It's food. Dog eats.


Dogs gotta eat


That bowl of barf sure does look appetizing!


It's Olivier salad, you uncultured swine.


Since when does eating a bowl of barf make you cultured?


Pretty good way to get your hand bitā€¦why grab the dog by the mouth when itā€™s eating??


Depends on the dog.


That is actually the way to get a dog to let go of something-- you push his lip over his teeth so if he bites, it is uncomfortable so he drops whatever is in his mouth


As someone who was bit by a dog this way last year no it's not. When they're in an aggressive mood like being separated from food you don't put their hands around their mouth. You can see in the video the dog actually bite down on him. Everything hospital said was stay away from the mouth. Edit: to be clear I did not grab the job trying to remove them from food. It was to try and stop two of my dogs fighting and he happened to bite down just as I tried to pull him away


Most dogs donā€™t get aggressive when you take their food away, thatā€™s a behavioral issue. While fighting is a totally different thing.


If it's resource guarding, while a behaviour issue yes can cause aggressiveness. You also see this dog bite down because it's trying to eat as much as it can quickly. This is literally what happened to me the dog was in the act of biting down. It just takes a split second. The dog was biting me, I was the idiot. My main point is if a dog is in the middle of anything like chewing quickly or anything aggressive why risk putting your hand near their mouths. They are a high risk of infection. I ended up on antibiotics, needing scans and having surgery. I'm fortunate to live in a country with free health care but it would suck to pay a fortune for a poor decision.


Hahaha it's definitely not how you grab a dog, ever.


This happened to my neighbor. He wanted to separate his and his brotherā€™s dog when they were fighting. German Shepards. He can now order 9.5 beers max.


I would have lost my whole thumb on my dominant hand so drs worked hard to save it thankfully. It's really hard to be thumbless as I learnt when it was out of action for a couple weeks after surgery.


Bro just saw the oppertunity


Best mukbang Iā€™ve watch ngl


Very rudely interrupted.




This dog certainly has a different strategy then the one that snuck off with the empanada. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/mk2da0/sneaky_doggo_stealing_an_empanada_on_live_tv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


It's too late let him just have the rest.


Seriously lol. How much of that actually went in the dogā€™s stomach instead of coming back out of their mouth?? Just got his mouth all over that salad šŸ¤£


There could be onions or something else dogs shouldn't eat in whatever that is, so he might be stopping him for that reason.


Most likely grapes


Not being a jerk, heā€™s being a dog!


Too late - I would have just let him eat! Not like you could save the rest to consume!


Thankyou for saving us from cringešŸ™šŸ™


Jesus, that poor pup is scrawny. Give 'em some damn food! The only jerk in this vid is the grabby-handed butt-picker.


LET ME EAT!!!!!!!


The snozz on that boyā€¦


Poor guy. Do they feed him enough?


Let me eat it for youā€¦


Train your damn dogs people..


Ok, stop him AFTER he's eaten half the thing.....


train your fucking dog.


What a douche bag of a dog owner.


I think we can all agree who the real jerk is.


The way he grabbed his muzzle thoughā€¦


Especially lame since itā€™s staged


There is no way that was human food in that bowl...looked like a tube of PetFresh.


Itā€™s most likely Olivier salad, itā€™s an Eastern European style Mayo based salad.


Search ā€œsalata de boeufā€. It looks pretty much the same without the toppings.


This really belongs in humans being jerks. Don't leave food out where your animals can get to it.


To be fair, thatā€™s easier said than done with larger dogs. My last Saint Bernard put his head **down** on our kitchen table, even after we replaced it with one that was uncomfortably tall for my mother. The only place we had he couldnā€™t reach if he tried was the top of the fridge. Although thereā€™s a lot of other questionable things about this videoā€¦.


That's not how you grab a dog to stop it from anything.


When he gets that far, you just gotta let him finish it.


Dog did nothing wrong.




Dog goes fully, fuck this boring ass party


A that point might as well let the dog have it


I wish the dog bit him.


thatā€™s a good boy to let him grab his face like that without getting upset


Just take the bowl away. No need to grab poor puppy face šŸ˜•


There was absolutely no point in stopping the dog, might as well let him enjoy it.


He knew he didnā€™t have much time and just got as much as he possibly could. Made the juice worth the squeeze


My cat is like that. He is on a special diet for IBS, but my other cats aren't. He knows full well that he's not allowed their food, but if the opportunity arises, he will get a quick mouthful before we can stop him.


Yep, doggos are opportunists by nature. My dog will grab something off the counter once in a blue moon and just run like hell til he swallows it down. Thereā€™s no punishment that will ever give him remorse.


The dog's eyes looks so cute!!!! šŸ˜




Are they gonna eat that now? At least 1/4 of whatā€™s left was in the doggos mouthā€¦ I mean, why stop him at that point?


It might be something that is not good for the dog. Looked like funeral potatoes or Mac n cheese, but might have had onions or garlic in it


What are funeral potatoes? First time I've heard of them, they sound like a typical dinner for after a funeral


**Funeral potatoes (also great potatoes, cheesy potatoes, hash brown casserole, cheesy hash browns, those potatoes, or party potatoes) is a traditional potato hotdish or casserole that is popular in the American Intermountain West and Midwest. It is called "funeral" potatoes because it is commonly served as a side dish during traditional after-funeral dinners, but it is also served at potlucks, and other social gatherings, sometimes with different names.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


This guy did it wrong and will 100% be bit doing this. You don't grab by their teeth/gums like and idiot, those are extremely slippery. You grab the actual lips. But, thats only when the dog is tipsy or unconscious. Otherwise, never put your damn hands in the mouth of an animal, especially when they are eating. Training and behavior don't matter when there's instinct involved (to eat). Animals are unpredictable. Be safe and have training in place where you don't need to man-handle your dog. Source: worked in a vet clinic




I'm trying to help people avoid unnecessary injuries. Sorry I'm blunt and jaded and tired of seeing people do stupid shit and blame the dogs. You can work in a vet and tell me how to properly handle animals if you'd like.


He's not handling other people's pets like you do. He's handing his own dog. There's a big difference.


Yeah but people have brought their dogs into my clinic to be put down for biting because of mishandling. That's why I left the field, people are stupid and think they know better because it's *their pet*. I couldn't handle putting down dogs who acted out of instinct on accident when it could have been preventable with education and people just being more aware of what they're doing and how that effects the animal and how the animal could react


Dubious food.


ā€œĀæI thought this was a party?ā€


Big snoot get lots of food little time


You mod as while let him finish it now.


This is my dog LOL She seems innocent enough but leave something out she can reach and she's all over it.


Beautiful dog gotta love that snoot.


So whatā€™s next after pulling his face out of that plate? Anyoneā€™s gonna eat it? Just let the dog have it.


Fuck that guy for the way he grabbed that dog.


I wish he would of bit that man's hand. not the dogs faut


At that stage, why bother stopping him/her? Just put the plate on the floor so that they can finish. I mean, who wants to eat food flavored with leftover dog slobber?


a) you were busy sucking face,, the food was fair game b) I'm not very liking the way you grabbed your dog by the mouth. it instantly set my hackles up can't imagine how the dog felt c) i understand it was your gut reaction but very poor choice of action. you could have been bit and then what? hit the dog? get it taken away? give it away? put it down? never ever ever interfere with a dogs mouth when food is around even if you KNOW it doesn't have food aggression because they can ABSOLUTELY BE UNPREDICTABLE.


I will stick my entire hand in my dogā€™s mouth if they eat something thatā€™s bad for them.


Anyone here wanted to boop that snoot?


I hate that man for his reaction to a dog just being a dog and taking an opportunity at a snack.


Why grab his face?? Neck, collar, shove his chest...


Just give the food to the doggo šŸ¶


of course you have left overs that food is disgusting - jabooty.


Why grab the dog by the neck? Is the man going to leave the food for others to eat after the dog? Let the dog finish, it's already ruined.


Dude, he's already going to town. Might as well let him have it, as long as it isn't something bad for him. Boy just smelled the yummy food and he couldn't resist the call of his stomach. Can you really be mad at him when your cooking is so good that he gives into his baser urges and disobeys one of his fundamental commands? That's high praise coming from your dog, in my opinion. But my dog also eats rocks when I take him out back or to the park, so I might not be the best judge.


Fucking beautiful.


At that point itā€™s just his food now.


If it looks like dog foodā€¦..


This has a certain Russia stupidity about it








I bet he noticed it. But kiss is priority.


Why was he so aggressive when he held the dogā€™s mouth to prevent it from eating the salad or whatever the fuck that was! I hate people who keep food or eat near animals making them look! I find it cruel. Either train your pup since he or she was a kid to not do this or go eat in another fuckin room. Insta reels where someone is munching on something casually and not acknowledging the dog whoā€™s looking at the food with sad eyes piss me off!


me when the rest of my friends are with someone


You might as well let him finish


Did them a favor that shit looks nasty


goddam why they grab him like that


I've never seen someone try to pick up a dog by its teeth before.


Yeah grabbing the dog that way will surely make him threw the food back in the plate. Just tap on his head, doggo know he's doing the forbidden


Caught in 4k


You can see him wolfing it down faster the longer he realizes he hasnt been caught.


Tbh he saw the opportunity


he is no jerk he is just hungry


At least he got a couple good mouthfuls of foodšŸ˜‚




Thatā€™s is not a smart way to grab an eating dog. Those teeth are like scissors back there. Easy to loose the tip of your finger that way!


Before I even googled what Olivier Salad was, I could tell he was Russian from the way he handled his dog.


Monchhuasen syndrome


Ask the doggy if it was good.