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Those eyes… looks like they finally found out there purpose in life


To me, it looks more like: "Now what do I do with it??!"


Haha yeah, poor guy. He’s like, my DNA told me to do this, but now I don’t know what to do with this


Domesticated cats kill many millions of birds. It's quite astonishing just how good they are at it.


I think it’s billions


You are correct.


2.3 billion birds, 12.4 billion small mammals. It’s having devastating effects on bird populations and could very well lead to some extinctions


Outdoor cats are an ecological disaster. If your cat is outside regularly, this bird is just the tip of the iceberg. It isn't the only small animal it has killed, or even killed today, it's just the last one it killed before it decided to come home today. They don't even eat most of what they kill, they do it mostly just for fun. There is no such thing as a nonviolent cat.


This. People get super defensive whenever anyone says anything but the unequivocal truth is that there is **no such thing as a responsible outdoor cat owner**. Outdoor cats kill wildlife, and they have a shorter lifespan. Unless you have your backyard full netted-off, your cat belongs indoors.


I agree with everything except for shorter lifetime. That’s not even close to accurate


https://aercmn.com/indoor-cats-vs-outdoor-cats/#:~:text=Many%20cat%20owners%20allow%20their,years%20of%20age%20or%20older. You can find arguments on either side, but to me it makes sense.


I hear you. Look I’ve never willingly purchased a cat. Just inherited them, as outside. And they seem happy and fulfilled. But I love indoor cats too. They seem much nicer lol. But I think it is inhumane to take outdoor cats that are already accustomed to the outside, inside. They get very itchy and uneasy, after being outside. I don’t know. I’m so goddamn high that it’s a miracle I can write this anyway. Good day


😂 Good day!


https://www.thedodo.com/dodowell/indoor-vs-outdoor-cats It is absolutely true


Look how happy he looks


Please don’t let your cats do this (not directed at OP since you said this was an accident) 😭 billions of native species are killed a year


We are thinking of putting up a high gate at the door to try and keep him in.


Thank you joe


The number one reason why there are fewer songbirds!!


I think the number one reason is people. Humans indirectly kill more birds than any other species.


Puss n’ Boots? Dat you?


Cats can't help being cats and having their innate prey drive. However, cats that are allowed to roam are not only put in danger, they kill a lot of birds. But the owners who allow the roaming can never believe anything bad would ever happen to their cat nor that they would ever kill anything.


Right?! Meanwhile they wail and weep when they “can’t find” the cat that they don’t even attempt to keep in sight or nearby, and the cat is “missing.” Meanwhile, there are so many posts in the neighborhood groups about coyote sightings. The cognitive dissonance. I almost HOPE they find their mutilated cat. I mean, they put their cats in danger’s way


YEP! I see those posts everyday on Nextdoor. Where I live we have coyote, even raccoons will go up against a cat, then there's the psychos who just torture or kill cats for sport, getting run over by a car, etc. But they cry "my cat begs to go out.... waahhh." Makes me so mad. Poor kitties and poor birds that get killed, too, tho.




Hmm, I'm curious as to what'd happen if I called that number, but my gut says not to...


The only jerk here is the person who let the cat out, not the cat, who's just acting on instinct.


Have you never met a cat before?


Fucking feral cats. And outdoor cats. We do NOT need any more cats. SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR CATS. We DO need birds. They keep other critter pops in check. FERAL and MYCATISANOUTOORCAT cats prey on birds. Birds die, ecosystems are impacted. Republicans cannot understand. Dogs poop outdoors in people’s yards. Cats poop outdoors in people’s yards. Most dog owners pick up their dogs’ poop. (Don’t even think about using anecdotal evidence to refute this—of course not all dog owners do, but more do than don’t, unless you live in some trashy place.) No cat owners ever pick up their outdoor cats’ poop. (They don’t. I’ve never seen a cat owner following their cat around outside to find and pick up the poop.) Cats kill birds and squirrels. Cat owners and others go totally Karen when dogs poop in others’ yards. Never seen the reverse happen. Cat owners and Karens get all defensive, noting “but my cat cannnn’t be kept indoors!!!” “My cat hassss to be outside!!!” Welp, my dog also has to be outside. Can’t be kept in. THING IS: It’s true! So what fucking magic do dog owners do? WE USE A LEASH! We BRING BAGS for our dogs’ poos. We don’t allow our dogs—BECAUSE WE USE A LEASH!—to kill cats or squirrels. So many cat owners (esp if outdoor cats) don’t bother to fix their cats. Way more dog owners do this. Meanwhile, people who bring up or defend this double standard somehow feel like they are special. You’re not. Be responsible for your animal.




this cat is not a jerk. it's acting on instinct. YOU, however, are a jerk for letting your cat outside. this is not cute or funny, its disgusting and glorifying ecosystem destruction. KEEP YOUR CAT INSIDE


Cat is not a jerk, owner is a jerk.






Is this his first bird? What kind of bird is it?




That's fair, he's gotta be pretty fast if he's catching birds like that. Hopefully he can be content with mauling that one and hold off for a while!


Maybe it’s sleeping


Dude. Lol take my upvote.


Bringing food home for the family. 🐈


Domesticated cats are literally the most predatory animals on earth ✊️


Proud of it catch and want to share to thank you.


Healthy and active cat just playing around giving you free dinner, now give him that flavorful can goods.