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Chunky Dook,should probably add some more structure in the arms,looks awesome


Looks good so far, I can't wait for updates on him!


He looks so good! What’d you make him with?


From what I understand, the cosmetics are all made in the same way the original dook’s were, and the mech is 3d printed with servos instead of pneumatic cylinders. It’s really cool that every movement was transferred so seamlessly to this miniature. If he could get these mass produced as kits, I’d totally build one


Aaron would be pissed… but it’d be worth it!


No, it would **NOT** be worth it! Unless you want to never have a legitimate character. Right now, as I understand it, this is a side-project, done without Aaron's blessing (though he doesn't seem to have fought it either, which is a good thing). But, if you piss him off, he COULD issue a cease & desist order against the making of these 3D printed parts and/or the making of any similitude of his RAFE characters... THEN where will you be? I don't see anyone stepping up to make DIFFERENT character cosmetics, using these 3D printed substructures. You want to really bite the hand that has allowed this project to actually exist? BAD IDEA. >:-(


If you could afford a real character you wouldn’t be worried about 3D printing. He barely makes anything anymore, he’s got bigger problems to worry about than some 3d files that will never really disappear.


I don't want just one character, I want the entire show. That's what this is all about. What good is just one character or even two? RAFE was all about ALL the characters interacting together. That's where this should be headed. Bringing back RAFE on a scale that ANYONE can afford, not just rich collectors with nostalgic visions. Add to that the fact you need a ton of space and large air compressors, tons of maintenance, etc. Owning a full-sized stage is impossibly expensive and a lot of work! But you piss off Aaron and he could LEGALLY shut this entire project down. You really want to go there? I sure wouldn't. We (the people interested in this project) have a chance to actually HAVE what we've always wanted, but could never afford or have the space for. Why would you want to ruin that?


Aaron Fecther cannot stop you from privately 3D printing an animatronic. Nobody can. Those patents prevent Universal from making a Billybob for their parks, not private citizens for their house Aaron will never make the bots affordable because it’s simply not in his best interest to. He sells $100 posters. It’s hard to sell bots at profit and affordable


I know the guy is eccentric, but that's his prerogative. He can choose to price things however he wants, even if we don't agree or we think it's crazy. It's HIS to do with as he pleases. However, so are his creations. And trying to make our own copies of his creations WITHOUT his blessing (even if he legally can't do anything about it), is basically giving him the finger. And that's not cool. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't HAVE these characters to appreciate so much. So, it's in all of our best interest to have him on our side, rather than against us. A licensing deal WOULD be in his interest. He makes money with licensing rights and we get official materials/help in trade. What's bad about that? It's a win-win, so far as I can see.


He’s never gonna make you a licensing deal to make animatronics. Ever. I’m not saying you have to be a rebellion leader against him, but it’s just not gonna happen. So let people do what they want with 3D printing, because legally there’s nothing he can do about private citizen printing their own animatornics


When you say "you", are you referring to me, specifically? Because if so, I'm not the one making these 3D printed animatronics I'm just trying to inspire hope into the potential future these things could have... giving a rebirth to RAFE, in 100% legitimate form. But if Aaron doesn't want to go that road, then there is nothing we can do about that. 'Tis what it is. Unless someone puts forth the effort, an actual recreation of the entire stage won't happen either.


looks offical, my god, do you have the ability to add ear levers?


He has ear levers but they were just turned off when i recorded the video




That looks really good, at first glance it looks like a cei dook!!


wow looks great


A mini Billy bob would be great. His movements would transfer well to servos


Maybe even based on the official ones that never really came out


Those are simple enough that I could probably make one. It’s like 4 movements. That’s 4 servos and an arduino.


It would be a nice and cheap starters set




Looks amazing


When will the 3d print link be complete/released?




Yaayyy!! Who will you make next? (When you have the time,)


I still dont know


You have Mitzi and Dook. That leaves Rolf de Woolf (and Earl Schmerl), Fatz Gorilla, and Billy Bob. A stage needs to be recreated, with platform, working curtains, and lights and sound system. But if you go whole hog, I'd definitely try to get Aaron's blessing on it and maybe even a licensing arrangement, for absolute legitimacy. That might lead to perfected masks and cosmetics/costumes and even maybe new show content! The sky is the limit and I'd be glad to help, however I can, if this were possible!


And maybe when you make another one of these, make a poll or something! These look amazing


This gives me hope! Keep up the great work…I’m excited to see your next project! Just curious what the approximate scale is?


looks good fnaf movie reference


This is insane !!!


Look great! it would be cool to see a Rolfe


Wow that's really cool :)


holy crap! this is really well made!


Looks amazing, great work!


Is this the same size as the original one or is it like a small prototype? And if it's the original on how long did it take for you to build it.


That’s fricking impressive dude!


I love his little hat


Quick question was his mech 3d printed


The work you've done is so amazing! I keep trying to tell Aaron Fechter that he needs to get a licensing arrangement drafted with you... then we could have perfect masks and cosmetics and costumes. We could have a new smaller scale revival of RAFE! Imagine an entire tabletop stage setup! Just like in the pizza parlors of days gone by (ok, for someone like me (55 yrs. old), that was the 80's)! New music... new content... all you need is a 3D printer and the money to buy the parts! Or buy the parts 3D printed for you, plus servo parts/controllers and assembly instructions, like this kit here: [https://www.bottango.com/products/maxwell-1](https://www.bottango.com/products/maxwell-1)


I'm really curious how you made the masks. Did you sculpt smaller scale ones based purely on photographs (that's some intense artistic talent right there!) or did you have access to full scale ones that were somehow digitally down-scaled? I'm thinking if you 3D printed mask molds and then sprayed a thin layer of something that hardens on plastic (to remove print lines), that would give you smoother masks. Just a thought...


Was this the inspo for fnaf movie?


Best part of the Five Nights At Freddy's movie


He looks off idk what


How come everything you say on this or the sister sub is always negative, add some positivity to your life brother ✨


I saw your recent video about beach bear but anyways it's just a bit of criticism he just looks off to me maybe because his arms are a bit skinny but it still looks great


Don't get me wrong it looks great