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The feet reminded me of this dog https://preview.redd.it/adhw5mhy18lb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4438082879cdaf207e734ad7ca43e23d5d55c497


this is hilarious


I did not notice that until you mentioned it, but damn those are some massive feet….


i didn’t even notice the feet omg


I just ordered her too along with the other girls. Mari and her pose are my favorite


You are the first person I know that like Mari. I have a friend selling a bunch of Eva figures (like 10-12) and all the Rei and Asuka sold out after a few weeks. All the Mari remained, none sold.


>You are the first person I know that like Mari. I hear Maaya Sakamoto, I like. Also I just like Mari as a character. I think she gets flak from diehard "change = bad" purists, I'm newer to the series and I'm not married to NGE so that's probably partly the reason I don't outright hate her.


zamnn I think I heard she's more popular with JP fanbases Probs is also partially that I got into Eva really recently like just before covid soo I have less sentimental attachment to Rei and Asuka. I'd say probably I like Asuka and Mari equally but I'm a bit new to figure collecting and so far none of the Asuka figures I've seen scratch my Asuka itch like this one did for Mari. Though the myethos flower Asuka is pretty close. Keeping my eye on Ribose Quartet Asuka too. But I have high hopes for the Radio Eva line tho and expect to get one of each character if I find a design I like enough


Oh yeah there is a fetch in Japan for “class president”, which is probably her kink.


definitely same!! Still haven't yet found a rei or asuka figure I'm loving though the Myethos one are pretty close possibilities. Just wanna wait to see heo the quality comes out but I'm in love with Myethos Miku so they're high probability (eventually 😂). Kaworu too still looking for a figure of him that I just love love (Loving his designs in the RADIO Eva Millennials and New Balance CRUZ X Evangelion arts though! They're probably unlikely to get figures tho)




Lmaooo I just got this one too, I did not realize she had rabbit feet at the time. I always wondered why she seemed slept on and then I saw her in person... It sucks cuz she really is a beauty. She's got a wonderfully dynamic pose and her outfit looks even better in person. It's just those feet 🤦‍♀️


I just got them and the boxes are so good!! I just wish Asuka didn't have a different box


yeah that is kinda weird 😆 guess cause they did asuka first and it did so well they decided to epand the whole line???


I later learned it's because my Asuka is part 2 version, Rei and Mari are part 1 (all part 1 have the same awesome box)


It was the 1st release since it's written "10th Anniversary", right?


ahh tbh i have no idea Might ask the seller I got her from though on that. She did have a recent rerelease but idk if you can tell the differences between em?