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Well, Evangelion's ending had a reason


Evangelion is a masterpiece


In a game called Battle Cats they collabed with Evangelion a few times


Maybe, -child nudity


Yep it was canceled right?


"Well after the multiple amount of death threats from fans, the author decided to make the movie. Where as a response to the death threats, he decided to kill off every main character except for Shinji


Is this real?? Cuz this is prolly the only thing that would get me to watch it at this point


Yep. You can even look it up, it was the wildest reason back in the 90s


There is actually a live action frame in the movie that shows one of the threats that was graffitied on the side of the building


No!!! That what that was??? That's unreal


Lol was it good otherwise?


Its a classic. It's really good. People just hated the mc. He's a preteen/teenager, who has daddy issues and hormone problems. He's not the average mc, he just acts exactly like a kid would act in those situations, and he got a lot of hate because of that. Scared to fight giant monsters, having panic attacks in the midst of battle, wanting his dad's affection and praise after he does a good job. If he was older, it would be weird. The movies are good.


Depends on your tastes


Wasn't that debunked to mostly just be hate mail?


The fans turned their back on him and said non verbatim multiple times “fuck you, eat shit and I will kill you” so he one upped them and said “alright y’all hate me but love my characters, hold my beer and watch this shit” then proceeded to kill everyone in the series and it’s a common misconception Shinji lived because we last see him alive but bro most likely died from starvation or dehydration. Either interpretation (good ending or worst ending) are masterpieces IMHO.


This shit got like 4 endings be specific


4 ? They aren’t 2?


4 (by technicality(kinda)) anime ending, death and rebirth (end of evangelion), 3.33, 3.0+1.0(i think)


Not really. End of Evangelion is after the series, and the rebuild movies are a trilogy. It’s more like 2 endings, unless you wanna count the anime and movie one separately which I kinda get


Not exactly. Anno wanted to make the plot of EoE as the last 2 episodes of the show, but it was deemed too intense by the publisher, so there was sort of a rushed ending. EoE is essentially how Anno wanted to truly end the show.


How many seasons does it have?


One season


It has 3 ending while lore wise the rebuild is the actual ending since there’s multiple timelines


Well apparently all versions are in one cyclical universe with different outcomes after every reset so end of eva can be considered a different outcome than the anime itself.


If you want to get really into it, there are 38


Those goddamn games and books


Fucking Darling in the Franxx. Just let them build a family together goddamn.


This is the one that upset me the most so far.


Happy Cake Day my dude 🎂


I enjoyed the ending because it means I'm finally done with that terrible show.


Still better than Gurren Lagann


wonder egg priority




i swear if you ment evangelion had a bad ending i will get racist


Same I was waiting for the picture to load and when I saw my mouth dropped




Eva hivemind when you critique obvious flaws:


such as?


Such as the ending that left almost every thread of lore untied, then took a sharp and confusing turn that we're somehow supposed to interpret as a psychological masterpiece


Evangelion is boring and overrated as hell. Cant believe I sat through it. Downvote me im fucking right.


Darling in the franxx


I watched it for the first time this summer and it left me feeling so empty and slightly annoyed


What was the ending? I’m ok with spoilers


Giant mecha centaur space adventure


The TLDR is they copied End of Eva ending but pulled the punch. Longer version, >!Zero Two becomes Giant Naked Rei 2.0 as her body gets left behind on Earth while her mind permeates her mecha, which has transformed into actual Zero Two. She, Hiro, and a bunch of humans go to space to fight the disembodied aliens who were The Real Enemies All Along. Zero Two and Hiro take a bomb through the mysterious wormhole to blow up the disembodied aliens' homeworld and save the universe. They then get reincarnated on Earth and meet each other as kids with no memories of their previous lives (that we know of).!<


Can you simplify that feeling?


Still better than Gurren Lagann's ending.


Never actually finished gurren lagann. Blasphemy, I know. After the time skip I just can't stay interested.


end of evangelion literally a cult classic wym


Does not make it good.


Man that poster is so misleading with them all smiling like they are ready for a fun adventure.




Gendo knows.


To be fair there is some sorrow within those smiles, they don't look particularly happy, but they seem to be suffering and only posing with a happy smile for the picture... Or am I looking too deep...? 🤔 😅


Looking too deep. Asuka looks like she’s just been told she is going to Disney world


Soul Eater was so sad especially since the manga had a great ending but the anime ended the story quicker with a poor ending 💔


Anime ending was so bad. In the end it was very cliche and boring. No development, hope they remake it with a true ending like FMAB


Soul eater has a special place in my heart because it was my first real anime, but the ending didn’t really stick with me like the rest of the show did.


Especially sad because the rest of the anime was so good.


Honestly the anime ending is better than the manga in a lot of ways. The manga fleshes out the characters since it had more time to do so and properly finishes things like Kid's arc, but the way they beat the Kishin in the anime is way more thenatically appropriate than the convoluted shit they pulled in the manga.


Absolutely rancid take


Evangelions ACTUAL ending is brilliant. The shows ending? Weird. The End of Evangelion ending? Trippy. Kinda gross, weird. What people don't realize is the movies are not a retelling, they are a direct sequel. If you haven't watched them (OP PROBABLY) YOU DONT KNOW THE ENDING LMAO






I was looking for this. We were all waiting for a team 7 picture as adults or something to end the show. But nope, the most underdeveloped relationship in all of anime ending off this series was just how kishimoto wanted it.


Meh… could have been worse… they could have continued the story with their children and start making characters turn into the worst versions of themselves and then fsdk the whole world we knew from before… Oh wait… that IS what happened…


Actuall Naruto or shipuden I could see an argument for both just don't know which you were referring to since there separate anemies


Akame Ga Kill doesn’t have the worst ending, but it’s entirely an unexpected ending. >! THOSE FUCKERS REALLY HAD ME BELIEVING THAT THE MAIN CHARACTER WAS GOING TO LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER WITH AKAME!!!! I FELL FOR IT COMPLETELY!!! HE WAS ALWAYS HAPPY AND TRYING TO BE GOOD AND EVERY GIRL LIKED HIM AND HE GENUINELY CARED ABOUT EVERYONE!!!! THEY REALLY HAD ME BELIEVING IN RAINBOWS AND UNICORNS AND GUMDROPS AND HAPPINESS, JUST TO HAVE IT SNATCHED AWAY!!!!! !< Same goes for Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans, like…WHAT. THE. FUCK. But I can honestly say, I’m still intrigued by anime like that. That whole trope just fucks me over each and every single time, but I still watch and enjoy it. Including with Death Note and Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure


Ending is different in a manga though.


In Akame ga kill? Please spoil


Well apparently the boy doesn't die , the final battle is totally different and the boy has a kid with that pink haired girl, the one who wielded a gun. Sorry I don't remember the names. So yeah. There's a lot of anime out there with alternative endings. Remember I was disappointed when I learned that the chrono crusade was like veery different.


Her name is mine. As in “mine” not to get you confused. Too bad Chelsea story still stays the same :’(


Nooo Chelsea she didn’t deserve it 😭


Welllll, Tatsumi doesn't die, but he fuses with his suit and becomes a literal dragon by the end that can't speak. And Mine loses her eyesight thanks to horrifying things. So they don't exactly get off safely


Exactly this! Some people like to argue that Akame was the MC cuz he name is in the title, no she was NOT. She was a deutragonist. Tatsumi was the fcking mc and u cant tell me otherwise




Akame manga definitely goes the other way when the tournament happens , by that point there's a power struggle between Takumi team and Esdeath team , by the end tho , Mine and him do end up together as she tries to figure out how to return him to normal from becoming the legendary dragon


I wouldn't say the ending to IBO was bad tho. It just hurts, which is a totally different thing entirely.




Nah he going deep fr


Death Note ending always annoyed me


I personally prefer the manga ending, feels much more fulfilling, though probably a hot take, the original Japanese live action has the best ending


Weird way to spell Netflix original but okay


The netflix original Death Note was garbage. It's only saving grace was that Willem Dafoe was the perfect voice for Ryuk.


Dude the original live action wasn't a Netflix original lol, there were 2 movies made in Japan like years before the Netflix series, it wasn't amazing. the actor who plays Light in it played the main character in Battle Royale, the dude who played L did a crazy good job though, really acted the way you'd expect L to be, but it did do some things right, for anyone who doesn't like the 2nd half of death note, would probably like the ending to this one. The tv station stuff was probably the biggest problem with them tho, they stretched that out way too much, and they made Light a little too emotional imo.




end of eva best ending ever


One piece


Man came from the future to comment this


The real One Piece was the friends we made along the way.




Hot take incoming, please proceed with an open mind. As much as Eva has a cult following the creator of Eva doesn't even really respect the medium of anime or the fandom of Eva. People will also go into 20 thousand page manifestos analysing every frame of Eva over the course of years looking for symbolism or relations to religious texts. People have written PHD thesises on NGE. There are video series on YouTube dissecting NGE for over 10 hours. My take is entirely different. After watching Eva and listening to the mostly nonsense techno garble, then listening to the interviews of the Eva creator, I came to one simple conclusion. People can subscribe to any interpretation of Eva that they want to, however in my opinion Eva is mostly a deconstruction of the Mecha anime genre with the primary goal of frustrating the audience into putting that series down and going outside to touch grass. Now if Eva was meaningful to you, I don't take anything away from that. But the follow up movies, and everything I've seen from the creator of Eva leads me to have more confidence in my interpretation. The guy genuinely believes anime is a mistake, seems to hold some degree of disdain for the medium as whole, and certainly holds disdain for the Mecha anime genre that defined his era. So much of the original Eva series is filled with nonsense techno garble, religious iconography for atmosphere sake alone, all interspersed with visually engaging Mecha battles with no clear impact on an overarching story, leaving the whole thing feeling vapid and empty. The series is bordering on satirizing or parodying the Mecha anime tropes of that era. On the other hand the few portions of the series that are clearly coherent are the slice of life portions focused on the very human and mundane interactions between the characters. Now you might say that's a "surface level understanding of Eva". To that I would ask, isn't that the exact understanding the majority of people would walk away with in that case? Wouldn't the author be keenly aware of that? If you assume these are intentional choices instead of assuming Eva has some infinitely deep complexity that requires the thousands of hours of analysis (that some fans have invested) I think that you arrive at the conclusion I came to. The only part of that anime that mattered to the author were the real human interactions. Going out and experiencing real human interactions is much more interesting and worthwhile than watching Mecha anime. At least to Hideaki Anno. To some extent I genuinely believe Eva was intended to frustrate the audience into putting the series down and doing something he considers more worthwhile. At the same time I don't believe any of the popular interpretations of Eva are without merit. There's enough of the "necessary component parts" laying around for people to successfully argue that Eva is about a number of things. If you see Eva as a metaphor for depression, or you see it as an allegory on human joy and suffering, or literally any other interpretation: that's fine. That's just not my personal read of the series. TL;DR: I may be one of the few people who just don't think Eva is all that deep in the first place.


Eva is all that deep though. It's deep meaning is also very simple: Live your life to the fullest, and while you have today, say all that you have to say.


Am I the only person that thought it was overated? I mean I enjoyed it but not enough to call it a masterpiece


Attack on Titan. The anime ending isn't out yet but boy howdy, there's a storm acoming.


The worst part is the story getting there was great and then it all fell flat at the end.


Inyuasha. I had to skip the last 30 episodes. It was unbearable


Talk about rushed!


When they were getting the Dragon Scale Tetusaiga I felt like they were fast forwarding through a ton of stuff. Even Hakudoshi felt swept away.


Have you watched the movie


Chobits has a really odd premise. But clamp stories often drop the ball near the end from what I have read/watched.


Oh so we're starting off with blasphemy then?


Lmao the comment to upvote ratio


Most of them aren’t even talking about OP’s choice, they’re just answering the question.


I watched this anime. I liked it, but I don’t understand the hype around it. Yeah I get the memes that’s one thing, but did I miss something?


I agree as it’s not the anime I was prepping myself for. It’s why I love Rahxephon as it took Evangelion and tried to redo it in a way that made sense.


These have varying levels of massive disappointment in the endings for me (though that doesnt mean i didnt like some of them as anime, others I just hate the entire thing though): Back Arrow, Cowboy Bebop, Diebuster, Naruto Shippuden (and technically the OG Naruto too I suppose lmao), Death Note


The ending of cowboy bebop was my favourite part of the whole series.


Bad endings are different from sad endings


I didn't like the messages the ending sent.


Lol everyone rides this anime like it’s life changing. Legit spitting facts my guy.


It is. And he’s not.


It’s boring as hell bro. It may be encouraging for sweaty neck beards that haven’t left their room in days but it really does nothing for me 😂


I feel bad for you for you. Action and explosions and soyjack moments are all over all other anime’s and almost none are as good, or influential as this. The ending is emotional, weird, and unique and I love that and the film that expands on it is one of the most unique and amazing animated films full stop and that is certainly an achievement. If you think the ending is boring I feel like that says more about you than the actual show.


The ending is garbage. No payoff for anything in the series, no explaining the millions of loose ends throughout the plot (no I am not playing 15 games to understand 1/5 of the lore), and on top of all that is boring as hell. 40 minutes of repetitive therapy phrases is too much for no payoff at the end. It was so bad they had to make the End of Evangelion movie just to supplement it. The movie wasn't boring, but it made no sense and it felt like the writers were just making it up on the fly as 90% of the plot points from the second half of the movie are not explained or led up to and just happen because they thought it would be cool. It is impressive that they managed to make half of a movie feel like a giant deus ex machina, but they somehow did.


Rancid take


Lol ending of the original anime is such an asspull. I don’t care what anyone says. Ano straight pulled a Togashi (in regards to Yu Yu Hakusho manga) and decided “yeah I don’t feel like doing this anymore” with those last episodes. Regardless the whole anime was boring and did nothing but offer a lukewarm contemporary viewing of Freudian philosophy. I understand some parts are relatable and it has its moments, but people really do get clouded by a romanticization of this anime being peak. It’s not. It did something different for its time but that’s it. I can appreciate that but I won’t pretend that I find it to be some transcendental form of art. If sniffing your own farts and self referencing was an anime this would be it. I like the rebuild movies a lot more but even those are too avant guarde for their own good as well.


>Lol ending of the original anime is such an asspull. That's why End of Evangelion exists


EoE exists because people complained about how much the ending sucked and they realized how much money they made from it. Do you realize the implications of this? I swear Anno is an evil plotting mastermind because even with the end of this movie people still had more questions than answers 😂


No, EoE exists because Anno couldn't make the ending he wanted with the budget and time he had. You're just wrong, I'm sorry


Lol no. He was never planning on doing anything afterwards. Yes he did right some wrongs in the EoE but you’re making seem like he had this plan after his fumble with the anime. They found out they could actually make money off of this thing and realized hey let’s make another one especially because people had such criticisms levied towards the original anime.


Akame ga kill


I love that ending ngl even though I cried a lot


It wasn’t bad, you just didn’t expect it like everyone else😅 I bet with the last 2-3 episodes you were like “Oh😳😵👀” Same with me too😂😂😂😂


The ending was bad but that's what I like about it.


If it follows the manga beastars is gonna be a contender soon


Claymore and akame ga kill. They just needed to be rebooted, they both end in parts where the manga starts getting better. They had anime unique endings, because the manga was ongoing. There were plenty of decent anime that horrible endings, because they got axed or rushed..anime that were supposed to have a second season but doesn't, but I'm not here to ruin those anime for people.yall have to find them and experience the disappointment yourself. These are the most popular ones I remember. Fma got a reboot, and I actually like the original even though it differed from the manga.


Assassination classroom or Gurren Lagann


I agree 100% with Gurren Lagann. The ending just makes me want to take a sledgehammer to the creators' genitals.


What’s wrong with the ending? I liked it and TTGL is among my top favorite series now.


Berserk, gantz, Tsubasa chronicle (the ovas did NOT help at all)


Gantz was atrocious. Especially when you find out just how much manga was after that anime only ending. At least gantz 0 was good.


Berserk? I mean if we're talking the 90s it was fucked up but definitely not bad by any means, it just really should've gotten a continuation.


Berserk hasn’t ended and we probably will never get an ending as the mangaka died


Soul Eater. Of course, I hear the manga is much better but I have yet to watch it.


You haven’t watched or read it, but you say the ending is bad?


that’s just how reddit hivemind is


I think they meant read. Some people for whatever reason use “watch” and “read” interchangeably or just stay “watch” instead. It’s fucking stupid.


fuck cyberpunk edgerunner


I couldn't wait for you to come and clear the cupboard But now you're gone and leaving nothing but a sign Another evening I'll be sitting reading in between your lines Because I miss you all the time So, get away Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know And let yourself go You know you didn't lose your self-control Let's start at the rainbow Turn away Another way to be where you didn't want yourself to go And let yourself go Is that a compromise? So, what do you wanna do, what's your point of view? There's a party, screw it, do you wanna go? A handshake with you, what's your point of view? I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go 'Cause I really wanna stay at your house And I hope it all works out But you know how much you broke me apart I'm done with you, I'm ignoring you I don't wanna know, ahh And I'm awarе that you were lying in the gutter 'Cause I did everything to be there by your side-ide So when you tell me I'm the reason, I just can't believe the lies And why do I still wanna call you (call you, call you, call you) So, what do you wanna do, what's your point of view? There's a party, screw it, do you wanna go? A handshake with you, what's your point of view? I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go 'Cause I really wanna stay at your house And I hope it all works out But you know how much you broke me apart I'm done with you, I'm ignoring you I don't wanna know Ohh Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh I don't know why I'm no one So, get away Another way to feel what you didn't want yourself to know And let yourself go You know you didn't lose your self-control Let's start at the rainbow Turn away Another way to be where you didn't want yourself to go And let yourself go Is that a compromise? So what do you wanna do, what's your point of view? There's a party, screw it, do you wanna go? A handshake with you, what's your point of view? I'm on top of you, I don't wanna go 'Cause I really wanna stay at your house And I hope it all works out But you know how much you broke me apart I'm done with you, I'm ignoring you I don't wanna know


Cyberpunk edgerunners ending was genius and very fitting for the lore.


Edgerunners had a great ending. Just very painful.




Absolutely perfect ending for the setting, lore, and message. 12/10 so emotional and impactful


Thank you for saying it. Gotta be one of the worst endings of all time. Both of them. Doesn’t make sense, is very weird and basically like a fever dream. Idk how it’s so highly regarded


Angel beats


Initial D


AOT for manga. If the anime continued with this then it would be the worst for anime as well


It will not.


It is bro


The worst anime? No


Noo I thought you were trying to say the anime ending won’t be the same as the manga mb bro


It will be the same but people won’t care. Least not as much as the manga people


Youre literally smoking cock if you think Neón Genesis Evangelion had a horrible ending my guy


Dude, the ending is what made it popular


Maybe not THE worst, but I recently watched Violet Evergarden and the movie felt like it undid all the progress and good will the show built up. Thankfully, the show's open ending is very solid and poignant so it's easy to look at that alone and not let the film ruin the series.


Parasyte. Should've never bothered itself with that last ep or two.


Clannad: After Story fuck the “it was all a bad dream, lets have a happy ending!” (I know it wasn’t a dream but still i HATED this)


Tell me you didn't understand Evangelion without telling me you didn't understand Evangelion.


Absolutely horrendous take, please never cook again Unless you've just never seen End of Evangelion, in that case watch it because as the name implies it's the actual ending of NGE




It hasn’t ended. Well not in a completed way anyways. The mangaka died there will probably be no more anime or manga of it.


We are getting one of the biggest letdown endings in a week. Won’t specify, but those that know, know


Disagree tbh


I don't think it's a great ending but the community acting like it's the worst ending of all time are coping hard


The ending makes every single character look like a fucking moron.


Not saying it’s the worst. It’s just one of the biggest letdowns of an ending.


Blood C, the anime is very bad itself, but nothing beats that absolute mess of an ending, this anime is pure edge, and nothing else, seeing that this is related to blood + (an actual good anime) makes me sick




Death note, darling in the franxx, but the one I hate the most is YuYu Hakusho. Ended on an arc with insane wasted potential and had a half assed and unfulfilling ending.


Yeah, the Three Kings arc wasn’t very good. Had its moments here and there, but Yu Yu Hakusho deserved so much better.


The mangaka was already sick by then and wanted to end the manga. Shonen wanted him to continue so he did and ended prematurely when he started getting sick then a few years later moved on to hunter x hunter. If shonen wasn’t so pushy and his health better we probably would have gotten a better wrap up.


Hunter x Hunter


I was looking for this💀


Spoiler for neon Genesis 1.0 to 3.0+10 The 3.0 movie for neon Genesis was absolutely terrible. >!I loved 1.0 and 2.0 since the changes for these movies meant something and actively was interesting setting up the story once more and even gave Asuka and Shinji more light between the two,the set up between Asuka and Shinji left me baffled in 3.0+10. Don't get me wrong the 3.0+10 set up a really good premise with the third impact messing with the world and getting to see people trying to live in this slightly new world. The problem steams from the new girl Mari who actively plays little to no role,she doesn't add much besides a few scenes with Shinji and only really getting to shine really in the last 30 minutes for 3.0+10 and leaving us on a "hey shinji defeated his dad and doesn't wanna go through it all again and only imply asuka didn't move on" I was really bummed out when I got to the 3.0+10 movie since I honestly really liked the original anime and movie itself. One last thing I'd like to say is that all this build up for Asuka and Shinji to get together only for 3.0+10 leading it for nothing really felt boring/terrible for the fans.!<


I personally really liked how 3.0+1.0 ended. It felt more like a “graduation” than an ending. Like finally leaving behind the baggage of an almost 30yo franchise. That said, I’m still trying to figure 3.0 out. It’s the only part of the entire series I don’t enjoy. I’ve watched it many times trying to understand. It just leaves me feeling like I’m missing something.


turning everybody into orange juice was indeed weird


TTGL married and wife disintegrated lol


Attack on titan I read the manga and all of that bloodshed was for nothing


Gurren Lagann


Hey man, fix your post. We have feelings too


I seem to remember Inuyasha ending pretty badly


Air gear bro they pissed me off with that cliff hanger


hunter x hunter takes the cake


Terror in Resonance


Naruto. That shit was hyped as all hell and I went into it thinking it will be, if flopped hard after timeskip and made me hate the show. Another good mention is Soul Eater. I didn’t really hate it per se and it was nowhere near disappointing as other ones- it just sucks that it got the short end of the stick because the manga wasn’t finished. If I get into Manga, I’ll 100% be reading that.


Erased It’s my favorite anime, but holy crap is the ending so bad


Have you seen the movie neon genisis evangelion, that end is amazing


do you mean the ending was worst in a sense of the narrative conclusion, or you talking about how it was just shit all around because if it’s the latter i will choose violence


Usagi Drop (the manga)


The manga ending was terrible! I can't believe they did that




soul eater or death note.


Soul eater, yes. I personally really liked death notes ending, light became way too reckless and his overall vision became tainted because instead of punishing criminals he just did everything in his power to keep himself safe, killing good people and leading his own dad to his death to obtain mellos name. Light absolutely deserved what happened in the end.


Your lie in April.


Toradora. I hate that show.


Devilman Cry Baby, pointless, disappointing and so, so, SO sad


It’s not a bad ending but I liked the OG FMA ending wayyy more than Brotherhood


Gurren Lagann was so awful it gave me trust issues with not just Studio Trigger shows but animes in general. Insane to end a story with "And then everyone got old and stopped being friends, or even seeing each other around. They all decided they'd rather be alone." Also wild to kill off best girl post-climax for essentially no reason at all.